Yuliya Bozhko 278065528a MDL-35073 badges: Open badges integration
The badges feature allows to integrate Mozilla "Open Badges" to issue, assign,
manage and display digital badges in Moodle. This feature supports:
-- badge creation and issuing based on criteria
-- badge baking and verification service
-- direct pushing of internal badges to external backpack
-- interanl and external badge display in Moodle
-- Moodle block to display latest badges
2013-04-02 15:49:02 +08:00

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Feature: Award badges
In order to award badges to users for their achievements
As an admin
I need to add criteria to badges in the system
Given I am on homepage
And I log in as "admin"
Scenario: Add criteria
Given I expand "Site administration" node
And I expand "Badges" node
And I follow "Add a new badge"
And I fill the moodle form with:
| Name | Test Badge |
| Description | Test badge description |
| issuername | Test Badge Site |
| issuercontact | |
And I upload "badges/tests/behat/badge.png" file to "Image" filepicker
And I press "Create badge"
And I select "Profile completion" from "type"
And I wait "5" seconds
And I check "First name"
And I check "Email address"
When I press "Save"
Then I should see "Profile completion"
And I should see "First name"
And I should see "Email address"
And I should not see "Criteria for this badge have not been set up yet."
Scenario: Earn badge
Given I expand "Site administration" node
And I expand "Badges" node
And I follow "Add a new badge"
And I fill the moodle form with:
| Name | Profile Badge |
| Description | Test badge description |
| issuername | Test Badge Site |
| issuercontact | |
And I upload "badges/tests/behat/badge.png" file to "Image" filepicker
And I press "Create badge"
And I select "Profile completion" from "type"
And I wait "5" seconds
And I check "Phone"
And I press "Save"
And I press "Enable access"
And I press "Continue"
And I expand "My profile settings" node
And I follow "Edit profile"
And I expand all fieldsets
And I fill in "Phone" with "123456789"
And I press "Update profile"
When I follow "My badges"
Then I should see "Profile Badge"
And I should not see "There are no badges available."