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809 lines
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809 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/Store.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/ChildAssociation.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/Association.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/NamespaceMap.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/ContentData.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/VersionHistory.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/alfresco/Service/Version.php';
class Node extends BaseObject
private $_session;
private $_store;
private $_id;
private $_type;
private $_aspects;
private $_properties;
private $_children;
private $_parents;
private $_primaryParent;
private $_isNewNode;
private $_associations;
private $_versionHistory;
private $origionalProperties;
private $addedAspects;
private $removedAspects;
private $addedChildren;
private $addedParents;
private $addedAssociations;
private $removedAssociations;
* Constructor
public function __construct($session, $store, $id)
$this->_session = $session;
$this->_store = $store;
$this->_id = $id;
$this->_isNewNode = false;
$this->addedChildren = array();
$this->addedParents = array();
$this->addedAssociations = array();
* Util method to create a node from a web service node structure.
public static function createFromWebServiceData($session, $webServiceNode)
$scheme = $webServiceNode->reference->store->scheme;
$address = $webServiceNode->reference->store->address;
$id = $webServiceNode->reference->uuid;
$store = $session->getStore($address, $scheme);
$node = $session->getNode($store, $id);
return $node;
public function setPropertyValues($properties)
// Check that the properties of the node have been populated
// Set the property values
foreach ($properties as $name=>$value)
$name = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullName($name);
$this->_properties[$name] = $value;
public function updateContent($property, $mimetype, $encoding="UTF-8", $content=null)
list($property) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($property));
$contentData = new ContentData($this, $property, $mimetype, $encoding);
if ($content != null)
$contentData->content = $content;
$this->_properties[$property] = $contentData;
return $contentData;
public function hasAspect($aspect)
list($aspect) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($aspect));
return in_array($aspect, $this->_aspects);
public function addAspect($aspect, $properties = null)
list($aspect) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($aspect));
if (in_array($aspect, $this->_aspects) == false)
$this->_aspects[] = $aspect;
if ($properties != null)
foreach ($properties as $name=>$value)
$name = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullName($name);
$this->_properties[$name] = $value;
$this->remove_array_value($aspect, $this->removedAspects);
$this->addedAspects[] = $aspect;
public function removeAspect($aspect)
list($aspect) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($aspect));
if (in_array($aspect, $this->_aspects) == true)
$this->remove_array_value($aspect, $this->_aspects);
$this->remove_array_value($aspect, $this->addedAspects);
$this->removedAspects[] = $aspect;
public function createChild($type, $associationType, $associationName)
list($type, $associationType, $associationName) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($type, $associationType, $associationName));
$id = $this->_session->nextSessionId();
$newNode = new Node($this->_session, $this->_store, $id);
$childAssociation = new ChildAssociation($this, $newNode, $associationType, $associationName, true);
$newNode->_isNewNode = true;
$newNode->_properties = array();
$newNode->_aspects = array();
$newNode->_properties = array();
$newNode->_children = array();
$newNode->origionalProperties = array();
$newNode->addedAspects = array();
$newNode->removedAspects = array();
$newNode->_type = $type;
$newNode->_parents = array();
$newNode->addedParents = array($this->__toString() => $childAssociation);
$newNode->_primaryParent = $this;
$this->addedChildren[$newNode->__toString()] = $childAssociation;
return $newNode;
public function addChild($node, $associationType, $associationName)
list($associationType, $associationName) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($associationType, $associationName));
$childAssociation = new ChildAssociation($this, $node, $associationType, $associationName, false);
$this->addedChildren[$node->__toString()] = $childAssociation;
$node->addedParents[$this->__toString()] = $childAssociation;
public function removeChild($childAssociation)
public function addAssociation($to, $associationType)
list($associationType) = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullNames(array($associationType));
$association = new Association($this, $to, $associationType);
$this->addedAssociations[$to->__toString()] = $association;
public function removeAssociation($association)
public function createVersion($description=null, $major=false)
// We can only create a version if there are no outstanding changes for this node
if ($this->isDirty() == true)
throw new Exception("You must save any outstanding modifications before a new version can be created.");
// TODO implement major flag ...
