Russell Smith 3e7e2ab2ee MDL-40618 backup: centralize info field, use info in queries.
encode_backup_temp_info() and decode_backup_temp_info() have been
introduced to keep the info field encoding in one place.
Many locations used get_backup_ids_record() to obtain info, that
makes lots of calls to get_backup_ids_record() which can be slow.
We now complete all those inline by adding the info field to the query.
To reduce memory usage, all queries of that nature have been changed
to use get_recordset_*. gzcompress was introduced if available to minimize
traffic to/from the database and to decrease the memory required for caching.
The compression time is saved by the benefits in other places of having smaller data.
2013-07-23 19:50:53 +10:00

4317 lines
178 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Defines various restore steps that will be used by common tasks in restore
* @package core_backup
* @subpackage moodle2
* @category backup
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* delete old directories and conditionally create backup_temp_ids table
class restore_create_and_clean_temp_stuff extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
$exists = restore_controller_dbops::create_restore_temp_tables($this->get_restoreid()); // temp tables conditionally
// If the table already exists, it's because restore_prechecks have been executed in the same
// request (without problems) and it already contains a bunch of preloaded information (users...)
// that we aren't going to execute again
if ($exists) { // Inform plan about preloaded information
// Create the old-course-ctxid to new-course-ctxid mapping, we need that available since the beginning
$itemid = $this->task->get_old_contextid();
$newitemid = context_course::instance($this->get_courseid())->id;
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'context', $itemid, $newitemid);
// Create the old-system-ctxid to new-system-ctxid mapping, we need that available since the beginning
$itemid = $this->task->get_old_system_contextid();
$newitemid = context_system::instance()->id;
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'context', $itemid, $newitemid);
// Create the old-course-id to new-course-id mapping, we need that available since the beginning
$itemid = $this->task->get_old_courseid();
$newitemid = $this->get_courseid();
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'course', $itemid, $newitemid);
* delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally),
* delete old directories and drop temp ids table
class restore_drop_and_clean_temp_stuff extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $CFG;
restore_controller_dbops::drop_restore_temp_tables($this->get_restoreid()); // Drop ids temp table
backup_helper::delete_old_backup_dirs(time() - (4 * 60 * 60)); // Delete > 4 hours temp dirs
if (empty($CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup)) { // Conditionally
backup_helper::delete_backup_dir($this->task->get_tempdir()); // Empty restore dir
* Restore calculated grade items, grade categories etc
class restore_gradebook_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* To conditionally decide if this step must be executed
* Note the "settings" conditions are evaluated in the
* corresponding task. Here we check for other conditions
* not being restore settings (files, site settings...)
protected function execute_condition() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// No gradebook info found, don't execute
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
return false;
// Some module present in backup file isn't available to restore
// in this site, don't execute
if ($this->task->is_missing_modules()) {
return false;
// Some activity has been excluded to be restored, don't execute
if ($this->task->is_excluding_activities()) {
return false;
// There should only be one grade category (the 1 associated with the course itself)
// If other categories already exist we're restoring into an existing course.
// Restoring categories into a course with an existing category structure is unlikely to go well
$category = new stdclass();
$category->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$catcount = $DB->count_records('grade_categories', (array)$category);
if ($catcount>1) {
return false;
// Arrived here, execute the step
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$userinfo = $this->task->get_setting_value('users');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('gradebook', '/gradebook');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_category', '/gradebook/grade_categories/grade_category');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_item', '/gradebook/grade_items/grade_item');
if ($userinfo) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_grade', '/gradebook/grade_items/grade_item/grade_grades/grade_grade');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_letter', '/gradebook/grade_letters/grade_letter');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_setting', '/gradebook/grade_settings/grade_setting');
return $paths;
protected function process_gradebook($data) {
protected function process_grade_item($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
if ($data->itemtype=='manual') {
// manual grade items store category id in categoryid
$data->categoryid = $this->get_mappingid('grade_category', $data->categoryid, NULL);
// if mapping failed put in course's grade category
if (NULL == $data->categoryid) {
$coursecat = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->get_courseid());
$data->categoryid = $coursecat->id;
} else if ($data->itemtype=='course') {
// course grade item stores their category id in iteminstance
$coursecat = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->get_courseid());
$data->iteminstance = $coursecat->id;
} else if ($data->itemtype=='category') {
// category grade items store their category id in iteminstance
$data->iteminstance = $this->get_mappingid('grade_category', $data->iteminstance, NULL);
} else {
throw new restore_step_exception('unexpected_grade_item_type', $data->itemtype);
$data->scaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->scaleid, NULL);
$data->outcomeid = $this->get_mappingid('outcome', $data->outcomeid, NULL);
$data->locktime = $this->apply_date_offset($data->locktime);
$data->timecreated = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated);
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
$coursecategory = $newitemid = null;
//course grade item should already exist so updating instead of inserting
if($data->itemtype=='course') {
//get the ID of the already created grade item
$gi = new stdclass();
$gi->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$gi->itemtype = $data->itemtype;
//need to get the id of the grade_category that was automatically created for the course
$category = new stdclass();
$category->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$category->parent = null;
//course category fullname starts out as ? but may be edited
//$category->fullname = '?';
$coursecategory = $DB->get_record('grade_categories', (array)$category);
$gi->iteminstance = $coursecategory->id;
$existinggradeitem = $DB->get_record('grade_items', (array)$gi);
if (!empty($existinggradeitem)) {
$data->id = $newitemid = $existinggradeitem->id;
$DB->update_record('grade_items', $data);
} else if ($data->itemtype == 'manual') {
// Manual items aren't assigned to a cm, so don't go duplicating them in the target if one exists.
$gi = array(
'itemtype' => $data->itemtype,
'courseid' => $data->courseid,
'itemname' => $data->itemname,
'categoryid' => $data->categoryid,
$newitemid = $DB->get_field('grade_items', 'id', $gi);
if (empty($newitemid)) {
//in case we found the course category but still need to insert the course grade item
if ($data->itemtype=='course' && !empty($coursecategory)) {
$data->iteminstance = $coursecategory->id;
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $data);
$this->set_mapping('grade_item', $oldid, $newitemid);
protected function process_grade_grade($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$olduserid = $data->userid;
$data->itemid = $this->get_new_parentid('grade_item');
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid, null);
if (!empty($data->userid)) {
$data->usermodified = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified, null);
$data->locktime = $this->apply_date_offset($data->locktime);
// TODO: Ask, all the rest of locktime/exported... work with time... to be rolled?
$data->overridden = $this->apply_date_offset($data->overridden);
$data->timecreated = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated);
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $data);
} else {
debugging("Mapped user id not found for user id '{$olduserid}', grade item id '{$data->itemid}'");
protected function process_grade_category($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->courseid = $data->course;
$data->timecreated = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated);
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
$newitemid = null;
//no parent means a course level grade category. That may have been created when the course was created
if(empty($data->parent)) {
//parent was being saved as 0 when it should be null
$data->parent = null;
//get the already created course level grade category
$category = new stdclass();
$category->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$category->parent = null;
$coursecategory = $DB->get_record('grade_categories', (array)$category);
if (!empty($coursecategory)) {
$data->id = $newitemid = $coursecategory->id;
$DB->update_record('grade_categories', $data);
//need to insert a course category
if (empty($newitemid)) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_categories', $data);
$this->set_mapping('grade_category', $oldid, $newitemid);
protected function process_grade_letter($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->contextid = context_course::instance($this->get_courseid())->id;
$gradeletter = (array)$data;
if (!$DB->record_exists('grade_letters', $gradeletter)) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_letters', $data);
} else {
$newitemid = $data->id;
$this->set_mapping('grade_letter', $oldid, $newitemid);
protected function process_grade_setting($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
if (!$DB->record_exists('grade_settings', array('courseid' => $data->courseid, 'name' => $data->name))) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_settings', $data);
} else {
$newitemid = $data->id;
$this->set_mapping('grade_setting', $oldid, $newitemid);
* put all activity grade items in the correct grade category and mark all for recalculation
protected function after_execute() {
global $DB;
$conditions = array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'itemname' => 'grade_item'//,
//'itemid' => $itemid
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', $conditions);
// We need this for calculation magic later on.
$mappings = array();
if (!empty($rs)) {
foreach($rs as $grade_item_backup) {
// Store the oldid with the new id.
$mappings[$grade_item_backup->itemid] = $grade_item_backup->newitemid;
$updateobj = new stdclass();
$updateobj->id = $grade_item_backup->newitemid;
//if this is an activity grade item that needs to be put back in its correct category
if (!empty($grade_item_backup->parentitemid)) {
$oldcategoryid = $this->get_mappingid('grade_category', $grade_item_backup->parentitemid, null);
if (!is_null($oldcategoryid)) {
$updateobj->categoryid = $oldcategoryid;
$DB->update_record('grade_items', $updateobj);
} else {
//mark course and category items as needing to be recalculated
$DB->update_record('grade_items', $updateobj);
// We need to update the calculations for calculated grade items that may reference old
// grade item ids using ##gi\d+##.
// $mappings can be empty, use 0 if so (won't match ever)
list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_values($mappings), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', true, 0);
$sql = "SELECT, gi.calculation
FROM {grade_items} gi
WHERE {$sql} AND
calculation IS NOT NULL";
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($rs as $gradeitem) {
// Collect all of the used grade item id references
if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $gradeitem->calculation, $matches) < 1) {
// This calculation doesn't reference any other grade items... EASY!
// For this next bit we are going to do the replacement of id's in two steps:
// 1. We will replace all old id references with a special mapping reference.
// 2. We will replace all mapping references with id's
// Why do we do this?
// Because there potentially there will be an overlap of ids within the query and we
// we substitute the wrong id.. safest way around this is the two step system
$calculationmap = array();
$mapcount = 0;
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
// Check that the old id is known to us, if not it was broken to begin with and will
// continue to be broken.
if (!array_key_exists($match, $mappings)) {
// Our special mapping key
$mapping = '##MAPPING'.$mapcount.'##';
// The old id that exists within the calculation now
$oldid = '##gi'.$match.'##';
// The new id that we want to replace the old one with.
$newid = '##gi'.$mappings[$match].'##';
// Replace in the special mapping key
$gradeitem->calculation = str_replace($oldid, $mapping, $gradeitem->calculation);
// And record the mapping
$calculationmap[$mapping] = $newid;
// Iterate all special mappings for this calculation and replace in the new id's
foreach ($calculationmap as $mapping => $newid) {
$gradeitem->calculation = str_replace($mapping, $newid, $gradeitem->calculation);
// Update the calculation now that its being remapped
$DB->update_record('grade_items', $gradeitem);
// Need to correct the grade category path and parent
$conditions = array(
'courseid' => $this->get_courseid()
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('grade_categories', $conditions);
// Get all the parents correct first as grade_category::build_path() loads category parents from the DB
foreach ($rs as $gc) {
if (!empty($gc->parent)) {
$grade_category = new stdClass();
$grade_category->id = $gc->id;
$grade_category->parent = $this->get_mappingid('grade_category', $gc->parent);
$DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category);
// Now we can rebuild all the paths
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('grade_categories', $conditions);
foreach ($rs as $gc) {
$grade_category = new stdClass();
$grade_category->id = $gc->id;
$grade_category->path = grade_category::build_path($gc);
$grade_category->depth = substr_count($grade_category->path, '/') - 1;
$DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category);
// Restore marks items as needing update. Update everything now.
* decode all the interlinks present in restored content
* relying 100% in the restore_decode_processor that handles
* both the contents to modify and the rules to be applied
class restore_decode_interlinks extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
// Get the decoder (from the plan)
$decoder = $this->task->get_decoder();
restore_decode_processor::register_link_decoders($decoder); // Add decoder contents and rules
// And launch it, everything will be processed
* first, ensure that we have no gaps in section numbers
* and then, rebuid the course cache
class restore_rebuild_course_cache extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Although there is some sort of auto-recovery of missing sections
// present in course/formats... here we check that all the sections
// from 0 to MAX(section->section) exist, creating them if necessary
$maxsection = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'MAX(section)', array('course' => $this->get_courseid()));
// Iterate over all sections
for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxsection; $i++) {
// If the section $i doesn't exist, create it
if (!$DB->record_exists('course_sections', array('course' => $this->get_courseid(), 'section' => $i))) {
$sectionrec = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid(),
'section' => $i);
$DB->insert_record('course_sections', $sectionrec); // missing section created
// Rebuild cache now that all sections are in place
* Review all the tasks having one after_restore method
* executing it to perform some final adjustments of information
* not available when the task was executed.
class restore_execute_after_restore extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
// Simply call to the execute_after_restore() method of the task
// that always is the restore_final_task
* Review all the (pending) block positions in backup_ids, matching by
* contextid, creating positions as needed. This is executed by the
* final task, once all the contexts have been created
class restore_review_pending_block_positions extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Get all the block_position objects pending to match
$params = array('backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(), 'itemname' => 'block_position');
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', $params, '', 'itemid, info');
// Process block positions, creating them or accumulating for final step
foreach($rs as $posrec) {
// Get the complete position object out of the info field.
$position = backup_controller_dbops::decode_backup_temp_info($posrec->info);
// If position is for one already mapped (known) contextid
// process it now, creating the position, else nothing to
// do, position finally discarded
if ($newctx = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'context', $position->contextid)) {
$position->contextid = $newctx->newitemid;
// Create the block position
$DB->insert_record('block_positions', $position);
* Process all the saved module availability records in backup_ids, matching
* course modules and grade item id once all them have been already restored.
* only if all matchings are satisfied the availability condition will be created.
