moodler 8e6c87ccf3 Teachers can choose to allow review of quizzes, which means that students
are allowed to see past quizzes.  This only works once the quiz is completely
closed (to perhaps prevent easy cheating).
2003-01-01 14:47:11 +00:00

110 lines
5.3 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = "Quiz";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Quizzes";
$string['addselectedtoquiz'] = "Add selected to quiz";
$string['allowreview'] = "Allow review";
$string['alwaysavailable'] = "Always available";
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = "It is likely that you have already submitted this attempt";
$string['answer'] = "Answer";
$string['answerhowmany'] = "One or multiple answers?";
$string['answersingleyes'] = "One answer only";
$string['answersingleno'] = "Multiple answers allowed";
$string['attempt'] = "Attempt \$a";
$string['attemptfirst'] = "First attempt";
$string['attemptlast'] = "Last attempt";
$string['attemptquiznow'] = "Attempt quiz now";
$string['attempts'] = "Attempts";
$string['attemptsallowed'] = "Attempts allowed";
$string['attemptsunlimited'] = "Unlimited attempts";
$string['backtoquiz'] = "Back to quiz editing";
$string['bestgrade'] = "Best grade";
$string['casesensitive'] = "Case sensitivity";
$string['caseyes'] = "Yes, case must match";
$string['caseno'] = "No, case is unimportant";
$string['categories'] = "Categories";
$string['category'] = "Category";
$string['categoryinfo'] = "Category info";
$string['categorymove'] = "The category '\$a->name' contains \$a->count questions. Please choose another category to move them to.";
$string['categorymoveto'] = "Move them to this category";
$string['choice'] = "Choice";
$string['choices'] = "Available choices";
$string['correctanswer'] = "Correct answer";
$string['correctanswers'] = "Correct answers";
$string['createnewquestion'] = "Create new question";
$string['daysavailable'] = "Days available";
$string['default'] = "Default";
$string['defaultinfo'] = "The default category for questions.";
$string['deletequestioncheck'] = "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete '\$a'?";
$string['editcategories'] = "Edit categories";
$string['editingquiz'] = "Editing quiz";
$string['editingquestion'] = "Editing a question";
$string['editingshortanswer'] = "Editing a short answer question";
$string['editingtruefalse'] = "Editing a true/false question";
$string['editingmultichoice'] = "Editing a multiple choice question";
$string['false'] = "False";
$string['feedback'] = "Feedback";
$string['filloutoneanswer'] = "You must fill out at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used.";
$string['fillouttwochoices'] = "You must fill out at least two choices. Choices left blank will not be used.";
$string['fractionsaddwrong'] = "The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%%
<BR>Instead, they add up to \$a%%
<BR>Do you want to go back and fix this question?";
$string['fractionsnomax'] = "One of the answers should be 100%%, so that it is
<BR>possible to get a full grade for this question.
<BR>Do you want to go back and fix this question?";
$string['gradeaverage'] = "Average grade";
$string['gradehighest'] = "Highest grade";
$string['grademethod'] = "Grading method";
$string['guestsno'] = "Sorry, guests can not see or attempt quizzes";
$string['imagedisplay'] = "Image to display";
$string['introduction'] = "Introduction";
$string['marks'] = "Marks";
$string['missingname'] = "Missing question name";
$string['missingquestiontext'] = "Missing question text";
$string['multichoice'] = "Multiple Choice";
$string['noanswers'] = "No answers were selected!";
$string['noattempts'] = "No attempts have been made on this quiz";
$string['nomoreattempts'] = "No more attempts are allowed";
$string['noquestions'] = "No questions have been added yet";
$string['noreview'] = "You are not allowed to review this quiz";
$string['noreviewuntil'] = "You are not allowed to review this quiz until \$a";
$string['publish'] = "Publish";
$string['question'] = "Question";
$string['questioninuse'] = "The question '\$a' is currently being used:";
$string['questions'] = "Questions";
$string['questionname'] = "Question name";
$string['quizavailable'] = "The quiz is available until: \$a";
$string['quizclose'] = "Close the quiz";
$string['quizclosed'] = "This quiz closed on \$a";
$string['quizopen'] = "Open the quiz";
$string['quiznotavailable'] = "The quiz will not be available until: \$a";
$string['random'] = "Random set";
$string['readytosend'] = "You are about to send your whole quiz to be graded. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$string['regrade'] = "Regrade all attempts";
$string['regradecomplete'] = "All attempts have been regraded";
$string['regradecount'] = "\$a->changed out of \$a->attempt grades were changed";
$string['rename'] = "Rename";
$string['report'] = "Reports";
$string['save'] = "Save";
$string['savegrades'] = "Save grades";
$string['savemyanswers'] = "Save my answers";
$string['savequiz'] = "Save this whole quiz";
$string['score'] = "Raw score";
$string['select'] = "Select";
$string['selectcategoryabove'] = "Select a category above";
$string['shortanswer'] = "Short Answer";
$string['show'] = "Show";
$string['showfeedback'] = "After answering, show feedback?";
$string['showcorrectanswer'] = "In feedback, show correct answers?";
$string['time'] = "Time";
$string['timetaken'] = "Time taken";
$string['timecompleted'] = "Completed";
$string['true'] = "True";
$string['truefalse'] = "True/False";
$string['type'] = "Type";
$string['viewallanswers'] = "View \$a completed quizzes";
$string['yourfinalgradeis'] = "Your final grade for this quiz is \$a";