$client = WebServiceFactory::getAuthoringService($this->_session->repository->connectionUrl, $this->_session->ticket);
$result = $client->createVersion(
array("items" => array("nodes" => $this->__toArray()),
"comments" => array("name" => "description", "value" => $description),
"versionChildren" => false));
// Clear the properties and aspects
$this->_properties = null;
$this->_aspects = null;
// Get the version details
// TODO get some of the other details too ...
$versionId = $result->createVersionReturn->versions->id->uuid;
$versionStoreScheme = $result->createVersionReturn->versions->id->store->scheme;
$versionStoreAddress = $result->createVersionReturn->versions->id->store->address;
// Create the version object to return
return new Version($this->_session, new Store($this->_session, $versionStoreAddress, $versionStoreScheme), $versionId);
private function isDirty()
$result = true;
if ($this->_isNewNode == false &&
count($this->getModifiedProperties()) == 0 &&
($this->addedAspects == null || count($this->addedAspects) == 0) &&
($this->removedAssociations == null || count($this->removedAssociations) == 0) &&
($this->addedChildren == null || count($this->addedChildren) == 0) &&
($this->addedAssociations == null || count($this->addedAssociations) == 0))
$result = false;
return $result;
public function __get($name)
$fullName = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullName($name);
if ($fullName != $name)
if (array_key_exists($fullName, $this->_properties) == true)
return $this->_properties[$fullName];
return null;
return parent::__get($name);
public function __set($name, $value)
$fullName = $this->_session->namespaceMap->getFullName($name);
if ($fullName != $name)
$this->_properties[$fullName] = $value;
// Ensure that the node and property details are stored on the contentData object
if ($value instanceof ContentData)
$value->setPropertyDetails($this, $fullName);
parent::__set($name, $value);
* toString method. Returns node as a node reference style string.
public function __toString()
return Node::__toNodeRef($this->_store, $this->id);
public static function __toNodeRef($store, $id)
return $store->scheme . "://" . $store->address . "/" . $id;
public function __toArray()
return array("store" => $this->_store->__toArray(),
"uuid" => $this->_id);
public function getSession()
return $this->_session;
public function getStore()
return $this->_store;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
public function getIsNewNode()
return $this->_isNewNode;
public function getType()
return $this->_type;
public function getAspects()
return $this->_aspects;
public function getProperties()
return $this->_properties;
public function setProperties($properties)
$this->_properties = $properties;
* Accessor for the versionHistory property.
* @return VersionHistory the versionHistory for the node, null is none
public function getVersionHistory()
if ($this->_versionHistory == null)
$this->_versionHistory = new VersionHistory($this);
return $this->_versionHistory;
public function getChildren()
if ($this->_children == null)
return $this->_children + $this->addedChildren;
public function getParents()
if ($this->_parents == null)
return $this->_parents + $this->addedParents;
public function getPrimaryParent()
if ($this->_primaryParent == null)
return $this->_primaryParent;
public function getAssociations()
if ($this->_associations == null)
return $this->_associations + $this->addedAssociations;
/** Methods used to populate node details from repository */
private function populateProperties()
if ($this->_isNewNode == false && $this->_properties == null)
$result = $this->_session->repositoryService->get(array (
"where" => array (
"nodes" => array(
"store" => $this->_store->__toArray(),
"uuid" => $this->_id))));
private function populateFromWebServiceNode($webServiceNode)
$this->_type = $webServiceNode->type;
// Get the aspects
$this->_aspects = array();
$aspects = $webServiceNode->aspects;
if (is_array($aspects) == true)
foreach ($aspects as $aspect)
$this->_aspects[] = $aspect;
$this->_aspects[] = $aspects;
// Set the property values
// NOTE: do we need to be concerned with identifying whether this is an array or not when there is
// only one property on a node
$this->_properties = array();