* At the same time, it is required for the site to have that functionality enabled.
class restore_process_course_modules_availability extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Site hasn't availability enabled
if (empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
// Get all the module_availability objects to process
$params = array('backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(), 'itemname' => 'module_availability');
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', $params, '', 'itemid, info');
// Process availabilities, creating them if everything matches ok
foreach($rs as $availrec) {
$allmatchesok = true;
// Get the complete availabilityobject
$availability = backup_controller_dbops::decode_backup_temp_info($availrec->info);
// Map the sourcecmid if needed and possible
if (!empty($availability->sourcecmid)) {
$newcm = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'course_module', $availability->sourcecmid);
if ($newcm) {
$availability->sourcecmid = $newcm->newitemid;
} else {
$allmatchesok = false; // Failed matching, we won't create this availability rule
// Map the gradeitemid if needed and possible
if (!empty($availability->gradeitemid)) {
$newgi = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'grade_item', $availability->gradeitemid);
if ($newgi) {
$availability->gradeitemid = $newgi->newitemid;
} else {
$allmatchesok = false; // Failed matching, we won't create this availability rule
if ($allmatchesok) { // Everything ok, create the availability rule
$DB->insert_record('course_modules_availability', $availability);
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information)
* will load the inforef files for all the included course/section/activity tasks
* to backup_temp_ids. They will be stored with "xxxxref" as itemname
class restore_load_included_inforef_records extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded, nothing to do
// Get all the included tasks
$tasks = restore_dbops::get_included_tasks($this->get_restoreid());
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
// Load the inforef.xml file if exists
$inforefpath = $task->get_taskbasepath() . '/inforef.xml';
if (file_exists($inforefpath)) {
restore_dbops::load_inforef_to_tempids($this->get_restoreid(), $inforefpath); // Load each inforef file to temp_ids
* Execution step that will load all the needed files into backup_files_temp
* - info: contains the whole original object (times, names...)
* (all them being original ids as loaded from xml)
class restore_load_included_files extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$file = new restore_path_element('file', '/files/file');
return array($file);
* Process one <file> element from files.xml
* @param array $data the element data
public function process_file($data) {
$data = (object)$data; // handy
// load it if needed:
// - it it is one of the annotated inforef files (course/section/activity/block)
// - it is one "user", "group", "grouping", "grade", "question" or "qtype_xxxx" component file (that aren't sent to inforef ever)
// TODO: qtype_xxx should be replaced by proper backup_qtype_plugin::get_components_and_fileareas() use,
// but then we'll need to change it to load plugins itself (because this is executed too early in restore)
$isfileref = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'fileref', $data->id);
$iscomponent = ($data->component == 'user' || $data->component == 'group' || $data->component == 'badges' ||
$data->component == 'grouping' || $data->component == 'grade' ||
$data->component == 'question' || substr($data->component, 0, 5) == 'qtype');
if ($isfileref || $iscomponent) {
restore_dbops::set_backup_files_record($this->get_restoreid(), $data);
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information),
* will load all the needed roles to backup_temp_ids. They will be stored with
* "role" itemname. Also it will perform one automatic mapping to roles existing
* in the target site, based in permissions of the user performing the restore,
* archetypes and other bits. At the end, each original role will have its associated
* target role or 0 if it's going to be skipped. Note we wrap everything over one
* restore_dbops method, as far as the same stuff is going to be also executed
* by restore prechecks
class restore_load_and_map_roles extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded
$file = $this->get_basepath() . '/roles.xml';
// Load needed toles to temp_ids
restore_dbops::load_roles_to_tempids($this->get_restoreid(), $file);
// Process roles, mapping/skipping. Any error throws exception
// Note we pass controller's info because it can contain role mapping information
// about manual mappings performed by UI
restore_dbops::process_included_roles($this->get_restoreid(), $this->task->get_courseid(), $this->task->get_userid(), $this->task->is_samesite(), $this->task->get_info()->role_mappings);
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information
* and users have been selected in settings, will load all the needed users
* to backup_temp_ids. They will be stored with "user" itemname and with
* their original contextid as paremitemid
class restore_load_included_users extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded, nothing to do
if (!$this->task->get_setting_value('users')) { // No userinfo being restored, nothing to do
$file = $this->get_basepath() . '/users.xml';
restore_dbops::load_users_to_tempids($this->get_restoreid(), $file); // Load needed users to temp_ids
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information
* and users have been selected in settings, will process all the needed users
* in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error)
* Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing
* than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier)
class restore_process_included_users extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded, nothing to do
if (!$this->task->get_setting_value('users')) { // No userinfo being restored, nothing to do
restore_dbops::process_included_users($this->get_restoreid(), $this->task->get_courseid(), $this->task->get_userid(), $this->task->is_samesite());
* Execution step that will create all the needed users as calculated
* by @restore_process_included_users (those having newiteind = 0)
class restore_create_included_users extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
restore_dbops::create_included_users($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), $this->task->get_userid());
* Structure step that will create all the needed groups and groupings
* by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches.
* Note group members only will be added if restoring user info
class restore_groups_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array(); // Add paths here
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('group', '/groups/group');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grouping', '/groups/groupings/grouping');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grouping_group', '/groups/groupings/grouping/grouping_groups/grouping_group');
return $paths;
// Processing functions go here
public function process_group($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data; // handy
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
// Only allow the idnumber to be set if the user has permission and the idnumber is not already in use by
// another a group in the same course
$context = context_course::instance($data->courseid);
if (isset($data->idnumber) and has_capability('moodle/course:changeidnumber', $context, $this->task->get_userid())) {
if (groups_get_group_by_idnumber($data->courseid, $data->idnumber)) {
} else {
$oldid = $data->id; // need this saved for later
$restorefiles = false; // Only if we end creating the group
// Search if the group already exists (by name & description) in the target course
$description_clause = '';
$params = array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid(), 'grname' => $data->name);
if (!empty($data->description)) {
$description_clause = ' AND ' .
$DB->sql_compare_text('description') . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text(':description');
$params['description'] = $data->description;
if (!$groupdb = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT *
FROM {groups}
WHERE courseid = :courseid
AND name = :grname $description_clause", $params)) {
// group doesn't exist, create
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('groups', $data);
$restorefiles = true; // We'll restore the files
} else {
// group exists, use it
$newitemid = $groupdb->id;
// Save the id mapping
$this->set_mapping('group', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles);
// Invalidate the course group data cache just in case.
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'groupdata', array(), array($data->courseid));
public function process_grouping($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data; // handy
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
// Only allow the idnumber to be set if the user has permission and the idnumber is not already in use by
// another a grouping in the same course
$context = context_course::instance($data->courseid);
if (isset($data->idnumber) and has_capability('moodle/course:changeidnumber', $context, $this->task->get_userid())) {
if (groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber($data->courseid, $data->idnumber)) {
} else {
$oldid = $data->id; // need this saved for later
$restorefiles = false; // Only if we end creating the grouping
// Search if the grouping already exists (by name & description) in the target course
$description_clause = '';
$params = array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid(), 'grname' => $data->name);
if (!empty($data->description)) {
$description_clause = ' AND ' .
$DB->sql_compare_text('description') . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text(':description');
$params['description'] = $data->description;
if (!$groupingdb = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT *
FROM {groupings}
WHERE courseid = :courseid
AND name = :grname $description_clause", $params)) {
// grouping doesn't exist, create
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('groupings', $data);
$restorefiles = true; // We'll restore the files
} else {
// grouping exists, use it
$newitemid = $groupingdb->id;
// Save the id mapping
$this->set_mapping('grouping', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles);
// Invalidate the course group data cache just in case.
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'groupdata', array(), array($data->courseid));
public function process_grouping_group($data) {
global $CFG;
$data = (object)$data;
groups_assign_grouping($this->get_new_parentid('grouping'), $this->get_mappingid('group', $data->groupid), $data->timeadded);
protected function after_execute() {
// Add group related files, matching with "group" mappings
$this->add_related_files('group', 'icon', 'group');
$this->add_related_files('group', 'description', 'group');
// Add grouping related files, matching with "grouping" mappings
$this->add_related_files('grouping', 'description', 'grouping');
// Invalidate the course group data.
cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'groupdata', array(), array($this->get_courseid()));
* Structure step that will create all the needed group memberships
* by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches.
class restore_groups_members_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected $plugins = null;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array(); // Add paths here
if ($this->get_setting_value('users')) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('group', '/groups/group');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('member', '/groups/group/group_members/group_member');
return $paths;
public function process_group($data) {
$data = (object)$data; // handy
// Not much to do here, this groups mapping should be already done from restore_groups_structure_step.
// Let's fake internal state to make $this->get_new_parentid('group') work.
$this->set_mapping('group', $data->id, $this->get_mappingid('group', $data->id));
public function process_member($data) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// NOTE: Always use groups_add_member() because it triggers events and verifies if user is enrolled.
$data = (object)$data; // handy
// get parent group->id
$data->groupid = $this->get_new_parentid('group');
// map user newitemid and insert if not member already
if ($data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid)) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('groups_members', array('groupid' => $data->groupid, 'userid' => $data->userid))) {
// Check the component, if any, exists.
if (empty($data->component)) {
groups_add_member($data->groupid, $data->userid);
} else if ((strpos($data->component, 'enrol_') === 0)) {
// Deal with enrolment groups - ignore the component and just find out the instance via new id,
// it is possible that enrolment was restored using different plugin type.
if (!isset($this->plugins)) {
$this->plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
if ($enrolid = $this->get_mappingid('enrol', $data->itemid)) {
if ($instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$enrolid))) {
if (isset($this->plugins[$instance->enrol])) {
$this->plugins[$instance->enrol]->restore_group_member($instance, $data->groupid, $data->userid);
} else {
$dir = core_component::get_component_directory($data->component);
if ($dir and is_dir($dir)) {
if (component_callback($data->component, 'restore_group_member', array($this, $data), true)) {
// Bad luck, plugin could not restore the data, let's add normal membership.
groups_add_member($data->groupid, $data->userid);
$message = "Restore of '$data->component/$data->itemid' group membership is not supported, using standard group membership instead.";
$this->log($message, backup::LOG_WARNING);
* Structure step that will create all the needed scales
* by loading them from the scales.xml
class restore_scales_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array(); // Add paths here
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('scale', '/scales_definition/scale');
return $paths;
protected function process_scale($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$restorefiles = false; // Only if we end creating the group
$oldid = $data->id; // need this saved for later
// Look for scale (by 'scale' both in standard (course=0) and current course
// with priority to standard scales (ORDER clause)
// scale is not course unique, use get_record_sql to suppress warning
// Going to compare LOB columns so, use the cross-db sql_compare_text() in both sides
$compare_scale_clause = $DB->sql_compare_text('scale') . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text(':scaledesc');
$params = array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid(), 'scaledesc' => $data->scale);
if (!$scadb = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT *
FROM {scale}
WHERE courseid IN (0, :courseid)
AND $compare_scale_clause
ORDER BY courseid", $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE)) {
// Remap the user if possible, defaut to user performing the restore if not
$userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$data->userid = $userid ? $userid : $this->task->get_userid();
// Remap the course if course scale
$data->courseid = $data->courseid ? $this->get_courseid() : 0;
// If global scale (course=0), check the user has perms to create it
// falling to course scale if not
$systemctx = context_system::instance();
if ($data->courseid == 0 && !has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $systemctx , $this->task->get_userid())) {
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
// scale doesn't exist, create
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('scale', $data);
$restorefiles = true; // We'll restore the files
} else {
// scale exists, use it
$newitemid = $scadb->id;
// Save the id mapping (with files support at system context)
$this->set_mapping('scale', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles, $this->task->get_old_system_contextid());
protected function after_execute() {
// Add scales related files, matching with "scale" mappings
$this->add_related_files('grade', 'scale', 'scale', $this->task->get_old_system_contextid());
* Structure step that will create all the needed outocomes
* by loading them from the outcomes.xml
class restore_outcomes_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array(); // Add paths here
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('outcome', '/outcomes_definition/outcome');
return $paths;
protected function process_outcome($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$restorefiles = false; // Only if we end creating the group
$oldid = $data->id; // need this saved for later
// Look for outcome (by shortname both in standard (courseid=null) and current course
// with priority to standard outcomes (ORDER clause)
// outcome is not course unique, use get_record_sql to suppress warning
$params = array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid(), 'shortname' => $data->shortname);
if (!$outdb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT *
FROM {grade_outcomes}
WHERE shortname = :shortname
AND (courseid = :courseid OR courseid IS NULL)
ORDER BY COALESCE(courseid, 0)', $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE)) {
// Remap the user
$userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified);
$data->usermodified = $userid ? $userid : $this->task->get_userid();
// Remap the scale
$data->scaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->scaleid);
// Remap the course if course outcome
$data->courseid = $data->courseid ? $this->get_courseid() : null;
// If global outcome (course=null), check the user has perms to create it
// falling to course outcome if not
$systemctx = context_system::instance();
if (is_null($data->courseid) && !has_capability('moodle/grade:manageoutcomes', $systemctx , $this->task->get_userid())) {
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
// outcome doesn't exist, create
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_outcomes', $data);
$restorefiles = true; // We'll restore the files
} else {
// scale exists, use it
$newitemid = $outdb->id;
// Set the corresponding grade_outcomes_courses record
$outcourserec = new stdclass();
$outcourserec->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$outcourserec->outcomeid = $newitemid;
if (!$DB->record_exists('grade_outcomes_courses', (array)$outcourserec)) {
$DB->insert_record('grade_outcomes_courses', $outcourserec);
// Save the id mapping (with files support at system context)
$this->set_mapping('outcome', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles, $this->task->get_old_system_contextid());
protected function after_execute() {
// Add outcomes related files, matching with "outcome" mappings
$this->add_related_files('grade', 'outcome', 'outcome', $this->task->get_old_system_contextid());
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information
* will load all the question categories and questions (header info only)
* to backup_temp_ids. They will be stored with "question_category" and
* "question" itemnames and with their original contextid and question category
* id as paremitemids
class restore_load_categories_and_questions extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded, nothing to do
$file = $this->get_basepath() . '/questions.xml';
restore_dbops::load_categories_and_questions_to_tempids($this->get_restoreid(), $file);
* Execution step that, *conditionally* (if there isn't preloaded information)
* will process all the needed categories and questions
* in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error)
* Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing
* than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier)
class restore_process_categories_and_questions extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
if ($this->task->get_preloaded_information()) { // if info is already preloaded, nothing to do
restore_dbops::process_categories_and_questions($this->get_restoreid(), $this->task->get_courseid(), $this->task->get_userid(), $this->task->is_samesite());
* Structure step that will read the section.xml creating/updating sections
* as needed, rebuilding course cache and other friends
class restore_section_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
$paths = array();
$section = new restore_path_element('section', '/section');
$paths[] = $section;
if ($CFG->enableavailability) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('availability', '/section/availability');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('availability_field', '/section/availability_field');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('course_format_options', '/section/course_format_options');
// Apply for 'format' plugins optional paths at section level
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $section);
// Apply for 'local' plugins optional paths at section level
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $section);
return $paths;
public function process_section($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id; // We'll need this later
$restorefiles = false;
// Look for the section
$section = new stdclass();
$section->course = $this->get_courseid();
$section->section = $data->number;
// Section doesn't exist, create it with all the info from backup
if (!$secrec = $DB->get_record('course_sections', (array)$section)) {
$section->name = $data->name;
$section->summary = $data->summary;
$section->summaryformat = $data->summaryformat;
$section->sequence = '';
$section->visible = $data->visible;
if (empty($CFG->enableavailability)) { // Process availability information only if enabled.
