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synced 2025-03-09 18:30:03 +01:00
- fixed (hopefully) all <img> tags - global replace on <br> to <br /> - & in URLs - got the forum module XHTML compliant Julian Sedding
108 lines
5.1 KiB
108 lines
5.1 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.0.8 beta test (2003010400)
$string['addselectedtoquiz'] = "Add selected to quiz";
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = "It is likely that you have already submitted this attempt";
$string['alwaysavailable'] = "Always available";
$string['answer'] = "Válasz";
$string['answerhowmany'] = "One or multiple answers?";
$string['answersingleno'] = "Multiple answers allowed";
$string['answersingleyes'] = "Csak egy válasz";
$string['attempt'] = "Attempt \$a";
$string['attemptfirst'] = "First attempt";
$string['attemptlast'] = "Last attempt";
$string['attemptquiznow'] = "Attempt quiz now";
$string['attempts'] = "Attempts";
$string['attemptsallowed'] = "Attempts allowed";
$string['attemptsunlimited'] = "Unlimited attempts";
$string['backtoquiz'] = "Back to quiz editing";
$string['bestgrade'] = "Best grade";
$string['caseno'] = "No, case is unimportant";
$string['casesensitive'] = "Case sensitivity";
$string['caseyes'] = "Yes, case must match";
$string['categories'] = "Kategóriák";
$string['category'] = "Kategória";
$string['categoryinfo'] = "Kategória info";
$string['categorymove'] = "The category '\$a->name' contains \$a->count questions. Please choose another category to move them to.";
$string['categorymoveto'] = "Move them to this category";
$string['choice'] = "Egyszerû választás";
$string['choices'] = "Lehetséges választások";
$string['correctanswer'] = "Jó válasz";
$string['correctanswers'] = "Jó válaszok";
$string['createnewquestion'] = "Új kérdés létrehozása";
$string['daysavailable'] = "Days available";
$string['default'] = "Default";
$string['defaultinfo'] = "The default category for questions.";
$string['deletequestioncheck'] = "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete '\$a'?";
$string['editcategories'] = "Kategóriák szerkesztése";
$string['editingmultichoice'] = "Editing a multiple choice question";
$string['editingquestion'] = "Kérdés szerkesztése";
$string['editingquiz'] = "Editing quiz";
$string['editingshortanswer'] = "Editing a short answer question";
$string['editingtruefalse'] = "Editing a true/false question";
$string['false'] = "Hamis";
$string['feedback'] = "Visszajelzés";
$string['filloutoneanswer'] = "You must fill out at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used.";
$string['fillouttwochoices'] = "You must fill out at least two choices. Choices left blank will not be used.";
$string['fractionsaddwrong'] = "The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%%
<br />Instead, they add up to \$a%%
<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?";
$string['fractionsnomax'] = "One of the answers should be 100%%, so that it is
<br />possible to get a full grade for this question.
<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?";
$string['gradeaverage'] = "Average grade";
$string['gradehighest'] = "Highest grade";
$string['grademethod'] = "Grading method";
$string['guestsno'] = "Sorry, guests can not see or attempt quizzes";
$string['imagedisplay'] = "Image to display";
$string['introduction'] = "Bevezetés";
$string['marks'] = "Marks";
$string['missingname'] = "A kérdés neve hiányzik";
$string['missingquestiontext'] = "A kérdés szövege hiányzik";
$string['modulename'] = "Quiz";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Quizzes";
$string['multichoice'] = "Többszörös választás";
$string['noanswers'] = "Nincs kiválasztva válasz!";
$string['noattempts'] = "No attempts have been made on this quiz";
$string['nomoreattempts'] = "No more attempts are allowed";
$string['noquestions'] = "No questions have been added yet";
$string['publish'] = "Publikálás";
$string['question'] = "Kérdés";
$string['questioninuse'] = "The question '\$a' is currently being used:";
$string['questionname'] = "Question name";
$string['questions'] = "Kérdések";
$string['quizavailable'] = "The quiz is available until: \$a";
$string['quizclose'] = "Close the quiz";
$string['quizclosed'] = "This quiz closed on \$a";
$string['quiznotavailable'] = "The quiz will not be available until: \$a";
$string['quizopen'] = "Open the quiz";
$string['random'] = "Random set";
$string['readytosend'] = "You are about to send your whole quiz to be graded. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$string['regrade'] = "Regrade all attempts";
$string['regradecomplete'] = "All attempts have been regraded";
$string['regradecount'] = "\$a->changed out of \$a->attempt grades were changed";
$string['rename'] = "Átnevezés";
$string['report'] = "Reports";
$string['save'] = "Mentés";
$string['savegrades'] = "Save grades";
$string['savemyanswers'] = "Save my answers";
$string['savequiz'] = "Save this whole quiz";
$string['score'] = "Raw score";
$string['select'] = "Select";
$string['selectcategoryabove'] = "Select a category above";
$string['shortanswer'] = "Short Answer";
$string['show'] = "Show";
$string['showcorrectanswer'] = "In feedback, show correct answers?";
$string['showfeedback'] = "After answering, show feedback?";
$string['time'] = "Idõ";
$string['timecompleted'] = "Completed";
$string['timetaken'] = "Time taken";
$string['true'] = "Igaz";
$string['truefalse'] = "Igaz/Hamis";
$string['type'] = "Típus";
$string['viewallanswers'] = "View \$a completed quizzes";
$string['yourfinalgradeis'] = "Your final grade for this quiz is \$a";