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synced 2025-03-15 21:20:02 +01:00
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1074 lines
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<?php //$Id$
//This library includes all the necessary stuff to use blocks in course pages
define('BLOCK_LEFT', 11);
define('BLOCK_RIGHT', 12);
define('BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT', 0x01);
define('BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT', 0x02);
define('BLOCK_MOVE_UP', 0x04);
define('BLOCK_MOVE_DOWN', 0x08);
function block_remove_inappropriate_from_course(&$course) {
$blocks = $course->blockinfo;
$delimpos = strpos($blocks, ':');
if($delimpos === false) {
// No ':' found, we have all left blocks
$leftblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
$rightblocks = array();
else if($delimpos === 0) {
// ':' at start of string, we have all right blocks
$blocks = substr($blocks, 1);
$leftblocks = array();
$rightblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
else {
// Both left and right blocks
$leftpart = substr($blocks, 0, $delimpos);
$rightpart = substr($blocks, $delimpos + 1);
$leftblocks = explode(',', $leftpart);
$rightblocks = explode(',', $rightpart);
$allblocks = get_records('blocks');
if(!empty($leftblocks)) {
foreach($leftblocks as $key => $id) {
$positiveid = abs($id);
$formats = block_method_result($allblocks[$positiveid]->name, 'applicable_formats');
if( !(isset($formats[$course->format]) ? $formats[$course->format] : !empty($formats['all']))) {
if(!empty($rightblocks)) {
foreach($rightblocks as $key => $id) {
$positiveid = abs($id);
$formats = block_method_result($allblocks[$positiveid]->name, 'applicable_formats');
if( !(isset($formats[$course->format]) ? $formats[$course->format] : !empty($formats['all']))) {
$course->blockinfo = implode(',', $leftblocks);
if(!empty($rightblocks)) {
$course->blockinfo .= ':' . implode(',', $rightblocks);
// Returns the case-sensitive name of the class' constructor function. This includes both
// PHP5- and PHP4-style constructors. If no appropriate constructor can be found, returns NULL.
// If there is no such class, returns boolean false.
function get_class_constructor($classname) {
// Caching
static $constructors = array();
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
return false;
// Tests indicate this doesn't hurt even in PHP5.
$classname = strtolower($classname);
// Return cached value, if exists
if(isset($constructors[$classname])) {
return $constructors[$classname];
// Get a list of methods. After examining several different ways of
// doing the check, (is_callable, method_exists, function_exists etc)
// it seems that this is the most reliable one.
$methods = get_class_methods($classname);
// PHP5 constructor?
if(phpversion() >= '5') {
if(in_array('__construct', $methods)) {
return $constructors[$classname] = '__construct';
// If we have PHP5 but no magic constructor, we have to lowercase the methods
$methods = array_map('strtolower', $methods);
if(in_array($classname, $methods)) {
return $constructors[$classname] = $classname;
return $constructors[$classname] = NULL;
//This function retrieves a method-defined property of a class WITHOUT instantiating an object
//It seems that the only way to use the :: operator with variable class names is eval() :(
//For caveats with this technique, see the PHP docs on operator ::
function block_method_result($blockname, $method) {
if(!block_load_class($blockname)) {
return NULL;
return eval('return CourseBlock_'.$blockname.'::'.$method.'();');
//This function creates a new object of the specified block class
function block_instance($blockname, $argument) {
if(!block_load_class($blockname)) {
return false;
$classname = 'CourseBlock_'.$blockname;
return New $classname($argument);
//This function loads the necessary class files for a block
//Whenever you want to load a block, use this first
function block_load_class($blockname) {
global $CFG;
$classname = 'CourseBlock_'.$blockname;
// After all this, return value indicating success or failure
return class_exists($classname);
//This function determines if there is some active block in an array of blocks
function block_have_active($array) {
foreach($array as $blockid) {
if($blockid > 0) {
return true;
return false;
//This function print the one side of blocks in course main page
function print_course_blocks(&$course, $blocksarray, $side) {
global $CFG;
$isediting = isediting($course->id);
$ismoving = ismoving($course->id);
$isteacheredit = isteacheredit($course->id);
if(!empty($blocksarray)) {
// Include the base class
if(!class_exists('moodleblock')) {
error('Class MoodleBlock is not defined or file not found for /course/blocks/moodleblock.class.php');
$blockdata = get_records('blocks', 'visible', 1);
if($blockdata !== false) {
$lastblock = end($blocksarray);
$firstblock = reset($blocksarray);
foreach($blocksarray as $blockid) {
if(!isset($blockdata[abs($blockid)])) {
// This block is hidden. Don't show it.