$section->availablefrom = 0;
$section->availableuntil = 0;
$section->showavailability = 0;
} else {
$section->availablefrom = isset($data->availablefrom) ? $this->apply_date_offset($data->availablefrom) : 0;
$section->availableuntil = isset($data->availableuntil) ? $this->apply_date_offset($data->availableuntil) : 0;
$section->showavailability = isset($data->showavailability) ? $data->showavailability : 0;
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly)) { // Only if enablegroupmembersonly is enabled
$section->groupingid = isset($data->groupingid) ? $this->get_mappingid('grouping', $data->groupingid) : 0;
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $section);
$restorefiles = true;
// Section exists, update non-empty information
} else {
$section->id = $secrec->id;
if ((string)$secrec->name === '') {
$section->name = $data->name;
if (empty($secrec->summary)) {
$section->summary = $data->summary;
$section->summaryformat = $data->summaryformat;
$restorefiles = true;
if (empty($secrec->groupingid)) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly)) { // Only if enablegroupmembersonly is enabled
$section->groupingid = isset($data->groupingid) ? $this->get_mappingid('grouping', $data->groupingid) : 0;
// Don't update available from, available until, or show availability
// (I didn't see a useful way to define whether existing or new one should
// take precedence).
$DB->update_record('course_sections', $section);
$newitemid = $secrec->id;
// Annotate the section mapping, with restorefiles option if needed
$this->set_mapping('course_section', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles);
// set the new course_section id in the task
// Commented out. We never modify course->numsections as far as that is used
// by a lot of people to "hide" sections on purpose (so this remains as used to be in Moodle 1.x)
// Note: We keep the code here, to know about and because of the possibility of making this
// optional based on some setting/attribute in the future
// If needed, adjust course->numsections
//if ($numsections = $DB->get_field('course', 'numsections', array('id' => $this->get_courseid()))) {
// if ($numsections < $section->section) {
// $DB->set_field('course', 'numsections', $section->section, array('id' => $this->get_courseid()));
// }
public function process_availability($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->coursesectionid = $this->task->get_sectionid();
// NOTE: Other values in $data need updating, but these (cm,
// grade items) have not yet been restored, so are done later.
$newid = $DB->insert_record('course_sections_availability', $data);
// We do not need to map between old and new id but storing a mapping
// means it gets added to the backup_ids table to record which ones
// need updating. The mapping is stored with $newid => $newid for
// convenience.
$this->set_mapping('course_sections_availability', $newid, $newid);
public function process_availability_field($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// Mark it is as passed by default
$passed = true;
$customfieldid = null;
// If a customfield has been used in order to pass we must be able to match an existing
// customfield by name (data->customfield) and type (data->customfieldtype)
if (is_null($data->customfield) xor is_null($data->customfieldtype)) {
// xor is sort of uncommon. If either customfield is null or customfieldtype is null BUT not both.
// If one is null but the other isn't something clearly went wrong and we'll skip this condition.
$passed = false;
} else if (!is_null($data->customfield)) {
$params = array('shortname' => $data->customfield, 'datatype' => $data->customfieldtype);
$customfieldid = $DB->get_field('user_info_field', 'id', $params);
$passed = ($customfieldid !== false);
if ($passed) {
// Create the object to insert into the database
$availfield = new stdClass();
$availfield->coursesectionid = $this->task->get_sectionid();
$availfield->userfield = $data->userfield;
$availfield->customfieldid = $customfieldid;
$availfield->operator = $data->operator;
$availfield->value = $data->value;
$DB->insert_record('course_sections_avail_fields', $availfield);
public function process_course_format_options($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->sectionid = $this->task->get_sectionid();
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$newid = $DB->insert_record('course_format_options', $data);
$this->set_mapping('course_format_options', $oldid, $newid);
protected function after_execute() {
// Add section related files, with 'course_section' itemid to match
$this->add_related_files('course', 'section', 'course_section');
public function after_restore() {
global $DB;
$sectionid = $this->get_task()->get_sectionid();
// Get data object for current section availability (if any).
$records = $DB->get_records('course_sections_availability',
array('coursesectionid' => $sectionid), 'id, sourcecmid, gradeitemid');
// If it exists, update mappings.
foreach ($records as $data) {
// Only update mappings for entries which are created by this restore.
// Otherwise, when you restore to an existing course, it will mess up
// existing section availability entries.
if (!$this->get_mappingid('course_sections_availability', $data->id, false)) {
// Update source cmid / grade id to new value.
$data->sourcecmid = $this->get_mappingid('course_module', $data->sourcecmid);
if (!$data->sourcecmid) {
$data->sourcecmid = null;
$data->gradeitemid = $this->get_mappingid('grade_item', $data->gradeitemid);
if (!$data->gradeitemid) {
$data->gradeitemid = null;
// Delete the record if the condition wasn't found, otherwise update it.
if ($data->sourcecmid === null && $data->gradeitemid === null) {
$DB->delete_records('course_sections_availability', array('id' => $data->id));
} else {
$DB->update_record('course_sections_availability', $data);
* Structure step that will read the course.xml file, loading it and performing
* various actions depending of the site/restore settings. Note that target
* course always exist before arriving here so this step will be updating
* the course record (never inserting)
class restore_course_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* @var bool this gets set to true by {@link process_course()} if we are
* restoring an old coures that used the legacy 'module security' feature.
* If so, we have to do more work in {@link after_execute()}.
protected $legacyrestrictmodules = false;
* @var array Used when {@link $legacyrestrictmodules} is true. This is an
* array with array keys the module names ('forum', 'quiz', etc.). These are
* the modules that are allowed according to the data in the backup file.
* In {@link after_execute()} we then have to prevent adding of all the other
* types of activity.
protected $legacyallowedmodules = array();
protected function define_structure() {
$course = new restore_path_element('course', '/course');
$category = new restore_path_element('category', '/course/category');
$tag = new restore_path_element('tag', '/course/tags/tag');
$allowed_module = new restore_path_element('allowed_module', '/course/allowed_modules/module');
// Apply for 'format' plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $course);
// Apply for 'theme' plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('theme', $course);
// Apply for 'report' plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('report', $course);
// Apply for 'course report' plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('coursereport', $course);
// Apply for plagiarism plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('plagiarism', $course);
// Apply for local plugins optional paths at course level
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $course);
return array($course, $category, $tag, $allowed_module);
* Processing functions go here
* @global moodledatabase $DB
* @param stdClass $data
public function process_course($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$fullname = $this->get_setting_value('course_fullname');
$shortname = $this->get_setting_value('course_shortname');
$startdate = $this->get_setting_value('course_startdate');
// Calculate final course names, to avoid dupes
list($fullname, $shortname) = restore_dbops::calculate_course_names($this->get_courseid(), $fullname, $shortname);
// Need to change some fields before updating the course record
$data->id = $this->get_courseid();
$data->fullname = $fullname;
$data->shortname= $shortname;
$context = context::instance_by_id($this->task->get_contextid());
if (has_capability('moodle/course:changeidnumber', $context, $this->task->get_userid())) {
$data->idnumber = '';
} else {
// Any empty value for course->hiddensections will lead to 0 (default, show collapsed).
// It has been reported that some old 1.9 courses may have it null leading to DB error. MDL-31532
if (empty($data->hiddensections)) {
$data->hiddensections = 0;
// Set legacyrestrictmodules to true if the course was resticting modules. If so
// then we will need to process restricted modules after execution.
$this->legacyrestrictmodules = !empty($data->restrictmodules);
$data->startdate= $this->apply_date_offset($data->startdate);
if ($data->defaultgroupingid) {
$data->defaultgroupingid = $this->get_mappingid('grouping', $data->defaultgroupingid);
if (empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) {
$data->enablecompletion = 0;
$data->completionstartonenrol = 0;
$data->completionnotify = 0;
$languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); // Get languages for quick search
if (!array_key_exists($data->lang, $languages)) {
$data->lang = '';
$themes = get_list_of_themes(); // Get themes for quick search later
if (!array_key_exists($data->theme, $themes) || empty($CFG->allowcoursethemes)) {
$data->theme = '';
// Course record ready, update it
$DB->update_record('course', $data);
// Role name aliases
restore_dbops::set_course_role_names($this->get_restoreid(), $this->get_courseid());
public function process_category($data) {
// Nothing to do with the category. UI sets it before restore starts
public function process_tag($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) { // if enabled in server
// TODO: This is highly inneficient. Each time we add one tag
// we fetch all the existing because tag_set() deletes them
// so everything must be reinserted on each call
$tags = array();
$existingtags = tag_get_tags('course', $this->get_courseid());
// Re-add all the existitng tags
foreach ($existingtags as $existingtag) {
$tags[] = $existingtag->rawname;
// Add the one being restored
$tags[] = $data->rawname;
// Send all the tags back to the course
tag_set('course', $this->get_courseid(), $tags);
public function process_allowed_module($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
// Backwards compatiblity support for the data that used to be in the
// course_allowed_modules table.
if ($this->legacyrestrictmodules) {
$this->legacyallowedmodules[$data->modulename] = 1;
protected function after_execute() {
global $DB;
// Add course related files, without itemid to match
$this->add_related_files('course', 'summary', null);
$this->add_related_files('course', 'overviewfiles', null);
// Deal with legacy allowed modules.
if ($this->legacyrestrictmodules) {
$context = context_course::instance($this->get_courseid());
list($roleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/course:manageactivities');
list($managerroleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/site:config');
foreach ($managerroleids as $roleid) {
foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('mod') as $modname => $notused) {
if (isset($this->legacyallowedmodules[$modname])) {
// Module is allowed, no worries.
$capability = 'mod/' . $modname . ':addinstance';
foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
assign_capability($capability, CAP_PREVENT, $roleid, $context);
* Execution step that will migrate legacy files if present.
class restore_course_legacy_files_step extends restore_execution_step {
public function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Do a check for legacy files and skip if there are none.
$sql = 'SELECT count(*)
FROM {backup_files_temp}
WHERE backupid = ?
AND contextid = ?
AND component = ?
AND filearea = ?';
$params = array($this->get_restoreid(), $this->task->get_old_contextid(), 'course', 'legacy');
if ($DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
$DB->set_field('course', 'legacyfiles', 2, array('id' => $this->get_courseid()));
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'course',
'legacy', $this->task->get_old_contextid(), $this->task->get_userid());
* Structure step that will read the roles.xml file (at course/activity/block levels)
* containing all the role_assignments and overrides for that context. If corresponding to
* one mapped role, they will be applied to target context. Will observe the role_assignments
* setting to decide if ras are restored.
* Note: this needs to be executed after all users are enrolled.
class restore_ras_and_caps_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected $plugins = null;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
// Observe the role_assignments setting
if ($this->get_setting_value('role_assignments')) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('assignment', '/roles/role_assignments/assignment');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('override', '/roles/role_overrides/override');
return $paths;
* Assign roles
* This has to be called after enrolments processing.
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
public function process_assignment($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// Check roleid, userid are one of the mapped ones
if (!$newroleid = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->roleid)) {
if (!$newuserid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid)) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('user', array('id' => $newuserid, 'deleted' => 0))) {
// Only assign roles to not deleted users
if (!$contextid = $this->task->get_contextid()) {
if (empty($data->component)) {
// assign standard manual roles
// TODO: role_assign() needs one userid param to be able to specify our restore userid
role_assign($newroleid, $newuserid, $contextid);
} else if ((strpos($data->component, 'enrol_') === 0)) {
// Deal with enrolment roles - ignore the component and just find out the instance via new id,
// it is possible that enrolment was restored using different plugin type.
if (!isset($this->plugins)) {
$this->plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
if ($enrolid = $this->get_mappingid('enrol', $data->itemid)) {
if ($instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$enrolid))) {
if (isset($this->plugins[$instance->enrol])) {
$this->plugins[$instance->enrol]->restore_role_assignment($instance, $newroleid, $newuserid, $contextid);
} else {
$data->roleid = $newroleid;
$data->userid = $newuserid;
$data->contextid = $contextid;
$dir = core_component::get_component_directory($data->component);
if ($dir and is_dir($dir)) {
if (component_callback($data->component, 'restore_role_assignment', array($this, $data), true)) {
// Bad luck, plugin could not restore the data, let's add normal membership.
role_assign($data->roleid, $data->userid, $data->contextid);
$message = "Restore of '$data->component/$data->itemid' role assignments is not supported, using manual role assignments instead.";
$this->log($message, backup::LOG_WARNING);
public function process_override($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
// Check roleid is one of the mapped ones
$newroleid = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->roleid);
// If newroleid and context are valid assign it via API (it handles dupes and so on)
if ($newroleid && $this->task->get_contextid()) {
// TODO: assign_capability() needs one userid param to be able to specify our restore userid
// TODO: it seems that assign_capability() doesn't check for valid capabilities at all ???
assign_capability($data->capability, $data->permission, $newroleid, $this->task->get_contextid());
* If no instances yet add default enrol methods the same way as when creating new course in UI.
class restore_default_enrolments_step extends restore_execution_step {
public function define_execution() {
global $DB;
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$this->get_courseid()), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if ($DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid'=>$this->get_courseid(), 'enrol'=>'manual'))) {
// Something already added instances, do not add default instances.
$plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
} else {
// Looks like a newly created course.
enrol_course_updated(true, $course, null);
* This structure steps restores the enrol plugins and their underlying
* enrolments, performing all the mappings and/or movements required
class restore_enrolments_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected $enrolsynced = false;
protected $plugins = null;
protected $originalstatus = array();
* Conditionally decide if this step should be executed.
* This function checks the following parameter:
* 1. the course/enrolments.xml file exists
* @return bool true is safe to execute, false otherwise
protected function execute_condition() {
// Check it is included in the backup
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
// Not found, can't restore enrolments info
return false;
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('enrol', '/enrolments/enrols/enrol');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('enrolment', '/enrolments/enrols/enrol/user_enrolments/enrolment');
return $paths;
* Create enrolment instances.
* This has to be called after creation of roles
* and before adding of role assignments.
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
public function process_enrol($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id; // We'll need this later.
$this->originalstatus[$oldid] = $data->status;
if (!$courserec = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->get_courseid()))) {
$this->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, 0);
if (!isset($this->plugins)) {
$this->plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
if (!$this->enrolsynced) {
// Make sure that all plugin may create instances and enrolments automatically
// before the first instance restore - this is suitable especially for plugins
// that synchronise data automatically using course->idnumber or by course categories.
foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
$this->enrolsynced = true;
// Map standard fields - plugin has to process custom fields manually.
$data->roleid = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->roleid);
$data->courseid = $courserec->id;
if ($this->get_setting_value('enrol_migratetomanual')) {
unset($data->sortorder); // Remove useless sortorder from <2.4 backups.
if (!enrol_is_enabled('manual')) {
$this->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, 0);
if ($instances = $DB->get_records('enrol', array('courseid'=>$data->courseid, 'enrol'=>'manual'), 'id')) {
$instance = reset($instances);
$this->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, $instance->id);
} else {
if ($data->enrol === 'manual') {
$instanceid = $this->plugins['manual']->add_instance($courserec, (array)$data);
} else {
$instanceid = $this->plugins['manual']->add_default_instance($courserec);
$this->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, $instanceid);
} else {
if (!enrol_is_enabled($data->enrol) or !isset($this->plugins[$data->enrol])) {
$this->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, 0);
$message = "Enrol plugin '$data->enrol' data can not be restored because it is not enabled, use migration to manual enrolments";
$this->log($message, backup::LOG_WARNING);
if ($task = $this->get_task() and $task->get_target() == backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE) {
// Let's keep the sortorder in old backups.
} else {
// Prevent problems with colliding sortorders in old backups,
// new 2.4 backups do not need sortorder because xml elements are ordered properly.
// Note: plugin is responsible for setting up the mapping, it may also decide to migrate to different type.
$this->plugins[$data->enrol]->restore_instance($this, $data, $courserec, $oldid);
* Create user enrolments.
* This has to be called after creation of enrolment instances
* and before adding of role assignments.
* Roles are assigned in restore_ras_and_caps_structure_step::process_assignment() processing afterwards.
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
public function process_enrolment($data) {
global $DB;
if (!isset($this->plugins)) {
$this->plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
$data = (object)$data;
// Process only if parent instance have been mapped.
if ($enrolid = $this->get_new_parentid('enrol')) {
$oldinstancestatus = ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED;
$oldenrolid = $this->get_old_parentid('enrol');
if (isset($this->originalstatus[$oldenrolid])) {
$oldinstancestatus = $this->originalstatus[$oldenrolid];
if ($instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$enrolid))) {
// And only if user is a mapped one.
if ($userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid)) {
if (isset($this->plugins[$instance->enrol])) {
$this->plugins[$instance->enrol]->restore_user_enrolment($this, $data, $instance, $userid, $oldinstancestatus);
* Make sure the user restoring the course can actually access it.
class restore_fix_restorer_access_step extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$userid = $this->task->get_userid()) {
if (empty($CFG->restorernewroleid)) {
// Bad luck, no fallback role for restorers specified
$courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
if (is_enrolled($context, $userid, 'moodle/course:update', true) or is_viewing($context, $userid, 'moodle/course:update')) {
// Current user may access the course (admin, category manager or restored teacher enrolment usually)
// Try to add role only - we do not need enrolment if user has moodle/course:view or is already enrolled
role_assign($CFG->restorernewroleid, $userid, $context);
if (is_enrolled($context, $userid, 'moodle/course:update', true) or is_viewing($context, $userid, 'moodle/course:update')) {
// Extra role is enough, yay!
// The last chance is to create manual enrol if it does not exist and and try to enrol the current user,
// hopefully admin selected suitable $CFG->restorernewroleid ...
if (!enrol_is_enabled('manual')) {
if (!$enrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual')) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('enrol', array('enrol'=>'manual', 'courseid'=>$courseid))) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$fields = array('status'=>ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, 'enrolperiod'=>$enrol->get_config('enrolperiod', 0), 'roleid'=>$enrol->get_config('roleid', 0));
$enrol->add_instance($course, $fields);
enrol_try_internal_enrol($courseid, $userid);
* This structure steps restores the filters and their configs
class restore_filters_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('active', '/filters/filter_actives/filter_active');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('config', '/filters/filter_configs/filter_config');
return $paths;
public function process_active($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
if (strpos($data->filter, 'filter/') === 0) {
$data->filter = substr($data->filter, 7);
} else if (strpos($data->filter, '/') !== false) {
// Unsupported old filter.
if (!filter_is_enabled($data->filter)) { // Not installed or not enabled, nothing to do
filter_set_local_state($data->filter, $this->task->get_contextid(), $data->active);
public function process_config($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
if (strpos($data->filter, 'filter/') === 0) {
$data->filter = substr($data->filter, 7);
} else if (strpos($data->filter, '/') !== false) {
// Unsupported old filter.
if (!filter_is_enabled($data->filter)) { // Not installed or not enabled, nothing to do
filter_set_local_config($data->filter, $this->task->get_contextid(), $data->name, $data->value);
* This structure steps restores the comments
* Note: Cannot use the comments API because defaults to USER->id.
* That should change allowing to pass $userid
class restore_comments_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('comment', '/comments/comment');
return $paths;
public function process_comment($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// First of all, if the comment has some itemid, ask to the task what to map
$mapping = false;
if ($data->itemid) {
$mapping = $this->task->get_comment_mapping_itemname($data->commentarea);
$data->itemid = $this->get_mappingid($mapping, $data->itemid);
// Only restore the comment if has no mapping OR we have found the matching mapping
if (!$mapping || $data->itemid) {
// Only if user mapping and context
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
if ($data->userid && $this->task->get_contextid()) {
$data->contextid = $this->task->get_contextid();
// Only if there is another comment with same context/user/timecreated
$params = array('contextid' => $data->contextid, 'userid' => $data->userid, 'timecreated' => $data->timecreated);
if (!$DB->record_exists('comments', $params)) {
$DB->insert_record('comments', $data);
* This structure steps restores the badges and their configs
class restore_badges_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* Conditionally decide if this step should be executed.
* This function checks the following parameters:
* 1. Badges and course badges are enabled on the site.
* 2. The course/badges.xml file exists.
* 3. All modules are restorable.
* 4. All modules are marked for restore.
* @return bool True is safe to execute, false otherwise
protected function execute_condition() {
global $CFG;
// First check is badges and course level badges are enabled on this site.
if (empty($CFG->enablebadges) || empty($CFG->badges_allowcoursebadges)) {
// Disabled, don't restore course badges.
return false;
// Check if badges.xml is included in the backup.
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
// Not found, can't restore course badges.
return false;
// Check we are able to restore all backed up modules.
if ($this->task->is_missing_modules()) {
return false;
// Finally check all modules within the backup are being restored.
if ($this->task->is_excluding_activities()) {
return false;
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('badge', '/badges/badge');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('criterion', '/badges/badge/criteria/criterion');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('parameter', '/badges/badge/criteria/criterion/parameters/parameter');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('manual_award', '/badges/badge/manual_awards/manual_award');
return $paths;
public function process_badge($data) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php');
$data = (object)$data;
$data->usercreated = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usercreated);
$data->usermodified = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified);
// We'll restore the badge image.
$restorefiles = true;
$courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$params = array(
'name' => $data->name,
'description' => $data->description,
'timecreated' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated),
'timemodified' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified),
'usercreated' => $data->usercreated,
'usermodified' => $data->usermodified,
'issuername' => $data->issuername,
'issuerurl' => $data->issuerurl,
'issuercontact' => $data->issuercontact,
'expiredate' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->expiredate),
'expireperiod' => $data->expireperiod,
'courseid' => $courseid,
'message' => $data->message,
'messagesubject' => $data->messagesubject,
'attachment' => $data->attachment,
'notification' => $data->notification,
'nextcron' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->nextcron)
$newid = $DB->insert_record('badge', $params);
$this->set_mapping('badge', $data->id, $newid, $restorefiles);
public function process_criterion($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$params = array(
'badgeid' => $this->get_new_parentid('badge'),
'criteriatype' => $data->criteriatype,
'method' => $data->method
$newid = $DB->insert_record('badge_criteria', $params);
$this->set_mapping('criterion', $data->id, $newid);
public function process_parameter($data) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php');
$data = (object)$data;
$criteriaid = $this->get_new_parentid('criterion');
// Parameter array that will go to database.
$params = array();
$params['critid'] = $criteriaid;
$oldparam = explode('_', $data->name);
if ($data->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY) {
$module = $this->get_mappingid('course_module', $oldparam[1]);
$params['name'] = $oldparam[0] . '_' . $module;
$params['value'] = $oldparam[0] == 'module' ? $module : $data->value;
} else if ($data->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE) {
$params['name'] = $oldparam[0] . '_' . $this->get_courseid();
$params['value'] = $oldparam[0] == 'course' ? $this->get_courseid() : $data->value;
} else if ($data->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_MANUAL) {
$role = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->value);
if (!empty($role)) {
$params['name'] = 'role_' . $role;
$params['value'] = $role;
} else {
if (!$DB->record_exists('badge_criteria_param', $params)) {
$DB->insert_record('badge_criteria_param', $params);
public function process_manual_award($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$role = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->issuerrole);
if (!empty($role)) {
$award = array(
'badgeid' => $this->get_new_parentid('badge'),
'recipientid' => $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->recipientid),
'issuerid' => $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->issuerid),
'issuerrole' => $role,
'datemet' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->datemet)
$DB->insert_record('badge_manual_award', $award);
protected function after_execute() {
// Add related files.
$this->add_related_files('badges', 'badgeimage', 'badge');
* This structure steps restores the calendar events
class restore_calendarevents_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('calendarevents', '/events/event');
return $paths;
public function process_calendarevents($data) {
global $DB, $SITE;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$restorefiles = true; // We'll restore the files
// Find the userid and the groupid associated with the event. Return if not found.
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
if ($data->userid === false) {
if (!empty($data->groupid)) {
$data->groupid = $this->get_mappingid('group', $data->groupid);
if ($data->groupid === false) {
// Handle events with empty eventtype //MDL-32827
if(empty($data->eventtype)) {
if ($data->courseid == $SITE->id) { // Site event
$data->eventtype = "site";
} else if ($data->courseid != 0 && $data->groupid == 0 && ($data->modulename == 'assignment' || $data->modulename == 'assign')) {
// Course assingment event
$data->eventtype = "due";
} else if ($data->courseid != 0 && $data->groupid == 0) { // Course event
$data->eventtype = "course";
} else if ($data->groupid) { // Group event
$data->eventtype = "group";
} else if ($data->userid) { // User event
$data->eventtype = "user";
} else {
$params = array(
'name' => $data->name,
'description' => $data->description,
'format' => $data->format,
'courseid' => $this->get_courseid(),
'groupid' => $data->groupid,
'userid' => $data->userid,
'repeatid' => $data->repeatid,
'modulename' => $data->modulename,
'eventtype' => $data->eventtype,
'timestart' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timestart),
'timeduration' => $data->timeduration,
'visible' => $data->visible,
'uuid' => $data->uuid,
'sequence' => $data->sequence,
'timemodified' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified));
if ($this->name == 'activity_calendar') {
$params['instance'] = $this->task->get_activityid();
} else {
$params['instance'] = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM {event} WHERE name = ? AND courseid = ? AND
repeatid = ? AND modulename = ? AND timestart = ? AND timeduration =?
AND ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('description', 255) . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('?', 255);
$arg = array ($params['name'], $params['courseid'], $params['repeatid'], $params['modulename'], $params['timestart'], $params['timeduration'], $params['description']);
$result = $DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $arg);
if (empty($result)) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('event', $params);
$this->set_mapping('event_description', $oldid, $newitemid, $restorefiles);
protected function after_execute() {
// Add related files
$this->add_related_files('calendar', 'event_description', 'event_description');
class restore_course_completion_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* Conditionally decide if this step should be executed.
