Mark Nelson 1032966cee MDL-41792 core_calendar: fixed issues when using multiple calendar types
1) No longer assume that the end of the current month in Gregorian will be
the end of the month for the calendar type being used.
2) Need to take into account the hours and minutes a calendar type may vary
in order to generate timestamps.
3) When generating the previous and next month links start at the beginning
of the month, not the current day.
4) Need to convert to Gregorian when creating timestamps during calendar
2013-10-11 16:28:04 +08:00

222 lines
10 KiB

$userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$username = optional_param('username', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$authtoken = required_param('authtoken', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$generateurl = optional_param('generateurl', '', PARAM_TEXT);
if (empty($CFG->enablecalendarexport)) {
die('no export');
//Fetch user information
$checkuserid = !empty($userid) && $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), 'id,password');
//allowing for fallback check of old url - MDL-27542
$checkusername = !empty($username) && $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $username), 'id,password');
if (!$checkuserid && !$checkusername) {
//No such user
die('Invalid authentication');
//Check authentication token
$authuserid = !empty($userid) && $authtoken == sha1($userid . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
//allowing for fallback check of old url - MDL-27542
$authusername = !empty($username) && $authtoken == sha1($username . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
if (!$authuserid && !$authusername) {
die('Invalid authentication');
// Get the calendar type we are using.
$calendartype = \core_calendar\type_factory::get_calendar_instance();
$what = optional_param('preset_what', 'all', PARAM_ALPHA);
$time = optional_param('preset_time', 'weeknow', PARAM_ALPHA);
$now = $calendartype->timestamp_to_date_array(time());
// Let's see if we have sufficient and correct data
$allowed_what = array('all', 'courses');
$allowed_time = array('weeknow', 'weeknext', 'monthnow', 'monthnext', 'recentupcoming', 'custom');
if (!empty($generateurl)) {
$authtoken = sha1($user->id . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
$params = array();
$params['preset_what'] = $what;
$params['preset_time'] = $time;
$params['userid'] = $userid;
$params['authtoken'] = $authtoken;
$params['generateurl'] = true;
$link = new moodle_url('/calendar/export.php', $params);
if(!empty($what) && !empty($time)) {
if(in_array($what, $allowed_what) && in_array($time, $allowed_time)) {
$courses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, true, 'id, visible, shortname');
if ($what == 'all') {
$users = $user->id;
$groups = array();
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$course_groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id);
$groups = array_merge($groups, array_keys($course_groups));
if (empty($groups)) {
$groups = false;
$courses[SITEID] = new stdClass;
$courses[SITEID]->shortname = get_string('globalevents', 'calendar');
} else {
$users = false;
$groups = false;
// Store the number of days in the week.
$numberofdaysinweek = $calendartype->get_num_weekdays();
switch($time) {
case 'weeknow':
$startweekday = calendar_get_starting_weekday();
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month($now['mday'] - ($numberofdaysinweek - 1), $startweekday, $now['mon'], $now['year']);
$startmonth = $now['mon'];
$startyear = $now['year'];
if($startmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($startmonth, $startyear)) {
list($startmonth, $startyear) = calendar_add_month($startmonth, $startyear);
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $startmonth, $startyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($startyear, $startmonth, $startmonthday);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$endmonthday = $startmonthday + $numberofdaysinweek;
$endmonth = $startmonth;
$endyear = $startyear;
if($endmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($endmonth, $endyear)) {
list($endmonth, $endyear) = calendar_add_month($endmonth, $endyear);
$endmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $endmonth, $endyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($endyear, $endmonth, $endmonthday);
$timeend = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
case 'weeknext':
$startweekday = calendar_get_starting_weekday();
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month($now['mday'] + 1, $startweekday, $now['mon'], $now['year']);
$startmonth = $now['mon'];
$startyear = $now['year'];
if($startmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($startmonth, $startyear)) {
list($startmonth, $startyear) = calendar_add_month($startmonth, $startyear);
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $startmonth, $startyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($startyear, $startmonth, $startmonthday);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$endmonthday = $startmonthday + $numberofdaysinweek;
$endmonth = $startmonth;
$endyear = $startyear;
if($endmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($endmonth, $endyear)) {
list($endmonth, $endyear) = calendar_add_month($endmonth, $endyear);
$endmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $endmonth, $endyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($endyear, $endmonth, $endmonthday);
$timeend = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
case 'monthnow':
// Convert to gregorian.
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($now['year'], $now['mon'], 1);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$timeend = $timestart + (calendar_days_in_month($now['mon'], $now['year']) * DAYSECS);
case 'monthnext':
// Get the next month for this calendar.
list($nextmonth, $nextyear) = calendar_add_month($now['mon'], $now['year']);
// Convert to gregorian.
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($nextyear, $nextmonth, 1);
// Create the timestamps.
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$timeend = $timestart + (calendar_days_in_month($nextmonth, $nextyear) * DAYSECS);
case 'recentupcoming':
//Events in the last 5 or next 60 days
$timestart = time() - 432000;
$timeend = time() + 5184000;
case 'custom':
// Events based on custom date range.
$timestart = time() - $CFG->calendar_exportlookback * DAYSECS;
$timeend = time() + $CFG->calendar_exportlookahead * DAYSECS;
else {
// Parameters given but incorrect, redirect back to export page
$events = calendar_get_events($timestart, $timeend, $users, $groups, array_keys($courses), false);
$ical = new iCalendar;
$ical->add_property('method', 'PUBLISH');
foreach($events as $event) {
if (!empty($event->modulename)) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance);
if (!groups_course_module_visible($cm)) {
$hostaddress = str_replace('http://', '', $CFG->wwwroot);
$hostaddress = str_replace('https://', '', $hostaddress);
$ev = new iCalendar_event;
$ev->add_property('uid', $event->id.'@'.$hostaddress);
$ev->add_property('summary', $event->name);
$ev->add_property('description', clean_param($event->description, PARAM_NOTAGS));
$ev->add_property('class', 'PUBLIC'); // PUBLIC / PRIVATE / CONFIDENTIAL
$ev->add_property('last-modified', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timemodified));
$ev->add_property('dtstamp', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime()); // now
$ev->add_property('dtstart', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timestart)); // when event starts
if ($event->timeduration > 0) {
//dtend is better than duration, because it works in Microsoft Outlook and works better in Korganizer
$ev->add_property('dtend', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timestart + $event->timeduration));
if ($event->courseid != 0) {
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($event->courseid);
$ev->add_property('categories', format_string($courses[$event->courseid]->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext)));
$serialized = $ical->serialize();
if(empty($serialized)) {
die('bad serialization');
$filename = 'icalexport.ics';
header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) .' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .'GMT');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Accept-Ranges: none'); // Comment out if PDFs do not work...
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
header('Content-length: '.strlen($serialized));
header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
echo $serialized;