$blockname = $blockdata[abs($blockid)]->name;
$block = block_instance($blockname, $course);
if($block === false) {
// Something went wrong
// There are various sanity checks commented out below
// because the block detection code should have already done them long ago.
if(!is_subclass_of($block, 'MoodleBlock')) {
// Error: you have to derive from MoodleBlock
if($content === NULL || $title === NULL) {
// Error: This shouldn't have happened
if ($isediting && !$ismoving && $isteacheredit) {
$options = 0;
$options |= BLOCK_MOVE_UP * ($blockid != $firstblock);
$options |= BLOCK_MOVE_DOWN * ($blockid != $lastblock);
$block->add_edit_controls($options, $blockid);
if($blockid < 0) {
// We won't print this block...
if($isediting) {
// Unless we 're in editing mode, in which case we 'll print a 'shadow'
// So simple...
//This iterates over an array of blocks and calculates the preferred width
function blocks_preferred_width($blockarray, $blockinfos) {
$width = 0;
if(!is_array($blockarray) || empty($blockarray)) {
return 0;
foreach($blockarray as $blockid) {
if($blockid < 0) {
// Invisible block
if(isset($blockinfos[$blockid])) {
$blockname = $blockinfos[$blockid]->name;
$pref = block_method_result($blockname, 'preferred_width');
if($pref === NULL) {
if($pref > $width) {
$width = $pref;
return $width;
// $course passed by reference for speed
// $leftblocks, $rightblocks passed by reference because block_action() needs to
// update the arrays so that the change can be shown immediately.
function block_action(&$course, &$leftblocks, &$rightblocks, $blockaction, $blockid) {
$blockid = abs(intval($blockid)); // Just to make sure
switch($blockaction) {
case 'toggle':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
$leftblocks[$block->position] = -$leftblocks[$block->position];
else {
$rightblocks[$block->position] = -$rightblocks[$block->position];
case 'delete':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
else {
case 'add':
// Toggle to enabled, or add it if it doesn't exist at all
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block === false) {
// It doesn't exist at all, so add it
$rightblocks[] = $blockid;
else if($block->enabled == false) {
// Enable it
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
$leftblocks[$block->position] = -$leftblocks[$block->position];
else {
$rightblocks[$block->position] = -$rightblocks[$block->position];
case 'moveup':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
if(isset($leftblocks[$block->position - 1])) {
// We can move it upwards
$oldblock = $leftblocks[$block->position - 1];
$leftblocks[$block->position - 1] = $leftblocks[$block->position]; // not $blockid, as this loses the sign
$leftblocks[$block->position] = $oldblock;
else {
if(isset($rightblocks[$block->position - 1])) {
// We can move it upwards
$oldblock = $rightblocks[$block->position - 1];
$rightblocks[$block->position - 1] = $rightblocks[$block->position]; // not $blockid, as this loses the sign
$rightblocks[$block->position] = $oldblock;
case 'movedown':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
if(isset($leftblocks[$block->position + 1])) {
// We can move it downwards
$oldblock = $leftblocks[$block->position + 1];