* This function checks parameters that are not immediate settings to ensure
* that the enviroment is suitable for the restore of course completion info.
* This function checks the following four parameters:
* 1. Course completion is enabled on the site
* 2. The backup includes course completion information
* 3. All modules are restorable
* 4. All modules are marked for restore.
* @return bool True is safe to execute, false otherwise
protected function execute_condition() {
global $CFG;
// First check course completion is enabled on this site
if (empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) {
// Disabled, don't restore course completion
return false;
// Check it is included in the backup
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
// Not found, can't restore course completion
return false;
// Check we are able to restore all backed up modules
if ($this->task->is_missing_modules()) {
return false;
// Finally check all modules within the backup are being restored.
if ($this->task->is_excluding_activities()) {
return false;
return true;
* Define the course completion structure
* @return array Array of restore_path_element
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including user completion info
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userscompletion');
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('course_completion_criteria', '/course_completion/course_completion_criteria');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('course_completion_aggr_methd', '/course_completion/course_completion_aggr_methd');
if ($userinfo) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('course_completion_crit_compl', '/course_completion/course_completion_criteria/course_completion_crit_completions/course_completion_crit_compl');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('course_completions', '/course_completion/course_completions');
return $paths;
* Process course completion criteria
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $data
public function process_course_completion_criteria($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
// Apply the date offset to the time end field
$data->timeend = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeend);
// Map the role from the criteria
if (!empty($data->role)) {
$data->role = $this->get_mappingid('role', $data->role);
$skipcriteria = false;
// If the completion criteria is for a module we need to map the module instance
// to the new module id.
if (!empty($data->moduleinstance) && !empty($data->module)) {
$data->moduleinstance = $this->get_mappingid('course_module', $data->moduleinstance);
if (empty($data->moduleinstance)) {
$skipcriteria = true;
} else {
$data->module = null;
$data->moduleinstance = null;
// We backup the course shortname rather than the ID so that we can match back to the course
if (!empty($data->courseinstanceshortname)) {
$courseinstanceid = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname'=>$data->courseinstanceshortname));
if (!$courseinstanceid) {
$skipcriteria = true;
} else {
$courseinstanceid = null;
$data->courseinstance = $courseinstanceid;
if (!$skipcriteria) {
$params = array(
'course' => $data->course,
'criteriatype' => $data->criteriatype,
'enrolperiod' => $data->enrolperiod,
'courseinstance' => $data->courseinstance,
'module' => $data->module,
'moduleinstance' => $data->moduleinstance,
'timeend' => $data->timeend,
'gradepass' => $data->gradepass,
'role' => $data->role
$newid = $DB->insert_record('course_completion_criteria', $params);
$this->set_mapping('course_completion_criteria', $data->id, $newid);
* Processes course compltion criteria complete records
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $data
public function process_course_completion_crit_compl($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// This may be empty if criteria could not be restored
$data->criteriaid = $this->get_mappingid('course_completion_criteria', $data->criteriaid);
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
if (!empty($data->criteriaid) && !empty($data->userid)) {
$params = array(
'userid' => $data->userid,
'course' => $data->course,
'criteriaid' => $data->criteriaid,
'timecompleted' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecompleted)
if (isset($data->gradefinal)) {
$params['gradefinal'] = $data->gradefinal;
if (isset($data->unenroled)) {
$params['unenroled'] = $data->unenroled;
$DB->insert_record('course_completion_crit_compl', $params);
* Process course completions
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $data
public function process_course_completions($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
if (!empty($data->userid)) {
$params = array(
'userid' => $data->userid,
'course' => $data->course,
'timeenrolled' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeenrolled),
'timestarted' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timestarted),
'timecompleted' => $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecompleted),
'reaggregate' => $data->reaggregate
$DB->insert_record('course_completions', $params);
* Process course completion aggregate methods
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $data
public function process_course_completion_aggr_methd($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
// Only create the course_completion_aggr_methd records if
// the target course has not them defined. MDL-28180
if (!$DB->record_exists('course_completion_aggr_methd', array(
'course' => $data->course,
'criteriatype' => $data->criteriatype))) {
$params = array(
'course' => $data->course,
'criteriatype' => $data->criteriatype,
'method' => $data->method,
'value' => $data->value,
$DB->insert_record('course_completion_aggr_methd', $params);
* This structure step restores course logs (cmid = 0), delegating
* the hard work to the corresponding {@link restore_logs_processor} passing the
* collection of {@link restore_log_rule} rules to be observed as they are defined
* by the task. Note this is only executed based in the 'logs' setting.
* NOTE: This is executed by final task, to have all the activities already restored
* NOTE: Not all course logs are being restored. For now only 'course' and 'user'
* records are. There are others like 'calendar' and 'upload' that will be handled
* later.
* NOTE: All the missing actions (not able to be restored) are sent to logs for
* debugging purposes
class restore_course_logs_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* Conditionally decide if this step should be executed.
* This function checks the following parameter:
* 1. the course/logs.xml file exists
* @return bool true is safe to execute, false otherwise
protected function execute_condition() {
// Check it is included in the backup
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
// Not found, can't restore course logs
return false;
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
// Simple, one plain level of information contains them
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('log', '/logs/log');
return $paths;
protected function process_log($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)($data);
$data->time = $this->apply_date_offset($data->time);
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->cmid = 0;
// For any reason user wasn't remapped ok, stop processing this
if (empty($data->userid)) {
// Everything ready, let's delegate to the restore_logs_processor
// Set some fixed values that will save tons of DB requests
$values = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid());
// Get instance and process log record
$data = restore_logs_processor::get_instance($this->task, $values)->process_log_record($data);
// If we have data, insert it, else something went wrong in the restore_logs_processor
if ($data) {
$DB->insert_record('log', $data);
* This structure step restores activity logs, extending {@link restore_course_logs_structure_step}
* sharing its same structure but modifying the way records are handled
class restore_activity_logs_structure_step extends restore_course_logs_structure_step {
protected function process_log($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)($data);
$data->time = $this->apply_date_offset($data->time);
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->cmid = $this->task->get_moduleid();
// For any reason user wasn't remapped ok, stop processing this
if (empty($data->userid)) {
// Everything ready, let's delegate to the restore_logs_processor
// Set some fixed values that will save tons of DB requests
$values = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid(),
'course_module' => $this->task->get_moduleid(),
$this->task->get_modulename() => $this->task->get_activityid());
// Get instance and process log record
$data = restore_logs_processor::get_instance($this->task, $values)->process_log_record($data);
// If we have data, insert it, else something went wrong in the restore_logs_processor
if ($data) {
$DB->insert_record('log', $data);
* Defines the restore step for advanced grading methods attached to the activity module
class restore_activity_grading_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* This step is executed only if the grading file is present
protected function execute_condition() {
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
return false;
return true;
* Declares paths in the grading.xml file we are interested in
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
$area = new restore_path_element('grading_area', '/areas/area');
$paths[] = $area;
// attach local plugin stucture to $area element
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $area);
$definition = new restore_path_element('grading_definition', '/areas/area/definitions/definition');
$paths[] = $definition;
$this->add_plugin_structure('gradingform', $definition);
// attach local plugin stucture to $definition element
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $definition);
if ($userinfo) {
$instance = new restore_path_element('grading_instance',
$paths[] = $instance;
$this->add_plugin_structure('gradingform', $instance);
// attach local plugin stucture to $intance element
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $instance);
return $paths;
* Processes one grading area element
* @param array $data element data
protected function process_grading_area($data) {
global $DB;
$task = $this->get_task();
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->component = 'mod_'.$task->get_modulename();
$data->contextid = $task->get_contextid();
$newid = $DB->insert_record('grading_areas', $data);
$this->set_mapping('grading_area', $oldid, $newid);
* Processes one grading definition element
* @param array $data element data
protected function process_grading_definition($data) {
global $DB;
$task = $this->get_task();
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->areaid = $this->get_new_parentid('grading_area');
$data->copiedfromid = null;
$data->timecreated = time();
$data->usercreated = $task->get_userid();
$data->timemodified = $data->timecreated;
$data->usermodified = $data->usercreated;
$newid = $DB->insert_record('grading_definitions', $data);
$this->set_mapping('grading_definition', $oldid, $newid, true);
* Processes one grading form instance element
* @param array $data element data
protected function process_grading_instance($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// new form definition id
$newformid = $this->get_new_parentid('grading_definition');
// get the name of the area we are restoring to
$sql = "SELECT ga.areaname
FROM {grading_definitions} gd
JOIN {grading_areas} ga ON gd.areaid =
WHERE = ?";
$areaname = $DB->get_field_sql($sql, array($newformid), MUST_EXIST);
// get the mapped itemid - the activity module is expected to define the mappings
// for each gradable area
$newitemid = $this->get_mappingid(restore_gradingform_plugin::itemid_mapping($areaname), $data->itemid);
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->definitionid = $newformid;
$data->raterid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->raterid);
$data->itemid = $newitemid;
$newid = $DB->insert_record('grading_instances', $data);
$this->set_mapping('grading_instance', $oldid, $newid);
* Final operations when the database records are inserted
protected function after_execute() {
// Add files embedded into the definition description
$this->add_related_files('grading', 'description', 'grading_definition');
* This structure step restores the grade items associated with one activity
* All the grade items are made child of the "course" grade item but the original
* categoryid is saved as parentitemid in the backup_ids table, so, when restoring
* the complete gradebook (categories and calculations), that information is
* available there
class restore_activity_grades_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_item', '/activity_gradebook/grade_items/grade_item');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_letter', '/activity_gradebook/grade_letters/grade_letter');
if ($userinfo) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('grade_grade',
return $paths;
protected function process_grade_item($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)($data);
$oldid = $data->id; // We'll need these later
$oldparentid = $data->categoryid;
$courseid = $this->get_courseid();
// make sure top course category exists, all grade items will be associated
// to it. Later, if restoring the whole gradebook, categories will be introduced
$coursecat = grade_category::fetch_course_category($courseid);
$coursecatid = $coursecat->id; // Get the categoryid to be used
$idnumber = null;
if (!empty($data->idnumber)) {
// Don't get any idnumber from course module. Keep them as they are in grade_item->idnumber
// Reason: it's not clear what happens with outcomes->idnumber or activities with multiple items (workshop)
// so the best is to keep the ones already in the gradebook
// Potential problem: duplicates if same items are restored more than once. :-(
// This needs to be fixed in some way (outcomes & activities with multiple items)
// $data->idnumber = get_coursemodule_from_instance($data->itemmodule, $data->iteminstance)->idnumber;
// In any case, verify always for uniqueness
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {course_modules} cm
WHERE cm.course = :courseid AND
cm.idnumber = :idnumber AND <> :cmid";
$params = array(
'courseid' => $courseid,
'idnumber' => $data->idnumber,
'cmid' => $this->task->get_moduleid()
if (!$DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $params) && !$DB->record_exists('grade_items', array('courseid' => $courseid, 'idnumber' => $data->idnumber))) {
$idnumber = $data->idnumber;
$data->categoryid = $coursecatid;
$data->courseid = $this->get_courseid();
$data->iteminstance = $this->task->get_activityid();
$data->idnumber = $idnumber;
$data->scaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->scaleid);
$data->outcomeid = $this->get_mappingid('outcome', $data->outcomeid);
$data->timecreated = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated);
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
$gradeitem = new grade_item($data, false);
//sortorder is automatically assigned when inserting. Re-instate the previous sortorder
$gradeitem->sortorder = $data->sortorder;
// Set mapping, saving the original category id into parentitemid
// gradebook restore (final task) will need it to reorganise items
$this->set_mapping('grade_item', $oldid, $gradeitem->id, false, null, $oldparentid);
protected function process_grade_grade($data) {
$data = (object)($data);
$olduserid = $data->userid;
$data->itemid = $this->get_new_parentid('grade_item');
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid, null);
if (!empty($data->userid)) {
$data->usermodified = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->usermodified, null);
$data->rawscaleid = $this->get_mappingid('scale', $data->rawscaleid);
// TODO: Ask, all the rest of locktime/exported... work with time... to be rolled?
$data->overridden = $this->apply_date_offset($data->overridden);
$grade = new grade_grade($data, false);
// no need to save any grade_grade mapping
} else {
debugging("Mapped user id not found for user id '{$olduserid}', grade item id '{$data->itemid}'");
* process activity grade_letters. Note that, while these are possible,
* because grade_letters are contextid based, in practice, only course
* context letters can be defined. So we keep here this method knowing
* it won't be executed ever. gradebook restore will restore course letters.
protected function process_grade_letter($data) {
global $DB;
$data['contextid'] = $this->task->get_contextid();
$gradeletter = (object)$data;
// Check if it exists before adding it
if (!$DB->record_exists('grade_letters', $data)) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('grade_letters', $gradeletter);
// no need to save any grade_letter mapping
* This structure steps restores one instance + positions of one block
* Note: Positions corresponding to one existing context are restored
* here, but all the ones having unknown contexts are sent to backup_ids
* for a later chance to be restored at the end (final task)
class restore_block_instance_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('block', '/block', true); // Get the whole XML together
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('block_position', '/block/block_positions/block_position');
return $paths;
public function process_block($data) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$data = (object)$data; // Handy
$oldcontextid = $data->contextid;
$oldid = $data->id;
$positions = isset($data->block_positions['block_position']) ? $data->block_positions['block_position'] : array();
// Look for the parent contextid
if (!$data->parentcontextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $data->parentcontextid)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('restore_block_missing_parent_ctx', $data->parentcontextid);
// TODO: it would be nice to use standard plugin supports instead of this instance_allow_multiple()
// If there is already one block of that type in the parent context
// and the block is not multiple, stop processing
// Use blockslib loader / method executor
if (!$bi = block_instance($data->blockname)) {
return false;
if (!$bi->instance_allow_multiple()) {
if ($DB->record_exists_sql("SELECT
FROM {block_instances} bi
JOIN {block} b ON = bi.blockname
WHERE bi.parentcontextid = ?
