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synced 2025-03-17 14:10:08 +01:00
Rather than a table (neither reponsive nor very accesible) we now represent a student's previous attempts with cards. The content of the cards is now the same table as at the top of the review attempt page.
270 lines
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270 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This page is the entry page into the quiz UI. Displays information about the
* quiz to students and teachers, and lets students see their previous attempts.
* @package mod_quiz
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
use mod_quiz\access_manager;
use mod_quiz\output\list_of_attempts;
use mod_quiz\output\renderer;
use mod_quiz\output\view_page;
use mod_quiz\quiz_attempt;
use mod_quiz\quiz_settings;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/lib.php');
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or ...
$q = optional_param('q', 0, PARAM_INT); // Quiz ID.
if ($id) {
$quizobj = quiz_settings::create_for_cmid($id, $USER->id);
} else {
$quizobj = quiz_settings::create($q, $USER->id);
$quiz = $quizobj->get_quiz();
$cm = $quizobj->get_cm();
$course = $quizobj->get_course();
// Check login and get context.
require_login($course, false, $cm);
$context = $quizobj->get_context();
require_capability('mod/quiz:view', $context);
// Cache some other capabilities we use several times.
$canattempt = has_capability('mod/quiz:attempt', $context);
$canreviewmine = has_capability('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', $context);
$canpreview = has_capability('mod/quiz:preview', $context);
// Create an object to manage all the other (non-roles) access rules.
$timenow = time();
$accessmanager = new access_manager($quizobj, $timenow,
has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', $context, null, false));
// Trigger course_module_viewed event and completion.
quiz_view($quiz, $course, $cm, $context);
// Initialize $PAGE, compute blocks.
$PAGE->set_url('/mod/quiz/view.php', ['id' => $cm->id]);
// Create view object which collects all the information the renderer will need.
$viewobj = new view_page();
$viewobj->accessmanager = $accessmanager;
$viewobj->canreviewmine = $canreviewmine || $canpreview;
// Get this user's attempts.
$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $USER->id, 'finished', true);
$lastfinishedattempt = end($attempts);
$unfinished = false;
$unfinishedattemptid = null;
if ($unfinishedattempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quiz->id, $USER->id)) {
$attempts[] = $unfinishedattempt;
// If the attempt is now overdue, deal with that - and pass isonline = false.
// We want the student notified in this case.
$quizobj->create_attempt_object($unfinishedattempt)->handle_if_time_expired(time(), false);
$unfinished = $unfinishedattempt->state == quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS ||
$unfinishedattempt->state == quiz_attempt::OVERDUE;
if (!$unfinished) {
$lastfinishedattempt = $unfinishedattempt;
$unfinishedattemptid = $unfinishedattempt->id;
$unfinishedattempt = null; // To make it clear we do not use this again.
$numattempts = count($attempts);
$viewobj->attempts = $attempts;
$viewobj->attemptobjs = [];
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$viewobj->attemptobjs[] = new quiz_attempt($attempt, $quiz, $cm, $course, false);
$viewobj->attemptslist = new list_of_attempts($timenow);
foreach (array_reverse($viewobj->attemptobjs) as $attemptobj) {
// Work out the final grade, checking whether it was overridden in the gradebook.
if (!$canpreview) {
$mygrade = quiz_get_best_grade($quiz, $USER->id);
} else if ($lastfinishedattempt) {
// Users who can preview the quiz don't get a proper grade, so work out a
// plausible value to display instead, so the page looks right.
$mygrade = quiz_rescale_grade($lastfinishedattempt->sumgrades, $quiz, false);
} else {
$mygrade = null;
$mygradeoverridden = false;
$gradebookfeedback = '';
$item = null;
$gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, $USER->id);
if (!empty($gradinginfo->items)) {
$item = $gradinginfo->items[0];
if (isset($item->grades[$USER->id])) {
$grade = $item->grades[$USER->id];
if ($grade->overridden) {
$mygrade = $grade->grade + 0; // Convert to number.