$leftblocks[$block->position + 1] = $leftblocks[$block->position]; // not $blockid, as this loses the sign
$leftblocks[$block->position] = $oldblock;
else {
if(isset($rightblocks[$block->position + 1])) {
// We can move it downwards
$oldblock = $rightblocks[$block->position + 1];
$rightblocks[$block->position + 1] = $rightblocks[$block->position]; // not $blockid, as this loses the sign
$rightblocks[$block->position] = $oldblock;
case 'moveside':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
$rightblocks[] = $block->enabled ? $blockid : -$blockid;
else {
$leftblocks[] = $block->enabled ? $blockid : -$blockid;
$course->blockinfo = implode(',', $leftblocks).':'.implode(',',$rightblocks);
set_field('course', 'blockinfo', $course->blockinfo, 'id', $course->id);
// Searches for the block with ID $blockid in one or more of the two
// blocks arrays. If not found, returns boolean false. Otherwise,
// returns an object $finding where:
// $finding->side = BLOCK_LEFT or BLOCK_RIGHT
// $finding->enabled = true or false
// $finding->position = index of corresponding array where found
function block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks) {
if(($blockid = abs($blockid)) == 0) {
return false;
$finding->side = BLOCK_LEFT;
$finding->enabled = true;
$finding->position = NULL;
// First, search for the "enabled" block, since that's what we
// will be doing most of the time.
$key = array_search($blockid, $leftblocks);
if($key !== false && $key !== NULL) {
$finding->position = $key;
return $finding;
$key = array_search($blockid, $rightblocks);
if($key !== false && $key !== NULL) {
$finding->position = $key;
$finding->side = BLOCK_RIGHT;
return $finding;
// "enabled" block not found. Now search for the disabled block.
$finding->enabled = false;
$blockid = -$blockid;
$key = array_search($blockid, $leftblocks);
if($key !== false && $key !== NULL) {
$finding->position = $key;
return $finding;
$key = array_search($blockid, $rightblocks);
if($key !== false && $key !== NULL) {
$finding->position = $key;
$finding->side = BLOCK_RIGHT;
return $finding;
// Nothing found :(
return false;
//This function prints the block to admin blocks as necessary
function block_print_blocks_admin(&$course, $missingblocks) {
if (isediting($course->id)) {
$strblocks = get_string('blocks');
$stradd = get_string('add');
if (!empty($missingblocks)) {
$blockdata = get_records_list('blocks', 'id', implode(',', $missingblocks));
if ($blockdata !== false) {
foreach ($blockdata as $block) {
$blockobject = block_instance($block->name, $course);
if ($blockobject === false) {
$menu[$block->id] = $blockobject->get_title();
if(!$course->category) {
$target = 'index.php';
else {
$target = 'view.php';
$content = popup_form($target.'?id='.$course->id.'&blockaction=add&blockid=',
$menu, 'add_block', '', "$stradd...", '', '', true);
$content = '<div align="center">'.$content.'</div>';
print_side_block($strblocks, $content, NULL, NULL, NULL);
function upgrade_blocks_db($continueto) {
/// This function upgrades the blocks tables, if necessary
/// It's called from admin/index.php
global $CFG, $db;
require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/version.php"); // Get code versions
if (empty($CFG->blocks_version)) { // Blocks have never been installed.
