mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 19:29:51 +01:00
429 lines
16 KiB
429 lines
16 KiB
defined('FEEDBACK_INCLUDE_TEST') OR die('not allowed');
define('FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_MAXCOUNT', 10); //count of possible items
class feedback_item_multichoicerated extends feedback_item_base {
var $type = "multichoicerated";
function init() {
function show_edit($item) {
global $CFG;
$item_form = new feedback_multichoicerated_form();
$item->presentation = empty($item->presentation) ? '' : $item->presentation;
$item->name = empty($item->name) ? '' : $item->name;
$item->label = empty($item->label) ? '' : $item->label;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$item->required = isset($item->required) ? $item->required : 0;
if($item->required) {
$itemvalues = $this->prepare_presentation_values_print($info->presentation, FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP2);
return $item_form;
//liefert ein eindimensionales Array mit drei Werten(typ, name, XXX)
//XXX ist ein eindimensionales Array (Mittelwert der Werte der Antworten bei Typ Radio_rated) Jedes Element ist eine Struktur (answertext, avg)
function get_analysed($item, $groupid = false, $courseid = false) {
$analysedItem = array();
$analysedItem[] = $item->typ;
$analysedItem[] = $item->name;
//die moeglichen Antworten extrahieren
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$lines = null;
$lines = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
if(!is_array($lines)) return null;
//die Werte holen
$values = feedback_get_group_values($item, $groupid, $courseid);
if(!$values) return null;
//schleife ueber den Werten und ueber die Antwortmoeglichkeiten
$analysedAnswer = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($lines); $i++) {
$item_values = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, $lines[$i-1]);
$ans = null;
$ans->answertext = $item_values[1];
$avg = 0.0;
$anscount = 0;
foreach($values as $value) {
//ist die Antwort gleich dem index der Antworten + 1?
if ($value->value == $i) {
$avg += $item_values[0]; //erst alle Werte aufsummieren
$ans->answercount = $anscount;
$ans->avg = doubleval($avg) / doubleval(sizeof($values));
$ans->value = $item_values[0];
$ans->quotient = $ans->answercount / sizeof($values);
$analysedAnswer[] = $ans;
$analysedItem[] = $analysedAnswer;
return $analysedItem;
function get_printval($item, $value) {
$printval = '';
if(!isset($value->value)) return $printval;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
$index = 1;
foreach($presentation as $pres){
if($value->value == $index){
$item_label = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, $pres);
$printval = $item_label[1];
return $printval;
function print_analysed($item, $itemnr = '', $groupid = false, $courseid = false) {
$sep_dec = get_string('separator_decimal', 'feedback');
if(substr($sep_dec, 0, 2) == '[['){
$sep_thous = get_string('separator_thousand', 'feedback');
if(substr($sep_thous, 0, 2) == '[['){
$analysedItem = $this->get_analysed($item, $groupid, $courseid);
if($analysedItem) {
//echo '<table>';
// $itemnr++;
echo '<tr><th colspan="2" align="left">'. $itemnr . ' ('. $item->label .') ' . $analysedItem[1] .'</th></tr>';
$analysedVals = $analysedItem[2];
$pixnr = 0;
$avg = 0.0;
foreach($analysedVals as $val) {
if( function_exists("bcmod")) {
$intvalue = bcmod($pixnr, 10);
}else {
$intvalue = 0;
$pix = "pics/$intvalue.gif";
$pixwidth = intval($val->quotient * FEEDBACK_MAX_PIX_LENGTH);
$avg += $val->avg;
$quotient = number_format(($val->quotient * 100), 2, $sep_dec, $sep_thous);
echo '<tr><td align="left" valign="top">- ' . trim($val->answertext) . ' ('.$val->value.'):</td><td align="left" style="width: '.FEEDBACK_MAX_PIX_LENGTH.'"><img alt="'.$intvalue.'" src="'.$pix.'" height="5" width="'.$pixwidth.'" />' . $val->answercount. (($val->quotient > 0)?' ('. $quotient . ' %)':'') . '</td></tr>';
$avg = number_format(($avg), 2, $sep_dec, $sep_thous);
echo '<tr><td align="left" colspan="2"><b>'.get_string('average', 'feedback').': '.$avg.'</b></td></tr>';
//echo '</table>';
// return $itemnr;
function excelprint_item(&$worksheet, $rowOffset, $item, $groupid, $courseid = false) {
$analysed_item = $this->get_analysed($item, $groupid, $courseid);
$data = $analysed_item[2];
//frage schreiben
$worksheet->write_string($rowOffset, 0, $item->label);
$worksheet->write_string($rowOffset, 1, $analysed_item[1]);
if(is_array($data)) {
$avg = 0.0;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) {
$aData = $data[$i];
$worksheet->write_string($rowOffset, $i + 2, trim($aData->answertext).' ('.$aData->value.')');
$worksheet->write_number($rowOffset + 1, $i + 2, $aData->answercount);
//$worksheet->write_number($rowOffset + 2, $i + 1, $aData->avg);
$avg += $aData->avg;
//mittelwert anzeigen
$worksheet->write_string($rowOffset, sizeof($data) + 2, get_string('average', 'feedback'));
$worksheet->write_number($rowOffset + 1, sizeof($data) + 2, $avg);
$rowOffset +=2 ;
return $rowOffset;
function print_item($item, $value = false, $readonly = false, $edit = false, $highlightrequire = false){
global $OUTPUT;
$align = get_string('thisdirection') == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$lines = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
$requiredmark = ($item->required == 1)?'<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>':'';
if($highlightrequire AND $item->required AND intval($value) <= 0) {
$highlight = 'bgcolor="#FFAAAA" class="missingrequire"';
}else {
$highlight = '';
<td <?php echo $highlight;?> valign="top" align="<?php echo $align;?>">
if($edit OR $readonly) {
echo '('.$item->label.') ';
echo format_text($item->name . $requiredmark, true, false, false);
<td valign="top" align="<?php echo $align;?>">