AND bi.blockname = ?", array($data->parentcontextid, $data->blockname))) {
return false;
// If there is already one block of that type in the parent context
// with the same showincontexts, pagetypepattern, subpagepattern, defaultregion and configdata
// stop processing
$params = array(
'blockname' => $data->blockname, 'parentcontextid' => $data->parentcontextid,
'showinsubcontexts' => $data->showinsubcontexts, 'pagetypepattern' => $data->pagetypepattern,
'subpagepattern' => $data->subpagepattern, 'defaultregion' => $data->defaultregion);
if ($birecs = $DB->get_records('block_instances', $params)) {
foreach($birecs as $birec) {
if ($birec->configdata == $data->configdata) {
return false;
// Set task old contextid, blockid and blockname once we know them
// Let's look for anything within configdata neededing processing
// (nulls and uses of legacy file.php)
if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) {
$configdata = (array)unserialize(base64_decode($data->configdata));
foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) {
if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) {
$configdata[$attribute] = $this->contentprocessor->process_cdata($value);
$data->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object)$configdata));
// Create the block instance
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('block_instances', $data);
// Save the mapping (with restorefiles support)
$this->set_mapping('block_instance', $oldid, $newitemid, true);
// Create the block context
$newcontextid = context_block::instance($newitemid)->id;
// Save the block contexts mapping and sent it to task
$this->set_mapping('context', $oldcontextid, $newcontextid);
// Restore block fileareas if declared
$component = 'block_' . $this->task->get_blockname();
foreach ($this->task->get_fileareas() as $filearea) { // Simple match by contextid. No itemname needed
$this->add_related_files($component, $filearea, null);
// Process block positions, creating them or accumulating for final step
foreach($positions as $position) {
$position = (object)$position;
$position->blockinstanceid = $newitemid; // The instance is always the restored one
// If position is for one already mapped (known) contextid
// process it now, creating the position
if ($newpositionctxid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $position->contextid)) {
$position->contextid = $newpositionctxid;
// Create the block position
$DB->insert_record('block_positions', $position);
// The position belongs to an unknown context, send it to backup_ids
// to process them as part of the final steps of restore. We send the
// whole $position object there, hence use the low level method.
} else {
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'block_position', $position->id, 0, null, $position);
* Structure step to restore common course_module information
* This step will process the module.xml file for one activity, in order to restore
* the corresponding information to the course_modules table, skipping various bits
* of information based on CFG settings (groupings, completion...) in order to fullfill
* all the reqs to be able to create the context to be used by all the rest of steps
* in the activity restore task
class restore_module_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
$paths = array();
$module = new restore_path_element('module', '/module');
$paths[] = $module;
if ($CFG->enableavailability) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('availability', '/module/availability_info/availability');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('availability_field', '/module/availability_info/availability_field');
// Apply for 'format' plugins optional paths at module level
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $module);
// Apply for 'plagiarism' plugins optional paths at module level
$this->add_plugin_structure('plagiarism', $module);
// Apply for 'local' plugins optional paths at module level
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $module);
return $paths;
protected function process_module($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->course = $this->task->get_courseid();
$data->module = $DB->get_field('modules', 'id', array('name' => $data->modulename));
// Map section (first try by course_section mapping match. Useful in course and section restores)
$data->section = $this->get_mappingid('course_section', $data->sectionid);
if (!$data->section) { // mapping failed, try to get section by sectionnumber matching
$params = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid(),
'section' => $data->sectionnumber);
$data->section = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'id', $params);
if (!$data->section) { // sectionnumber failed, try to get first section in course
$params = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid());
$data->section = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'MIN(id)', $params);
if (!$data->section) { // no sections in course, create section 0 and 1 and assign module to 1
$sectionrec = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid(),
'section' => 0);
$DB->insert_record('course_sections', $sectionrec); // section 0
$sectionrec = array(
'course' => $this->get_courseid(),
'section' => 1);
$data->section = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $sectionrec); // section 1
$data->groupingid= $this->get_mappingid('grouping', $data->groupingid); // grouping
if (!$CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) { // observe groupsmemberonly
$data->groupmembersonly = 0;
if (!grade_verify_idnumber($data->idnumber, $this->get_courseid())) { // idnumber uniqueness
$data->idnumber = '';
if (empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) { // completion
$data->completion = 0;
$data->completiongradeitemnumber = null;
$data->completionview = 0;
$data->completionexpected = 0;
} else {
$data->completionexpected = $this->apply_date_offset($data->completionexpected);
if (empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$data->availablefrom = 0;
$data->availableuntil = 0;
$data->showavailability = 0;
} else {
$data->availablefrom = $this->apply_date_offset($data->availablefrom);
$data->availableuntil= $this->apply_date_offset($data->availableuntil);
// Backups that did not include showdescription, set it to default 0
// (this is not totally necessary as it has a db default, but just to
// be explicit).
if (!isset($data->showdescription)) {
$data->showdescription = 0;
$data->instance = 0; // Set to 0 for now, going to create it soon (next step)
// course_module record ready, insert it
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $data);
// save mapping
$this->set_mapping('course_module', $oldid, $newitemid);
// set the new course_module id in the task
// we can now create the context safely
$ctxid = context_module::instance($newitemid)->id;
// set the new context id in the task
// update sequence field in course_section
if ($sequence = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'sequence', array('id' => $data->section))) {
$sequence .= ',' . $newitemid;
} else {
$sequence = $newitemid;
$DB->set_field('course_sections', 'sequence', $sequence, array('id' => $data->section));
protected function process_availability($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
// Simply going to store the whole availability record now, we'll process
// all them later in the final task (once all activities have been restored)
// Let's call the low level one to be able to store the whole object
$data->coursemoduleid = $this->task->get_moduleid(); // Let add the availability cmid
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'module_availability', $data->id, 0, null, $data);
protected function process_availability_field($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
// Mark it is as passed by default
$passed = true;
$customfieldid = null;
// If a customfield has been used in order to pass we must be able to match an existing
// customfield by name (data->customfield) and type (data->customfieldtype)
if (!empty($data->customfield) xor !empty($data->customfieldtype)) {
// xor is sort of uncommon. If either customfield is null or customfieldtype is null BUT not both.
// If one is null but the other isn't something clearly went wrong and we'll skip this condition.
$passed = false;
} else if (!empty($data->customfield)) {
$params = array('shortname' => $data->customfield, 'datatype' => $data->customfieldtype);
$customfieldid = $DB->get_field('user_info_field', 'id', $params);
$passed = ($customfieldid !== false);
if ($passed) {
// Create the object to insert into the database
$availfield = new stdClass();
$availfield->coursemoduleid = $this->task->get_moduleid(); // Lets add the availability cmid
$availfield->userfield = $data->userfield;
$availfield->customfieldid = $customfieldid;
$availfield->operator = $data->operator;
$availfield->value = $data->value;
// Insert into the database
$DB->insert_record('course_modules_avail_fields', $availfield);
* Structure step that will process the user activity completion
* information if all these conditions are met:
* - Target site has completion enabled ($CFG->enablecompletion)
* - Activity includes completion info (file_exists)
class restore_userscompletion_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* To conditionally decide if this step must be executed
* Note the "settings" conditions are evaluated in the
* corresponding task. Here we check for other conditions
* not being restore settings (files, site settings...)
protected function execute_condition() {
global $CFG;
// Completion disabled in this site, don't execute
if (empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) {
return false;
// No user completion info found, don't execute
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
return false;
// Arrived here, execute the step
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('completion', '/completions/completion');
return $paths;
protected function process_completion($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->coursemoduleid = $this->task->get_moduleid();
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
// Find the existing record
$existing = $DB->get_record('course_modules_completion', array(
'coursemoduleid' => $data->coursemoduleid,
'userid' => $data->userid), 'id, timemodified');
// Check we didn't already insert one for this cmid and userid
// (there aren't supposed to be duplicates in that field, but
// it was possible until MDL-28021 was fixed).
if ($existing) {
// Update it to these new values, but only if the time is newer
if ($existing->timemodified < $data->timemodified) {
$data->id = $existing->id;
$DB->update_record('course_modules_completion', $data);
} else {
// Normal entry where it doesn't exist already
$DB->insert_record('course_modules_completion', $data);
* Abstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps. Used to suuport
* the main <activity ...> tag and process it. Also provides subplugin support for
* activities.
abstract class restore_activity_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
protected function add_subplugin_structure($subplugintype, $element) {
global $CFG;
// Check the requested subplugintype is a valid one
$subpluginsfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $this->task->get_modulename() . '/db/subplugins.php';
if (!file_exists($subpluginsfile)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('activity_missing_subplugins_php_file', $this->task->get_modulename());
if (!array_key_exists($subplugintype, $subplugins)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('incorrect_subplugin_type', $subplugintype);
// Get all the restore path elements, looking across all the subplugin dirs
$subpluginsdirs = core_component::get_plugin_list($subplugintype);
foreach ($subpluginsdirs as $name => $subpluginsdir) {
$classname = 'restore_' . $subplugintype . '_' . $name . '_subplugin';
$restorefile = $subpluginsdir . '/backup/moodle2/' . $classname . '.class.php';
if (file_exists($restorefile)) {
$restoresubplugin = new $classname($subplugintype, $name, $this);
// Add subplugin paths to the step
* As far as activity restore steps are implementing restore_subplugin stuff, they need to
* have the parent task available for wrapping purposes (get course/context....)
* @return restore_task
public function get_task() {
return $this->task;
* Adds support for the 'activity' path that is common to all the activities
* and will be processed globally here
protected function prepare_activity_structure($paths) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('activity', '/activity');
return $paths;
* Process the activity path, informing the task about various ids, needed later
protected function process_activity($data) {
$data = (object)$data;
$this->task->set_old_contextid($data->contextid); // Save old contextid in task
$this->set_mapping('context', $data->contextid, $this->task->get_contextid()); // Set the mapping
$this->task->set_old_activityid($data->id); // Save old activityid in task
* This must be invoked immediately after creating the "module" activity record (forum, choice...)
* and will adjust the new activity id (the instance) in various places
protected function apply_activity_instance($newitemid) {
global $DB;
$this->task->set_activityid($newitemid); // Save activity id in task
// Apply the id to course_sections->instanceid
$DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $newitemid, array('id' => $this->task->get_moduleid()));
// Do the mapping for modulename, preparing it for files by oldcontext
$modulename = $this->task->get_modulename();
$oldid = $this->task->get_old_activityid();
$this->set_mapping($modulename, $oldid, $newitemid, true);
* Structure step in charge of creating/mapping all the qcats and qs
* by parsing the questions.xml file and checking it against the
* results calculated by {@link restore_process_categories_and_questions}
* and stored in backup_ids_temp
class restore_create_categories_and_questions extends restore_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$category = new restore_path_element('question_category', '/question_categories/question_category');
$question = new restore_path_element('question', '/question_categories/question_category/questions/question');
$hint = new restore_path_element('question_hint',
$tag = new restore_path_element('tag','/question_categories/question_category/questions/question/tags/tag');
// Apply for 'qtype' plugins optional paths at question level
$this->add_plugin_structure('qtype', $question);
// Apply for 'local' plugins optional paths at question level
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $question);
return array($category, $question, $hint, $tag);
protected function process_question_category($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
// Check we have one mapping for this category
if (!$mapping = $this->get_mapping('question_category', $oldid)) {
return self::SKIP_ALL_CHILDREN; // No mapping = this category doesn't need to be created/mapped
// Check we have to create the category (newitemid = 0)
if ($mapping->newitemid) {
return; // newitemid != 0, this category is going to be mapped. Nothing to do
// Arrived here, newitemid = 0, we need to create the category
// we'll do it at parentitemid context, but for CONTEXT_MODULE
// categories, that will be created at CONTEXT_COURSE and moved
// to module context later when the activity is created
if ($mapping->info->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
$mapping->parentitemid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $this->task->get_old_contextid());
$data->contextid = $mapping->parentitemid;
// Let's create the question_category and save mapping
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question_categories', $data);
$this->set_mapping('question_category', $oldid, $newitemid);
// Also annotate them as question_category_created, we need
// that later when remapping parents
$this->set_mapping('question_category_created', $oldid, $newitemid, false, null, $data->contextid);
protected function process_question($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
// Check we have one mapping for this question
if (!$questionmapping = $this->get_mapping('question', $oldid)) {
return; // No mapping = this question doesn't need to be created/mapped
// Get the mapped category (cannot use get_new_parentid() because not
// all the categories have been created, so it is not always available
// Instead we get the mapping for the question->parentitemid because
// we have loaded qcatids there for all parsed questions
$data->category = $this->get_mappingid('question_category', $questionmapping->parentitemid);
// In the past, there were some very sloppy values of penalty. Fix them.
if ($data->penalty >= 0.33 && $data->penalty <= 0.34) {
$data->penalty = 0.3333333;
if ($data->penalty >= 0.66 && $data->penalty <= 0.67) {
$data->penalty = 0.6666667;
if ($data->penalty >= 1) {
$data->penalty = 1;
$userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->createdby);
$data->createdby = $userid ? $userid : $this->task->get_userid();
$userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->modifiedby);
$data->modifiedby = $userid ? $userid : $this->task->get_userid();
// With newitemid = 0, let's create the question
if (!$questionmapping->newitemid) {
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question', $data);
$this->set_mapping('question', $oldid, $newitemid);
// Also annotate them as question_created, we need
// that later when remapping parents (keeping the old categoryid as parentid)
$this->set_mapping('question_created', $oldid, $newitemid, false, null, $questionmapping->parentitemid);
} else {
// By performing this set_mapping() we make get_old/new_parentid() to work for all the
// children elements of the 'question' one (so qtype plugins will know the question they belong to)
$this->set_mapping('question', $oldid, $questionmapping->newitemid);
// Note, we don't restore any question files yet
// as far as the CONTEXT_MODULE categories still
// haven't their contexts to be restored to
// The {@link restore_create_question_files}, executed in the final step
// step will be in charge of restoring all the question files
protected function process_question_hint($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
// Detect if the question is created or mapped
$oldquestionid = $this->get_old_parentid('question');
$newquestionid = $this->get_new_parentid('question');
$questioncreated = $this->get_mappingid('question_created', $oldquestionid) ? true : false;
// If the question has been created by restore, we need to create its question_answers too
if ($questioncreated) {
// Adjust some columns
$data->questionid = $newquestionid;
// Insert record
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question_hints', $data);
// The question existed, we need to map the existing question_hints
} else {
// Look in question_hints by hint text matching
$sql = 'SELECT id
FROM {question_hints}
WHERE questionid = ?