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string("databaseupgrades");
print_header($strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades,
"", "", false, " ", " ");
if (modify_database("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {
$db->debug = false;
if (set_config("blocks_version", $blocks_version)) {
notify(get_string("databasesuccess"), "green");
notify(get_string("databaseupgradeblocks", "", $blocks_version));
} else {
error("Upgrade of blocks system failed! (Could not update version in config table)");
} else {
error("Blocks tables could NOT be set up successfully!");
if ($blocks_version > $CFG->blocks_version) { // Upgrade tables
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string("databaseupgrades");
print_header($strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades, $strdatabaseupgrades);
require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/db/$CFG->dbtype.php");
if (blocks_upgrade($CFG->blocks_version)) {
if (set_config("blocks_version", $blocks_version)) {
notify(get_string("databasesuccess"), "green");
notify(get_string("databaseupgradeblocks", "", $blocks_version));
} else {
error("Upgrade of blocks system failed! (Could not update version in config table)");
} else {
error("Upgrade failed! See blocks/version.php");
} else if ($blocks_version < $CFG->blocks_version) {
notify("WARNING!!! The code you are using is OLDER than the version that made these databases!");
//This function finds all available blocks and install them
//into blocks table or do all the upgrade process if newer
function upgrade_blocks_plugins($continueto) {
global $CFG;
$blocktitles = array();
$invalidblocks = array();
$validblocks = array();
$notices = array();
//Count the number of blocks in db
$blockcount = count_records("blocks");
//If there isn't records. This is the first install, so I remember it
if ($blockcount == 0) {
$first_install = true;
} else {
$first_install = false;
$site = get_site();
if (!$blocks = get_list_of_plugins("blocks", "db") ) {
error("No blocks installed!");
if(!class_exists('moodleblock')) {
error('Class MoodleBlock is not defined or file not found for /blocks/moodleblock.class.php');
foreach ($blocks as $blockname) {
if ($blockname == "NEWBLOCK") { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it
$fullblock = "$CFG->dirroot/blocks/$blockname";
if ( is_readable($fullblock."/block_".$blockname.".php")) {
} else {
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: ".$fullblock."/block_".$blockname.".php was not readable";
if ( is_dir("$fullblock/db/")) {
if ( is_readable("$fullblock/db/$CFG->dbtype.php")) {
include_once("$fullblock/db/$CFG->dbtype.php"); # defines upgrading function
} else {
$notices[] ="Block $blockname: $fullblock/db/$CFG->dbtype.php was not readable";
$classname = 'CourseBlock_'.$blockname;
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: $classname not implemented";
// Let's see if it supports some basic methods
$constructor = get_class_constructor($classname);
if(empty($constructor)) {
// No constructor
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: class does not have a constructor";
$invalidblocks[] = $blockname;
$blockobj = New $classname($site);
// Inherits from MoodleBlock?
if(!is_subclass_of($blockobj, 'moodleblock')) {
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: class does not inherit from MoodleBlock";
// OK, it's as we all hoped. For further tests, the object will do them itself.
if(!$blockobj->_self_test()) {
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: self test failed";
$block->version = $blockobj->get_version();
if (!isset($block->version)) {
$notices[] = "Block $blockname: hasn't version support";
$block->name = $blockname; // The name MUST match the directory
$blocktitle = $blockobj->get_title();
if ($currblock = get_record("blocks", "name", $block->name)) {
if ($currblock->version == $block->version) {
// do nothing
} else if ($currblock->version < $block->version) {
if (empty($updated_blocks)) {
$strblocksetup = get_string("blocksetup");
print_header($strblocksetup, $strblocksetup, $strblocksetup, "", "", false, " ", " ");
print_heading('New version of '.$blocktitle.' ('.$block->name.') exists');
$upgrade_function = $block->name.'_upgrade';
if (function_exists($upgrade_function)) {
if ($upgrade_function($currblock->version, $block)) {
$upgradesuccess = true;
} else {
$upgradesuccess = false;
else {
$upgradesuccess = true;
if(!$upgradesuccess) {
notify("Upgrading block $block->name from $currblock->version to $block->version FAILED!");
