mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 02:22:38 +01:00
- fixed (hopefully) all <img> tags - global replace on <br> to <br /> - & in URLs - got the forum module XHTML compliant Julian Sedding
201 lines
7.2 KiB
201 lines
7.2 KiB
<?php // $Id$
// Displays a post, and all the posts below it.
// If no post is given, displays all posts in a discussion
require_variable($d); // Discussion ID
optional_variable($parent); // If set, then display this post and all children.
optional_variable($mode); // If set, changes the layout of the thread
optional_variable($move); // If set, moves this discussion to another forum
if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $d)) {
error("Discussion ID was incorrect or no longer exists");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $discussion->course)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect - discussion is faulty");
if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
if ($course->category) {
if (!empty($move)) {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can do that!");
if ($forum = get_record("forum", "id", $move)) {
if (!forum_move_attachments($discussion, $move)) {
notify("Errors occurred while moving attachment directories - check your file permissions");
set_field("forum_discussions", "forum", $forum->id, "id", $discussion->id);
$discussion->forum = $forum->id;
if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id)) {
add_to_log($course->id, "forum", "move discussion", "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id", "$discussion->id",
} else {
add_to_log($course->id, "forum", "move discussion", "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id", "$discussion->id");
$discussionmoved = true;
} else {
error("You can't move to that forum - it doesn't exist!");
if (empty($forum)) {
if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $discussion->forum)) {
notify("Bad forum ID stored in this discussion");
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("You must be a $course->teacher to view this forum");
$logparameters = "d=$discussion->id";
if ($parent) {
$logparameters .= "&parent=$parent";
if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id)) {
add_to_log($course->id, "forum", "view discussion", "discuss.php?$logparameters", "$discussion->id", $cm->id);
} else {
add_to_log($course->id, "forum", "view discussion", "discuss.php?$logparameters", "$discussion->id");
if ($mode) {
set_user_preference("forum_displaymode", $mode);
$displaymode = get_user_preferences("forum_displaymode", $CFG->forum_displaymode);
if ($parent) {
if (abs($displaymode) == 1) { // If flat AND parent, then force nested display this time
$displaymode = 3;
} else {
$parent = $discussion->firstpost;
$navtail = "$discussion->name";
if (! $post = forum_get_post_full($parent)) {
error("Discussion no longer exists", "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$forum->id");
if (empty($navtail)) {
$navtail = "<a href=\"discuss.php?d=$discussion->id\">$discussion->name</a> -> $post->subject";
$navmiddle = "<a href=\"../forum/index.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string("forums", "forum")."</a> -> <a href=\"../forum/view.php?f=$forum->id\">$forum->name</a>";
$searchform = forum_print_search_form($course, "", true, "plain");
if ($course->category) {
print_header("$course->shortname: $discussion->name", "$course->fullname",
"<a href=../../course/view.php?id=$course->id>$course->shortname</a> ->
$navmiddle -> $navtail", "", "", true, $searchform, navmenu($course, $cm), false);
} else {
print_header("$course->shortname: $discussion->name", "$course->fullname",
"$navmiddle -> $navtail", "", "", true, $searchform, navmenu($course, $cm), false);
/// Check to see if groups are being used in this forum
/// If so, make sure the current person is allowed to see this discussion
/// Also, if we know they should be able to reply, then explicitly set $canreply
$canreply = NULL; /// No override one way or the other
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
$groupmode = NOGROUPS;
} else {
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
if ($groupmode and !isteacheredit($course->id)) { // Groups must be kept separate
if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
if (mygroupid($course->id) == $discussion->groupid) {
$canreply = true;
} elseif ($discussion->groupid == -1) {
$canreply = false;
} else {
print_heading("Sorry, you can't see this discussion because you are not in this group");
} else if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$canreply = (mygroupid($course->id) == $discussion->groupid);
/// Print the controls across the top
echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"33%\">";
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS or ($groupmode and isteacheredit($course->id))) {
if ($groups = get_records_menu("groups", "courseid", $course->id, "name ASC", "id,name")) {
print_group_menu($groups, $groupmode, $discussion->groupid, "view.php?id=$cm->id&group=");
echo "</td><td width=\"33%\">";
forum_print_mode_form($discussion->id, $displaymode);
echo "</td><td width=\"33%\">";
if (isteacher($course->id)) { // Popup menu to allow discussions to be moved to other forums
if ($forums = get_all_instances_in_course("forum", $course)) {
if ($course->format == 'weeks') {
$strsection = get_string("week");
} else {
$strsection = get_string("topic");
$section = -1;
foreach ($forums as $courseforum) {
if (!empty($courseforum->section) and $section != $courseforum->section) {
$forummenu[] = "-------------- $strsection $courseforum->section --------------";
$section = $courseforum->section;
if ($courseforum->id != $forum->id) {
$url = "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id&move=$courseforum->id";
$forummenu[$url] = $courseforum->name;
if (!empty($forummenu)) {
echo "<div align=\"right\">";
echo popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/", $forummenu, "forummenu", "",
get_string("movethisdiscussionto", "forum"), "", "", true);
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
if (isset($discussionmoved)) {
notify(get_string("discussionmoved", "forum", $forum->name));
/// Print the actual discussion
forum_print_discussion($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $displaymode, $canreply);