AND ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('hint', 255) . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('?', 255);
$params = array($newquestionid, $data->hint);
$newitemid = $DB->get_field_sql($sql, $params);
// Not able to find the hint, let's try cleaning the hint text
// of all the question's hints in DB as slower fallback. MDL-33863.
if (!$newitemid) {
$potentialhints = $DB->get_records('question_hints',
array('questionid' => $newquestionid), '', 'id, hint');
foreach ($potentialhints as $potentialhint) {
// Clean in the same way than {@link xml_writer::xml_safe_utf8()}.
$cleanhint = preg_replace('/[\x-\x8\xb-\xc\xe-\x1f\x7f]/is','', $potentialhint->hint); // Clean CTRL chars.
$cleanhint = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $cleanhint); // Normalize line ending.
if ($cleanhint === $data->hint) {
$newitemid = $data->id;
// If we haven't found the newitemid, something has gone really wrong, question in DB
// is missing hints, exception
if (!$newitemid) {
$info = new stdClass();
$info->filequestionid = $oldquestionid;
$info->dbquestionid = $newquestionid;
$info->hint = $data->hint;
throw new restore_step_exception('error_question_hint_missing_in_db', $info);
// Create mapping (I'm not sure if this is really needed?)
$this->set_mapping('question_hint', $oldid, $newitemid);
protected function process_tag($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$newquestion = $this->get_new_parentid('question');
if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) { // if enabled in server
// TODO: This is highly inneficient. Each time we add one tag
// we fetch all the existing because tag_set() deletes them
// so everything must be reinserted on each call
$tags = array();
$existingtags = tag_get_tags('question', $newquestion);
// Re-add all the existitng tags
foreach ($existingtags as $existingtag) {
$tags[] = $existingtag->rawname;
// Add the one being restored
$tags[] = $data->rawname;
// Send all the tags back to the question
tag_set('question', $newquestion, $tags);
protected function after_execute() {
global $DB;
// First of all, recode all the created question_categories->parent fields
$qcats = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'itemname' => 'question_category_created'));
foreach ($qcats as $qcat) {
$newparent = 0;
$dbcat = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $qcat->newitemid));
// Get new parent (mapped or created, so we look in quesiton_category mappings)
if ($newparent = $DB->get_field('backup_ids_temp', 'newitemid', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'itemname' => 'question_category',
'itemid' => $dbcat->parent))) {
// contextids must match always, as far as we always include complete qbanks, just check it
$newparentctxid = $DB->get_field('question_categories', 'contextid', array('id' => $newparent));
if ($dbcat->contextid == $newparentctxid) {
$DB->set_field('question_categories', 'parent', $newparent, array('id' => $dbcat->id));
} else {
$newparent = 0; // No ctx match for both cats, no parent relationship
// Here with $newparent empty, problem with contexts or remapping, set it to top cat
if (!$newparent) {
$DB->set_field('question_categories', 'parent', 0, array('id' => $dbcat->id));
// Now, recode all the created question->parent fields
$qs = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'itemname' => 'question_created'));
foreach ($qs as $q) {
$newparent = 0;
$dbq = $DB->get_record('question', array('id' => $q->newitemid));
// Get new parent (mapped or created, so we look in question mappings)
if ($newparent = $DB->get_field('backup_ids_temp', 'newitemid', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'itemname' => 'question',
'itemid' => $dbq->parent))) {
$DB->set_field('question', 'parent', $newparent, array('id' => $dbq->id));
// Note, we don't restore any question files yet
// as far as the CONTEXT_MODULE categories still
// haven't their contexts to be restored to
// The {@link restore_create_question_files}, executed in the final step
// step will be in charge of restoring all the question files
* Execution step that will move all the CONTEXT_MODULE question categories
* created at early stages of restore in course context (because modules weren't
* created yet) to their target module (matching by old-new-contextid mapping)
class restore_move_module_questions_categories extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
$contexts = restore_dbops::restore_get_question_banks($this->get_restoreid(), CONTEXT_MODULE);
foreach ($contexts as $contextid => $contextlevel) {
// Only if context mapping exists (i.e. the module has been restored)
if ($newcontext = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'context', $contextid)) {
// Update all the qcats having their parentitemid set to the original contextid
$modulecats = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT itemid, newitemid
FROM {backup_ids_temp}
WHERE backupid = ?
AND itemname = 'question_category'
AND parentitemid = ?", array($this->get_restoreid(), $contextid));
foreach ($modulecats as $modulecat) {
$DB->set_field('question_categories', 'contextid', $newcontext->newitemid, array('id' => $modulecat->newitemid));
// And set new contextid also in question_category mapping (will be
// used by {@link restore_create_question_files} later
restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question_category', $modulecat->itemid, $modulecat->newitemid, $newcontext->newitemid);
* Execution step that will create all the question/answers/qtype-specific files for the restored
* questions. It must be executed after {@link restore_move_module_questions_categories}
* because only then each question is in its final category and only then the
* context can be determined
* TODO: Improve this. Instead of looping over each question, it can be reduced to
* be done by contexts (this will save a huge ammount of queries)
class restore_create_question_files extends restore_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Let's process only created questions
$questionsrs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT bi.itemid, bi.newitemid, bi.parentitemid, q.qtype
FROM {backup_ids_temp} bi
JOIN {question} q ON = bi.newitemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'question_created'", array($this->get_restoreid()));
foreach ($questionsrs as $question) {
// Get question_category mapping, it contains the target context for the question
if (!$qcatmapping = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question_category', $question->parentitemid)) {
// Something went really wrong, cannot find the question_category for the question
debugging('Error fetching target context for question', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
// Calculate source and target contexts
$oldctxid = $qcatmapping->info->contextid;
$newctxid = $qcatmapping->parentitemid;
// Add common question files (question and question_answer ones)
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'questiontext',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_created', $question->itemid, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'generalfeedback',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_created', $question->itemid, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'answer',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_answer', null, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'answerfeedback',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_answer', null, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'hint',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_hint', null, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'correctfeedback',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_created', $question->itemid, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'partiallycorrectfeedback',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_created', $question->itemid, $newctxid, true);
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), 'question', 'incorrectfeedback',
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), 'question_created', $question->itemid, $newctxid, true);
// Add qtype dependent files
$components = backup_qtype_plugin::get_components_and_fileareas($question->qtype);
foreach ($components as $component => $fileareas) {
foreach ($fileareas as $filearea => $mapping) {
// Use itemid only if mapping is question_created
$itemid = ($mapping == 'question_created') ? $question->itemid : null;
restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($this->get_basepath(), $this->get_restoreid(), $component, $filearea,
$oldctxid, $this->task->get_userid(), $mapping, $itemid, $newctxid, true);
* Try to restore aliases and references to external files.
* The queue of these files was prepared for us in {@link restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool()}.
* We expect that all regular (non-alias) files have already been restored. Make sure
* there is no restore step executed after this one that would call send_files_to_pool() again.
* You may notice we have hardcoded support for Server files, Legacy course files
* and user Private files here at the moment. This could be eventually replaced with a set of
* callbacks in the future if needed.
* @copyright 2012 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_process_file_aliases_queue extends restore_execution_step {
/** @var array internal cache for {@link choose_repository()} */
private $cachereposbyid = array();
/** @var array internal cache for {@link choose_repository()} */
private $cachereposbytype = array();
* What to do when this step is executed.
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
$this->log('processing file aliases queue', backup::LOG_INFO);
$fs = get_file_storage();
// Load the queue.
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp',
array('backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(), 'itemname' => 'file_aliases_queue'),
'', 'info');
// Iterate over aliases in the queue.
foreach ($rs as $record) {
$info = restore_dbops::decode_backup_temp_info($record->info);
// Try to pick a repository instance that should serve the alias.
$repository = $this->choose_repository($info);
if (is_null($repository)) {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'unable to find a matching repository instance');
if ($info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'local' or $info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'coursefiles') {
// Aliases to Server files and Legacy course files may refer to a file
// contained in the backup file or to some existing file (if we are on the
// same site).
try {
$reference = file_storage::unpack_reference($info->oldfile->reference);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'invalid reference field format');
// Let's see if the referred source file was also included in the backup.
$candidates = $DB->get_recordset('backup_files_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_restoreid(),
'contextid' => $reference['contextid'],
'component' => $reference['component'],
'filearea' => $reference['filearea'],
'itemid' => $reference['itemid'],
), '', 'info, newcontextid, newitemid');
$source = null;
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
$candidateinfo = backup_controller_dbops::decode_backup_temp_info($candidate->info);
if ($candidateinfo->filename === $reference['filename']
and $candidateinfo->filepath === $reference['filepath']
and !is_null($candidate->newcontextid)
and !is_null($candidate->newitemid) ) {
$source = $candidateinfo;
$source->contextid = $candidate->newcontextid;
$source->itemid = $candidate->newitemid;
if ($source) {
// We have an alias that refers to another file also included in
// the backup. Let us change the reference field so that it refers
// to the restored copy of the original file.
$reference = file_storage::pack_reference($source);
// Send the new alias to the filepool.
$fs->create_file_from_reference($info->newfile, $repository->id, $reference);
} else {
// This is a reference to some moodle file that was not contained in the backup
// file. If we are restoring to the same site, keep the reference untouched
// and restore the alias as is if the referenced file exists.
if ($this->task->is_samesite()) {
if ($fs->file_exists($reference['contextid'], $reference['component'], $reference['filearea'],
$reference['itemid'], $reference['filepath'], $reference['filename'])) {
$reference = file_storage::pack_reference($reference);
$fs->create_file_from_reference($info->newfile, $repository->id, $reference);
} else {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'referenced file not found');
// If we are at other site, we can't restore this alias.
} else {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'referenced file not included');
} else if ($info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'user') {
if ($this->task->is_samesite()) {
// For aliases to user Private files at the same site, we have a chance to check
// if the referenced file still exists.
try {
$reference = file_storage::unpack_reference($info->oldfile->reference);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'invalid reference field format');
if ($fs->file_exists($reference['contextid'], $reference['component'], $reference['filearea'],
$reference['itemid'], $reference['filepath'], $reference['filename'])) {
$reference = file_storage::pack_reference($reference);
$fs->create_file_from_reference($info->newfile, $repository->id, $reference);
} else {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'referenced file not found');
// If we are at other site, we can't restore this alias.
} else {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'restoring at another site');
} else {
// This is a reference to some external file such as in boxnet or dropbox.
// If we are restoring to the same site, keep the reference untouched and
// restore the alias as is.
if ($this->task->is_samesite()) {
$fs->create_file_from_reference($info->newfile, $repository->id, $info->oldfile->reference);
// If we are at other site, we can't restore this alias.
} else {
$this->notify_failure($info, 'restoring at another site');
* Choose the repository instance that should handle the alias.
* At the same site, we can rely on repository instance id and we just
* check it still exists. On other site, try to find matching Server files or
* Legacy course files repository instance. Return null if no matching
* repository instance can be found.
* @param stdClass $info
* @return repository|null
private function choose_repository(stdClass $info) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if ($this->task->is_samesite()) {
// We can rely on repository instance id.
if (array_key_exists($info->oldfile->repositoryid, $this->cachereposbyid)) {
return $this->cachereposbyid[$info->oldfile->repositoryid];
$this->log('looking for repository instance by id', backup::LOG_DEBUG, $info->oldfile->repositoryid, 1);
try {
$this->cachereposbyid[$info->oldfile->repositoryid] = repository::get_repository_by_id($info->oldfile->repositoryid, SYSCONTEXTID);
return $this->cachereposbyid[$info->oldfile->repositoryid];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->cachereposbyid[$info->oldfile->repositoryid] = null;
return null;
} else {
// We can rely on repository type only.
if (empty($info->oldfile->repositorytype)) {
return null;
if (array_key_exists($info->oldfile->repositorytype, $this->cachereposbytype)) {
return $this->cachereposbytype[$info->oldfile->repositorytype];
$this->log('looking for repository instance by type', backup::LOG_DEBUG, $info->oldfile->repositorytype, 1);
// Both Server files and Legacy course files repositories have a single
// instance at the system context to use. Let us try to find it.
if ($info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'local' or $info->oldfile->repositorytype === 'coursefiles') {
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {repository} r
JOIN {repository_instances} ri ON ri.typeid =
WHERE r.type = ? AND ri.contextid = ?";
$ris = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($info->oldfile->repositorytype, SYSCONTEXTID));
if (empty($ris)) {
return null;
$repoids = array_keys($ris);
$repoid = reset($repoids);
try {
$this->cachereposbytype[$info->oldfile->repositorytype] = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, SYSCONTEXTID);
return $this->cachereposbytype[$info->oldfile->repositorytype];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->cachereposbytype[$info->oldfile->repositorytype] = null;
return null;
$this->cachereposbytype[$info->oldfile->repositorytype] = null;
return null;
* Let the user know that the given alias was successfully restored
* @param stdClass $info
private function notify_success(stdClass $info) {
$filedesc = $this->describe_alias($info);
$this->log('successfully restored alias', backup::LOG_DEBUG, $filedesc, 1);
* Let the user know that the given alias can't be restored
* @param stdClass $info
* @param string $reason detailed reason to be logged
private function notify_failure(stdClass $info, $reason = '') {
$filedesc = $this->describe_alias($info);
if ($reason) {
$reason = ' ('.$reason.')';
$this->log('unable to restore alias'.$reason, backup::LOG_WARNING, $filedesc, 1);
$this->add_result_item('file_aliases_restore_failures', $filedesc);
* Return a human readable description of the alias file
* @param stdClass $info
* @return string
private function describe_alias(stdClass $info) {
$filedesc = $this->expected_alias_location($info->newfile);
if (!is_null($info->oldfile->source)) {
$filedesc .= ' ('.$info->oldfile->source.')';
return $filedesc;
* Return the expected location of a file
* Please note this may and may not work as a part of URL to pluginfile.php
* (depends on how the given component/filearea deals with the itemid).
