2010-05-03 23:11:21 +00:00

336 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

/// This page prints a particular instance of aicc/scorm package
// Checkin' script parameters
$id = optional_param('id', '', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or
$a = optional_param('a', '', PARAM_INT); // scorm ID
$scoid = required_param('scoid', PARAM_INT); // sco ID
$mode = optional_param('mode', 'normal', PARAM_ALPHA); // navigation mode
$currentorg = optional_param('currentorg', '', PARAM_RAW); // selected organization
$newattempt = optional_param('newattempt', 'off', PARAM_ALPHA); // the user request to start a new attempt
//IE 6 Bug workaround
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6') !== false && ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == 'On') {
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
if (!empty($id)) {
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('scorm', $id)) {
if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$cm->course))) {
if (! $scorm = $DB->get_record("scorm", array("id"=>$cm->instance))) {
} else if (!empty($a)) {
if (! $scorm = $DB->get_record("scorm", array("id"=>$a))) {
if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$scorm->course))) {
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("scorm", $scorm->id, $course->id)) {
} else {
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/scorm/player.php', array('scoid'=>$scoid, 'id'=>$cm->id));
if ($mode !== 'normal') {
$url->param('mode', $mode);
if ($currentorg !== '') {
$url->param('currentorg', $currentorg);
if ($newattempt !== 'off') {
$url->param('newattempt', $newattempt);
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$strscorms = get_string('modulenameplural', 'scorm');
$strscorm = get_string('modulename', 'scorm');
$strpopup = get_string('popup','scorm');
$strexit = get_string('exitactivity','scorm');
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
if ($scorms = get_all_instances_in_course('scorm', $course)) {
// The module SCORM/AICC activity with the first id is the course
$firstscorm = current($scorms);
if (!(($course->format == 'scorm') && ($firstscorm->id == $scorm->id))) {
$PAGE->navbar->add($strscorms, new moodle_url('/mod/scorm/index.php', array('id'=>$course->id)));
$pagetitle = strip_tags("$course->shortname: ".format_string($scorm->name));
$PAGE->navbar->add(format_string($scorm->name,true), new moodle_url('/mod/scorm/view.php', array('id'=>$cm->id)));
if (!$cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE,$course->id))) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
//check if scorm closed
$timenow = time();
if ($scorm->timeclose !=0) {
if ($scorm->timeopen > $timenow) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string("notopenyet", "scorm", userdate($scorm->timeopen)), "generalbox boxaligncenter");
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} elseif ($timenow > $scorm->timeclose) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string("expired", "scorm", userdate($scorm->timeclose)), "generalbox boxaligncenter");
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
// TOC processing
$scorm->version = strtolower(clean_param($scorm->version, PARAM_SAFEDIR)); // Just to be safe
if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scorm/datamodels/'.$scorm->version.'lib.php')) {
$scorm->version = 'scorm_12';
$attempt = scorm_get_last_attempt($scorm->id, $USER->id);
if (($newattempt=='on') && (($attempt < $scorm->maxattempt) || ($scorm->maxattempt == 0))) {
$mode = 'normal';
$attemptstr = '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt;
$result = scorm_get_toc($USER,$scorm,'structurelist',$currentorg,$scoid,$mode,$attempt,true);
$sco = $result->sco;
if (($mode == 'browse') && ($scorm->hidebrowse == 1)) {
$mode = 'normal';
if ($mode != 'browse') {
if ($trackdata = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id,$USER->id,$attempt)) {
if (($trackdata->status == 'completed') || ($trackdata->status == 'passed') || ($trackdata->status == 'failed')) {
$mode = 'review';
} else {
$mode = 'normal';
} else {
$mode = 'normal';
add_to_log($course->id, 'scorm', 'view', "player.php?id=$cm->id&scoid=$sco->id", "$scorm->id", $cm->id);
$scoidstr = '&amp;scoid='.$sco->id;
$scoidpop = '&scoid='.$sco->id;
$modestr = '&amp;mode='.$mode;
if ($mode == 'browse') {
$modepop = '&mode='.$mode;
} else {
$modepop = '';
$orgstr = '&currentorg='.$currentorg;
$SESSION->scorm_scoid = $sco->id;
$SESSION->scorm_status = 'Not Initialized';
$SESSION->scorm_mode = $mode;
$SESSION->scorm_attempt = $attempt;
// Print the page header
$bodyscript = '';
if ($scorm->popup == 1) {
$bodyscript = 'onunload="main.close();"';
$exitlink = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$scorm->course.'" title="'.$strexit.'">'.$strexit.'</a> ';
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('scormplayerdata', Array('cwidth'=>$scorm->width,'cheight'=>$scorm->height), true);
$PAGE->requires->js('/mod/scorm/request.js', true);
$PAGE->requires->js('/lib/cookies.js', true);
$PAGE->requires->js('/mod/scorm/loaddatamodel.php?id='.$cm->id.$scoidstr.$modestr.$attemptstr, true);
$PAGE->requires->js('/mod/scorm/rd.js', true);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
if (($sco->previd != 0) && ((!isset($sco->previous)) || ($sco->previous == 0))) {
$scostr = '&scoid='.$sco->previd;
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('scorm_set_prev', Array($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modepop.$scostr));
} else {
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('scorm_set_prev', Array($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/view.php?id='.$cm->id));
if (($sco->nextid != 0) && ((!isset($sco->next)) || ($sco->next == 0))) {
$scostr = '&scoid='.$sco->nextid;
