
40 lines
2.0 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// glossary.php - created with Moodle 1.1 Beta (2003082001)
$string['addentry'] = "Add entry";
$string['allentries'] = "ALL";
$string['allowduplicatedentries'] = "Are duplicated entries allowed?";
$string['areyousuredelete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?";
$string['canstudentpost'] = "Can the students add entries?";
$string['concept'] = "Concept";
$string['concepts'] = "Concepts";
$string['definition'] = "Definition";
$string['definitions'] = "Definitions";
$string['deleteentry'] = "Delete entry";
$string['displayformat'] = "Display format?";
$string['displayformatwouser'] = "Full with author.";
$string['displayformatwuser'] = "Full without author.";
$string['displayformatsimple'] = "Simple, dictionary style";
$string['dontallowduplicates'] = "No, don't allow duplicates.";
$string['editentry'] = "Edit entry";
$string['entryalreadyexist'] = "Entry already exist.";
$string['entrydeleted'] = "Entry deleted.";
$string['entryexported'] = "Entry succesfully exported.";
$string['exporttomainglossary'] = "Export to main glossary";
$string['isthisthemainglossary'] = "Is this the main glossary of this course?";
$string['itisthemainglossary'] = "Yes, it is.";
$string['itisntthemainglossary'] = "No, it is not.";
$string['modulename'] = "Glossary";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Glossaries";
$string['newglossaryentries'] = "New glossary entries:";
$string['noentries'] = "No entries found in this section";
$string['noentry'] = "No entry found.";
$string['selectletter'] = "Select the letter you want to look for.<p><b>Special</b> will show all concepts that does not begin with a letter.<br><b>ALL</b> will show all entries in one page.";
$string['searchconcept'] = "Search concept:";
$string['searchindefinition'] = "Search in concept AND definitions?";
$string['special'] = "Special";
$string['studentcanpost'] = "Yes, the students can add entries";
$string['studentcantpost'] = "No, the students can't add entries";
$string['writtenby'] = "By";
$string['yesallowduplicates'] = "Yes, allow duplicates.";