foreach ($webServiceNode->properties as $propertyDetails)
$name = $propertyDetails->name;
$isMultiValue = $propertyDetails->isMultiValue;
$value = null;
if ($isMultiValue == false)
$value = $propertyDetails->value;
if ($this->isContentData($value) == true)
$value = new ContentData($this, $name);
$value = $propertyDetails->value;
$this->_properties[$name] = $value;
$this->origionalProperties = $this->_properties;
$this->addedAspects = array();
$this->removedAspects = array();
private function populateChildren()
// TODO should do some sort of limited pull here
$result = $this->_session->repositoryService->queryChildren(array("node" => $this->__toArray()));
$resultSet = $result->queryReturn->resultSet;
$children = array();
$map = $this->resultSetToMap($resultSet);
foreach($map as $value)
$id = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}node-uuid"];
$store_scheme = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-protocol"];
$store_address = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-identifier"];
$assoc_type = $value["associationType"];
$assoc_name = $value["associationName"];
$isPrimary = $value["isPrimary"];
$nthSibling = $value["nthSibling"];
$child = $this->_session->getNode(new Store($this->_session, $store_address, $store_scheme), $id);
$children[$child->__toString()] = new ChildAssociation($this, $child, $assoc_type, $assoc_name, $isPrimary, $nthSibling);
$this->_children = $children;
private function populateAssociations()
// TODO should do some sort of limited pull here
$result = $this->_session->repositoryService->queryAssociated(array("node" => $this->__toArray(),
"association" => array("associationType" => null,
"direction" => null)));
$resultSet = $result->queryReturn->resultSet;
$associations = array();
$map = $this->resultSetToMap($resultSet);
foreach($map as $value)
$id = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}node-uuid"];
$store_scheme = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-protocol"];
$store_address = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-identifier"];
$assoc_type = $value["associationType"];
$to = $this->_session->getNode(new Store($this->_session, $store_address, $store_scheme), $id);
$associations[$to->__toString()] = new Association($this, $to, $assoc_type);
$this->_associations = $associations;
private function populateParents()
// TODO should do some sort of limited pull here
$result = $this->_session->repositoryService->queryParents(array("node" => $this->__toArray()));
$resultSet = $result->queryReturn->resultSet;
$parents = array();
$map = $this->resultSetToMap($resultSet);
foreach($map as $value)
$id = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}node-uuid"];
$store_scheme = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-protocol"];
$store_address = $value["{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}store-identifier"];
$assoc_type = $value["associationType"];
$assoc_name = $value["associationName"];
$isPrimary = $value["isPrimary"];
$nthSibling = $value["nthSibling"];
$parent = $this->_session->getNode(new Store($this->_session, $store_address, $store_scheme), $id);
if ($isPrimary == "true" or $isPrimary == true)
$this->_primaryParent = $parent;
$parents[$parent->__toString()] = new ChildAssociation($parent, $this, $assoc_type, $assoc_name, $isPrimary, $nthSibling);
$this->_parents = $parents;
public function onBeforeSave(&$statements)
if ($this->_isNewNode == true)
$childAssociation = $this->addedParents[$this->_primaryParent->__toString()];
$parentArray = array();
$parent = $this->_primaryParent;
if ($parent->_isNewNode == true)
$parentArray["parent_id"] = $parent->id;
$parentArray["associationType"] = $childAssociation->type;
$parentArray["childName"] = $childAssociation->name;
$parentArray["parent"] = array(
"store" => $this->_store->__toArray(),
"uuid" => $this->_primaryParent->_id,
"associationType" => $childAssociation->type,
"childName" => $childAssociation->name);
$this->addStatement($statements, "create",
array("id" => $this->_id) +
$parentArray +
"type" => $this->_type,
"property" => $this->getPropertyArray($this->_properties)));
// Add the update statement for the modified properties
$modifiedProperties = $this->getModifiedProperties();
if (count($modifiedProperties) != 0)