else {
// OK so far, now update the blocks record
$block->id = $currblock->id;
if (! update_record('blocks', $block)) {
error("Could not update block $block->name record in blocks table!");
notify(get_string('blocksuccess', '', $blocktitle), 'green');
echo '<hr />';
$updated_blocks = true;
} else {
error("Version mismatch: block $block->name can't downgrade $currblock->version -> $block->version !");
} else { // block not installed yet, so install it
// [pj] Normally this would be inline in the if, but we need to
// check for NULL (necessary for 4.0.5 <= PHP < 4.2.0)
$conflictblock = array_search($blocktitle, $blocktitles);
if($conflictblock !== false && $conflictblock !== NULL) {
// Duplicate block titles are not allowed, they confuse people
// AND PHP's associative arrays ;)
error('<strong>Naming conflict</strong>: block <strong>'.$block->name.'</strong> has the same title with an existing block, <strong>'.$conflictblock.'</strong>!');
if (empty($updated_blocks)) {
$strblocksetup = get_string("blocksetup");
print_header($strblocksetup, $strblocksetup, $strblocksetup, "", "", false, " ", " ");
$updated_blocks = true;
$db->debug = true;
@set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL
if (!is_dir("$fullblock/db/") || modify_database("$fullblock/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {
$db->debug = false;
if ($block->id = insert_record('blocks', $block)) {
notify(get_string('blocksuccess', '', $blocktitle), 'green');
echo "<hr />";
} else {
error("$block->name block could not be added to the block list!");
} else {
error("Block $block->name tables could NOT be set up successfully!");
$blocktitles[$block->name] = $blocktitle;
if(!empty($notices)) {
foreach($notices as $notice) {
//Finally, if we are in the first_install, update every course blockinfo field with
//default values.
if ($first_install) {
//Iterate over each course
if ($courses = get_records("course")) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
//Depending of the format, insert some values
$blockinfo = blocks_get_default_blocks ($course->id,
if ($CFG->debug) {
echo 'Updating blockinfo for course: '.$course->shortname.'('.$blockinfo.')<br />';
if (!empty($CFG->siteblocksadded)) { /// This is a once-off hack to make a proper upgrade
blocks_get_default_blocks(SITEID, blocks_get_config_default()); // Add blockinfo to the site course
delete_records('config', 'name', 'siteblocksadded');
if (!empty($updated_blocks)) {
//This function returns the number of courses currently using the block
function blocks_get_courses_using_block_by_id($blockid) {
$num = 0;
if ($courses = get_records("course")) {
foreach($courses as $course) {
$blocks = str_replace(":",",",$course->blockinfo);
$blocksarr = explode(",",$blocks);
if (block_find($blockid,$blocksarr,array())) {
return $num;
//This function hides a block in all courses using it
function blocks_update_every_block_by_id($blockid,$action) {
if ($courses = get_records("course")) {
foreach($courses as $course) {
//Calculate left and right blocks
$blocks = $course->blockinfo;
$delimpos = strpos($blocks, ':');
if($delimpos === false) {
// No ':' found, we have all left blocks
$leftblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
$rightblocks = array();
} else if($delimpos === 0) {
// ':' at start of string, we have all right blocks
$blocks = substr($blocks, 1);
$leftblocks = array();
$rightblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
else {
// Both left and right blocks
$leftpart = substr($blocks, 0, $delimpos);
$rightpart = substr($blocks, $delimpos + 1);
$leftblocks = explode(',', $leftpart);
$rightblocks = explode(',', $rightpart);
switch($action) {
case 'show':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
$leftblocks[$block->position] = abs($leftblocks[$block->position]);
else {
$rightblocks[$block->position] = abs($rightblocks[$block->position]);
case 'hide':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
$leftblocks[$block->position] = -abs($leftblocks[$block->position]);
else {
$rightblocks[$block->position] = -abs($rightblocks[$block->position]);
case 'delete':
$block = block_find($blockid, $leftblocks, $rightblocks);
if($block !== false) {
if($block->side == BLOCK_LEFT) {
else {
$course->blockinfo = implode(',', $leftblocks).':'.implode(',',$rightblocks);
set_field('course', 'blockinfo', $course->blockinfo, 'id', $course->id);
// [pj] I didn't like the block_get_X_by_Y() functions because
// we should be able to do without them with clever coding,
// so I set out to see if they could be removed somehow.