* @param stdClass $filerecord
* @return string
private function expected_alias_location($filerecord) {
$filedesc = '/'.$filerecord->contextid.'/'.$filerecord->component.'/'.$filerecord->filearea;
if (!is_null($filerecord->itemid)) {
$filedesc .= '/'.$filerecord->itemid;
$filedesc .= $filerecord->filepath.$filerecord->filename;
return $filedesc;
* Append a value to the given resultset
* @param string $name name of the result containing a list of values
* @param mixed $value value to add as another item in that result
private function add_result_item($name, $value) {
$results = $this->task->get_results();
if (isset($results[$name])) {
if (!is_array($results[$name])) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to append a result item into a non-array structure.');
$current = $results[$name];
$current[] = $value;
$this->task->add_result(array($name => $current));
} else {
$this->task->add_result(array($name => array($value)));
* Abstract structure step, to be used by all the activities using core questions stuff
* (like the quiz module), to support qtype plugins, states and sessions
abstract class restore_questions_activity_structure_step extends restore_activity_structure_step {
/** @var array question_attempt->id to qtype. */
protected $qtypes = array();
/** @var array question_attempt->id to questionid. */
protected $newquestionids = array();
* Attach below $element (usually attempts) the needed restore_path_elements
* to restore question_usages and all they contain.
* If you use the $nameprefix parameter, then you will need to implement some
* extra methods in your class, like
* protected function process_{nameprefix}question_attempt($data) {
* $this->restore_question_usage_worker($data, '{nameprefix}');
* }
* protected function process_{nameprefix}question_attempt($data) {
* $this->restore_question_attempt_worker($data, '{nameprefix}');
* }
* protected function process_{nameprefix}question_attempt_step($data) {
* $this->restore_question_attempt_step_worker($data, '{nameprefix}');
* }
* @param restore_path_element $element the parent element that the usages are stored inside.
* @param array $paths the paths array that is being built.
* @param string $nameprefix should match the prefix passed to the corresponding
* backup_questions_activity_structure_step::add_question_usages call.
protected function add_question_usages($element, &$paths, $nameprefix = '') {
// Check $element is restore_path_element
if (! $element instanceof restore_path_element) {
throw new restore_step_exception('element_must_be_restore_path_element', $element);
// Check $paths is one array
if (!is_array($paths)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('paths_must_be_array', $paths);
$paths[] = new restore_path_element($nameprefix . 'question_usage',
$element->get_path() . "/{$nameprefix}question_usage");
$paths[] = new restore_path_element($nameprefix . 'question_attempt',
$element->get_path() . "/{$nameprefix}question_usage/{$nameprefix}question_attempts/{$nameprefix}question_attempt");
$paths[] = new restore_path_element($nameprefix . 'question_attempt_step',
$element->get_path() . "/{$nameprefix}question_usage/{$nameprefix}question_attempts/{$nameprefix}question_attempt/{$nameprefix}steps/{$nameprefix}step",
$paths[] = new restore_path_element($nameprefix . 'question_attempt_step_data',
$element->get_path() . "/{$nameprefix}question_usage/{$nameprefix}question_attempts/{$nameprefix}question_attempt/{$nameprefix}steps/{$nameprefix}step/{$nameprefix}response/{$nameprefix}variable");
* Process question_usages
protected function process_question_usage($data) {
$this->restore_question_usage_worker($data, '');
* Process question_attempts
protected function process_question_attempt($data) {
$this->restore_question_attempt_worker($data, '');
* Process question_attempt_steps
protected function process_question_attempt_step($data) {
$this->restore_question_attempt_step_worker($data, '');
* This method does the acutal work for process_question_usage or
* process_{nameprefix}_question_usage.
* @param array $data the data from the XML file.
* @param string $nameprefix the element name prefix.
protected function restore_question_usage_worker($data, $nameprefix) {
global $DB;
// Clear our caches.
$this->qtypes = array();
$this->newquestionids = array();
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$oldcontextid = $this->get_task()->get_old_contextid();
$data->contextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $this->task->get_old_contextid());
// Everything ready, insert (no mapping needed)
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question_usages', $data);
$this->set_mapping($nameprefix . 'question_usage', $oldid, $newitemid, false);
* When process_question_usage creates the new usage, it calls this method
* to let the activity link to the new usage. For example, the quiz uses
* this method to set quiz_attempts.uniqueid to the new usage id.
* @param integer $newusageid
abstract protected function inform_new_usage_id($newusageid);
* This method does the acutal work for process_question_attempt or
* process_{nameprefix}_question_attempt.
* @param array $data the data from the XML file.
* @param string $nameprefix the element name prefix.
protected function restore_question_attempt_worker($data, $nameprefix) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$question = $this->get_mapping('question', $data->questionid);
$data->questionusageid = $this->get_new_parentid($nameprefix . 'question_usage');
$data->questionid = $question->newitemid;
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question_attempts', $data);
$this->set_mapping($nameprefix . 'question_attempt', $oldid, $newitemid);
$this->qtypes[$newitemid] = $question->info->qtype;
$this->newquestionids[$newitemid] = $data->questionid;
* This method does the acutal work for process_question_attempt_step or
* process_{nameprefix}_question_attempt_step.
* @param array $data the data from the XML file.
* @param string $nameprefix the element name prefix.
protected function restore_question_attempt_step_worker($data, $nameprefix) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
// Pull out the response data.
$response = array();
if (!empty($data->{$nameprefix . 'response'}[$nameprefix . 'variable'])) {
foreach ($data->{$nameprefix . 'response'}[$nameprefix . 'variable'] as $variable) {
$response[$variable['name']] = $variable['value'];
$data->questionattemptid = $this->get_new_parentid($nameprefix . 'question_attempt');
$data->timecreated = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecreated);
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
// Everything ready, insert and create mapping (needed by question_sessions)
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('question_attempt_steps', $data);
$this->set_mapping('question_attempt_step', $oldid, $newitemid, true);
// Now process the response data.
$response = $this->questions_recode_response_data(
$data->sequencenumber, $response);
foreach ($response as $name => $value) {
$row = new stdClass();
$row->attemptstepid = $newitemid;
$row->name = $name;
$row->value = $value;
$DB->insert_record('question_attempt_step_data', $row, false);
* Recode the respones data for a particular step of an attempt at at particular question.
* @param string $qtype the question type.
* @param int $newquestionid the question id.
* @param int $sequencenumber the sequence number.
* @param array $response the response data to recode.
public function questions_recode_response_data(
$qtype, $newquestionid, $sequencenumber, array $response) {
$qtyperestorer = $this->get_qtype_restorer($qtype);
if ($qtyperestorer) {
$response = $qtyperestorer->recode_response($newquestionid, $sequencenumber, $response);
return $response;
* Given a list of question->ids, separated by commas, returns the
* recoded list, with all the restore question mappings applied.
* Note: Used by quiz->questions and quiz_attempts->layout
* Note: 0 = page break (unconverted)
protected function questions_recode_layout($layout) {
// Extracts question id from sequence
if ($questionids = explode(',', $layout)) {
foreach ($questionids as $id => $questionid) {
if ($questionid) { // If it is zero then this is a pagebreak, don't translate
$newquestionid = $this->get_mappingid('question', $questionid);
$questionids[$id] = $newquestionid;
return implode(',', $questionids);
* Get the restore_qtype_plugin subclass for a specific question type.
* @param string $qtype e.g. multichoice.
* @return restore_qtype_plugin instance.
protected function get_qtype_restorer($qtype) {
// Build one static cache to store {@link restore_qtype_plugin}
// while we are needing them, just to save zillions of instantiations
// or using static stuff that will break our nice API
static $qtypeplugins = array();
if (!isset($qtypeplugins[$qtype])) {
$classname = 'restore_qtype_' . $qtype . '_plugin';
if (class_exists($classname)) {
$qtypeplugins[$qtype] = new $classname('qtype', $qtype, $this);
} else {
$qtypeplugins[$qtype] = null;
return $qtypeplugins[$qtype];
protected function after_execute() {
// Restore any files belonging to responses.
foreach (question_engine::get_all_response_file_areas() as $filearea) {
$this->add_related_files('question', $filearea, 'question_attempt_step');
* Attach below $element (usually attempts) the needed restore_path_elements
* to restore question attempt data from Moodle 2.0.
* When using this method, the parent element ($element) must be defined with
* $grouped = true. Then, in that elements process method, you must call
* {@link process_legacy_attempt_data()} with the groupded data. See, for
* example, the usage of this method in {@link restore_quiz_activity_structure_step}.
* @param restore_path_element $element the parent element. (E.g. a quiz attempt.)
* @param array $paths the paths array that is being built to describe the
* structure.
protected function add_legacy_question_attempt_data($element, &$paths) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/upgrade/upgradelib.php');
// Check $element is restore_path_element
if (!($element instanceof restore_path_element)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('element_must_be_restore_path_element', $element);
// Check $paths is one array
if (!is_array($paths)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('paths_must_be_array', $paths);
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('question_state',
$element->get_path() . '/states/state');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('question_session',
$element->get_path() . '/sessions/session');
protected function get_attempt_upgrader() {
if (empty($this->attemptupgrader)) {
$this->attemptupgrader = new question_engine_attempt_upgrader();
return $this->attemptupgrader;
* Process the attempt data defined by {@link add_legacy_question_attempt_data()}.
* @param object $data contains all the grouped attempt data ot process.
* @param pbject $quiz data about the activity the attempts belong to. Required
* fields are (basically this only works for the quiz module):
* oldquestions => list of question ids in this activity - using old ids.
* preferredbehaviour => the behaviour to use for questionattempts.
protected function process_legacy_quiz_attempt_data($data, $quiz) {
global $DB;
$upgrader = $this->get_attempt_upgrader();
$data = (object)$data;
$layout = explode(',', $data->layout);
$newlayout = $layout;
// Convert each old question_session into a question_attempt.
$qas = array();
foreach (explode(',', $quiz->oldquestions) as $questionid) {
if ($questionid == 0) {
$newquestionid = $this->get_mappingid('question', $questionid);
if (!$newquestionid) {
throw new restore_step_exception('questionattemptreferstomissingquestion',
$questionid, $questionid);
$question = $upgrader->load_question($newquestionid, $quiz->id);
foreach ($layout as $key => $qid) {
if ($qid == $questionid) {
$newlayout[$key] = $newquestionid;
list($qsession, $qstates) = $this->find_question_session_and_states(
$data, $questionid);
if (empty($qsession) || empty($qstates)) {
throw new restore_step_exception('questionattemptdatamissing',
$questionid, $questionid);
list($qsession, $qstates) = $this->recode_legacy_response_data(
$question, $qsession, $qstates);
$data->layout = implode(',', $newlayout);
$qas[$newquestionid] = $upgrader->convert_question_attempt(
$quiz, $data, $question, $qsession, $qstates);
// Now create a new question_usage.
$usage = new stdClass();
$usage->component = 'mod_quiz';
$usage->contextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $this->task->get_old_contextid());
$usage->preferredbehaviour = $quiz->preferredbehaviour;
$usage->id = $DB->insert_record('question_usages', $usage);
$data->uniqueid = $usage->id;
$upgrader->save_usage($quiz->preferredbehaviour, $data, $qas, $quiz->questions);
protected function find_question_session_and_states($data, $questionid) {
$qsession = null;
foreach ($data->sessions['session'] as $session) {
if ($session['questionid'] == $questionid) {
$qsession = (object) $session;
$qstates = array();
foreach ($data->states['state'] as $state) {
if ($state['question'] == $questionid) {
// It would be natural to use $state['seq_number'] as the array-key
// here, but it seems that buggy behaviour in 2.0 and early can
// mean that that is not unique, so we use id, which is guaranteed
// to be unique.
$qstates[$state['id']] = (object) $state;
$qstates = array_values($qstates);
return array($qsession, $qstates);
* Recode any ids in the response data
* @param object $question the question data
* @param object $qsession the question sessions.
* @param array $qstates the question states.
protected function recode_legacy_response_data($question, $qsession, $qstates) {
$qsession->questionid = $question->id;
foreach ($qstates as &$state) {
$state->question = $question->id;
$state->answer = $this->restore_recode_legacy_answer($state, $question->qtype);
return array($qsession, $qstates);
* Recode the legacy answer field.
* @param object $state the state to recode the answer of.
* @param string $qtype the question type.
public function restore_recode_legacy_answer($state, $qtype) {
$restorer = $this->get_qtype_restorer($qtype);
if ($restorer) {
return $restorer->recode_legacy_state_answer($state);
} else {
return $state->answer;