stronk7 25ef0370d5 Improved automatic relinking in backup and restore. Credits go to skodak.
Complete refactoring of the system that was really awful (my fault!).
Now everything is in its place and working like a charm, making things really
easier to be implemented and amplied. Bug 3678

Note: Everything is merged from stable but the quiz module because it has
other changes not merged for now. I've skyped a message to Gustav about it.

Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
2005-07-04 18:56:03 +00:00

155 lines
5.7 KiB

<?php //$Id$
//This php script contains all the stuff to backup/restore
//chat mods
//This is the "graphical" structure of the chat mod:
// chat
// (CL,pk->id)
// |
// |
// |
// chat_messages
// (UL,pk->id, fk->chatid)
// Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table
// fk->foreign key to link with parent
// nt->nested field (recursive data)
// CL->course level info
// UL->user level info
// files->table may have files)
//This function executes all the backup procedure about this mod
function chat_backup_mods($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Iterate over chat table
$chats = get_records ("chat","course",$preferences->backup_course,"id");
if ($chats) {
foreach ($chats as $chat) {
//Start mod
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MOD",3,true));
//Print chat data
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$chat->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODTYPE",4,false,"chat"));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$chat->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INTRO",4,false,$chat->intro));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("KEEPDAYS",4,false,$chat->keepdays));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STUDENTLOGS",4,false,$chat->studentlogs));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCHEDULE",4,false,$chat->schedule));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CHATTIME",4,false,$chat->chattime));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$chat->timemodified));
//if we've selected to backup users info, then execute backup_chat_messages
if ($preferences->mods["chat"]->userinfo) {
$status = backup_chat_messages($bf,$preferences,$chat->id);
//End mod
$status =fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MOD",3,true));
return $status;
//Backup chat_messages contents (executed from chat_backup_mods)
function backup_chat_messages ($bf,$preferences,$chat) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$chat_messages = get_records("chat_messages","chatid",$chat,"id");
//If there is messages
if ($chat_messages) {
//Write start tag
$status =fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MESSAGES",4,true));
//Iterate over each message
foreach ($chat_messages as $cha_mes) {
//Start message
$status =fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MESSAGE",5,true));
//Print message contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$cha_mes->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",6,false,$cha_mes->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",6,false,$cha_mes->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SYSTEM",6,false,$cha_mes->system));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGE_TEXT",6,false,$cha_mes->message));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMESTAMP",6,false,$cha_mes->timestamp));
//End submission
$status =fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MESSAGE",5,true));
//Write end tag
$status =fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MESSAGES",4,true));
return $status;
//Return an array of info (name,value)
function chat_check_backup_mods($course,$user_data=false,$backup_unique_code) {
//First the course data
$info[0][0] = get_string("modulenameplural","chat");
if ($ids = chat_ids ($course)) {
$info[0][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[0][1] = 0;
//Now, if requested, the user_data
if ($user_data) {
$info[1][0] = get_string("messages","chat");
if ($ids = chat_message_ids_by_course ($course)) {
$info[1][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[1][1] = 0;
return $info;
//Return a content encoded to support interactivities linking. Every module
//should have its own. They are called automatically from the backup procedure.
function chat_encode_content_links ($content,$preferences) {
global $CFG;
$base = preg_quote($CFG->wwwroot,"/");
//Link to the list of chats
$result= preg_replace($buscar,'$@CHATINDEX*$2@$',$content);
//Link to chat view by moduleid
$result= preg_replace($buscar,'$@CHATVIEWBYID*$2@$',$result);
return $result;
//Returns an array of chats id
function chat_ids ($course) {
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql ("SELECT, c.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}chat c
WHERE c.course = '$course'");
//Returns an array of assignment_submissions id
function chat_message_ids_by_course ($course) {
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql ("SELECT , m.chatid
FROM {$CFG->prefix}chat_messages m,
{$CFG->prefix}chat c
WHERE c.course = '$course' AND
m.chatid =");