// Only block_get_default_blocks() depends on them, and that
// one is used nowhere at the moment. So I 'm commenting
// them out until a use IS found.
// [el] Uncommented to be used in the installation process, when
// inserting new courses and when restoring courses. Perhaps
// they can be modified, but previously related processes
// will use them since now.
//This function returns the id of the block, searching it by name
function block_get_id_by_name ($blockname) {
if ($block = get_record("blocks","name",$blockname)) {
return $block->id;
} else {
return 0;
//This function returns the name of the block, searching it by id
function block_get_name_by_id ($blockid) {
if ($block = get_record("blocks","id",$blockid)) {
return $block->name;
} else {
return NULL;
//This function return the necessary contents to update course->blockinfo
//with default values. It accepts a list of block_names as parameter. They
//will be converted to their blockids equivalent. If a course is specified
//then the function will update the field too!
function blocks_get_default_blocks ($courseid = NULL, $blocknames = '') {
global $CFG;
if (empty($blocknames)) {
if (!empty($CFG->defaultblocks_override)) {
$blocknames = $CFG->defaultblocks_override;
} else {
$blocknames = $CFG->defaultblocks;
//Calculate left and right blocks
$blocksn = $blocknames;
$delimpos = strpos($blocksn, ':');
if($delimpos === false) {
// No ':' found, we have all left blocks
$leftblocksn = explode(',', $blocksn);
$rightblocksn = array();
} else if($delimpos === 0) {
// ':' at start of string, we have all right blocks
$blocksn = substr($blocksn, 1);
$leftblocksn = array();
$rightblocksn = explode(',', $blocksn);
else {
// Both left and right blocks
$leftpartn = substr($blocksn, 0, $delimpos);
$rightpartn = substr($blocksn, $delimpos + 1);
$leftblocksn = explode(',', $leftpartn);
$rightblocksn = explode(',', $rightpartn);
//Now I have blocks separated
$leftblocks = array();
$rightblocks = array();
if ($leftblocksn) {
foreach($leftblocksn as $leftblockn) {
//Convert blockname to id
$leftblock = block_get_id_by_name(str_replace("-","",$leftblockn));
if ($leftblock) {
//Check it's visible
if($block = get_record("blocks","id",$leftblock,"visible","1")) {
//Check if the module was hidden at course level
if (substr($leftblockn,0,1) == "-") {
$leftblocks[] = -$leftblock;
} else {
$leftblocks[] = $leftblock;
if ($rightblocksn) {
foreach($rightblocksn as $rightblockn) {
//Convert blockname to id
$rightblock = block_get_id_by_name(str_replace("-","",$rightblockn));
if ($rightblock) {
//Check it's visible
if($block = get_record("blocks","id",$rightblock,"visible","1")) {
//Check if the module was hidden at course level
if (substr($rightblockn,0,1) == "-") {
$rightblocks[] = -$rightblock;
} else {
$rightblocks[] = $rightblock;
//Calculate the blockinfo field
if ($leftblocks || $rightblocks) {
$blockinfo = '';
if ($leftblocks) {
$blockinfo .= implode(",", $leftblocks);
if ($rightblocks) {
$blockinfo .= ':'.implode(",",$rightblocks);
} else {
$blockinfo = '';
//If a course has been specified, update it
if ($courseid) {
set_field('course', "blockinfo", $blockinfo, "id", $courseid);
//Returns the blockinfo
return $blockinfo;
// This function returns the appropriate block default configuration string
// according to the $format argument. It will return the site override defined
// in the site config, a format override defined in the site config, a specific
// config defined in the course format config, or the site default.