$this->addStatement($statements, "update", array("property" => $this->getPropertyArray($modifiedProperties)) + $this->getWhereArray());
// TODO deal with any deleted properties
// Update any modified content properties
if ($this->_properties != null)
foreach($this->_properties as $name=>$value)
if (($value instanceof ContentData) && $value->isDirty == true)
$value->onBeforeSave($statements, $this->getWhereArray());
// Add the addAspect statements
if ($this->addedAspects != null)
foreach($this->addedAspects as $aspect)
$this->addStatement($statements, "addAspect", array("aspect" => $aspect) + $this->getWhereArray());
// Add the removeAspect
if ($this->removedAspects != null)
foreach($this->removedAspects as $aspect)
$this->addStatement($statements, "removeAspect", array("aspect" => $aspect) + $this->getWhereArray());
// Add non primary children
foreach($this->addedChildren as $childAssociation)
if ($childAssociation->isPrimary == false)
$assocDetails = array("associationType" => $childAssociation->type, "childName" => $childAssociation->name);
$temp = array();
if ($childAssociation->child->_isNewNode == true)
$temp["to_id"] = $childAssociation->child->_id;
$temp = $temp + $assocDetails;
$temp["to"] = array(
"store" => $this->_store->__toArray(),
"uuid" => $childAssociation->child->_id) +
$temp = $temp + $this->getWhereArray();
$this->addStatement($statements, "addChild", $temp);
// Add associations
foreach($this->addedAssociations as $association)
$temp = array("association" => $association->type);
$temp = $temp + $this->getPredicateArray("from", $this) + $this->getPredicateArray("to", $association->to);
$this->addStatement($statements, "createAssociation", $temp);
private function addStatement(&$statements, $statement, $body)
$result = array();
if (array_key_exists($statement, $statements) == true)
$result = $statements[$statement];
$result[] = $body;
$statements[$statement] = $result;
private function getWhereArray()
return $this->getPredicateArray("where", $this);
private function getPredicateArray($label, $node)
if ($node->_isNewNode == true)
return array($label."_id" => $node->_id);
return array(
$label => array(
"nodes" => $node->__toArray()
private function getPropertyArray($properties)
$result = array();
foreach ($properties as $name=>$value)
// Ignore content properties
if (($value instanceof ContentData) == false)
// TODO need to support multi values
$result[] = array(
"name" => $name,
"isMultiValue" => false,
"value" => $value);
return $result;
private function getModifiedProperties()
$modified = $this->_properties;
$origional = $this->origionalProperties;
$result = array();
if ($modified != null)
foreach ($modified as $key=>$value)
// Ignore content properties
if (($value instanceof ContentData) == false)
if (array_key_exists($key, $origional) == true)
// Check to see if the value have been modified
if ($value != $origional[$key])
$result[$key] = $value;
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
public function onAfterSave($idMap)
if (array_key_exists($this->_id, $idMap ) == true)
$uuid = $idMap[$this->_id];
if ($uuid != null)
$this->_id = $uuid;
if ($this->_isNewNode == true)
$this->_isNewNode = false;
// Clear the properties and aspect
$this->_properties = null;
$this->_aspects = null;
// Update any modified content properties
if ($this->_properties != null)
foreach($this->_properties as $name=>$value)
if (($value instanceof ContentData) && $value->isDirty == true)
$this->origionalProperties = $this->_properties;
if ($this->_aspects != null)
// Calculate the updated aspect list
if ($this->addedAspects != null)
$this->_aspects = $this->_aspects + $this->addedAspects;
if ($this->removedAspects != null)
foreach ($this->_aspects as $aspect)
if (in_array($aspect, $this->removedAspects) == true)
$this->remove_array_value($aspect, $this->_aspects);
$this->addedAspects = array();
$this->removedAspects = array();
if ($this->_parents != null)
$this->_parents = $this->_parents + $this->addedParents;
$this->addedParents = array();
if ($this->_children != null)
$this->_children = $this->_children + $this->addedChildren;
$this->addedChildren = array();
if ($this->_associations != null)
$this->_associations = $this->_associations + $this->addedAssociations;
$this->addedAssociations = array();