$mygradeoverridden = true;
if (!empty($grade->str_feedback)) {
$gradebookfeedback = $grade->str_feedback;
$title = $course->shortname . ': ' . format_string($quiz->name);
if (html_is_blank($quiz->intro)) {
/** @var renderer $output */
$output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_quiz');
// Print table with existing attempts.
if ($attempts) {
// Work out which columns we need, taking account what data is available in each attempt.
list($someoptions, $alloptions) = quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempts);
$viewobj->attemptcolumn = $quiz->attempts != 1;
$viewobj->gradecolumn = $someoptions->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX &&
$viewobj->markcolumn = $viewobj->gradecolumn && ($quiz->grade != $quiz->sumgrades);
$viewobj->overallstats = $lastfinishedattempt && $alloptions->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX;
$viewobj->feedbackcolumn = quiz_has_feedback($quiz) && $alloptions->overallfeedback;
$viewobj->timenow = $timenow;
$viewobj->numattempts = $numattempts;
$viewobj->mygrade = $mygrade;
$viewobj->moreattempts = $unfinished ||
!$accessmanager->is_finished($numattempts, $lastfinishedattempt);
$viewobj->mygradeoverridden = $mygradeoverridden;
$viewobj->gradebookfeedback = $gradebookfeedback;
$viewobj->lastfinishedattempt = $lastfinishedattempt;
$viewobj->canedit = has_capability('mod/quiz:manage', $context);
$viewobj->editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/edit.php', ['cmid' => $cm->id]);
$viewobj->backtocourseurl = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $course->id]);
$viewobj->startattempturl = $quizobj->start_attempt_url();
if ($accessmanager->is_preflight_check_required($unfinishedattemptid)) {
$viewobj->preflightcheckform = $accessmanager->get_preflight_check_form(
$viewobj->startattempturl, $unfinishedattemptid);
$viewobj->popuprequired = $accessmanager->attempt_must_be_in_popup();
$viewobj->popupoptions = $accessmanager->get_popup_options();
// Display information about this quiz.
$viewobj->infomessages = $viewobj->accessmanager->describe_rules();
if ($quiz->attempts != 1) {
$viewobj->infomessages[] = get_string('gradingmethod', 'quiz',
// Inform user of the grade to pass if non-zero.
if ($item && grade_floats_different($item->gradepass, 0)) {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->grade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $item->gradepass);
$a->maxgrade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade);
$viewobj->infomessages[] = get_string('gradetopassoutof', 'quiz', $a);
// Determine whether a start attempt button should be displayed.
$viewobj->quizhasquestions = $quizobj->has_questions();
$viewobj->preventmessages = [];
if (!$viewobj->quizhasquestions) {
$viewobj->buttontext = '';
} else {
if ($unfinished) {
if ($canpreview) {
$viewobj->buttontext = get_string('continuepreview', 'quiz');
} else if ($canattempt) {
$viewobj->buttontext = get_string('continueattemptquiz', 'quiz');
} else {
if ($canpreview) {
$viewobj->buttontext = get_string('previewquizstart', 'quiz');
} else if ($canattempt) {
$viewobj->preventmessages = $viewobj->accessmanager->prevent_new_attempt(
$viewobj->numattempts, $viewobj->lastfinishedattempt);
if ($viewobj->preventmessages) {
$viewobj->buttontext = '';
} else if ($viewobj->numattempts == 0) {
$viewobj->buttontext = get_string('attemptquiz', 'quiz');
} else {
$viewobj->buttontext = get_string('reattemptquiz', 'quiz');
// Users who can preview the quiz should be able to see all messages for not being able to access the quiz.
if ($canpreview) {
$viewobj->preventmessages = $viewobj->accessmanager->prevent_access();
} else if ($viewobj->buttontext) {
// If, so far, we think a button should be printed, so check if they will be allowed to access it.
if (!$viewobj->moreattempts) {
$viewobj->buttontext = '';
} else if ($canattempt) {
$viewobj->preventmessages = $viewobj->accessmanager->prevent_access();
if ($viewobj->preventmessages) {
$viewobj->buttontext = '';
$viewobj->showbacktocourse = ($viewobj->buttontext === '' &&
echo $OUTPUT->header();
if (!empty($gradinginfo->errors)) {
foreach ($gradinginfo->errors as $error) {
$errortext = new \core\output\notification($error, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR);
echo $OUTPUT->render($errortext);
if (isguestuser()) {
// Guests can't do a quiz, so offer them a choice of logging in or going back.
echo $output->view_page_guest($course, $quiz, $cm, $context, $viewobj->infomessages, $viewobj);
} else if (!isguestuser() && !($canattempt || $canpreview
|| $viewobj->canreviewmine)) {
// If they are not enrolled in this course in a good enough role, tell them to enrol.
echo $output->view_page_notenrolled($course, $quiz, $cm, $context, $viewobj->infomessages, $viewobj);
} else {
echo $output->view_page($course, $quiz, $cm, $context, $viewobj);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();