
23 lines
922 B

@core @message @javascript
Feature: Reply message
In order to communicate with fellow users
As a user
I need to be able to reply to a message
Scenario: Reply to a message
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| user1 | User | 1 | |
| user2 | User | 2 | |
And I log in as "user2"
And I send "User 2 to User 1" message to "User 1" user
And I log out
When I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Messages" in the user menu
And I click on "User 2" "text" in the "conversations" "message_area_region_content"
And I send "Reply to User 2" message in the message area
And I log out
Then I log in as "user2"
And I follow "Messages" in the user menu
And I should see "Reply to User 2" in the "conversations" "message_area_region_content"