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synced 2025-03-13 04:01:40 +01:00
engine give nicer results with adequate pagination. Adding icon and reference to course origine. Generalizing replacement of isadmin by doanithing capability check should contribute to close many global search related issues from http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-14646 startpoint
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* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* @package search
* @category core
* @subpackage document_wrappers
* @author Valery Fremaux [valery.fremaux@club-internet.fr] > 1.8
* @date 2008/03/31
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* document handling for chat activity module
* This file contains the mapping between a chat history and it's indexable counterpart,
* Functions for iterating and retrieving the necessary records are now also included
* in this file, rather than mod/chat/lib.php
* includes and requires
* a class for representing searchable information
class ChatTrackSearchDocument extends SearchDocument {
* constructor
public function __construct(&$chatsession, $chat_id, $chat_module_id, $course_id, $group_id, $context_id) {
// generic information; required
$doc->docid = $chat_id.'-'.$chatsession['sessionstart'].'-'.$chatsession['sessionend'];
$doc->documenttype = SEARCH_TYPE_CHAT;
$doc->itemtype = 'session';
$doc->contextid = $context_id;
$duration = $chatsession['sessionend'] - $chatsession['sessionstart'];
// we cannot call userdate with relevant locale at indexing time.
$doc->title = get_string('chatreport', 'chat').' '.get_string('openedon', 'search').' TT_'.$chatsession['sessionstart'].'_TT ('.get_string('duration', 'search').' : '.get_string('numseconds', '', $duration).')';
$doc->date = $chatsession['sessionend'];
//remove '(ip.ip.ip.ip)' from chat author list
$doc->author = preg_replace('/\(.*?\)/', '', $chatsession['authors']);
$doc->contents = $chatsession['content'];
$doc->url = chat_make_link($chat_module_id, $chatsession['sessionstart'], $chatsession['sessionend']);
// module specific information; optional
$data->chat = $chat_id;
// construct the parent class
parent::__construct($doc, $data, $course_id, $group_id, 0, 'mod/'.SEARCH_TYPE_CHAT);
* constructs a valid link to a chat content
* @param cm_id the chat course module
* @param start the start time of the session
* @param end th end time of the session
* @uses CFG
* @return a well formed link to session display
function chat_make_link($cm_id, $start, $end) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/report.php?id='.$cm_id.'&start='.$start.'&end='.$end;
* fetches all the records for a given session and assemble them as a unique track
* we revamped here the code of report.php for making sessions, but without any output.
* note that we should collect sessions "by groups" if groupmode() is SEPARATEGROUPS.
* @param int $chat_id the database
* @param int $fromtime
* @param int $totime
* @uses CFG
* @return an array of objects representing the chat sessions.
function chat_get_session_tracks($chat_id, $fromtime = 0, $totime = 0) {
global $CFG;
$chat = get_record('chat', 'id', $chat_id);
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $chat->course);
$coursemodule = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'data');
$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'course', $course->id, 'module', $coursemodule, 'instance', $chat->id);
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
$fromtimeclause = ($fromtime) ? "AND timestamp >= {$fromtime}" : '';
$totimeclause = ($totime) ? "AND timestamp <= {$totime}" : '';
$tracks = array();
$messages = get_records_select('chat_messages', "chatid = '{$chat_id}' $fromtimeclause $totimeclause", "timestamp DESC");
if ($messages){
// splits discussions against groups
$groupedMessages = array();
if ($groupmode != SEPARATEGROUPS){
foreach($messages as $aMessage){
$groupedMessages[$aMessage->groupid][] = $aMessage;
} else {
$groupedMessages[-1] = &$messages;
$sessiongap = 5 * 60; // 5 minutes silence means a new session
$sessionend = 0;
$sessionstart = 0;
$sessionusers = array();
$lasttime = time();
foreach ($groupedMessages as $groupId => $messages) { // We are walking BACKWARDS through the messages
$messagesleft = count($messages);
foreach ($messages as $message) { // We are walking BACKWARDS through the messages
$messagesleft --; // Countdown
if ($message->system) {
// we are within a session track
if ((($lasttime - $message->timestamp) < $sessiongap) and $messagesleft) { // Same session
if (count($tracks) > 0){
if ($message->userid) { // Remember user and count messages
$tracks[count($tracks) - 1]->sessionusers[$message->userid] = $message->userid;
// update last track (if exists) record appending content (remember : we go backwards)
$tracks[count($tracks) - 1]->content .= ' '.$message->message;
$tracks[count($tracks) - 1]->sessionstart = $message->timestamp;
} else {
// we initiate a new session track (backwards)
$track = new Object();
$track->sessionend = $message->timestamp;
$track->sessionstart = $message->timestamp;
$track->content = $message->message;
// reset the accumulator of users
$track->sessionusers = array();
$track->sessionusers[$message->userid] = $message->userid;
$track->groupid = $groupId;
$tracks[] = $track;
$lasttime = $message->timestamp;
return $tracks;