// To request the site format, leave $format blank.
function blocks_get_config_default ($cformat='') {
global $CFG;
/// If the site override has been defined, it is the only valid one.
if (!empty($CFG->defaultblocks_override)) {
return $CFG->defaultblocks_override;
/// If not format is specified, return the site default.
else if ($cformat == '') {
if (!empty($CFG->defaultblocks_site)) {
return $CFG->defaultblocks_site;
/// Failsafe - in case nothing was defined.
else {
return 'site_main_menu,admin,course_list:course_summary,calendar_month';
/// Return the appropriate block string for the format.
else if (!empty($CFG->{'defaultblocks_'.$cformat})) {
return $CFG->{'defaultblocks_'.$cformat};
else {
$format_config = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$cformat.'/config.php';
if (@is_file($format_config) && is_readable($format_config)) {
if (!empty($format['defaultblocks'])) {
return $format['defaultblocks'];
else if (!empty($CFG->defaultblocks)){
return $CFG->defaultblocks;
/// Failsafe - in case nothing was defined.
else {
return 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,admin,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';
//This function will return the names representation of the blockinfo field.
//It's used to include that info in backups. To restore we'll use the
//blocks_get_block_ids() function. It makes the opposite conversion
//(from names to ids)
function blocks_get_block_names ($blockinfo) {
//Calculate left and right blocks
$blocksn = $blockinfo;
$delimpos = strpos($blocksn, ':');
if($delimpos === false) {
// No ':' found, we have all left blocks
$leftblocksn = explode(',', $blocksn);
$rightblocksn = array();
} else if($delimpos === 0) {
// ':' at start of string, we have all right blocks
$blocksn = substr($blocksn, 1);
$leftblocksn = array();
$rightblocksn = explode(',', $blocksn);
else {
// Both left and right blocks
$leftpartn = substr($blocksn, 0, $delimpos);
$rightpartn = substr($blocksn, $delimpos + 1);
$leftblocksn = explode(',', $leftpartn);
$rightblocksn = explode(',', $rightpartn);
//Now I have blocks separated
$leftblocks = array();
$rightblocks = array();
if ($leftblocksn) {
foreach($leftblocksn as $leftblockn) {
//Convert id to blockname
$leftblock = block_get_name_by_id(abs($leftblockn));
if ($leftblock) {
//Check it's visible
if($block = get_record("blocks","name",$leftblock,"visible","1")) {
//Check if it's hidden oe no in the course
if($leftblockn<0) {
$leftblocks[] = '-'.$leftblock;
} else {
$leftblocks[] = $leftblock;
if ($rightblocksn) {
foreach($rightblocksn as $rightblockn) {
//Convert id to blockname
$rightblock = block_get_name_by_id(abs($rightblockn));
if ($rightblock) {
//Check it's visible
if($block = get_record("blocks","name",$rightblock,"visible","1")) {
//Check if it's hidden oe no in the course
if($rightblockn<0) {
$rightblocks[] = '-'.$rightblock;
} else {
$rightblocks[] = $rightblock;
//Calculate the blockinfo field
if ($leftblocks || $rightblocks) {
$blockinfo = '';
if ($leftblocks) {
$blockinfo .= implode(",", $leftblocks);
if ($rightblocks) {
$blockinfo .= ':'.implode(",",$rightblocks);
} else {
$blockinfo = '';
//Returns the blockinfo
return $blockinfo;
//This function will return the ids representation of the blockinfo field.
//It's used to load that info from backups. This function is the opposite
//to the blocks_get_block_names() used in backup
function blocks_get_block_ids ($blockinfo) {
//Just call this with the appropiate parammeters.
return blocks_get_default_blocks(NULL,$blockinfo);
// This is used to register the blocks that are displayed in the course page.
// Set in course/view.php or /index.php, and read from any other place.
function blocks_used($blocks = NULL, $records = NULL) {
static $used = NULL;
if(!empty($blocks) && !empty($records)) {
$used = array();
foreach($blocks as $val) {
if($val > 0 && isset($records[$val])) {
$used[] = $records[$val]->name;
return $used;