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* repository_flickr_public class
* This one is used to create public repository
* You can set up a public account in admin page, so everyone can
* access photos in this public account
* @author Dongsheng Cai <dongsheng@moodle.com>
* @version $Id$
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
class repository_flickr_public extends repository {
private $flickr;
public $photos;
* save api_key in config table
* @param array $options
* @return boolean
public function set_option($options = array()) {
if (!empty($options['api_key'])) {
set_config('api_key', trim($options['api_key']), 'flickr_public');
$ret = parent::set_option($options);
return $ret;
* get api_key from config table
* @param string $config
* @return mixed
public function get_option($config = '') {
if ($config==='api_key') {
return trim(get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key'));
} else {
$options['api_key'] = trim(get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key'));
$options = parent::get_option($config);
return $options;
* is global_search available?
* @return boolean
public function global_search() {
if (empty($this->flickr_account)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* @global object $CFG
* @param int $repositoryid
* @param int $context
* @param array $options
* @param boolean $readonly
public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SITEID, $options = array(), $readonly=0) {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options,$readonly);
$this->api_key = $this->get_option('api_key');
$this->flickr = new phpFlickr($this->api_key);
$this->flickr_account = $this->get_option('email_address');
$account = optional_param('flickr_account', '', PARAM_RAW);
$fulltext = optional_param('flickr_fulltext', '', PARAM_RAW);
$tag = optional_param('flickr_tag', '', PARAM_RAW);
$this->sess_account = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_account';
$this->sess_tag = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_tag';
$this->sess_text = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_text';
if (!empty($account) or !empty($fulltext) or !empty($tag)) {
$SESSION->{$this->sess_account} = $account;
$SESSION->{$this->sess_tag} = $tag;
$SESSION->{$this->sess_text} = $fulltext;
$response = $this->search($fulltext);
$response['search_result'] = true;
echo json_encode($response);
* check flickr account
* @return boolean
public function check_login() {
return !empty($this->flickr_account);
* @param boolean $ajax
* @return array
public function print_login($ajax = true) {
if ($ajax) {
$ret = array();
$fulltext = new stdclass;
$fulltext->label = get_string('fulltext', 'repository_flickr_public').': ';
$fulltext->id = 'el_fulltext';
$fulltext->type = 'text';
$fulltext->name = 'flickr_fulltext';
$tag = new stdclass;
$tag->label = get_string('tag', 'repository_flickr_public').': ';
$tag->id = 'el_tag';
$tag->type = 'text';
$tag->name = 'flickr_tag';
$email_field = new stdclass;
$email_field->label = get_string('username', 'repository_flickr_public').': ';
$email_field->id = 'account';
$email_field->type = 'text';
$email_field->name = 'flickr_account';
$ret['login'] = array($fulltext, $tag, $email_field);
return $ret;
* @return <type>
public function logout() {
global $SESSION;
return $this->print_login();
* @param <type> $search_text
* @return <type>
public function search($search_text) {
global $SESSION;
if (!empty($this->flickr_account)) {
$people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($this->flickr_account);
$this->nsid = $people['nsid'];
if (!empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_account})) {
$people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($SESSION->{$this->sess_account});
$this->nsid = $people['nsid'];
if (empty($this->nsid)) {
$this->nsid = null;
$is_paging = optional_param('search_paging', '', PARAM_RAW);
if (!empty($is_paging)) {
$page = optional_param('p', '', PARAM_INT);
} else {
$page = 1;
if (!empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_tag}) or !empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_text})
or !empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_account})
or !empty($this->nsid)) {
$photos = $this->flickr->photos_search(array(
$ret = array();
return $this->build_list($photos, $page, $ret);
* @param <type> $path
* @return <type>
public function get_listing($path = '1') {
$people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($this->flickr_account);
$this->nsid = $people['nsid'];
$photos = $this->flickr->people_getPublicPhotos($people['nsid'], 'original_format', 24, $path);
$ret = array();
return $this->build_list($photos, $path, $ret);
* @param <type> $photos
* @param <type> $path
* @return <type>
private function build_list($photos, $path = 1, &$ret) {
if (!empty($this->nsid)) {
$photos_url = $this->flickr->urls_getUserPhotos($this->nsid);
$ret['manage'] = $photos_url;
$ret['list'] = array();
$ret['pages'] = $photos['pages'];
if (is_int($path) && $path <= $ret['pages']) {
$ret['page'] = $path;
} else {
$ret['page'] = 1;
if (!empty($photos['photo'])) {
foreach ($photos['photo'] as $p) {
if(empty($p['title'])) {
$p['title'] = get_string('notitle', 'repository_flickr');
if (isset($p['originalformat'])) {
$format = $p['originalformat'];
} else {
$format = 'jpg';
$ret['list'][] = array('title'=>$p['title'].'.'.$format,'source'=>$p['id'],
'id'=>$p['id'],'thumbnail'=>$this->flickr->buildPhotoURL($p, 'Square'),
'date'=>'', 'size'=>'unknown', 'url'=>'http://www.flickr.com/photos/'.$p['owner'].'/'.$p['id']);
return $ret;
* @return <type>
public function print_listing() {
return false;
* @return <type>
public function print_search() {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="repo_id" value="'.$this->id.'" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="ctx_id" value="'.$this->context->id.'" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="seekey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
echo '<label>'.get_string('fulltext', 'repository_flickr_public').': </label><br/><input name="s" value="" /><br/>';
echo '<label>'.get_string('tag', 'repository_flickr_public').'</label><br /><input type="text" name="tag" /><br />';
return true;
* @global <type> $CFG
* @param <type> $photo_id
* @param <type> $file
* @return <type>
public function get_file($photo_id, $file = '') {
global $CFG;
$result = $this->flickr->photos_getSizes($photo_id);
$url = '';
if (!empty($result[4])) {
$url = $result[4]['source'];
} elseif(!empty($result[3])) {
$url = $result[3]['source'];
} elseif(!empty($result[2])) {
$url = $result[2]['source'];
if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download')) {
mkdir($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download/', 0777, true);
if(is_dir($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download')) {
$dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download/';
if (empty($file)) {
$file = $photo_id.'_'.time().'.jpg';
if (file_exists($dir.$file)) {
$file = uniqid('m').$file;
$fp = fopen($dir.$file, 'w');
$c = new curl;
$c->download(array(array('url'=>$url, 'file'=>$fp)));
return $dir.$file;
* Add Instance settings input to Moodle form
* @param <type> $
public function instance_config_form(&$mform) {
$mform->addElement('text', 'email_address', get_string('emailaddress', 'repository_flickr_public'));
//$mform->addRule('email_address', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
* Names of the instance settings
* @return <type>
public static function get_instance_option_names() {
return array('email_address');
* Add Plugin settings input to Moodle form
* @param <type> $
public function type_config_form(&$mform) {
$api_key = get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key');
if (empty($api_key)) {
$api_key = '';
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('text', 'api_key', get_string('apikey', 'repository_flickr_public'), array('value'=>$api_key,'size' => '40'));
$mform->addRule('api_key', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('information','repository_flickr_public'));
* Names of the plugin settings
* @return <type>
public static function get_type_option_names() {
return array('api_key');
* is run when moodle administrator add the plugin
public static function plugin_init() {
//here we create a default instance for this type
repository_static_function('flickr_public','create', 'flickr_public', 0, get_system_context(), array('name' => get_string('repositoryname', 'repository_flickr_public'),'email_address' => null));