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('scorm_set_next', Array($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modepop.$scostr));
} else {
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('scorm_set_next', Array($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/view.php?id='.$cm->id));
<div id="scormpage">
if ($scorm->hidetoc == 0) {
<div id="tocbox">
if ($scorm->hidenav ==0){
<!-- Bottons nav at left-->
<div id="tochead">
<form name="tochead" method="post" action="player.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id ?>" target="_top">
$orgstr = '&amp;currentorg='.$currentorg;
if (($scorm->hidenav == 0) && ($sco->previd != 0) && (!isset($sco->previous) || $sco->previous == 0)) {
// Print the prev LO button
$scostr = '&amp;scoid='.$sco->previd;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modestr.$scostr;
<input name="prev" type="button" value="<?php print_string('prev','scorm') ?>" onClick="document.location.href=' <?php echo $url; ?> '"/>
if (($scorm->hidenav == 0) && ($sco->nextid != 0) && (!isset($sco->next) || $sco->next == 0)) {
// Print the next LO button
$scostr = '&amp;scoid='.$sco->nextid;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modestr.$scostr;
<input name="next" type="button" value="<?php print_string('next','scorm') ?>" onClick="document.location.href=' <?php echo $url; ?> '"/>
</div> <!-- tochead -->
<div id="toctree" class="generalbox">
<?php echo $result->toc; ?>
</div> <!-- toctree -->
</div> <!-- tocbox -->
$class = ' class="toc"';
} else {
$class = ' class="no-toc"';
<div id="scormbox"<?php echo $class; if(($scorm->hidetoc == 2) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 1)){echo 'style="width:100%"';}?>>
// This very big test check if is necessary the "scormtop" div
if (
($mode != 'normal') || // We are not in normal mode so review or browse text will displayed
($scorm->hidenav == 0) && // Teacher want to display navigation links
($scorm->hidetoc != 0) && // The buttons has not been displayed
($sco->previd != 0) && // This is not the first learning object of the package
((!isset($sco->previous)) || ($sco->previous == 0)) // Moodle must manage the previous link
) ||
($sco->nextid != 0) && // This is not the last learning object of the package
((!isset($sco->next)) || ($sco->next == 0)) // Moodle must manage the next link
) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 2) // Teacher want to display toc in a small dropdown menu
) {
<div id="scormtop">
<?php echo $mode == 'browse' ? '<div id="scormmode" class="scorm-left">'.get_string('browsemode','scorm')."</div>\n" : ''; ?>
<?php echo $mode == 'review' ? '<div id="scormmode" class="scorm-left">'.get_string('reviewmode','scorm')."</div>\n" : ''; ?>
if (($scorm->hidenav == 0) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 2) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 1)) {
<div id="scormnav" class="scorm-right">
$orgstr = '&amp;currentorg='.$currentorg;
if (($scorm->hidenav == 0) && ($sco->previd != 0) && (!isset($sco->previous) || $sco->previous == 0) && (($scorm->hidetoc == 2) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 1)) ) {
// Print the prev LO button
$scostr = '&amp;scoid='.$sco->previd;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modestr.$scostr;
<form name="scormnavprev" method="post" action="player.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id ?>" target="_top" style= "display:inline">
<input name="prev" type="button" value="<?php print_string('prev','scorm') ?>" onClick="document.location.href=' <?php echo $url; ?> '"/>
if ($scorm->hidetoc == 2) {
echo $result->tocmenu;
if (($scorm->hidenav == 0) && ($sco->nextid != 0) && (!isset($sco->next) || $sco->next == 0) && (($scorm->hidetoc == 2) || ($scorm->hidetoc == 1))) {
// Print the next LO button
$scostr = '&amp;scoid='.$sco->nextid;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.php?id='.$cm->id.$orgstr.$modestr.$scostr;
<form name="scormnavnext" method="post" action="player.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id ?>" target="_top" style= "display:inline">
<input name="next" type="button" value="<?php print_string('next','scorm') ?>" onClick="document.location.href=' <?php echo $url; ?> '"/>
</div> <!-- Scormtop -->
} // The end of the very big test
<div id="scormobject" class="scorm-right">
<div id="noscript">
<?php print_string('noscriptnoscorm','scorm'); // No Martin(i), No Party ;-) ?>
if ($result->prerequisites) {
if ($scorm->popup == 0) {
echo " <object id=\"scoframe1\" class=\"scoframe\" type=\"text/html\" data=\"{$fullurl}\"></object>\n";
} else {
// Clean the name for the window as IE is fussy
$name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $scorm->name);
if (!$name) {
$name = 'DefaultPlayerWindow';
$name = 'scorm_'.$name;
echo html_writer::script(js_writer::function_call('scorm_resize'));
echo html_writer::script('', $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/player.js');
echo html_writer::script(js_writer::function_call('scorm_openpopup', Array("loadSCO.php?id=".$cm->id.$scoidpop, $name, $scorm->options, $scorm->width, $scorm->height)));
<object id="main" class="scoframe" type="text/html" data="loadSCO.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id.$scoidstr.$modestr ?>"></object>
//Added incase javascript popups are blocked
$link = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/loadSCO.php?id='.$cm->id.$scoidstr.$modestr.'" target="new">'.get_string('popupblockedlinkname','scorm').'</a>';
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('popupblocked','scorm',$link));
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('noprerequisites','scorm'));
</div> <!-- SCORM object -->
</div> <!-- SCORM box -->
</div> <!-- SCORM page -->
<?php echo $OUTPUT->footer(); ?>