* part of search engine API
function chat_iterator() {
$chatrooms = get_records('chat');
return $chatrooms;
* part of search engine API
function chat_get_content_for_index(&$chat) {
$documents = array();
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $chat->course);
$coursemodule = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'chat');
$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'course', $chat->course, 'module', $coursemodule, 'instance', $chat->id);
if ($cm){
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// getting records for indexing
$sessionTracks = chat_get_session_tracks($chat->id);
if ($sessionTracks){
foreach($sessionTracks as $aTrackId => $aTrack) {
foreach($aTrack->sessionusers as $aUserId){
$user = get_record('user', 'id', $aUserId);
$aTrack->authors = ($user) ? fullname($user) : '' ;
$documents[] = new ChatTrackSearchDocument(get_object_vars($aTrack), $chat->id, $cm->id, $chat->course, $aTrack->groupid, $context->id);
return $documents;
return array();
* returns a single data search document based on a chat_session id
* chat session id is a text composite identifier made of :
* - the chat id
* - the timestamp when the session starts
* - the timestamp when the session ends
* @param id the multipart chat session id
* @param itemtype the type of information (session is the only type)
function chat_single_document($id, $itemtype) {
list($chat_id, $sessionstart, $sessionend) = split('-', $id);
$chat = get_record('chat', 'id', $chat_id);
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $chat->course);
$coursemodule = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'chat');
$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'course', $course->id, 'module', $coursemodule, 'instance', $chat->id);
if ($cm){
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// should be only one
$tracks = chat_get_session_tracks($chat->id, $sessionstart, $sessionstart);
if ($tracks){
$aTrack = $tracks[0];
$document = new ChatTrackSearchDocument(get_object_vars($aTrack), $chat_id, $cm->id, $chat->course, $aTrack->groupid, $context->id);
return $document;
return null;
* dummy delete function that packs id with itemtype.
* this was here for a reason, but I can't remember it at the moment.
function chat_delete($info, $itemtype) {
$object->id = $info;
$object->itemtype = $itemtype;
return $object;
* returns the var names needed to build a sql query for addition/deletions
* // TODO chat indexable records are virtual. Should proceed in a special way
function chat_db_names() {
//[primary id], [table name], [time created field name], [time modified field name]
return null;
* this function handles the access policy to contents indexed as searchable documents. If this
* function does not exist, the search engine assumes access is allowed.
* When this point is reached, we already know that :
* - user is legitimate in the surrounding context
* - user may be guest and guest access is allowed to the module
* - the function may perform local checks within the module information logic
* @param path the access path to the module script code
* @param itemtype the information subclassing (usefull for complex modules, defaults to 'standard')
* @param this_id the item id within the information class denoted by entry_type. In chats, this id
* points out a session history which is a close sequence of messages.
* @param user the user record denoting the user who searches
* @param group_id the current group used by the user when searching
* @uses CFG
* @return true if access is allowed, false elsewhere
function chat_check_text_access($path, $itemtype, $this_id, $user, $group_id, $context_id){
global $CFG;
list($chat_id, $sessionstart, $sessionend) = split('-', $this_id);
// get the chat session and all related stuff
$chat = get_record('chat', 'id', $chat_id);
$context = get_record('context', 'id', $context_id);
$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $context->instanceid);
// $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('chat', $chat->id, $chat->course);
// $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
if (!$cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $context)){
if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : hidden chat ";
return false;
//group consistency check : checks the following situations about groups
// trap if user is not same group and groups are separated
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $chat->course);
if ((groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) && !ismember($group_id) && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)){
if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : chat element is in separated group ";
return false;
//ownership check : checks the following situations about user
// trap if user is not owner and has cannot see other's entries
// TODO : typically may be stored into indexing cache
if (!has_capability('mod/chat:readlog', $context)){
if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : cannot read past sessions ";
return false;
return true;
* this call back is called when displaying the link for some last post processing
function chat_link_post_processing($title){
setLocale(LC_TIME, substr(current_language(), 0, 2));
$title = preg_replace('/TT_(.*)_TT/e', "userdate(\\1)", $title);
return mb_convert_encoding($title, 'UTF-8', 'auto');