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
foreach($lines as $line){
if($value == $index){
$item_value = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, $line);
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxalign'.$align);
echo text_to_html($item_value[1], true, false, false);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
} else {
switch($info->subtype) {
case 'r':
$this->print_item_radio($item, $value, $info, $align, $edit, $lines);
case 'd':
$this->print_item_dropdown($item, $value, $info, $align, $edit, $lines);
function check_value($value, $item) {
if((!isset($value) OR $value == '' OR $value == 0) AND $item->required != 1) return true;
if(intval($value) > 0)return true;
return false;
function create_value($data) {
$data = clean_param($data, PARAM_INT);
return $data;
function get_presentation($data) {
// $present = str_replace("\n", FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, trim($data->itemvalues));
$present = $this->prepare_presentation_values_save(trim($data->itemvalues), FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP2, FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP);
// $present = str_replace("\n", FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, trim($data->itemvalues));
if(!isset($data->subtype)) {
$subtype = 'r';
}else {
$subtype = substr($data->subtype, 0, 1);
if(isset($data->horizontal) AND $data->horizontal == 1 AND $subtype != 'd') {
function get_hasvalue() {
return 1;
function get_info($item) {
$presentation = empty($item->presentation) ? '' : $item->presentation;
$info = new object();
//check the subtype of the multichoice
//it can be check(c), radio(r) or dropdown(d)
$info->subtype = '';
$info->presentation = '';
$info->horizontal = false;
@list($info->subtype, $info->presentation) = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_TYPE_SEP, $item->presentation);
if(!isset($info->subtype)) {
$info->subtype = 'r';
if($info->subtype != 'd') {
@list($info->presentation, $info->horizontal) = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_ADJUST_SEP, $info->presentation);
if(isset($info->horizontal) AND $info->horizontal == 1) {
$info->horizontal = true;
}else {
$info->horizontal = false;
return $info;
function print_item_radio($item, $value, $info, $align, $edit, $lines) {
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
<td valign="top" align="<?php echo $align;?>"><input type="radio"
name="<?php echo $item->typ . '_' . $item->id ;?>"
id="<?php echo $item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'_xxx';?>"
value="" <?php echo $value ? '' : 'checked="checked"';?> />
<td align="<?php echo $align;?>">
<label for="<?php echo $item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'_xxx';?>"><?php print_string('not_selected', 'feedback');?> </label>
if($info->horizontal) {
echo '<table><tr>';
foreach($lines as $line){
if($value == $index){
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
$checked = '';
$radio_value = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, $line);
$inputname = $item->typ . '_' . $item->id;
$inputid = $inputname.'_'.$index;
if($info->horizontal) {
<td valign="top" align="<?php echo $align;?>"><input type="radio"
name="<?php echo $inputname;?>"
id="<?php echo $inputid;?>"
value="<?php echo $index;?>" <?php echo $checked;?> />
</td><td align="<?php echo $align;?>"><label for="<?php echo $inputid;?>"><?php
if($edit) {
echo text_to_html('('.$radio_value[0].') '.$radio_value[1], true, false, false);
}else {
echo text_to_html($radio_value[1], true, false, false);
?> </label>
}else {
<td valign="top" align="<?php echo $align;?>"><input type="radio"
name="<?php echo $inputname;?>"
id="<?php echo $inputid;?>"
value="<?php echo $index;?>" <?php echo $checked;?> />
</td><td align="<?php echo $align;?>"><label for="<?php echo $inputid;?>"><?php
if($edit) {
echo text_to_html('('.$radio_value[0].') '.$radio_value[1], true, false, false);
}else {
echo text_to_html($radio_value[1], true, false, false);
?> </label>
if($info->horizontal) {
echo '</tr></table>';
function print_item_dropdown($item, $value, $info, $align, $edit, $lines) {
echo '<select name="'. $item->typ . '_' . $item->id . '">';
echo '<option value="0"> </option>';
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
foreach($lines as $line){
if($value == $index){
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$selected = '';
$dropdown_value = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_VALUE_SEP, $line);
if($edit) {
echo '<option value="'. $index.'" '. $selected.'>'. clean_text('('.$dropdown_value[0].') '.$dropdown_value[1]).'</option>';
}else {
echo '<option value="'. $index.'" '. $selected.'>'. clean_text($dropdown_value[1]).'</option>';
echo '</select>';
function prepare_presentation_values_print($valuestring, $valuesep1, $valuesep2) {
$lines = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, $valuestring);
$newlines = array();
foreach($lines as $line) {
$value = '';
$text = '';
if(strpos($line, $valuesep1) === false) {
$value = 0;
$text = $line;
}else {
@list($value, $text) = explode($valuesep1, $line, 2);
$value = intval($value);
$newlines[] = $value.$valuesep2.$text;
$newlines = implode("\n", $newlines);
return $newlines;
function prepare_presentation_values_save($valuestring, $valuesep1, $valuesep2) {
$lines = explode("\n", $valuestring);
$newlines = array();
foreach($lines as $line) {
$value = '';
$text = '';
if(strpos($line, $valuesep1) === false) {
$value = 0;
$text = $line;
}else {
@list($value, $text) = explode($valuesep1, $line, 2);
$value = intval($value);
$newlines[] = $value.$valuesep2.$text;
$newlines = implode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICERATED_LINE_SEP, $newlines);
return $newlines;