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synced 2025-03-06 08:49:53 +01:00
This was implemented by Matt Petro of the University of Wisconsin - Madison Engineering School and Math Department. Many thanks. Reviewed by and committed by Tim Hunt. This adds a new Overrides tab to the UI, with sub-tabs Group overrides and User overrides. Each of those lists all the overrides that currently exist, and lets you manage them and create more. When a quiz is being attempted, the override that applies to the current user is combined with the current quiz settings loaded from the quiz table (normally called $quiz). If there are both user and group overrides, then just the specific user override is used (more specific). If the user is in several groups, then the overrides are combined to give the most permissive set of options. There is one new database table quiz_overrides, to store the overrides.
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175 lines
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* This page prints a particular instance of quiz
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been completely
* rewritten by Alex Smith, Julian Sedding and Gustav Delius as part of
* the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link http://maths.york.ac.uk/serving_maths}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package quiz
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');
/// Look for old-style URLs, such as may be in the logs, and redirect them to startattemtp.php
if ($id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INTEGER)) {
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/startattempt.php?cmid=' . $id . '&sesskey=' . sesskey());
} else if ($qid = optional_param('q', 0, PARAM_INTEGER)) {
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $qid)) {
print_error('invalidquizid', 'quiz');
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/startattempt.php?cmid=' . $cm->id . '&sesskey=' . sesskey());
/// Get submitted parameters.
$attemptid = required_param('attempt', PARAM_INT);
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/attempt.php', array('attempt'=>$attemptid));
if ($page !== 0) {
$url->param('page', $page);
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid);
/// Check login.
require_login($attemptobj->get_courseid(), false, $attemptobj->get_cm());
/// Check that this attempt belongs to this user.
if ($attemptobj->get_userid() != $USER->id) {
if ($attemptobj->has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports')) {
redirect($attemptobj->review_url(0, $page));
} else {
quiz_error($attemptobj->get_quiz(), 'notyourattempt');
/// Check capabilites.
if ($attemptobj->is_preview_user()) {
} else {
/// If the attempt is already closed, send them to the review page.
if ($attemptobj->is_finished()) {
redirect($attemptobj->review_url(0, $page));
/// Check the access rules.
$accessmanager = $attemptobj->get_access_manager(time());
$messages = $accessmanager->prevent_access();
if (!$attemptobj->is_preview_user() && $messages) {
print_error('attempterror', 'quiz', $quizobj->view_url(),
$accessmanager->print_messages($messages, true));
/// This action used to be 'continue attempt' but the database field has only 15 characters.
add_to_log($attemptobj->get_courseid(), 'quiz', 'continue attemp',
'review.php?attempt=' . $attemptobj->get_attemptid(),
$attemptobj->get_quizid(), $attemptobj->get_cmid());
/// Get the list of questions needed by this page.
$questionids = $attemptobj->get_question_ids($page);
/// Check.
if (empty($questionids)) {
quiz_error($quiz, 'noquestionsfound');
/// Load those questions and the associated states.
/// Print the quiz page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$PAGE->requires->js('/lib/overlib/overlib.js', true);
$PAGE->requires->js('/lib/overlib/overlib_cssstyle.js', true);
// Arrange for the navigation to be displayed.
$navbc = $attemptobj->get_navigation_panel('quiz_attempt_nav_panel', $page);
$firstregion = reset($PAGE->blocks->get_regions());
$PAGE->blocks->add_pretend_block($navbc, $firstregion);
// Print the page header
$title = get_string('attempt', 'quiz', $attemptobj->get_attempt_number());
$headtags = $attemptobj->get_html_head_contributions($page);
if ($accessmanager->securewindow_required($attemptobj->is_preview_user())) {
$accessmanager->setup_secure_page($attemptobj->get_course()->shortname . ': ' .
format_string($attemptobj->get_quiz_name()), $headtags);
} elseif ($accessmanager->safebrowser_required($attemptobj->is_preview_user())) {
$PAGE->set_title($attemptobj->get_course()->shortname . ': '.format_string($attemptobj->get_quiz_name()));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo '<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>'; // for overlib
if ($attemptobj->is_preview_user()) {
/// Show the tab bar.
$currenttab = 'preview';
/// Heading and tab bar.
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('previewquiz', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
/// Inform teachers of any restrictions that would apply to students at this point.
if ($messages) {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('quizaccessnotices');
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('accessnoticesheader', 'quiz'), 3);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
// Start the form
echo '<form id="responseform" method="post" action="', s($attemptobj->processattempt_url()),
'" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8">', "\n";
// A quiz page with a lot of questions can take a long time to load, and we
// want the protection afforded by init_quiz_form immediately, so include the
// JS now.
echo html_writer::script(js_writer::function_call('init_quiz_form'));
echo '<div>';
/// Print all the questions
foreach ($attemptobj->get_question_ids($page) as $id) {
$attemptobj->print_question($id, false, $attemptobj->attempt_url($id, $page));
/// Print a link to the next page.
echo '<div class="submitbtns">';
if ($attemptobj->is_last_page($page)) {
$nextpage = -1;
} else {
$nextpage = $page + 1;
echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('next') . '" />';
echo "</div>";
// Some hidden fields to trach what is going on.
echo '<input type="hidden" name="attempt" value="' . $attemptobj->get_attemptid() . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="nextpage" id="nextpagehiddeninput" value="' . $nextpage . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="timeup" id="timeup" value="0" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />';
// Add a hidden field with questionids. Do this at the end of the form, so
// if you navigate before the form has finished loading, it does not wipe all
// the student's answers.
echo '<input type="hidden" name="questionids" value="' .
implode(',', $attemptobj->get_question_ids($page)) . "\" />\n";
// Finish the form
echo '</div>';
echo "</form>\n";
// Finish the page
$accessmanager->show_attempt_timer_if_needed($attemptobj->get_attempt(), time());
echo $OUTPUT->footer();