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/* ******************************************************************************
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence.
* xmlschema is a class that allows the user to quickly and easily
* build a database on any ADOdb-supported platform using a simple
* XML schema.
* @author Richard Tango-Lowy
* @version $Revision$
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2003 ars Cognita Inc., all rights reserved
* @package xmlschema
* Include the main ADODB library
if (!defined( '_ADODB_LAYER' ) ) {
require( 'adodb.inc.php' );
* Creates a table object in ADOdb's datadict format
* This class stores information about a database table. As charactaristics
* of the table are loaded from the external source, methods and properties
* of this class are used to build up the table description in ADOdb's
* datadict format.
* @package xmlschema
* @access private
class dbTable {
* @var string Table name
var $tableName;
* @var array Field specifier: Meta-information about each field
var $fieldSpec;
* @var array Table options: Table-level options
var $tableOpts;
* @var string Field index: Keeps track of which field is currently being processed
var $currentField;
* Constructor. Iniitializes a new table object.
* @param string $name Table name
function dbTable( $name ) {
$this->tableName = $name;
* Adds a field to a table object
* $name is the name of the table to which the field should be added.
* $type is an ADODB datadict field type. The following field types
* are supported as of ADODB 3.40:
* - C: varchar
* - X: CLOB (character large object) or largest varchar size
* if CLOB is not supported
* - C2: Multibyte varchar
* - X2: Multibyte CLOB
* - B: BLOB (binary large object)
* - D: Date (some databases do not support this, and we return a datetime type)
* - T: Datetime or Timestamp
* - L: Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1)
* - I: Integer (mapped to I4)
* - I1: 1-byte integer
* - I2: 2-byte integer
* - I4: 4-byte integer
* - I8: 8-byte integer
* - F: Floating point number
* - N: Numeric or decimal number
* @param string $name Name of the table to which the field will be added.
* @param string $type ADODB datadict field type.
* @param string $size Field size
* @param array $opts Field options array
* @return array Field specifier array
function addField( $name, $type, $size = NULL, $opts = NULL ) {
// Set the field index so we know where we are
$this->currentField = $name;
// Set the field type (required)
$this->fieldSpec[$name]['TYPE'] = $type;
// Set the field size (optional)
if( isset( $size ) ) {
$this->fieldSpec[$name]['SIZE'] = $size;
// Set the field options
if( isset( $opts ) ) $this->fieldSpec[$name]['OPTS'] = $opts;
// Return array containing field specifier
return $this->fieldSpec;
* Adds a field option to the current field specifier
* This method adds a field option allowed by the ADOdb datadict
* and appends it to the given field.
* @param string $field Field name
* @param string $opt ADOdb field option
* @param mixed $value Field option value
* @return array Field specifier array
function addFieldOpt( $field, $opt, $value = NULL ) {
// Add the option to the field specifier
if( $value === NULL ) { // No value, so add only the option
$this->fieldSpec[$field]['OPTS'][] = $opt;
} else { // Add the option and value
$this->fieldSpec[$field]['OPTS'][] = array( "$opt" => "$value" );
// Return array containing field specifier
return $this->fieldSpec;
* Adds an option to the table
*This method takes a comma-separated list of table-level options
* and appends them to the table object.
* @param string $opt Table option
* @return string Option list
function addTableOpt( $opt ) {
$optlist = &$this->tableOpts;
$optlist ? $optlist .= ", $opt" : $optlist = $opt;
// Return the options list
return $optlist;
* Generates the SQL that will create the table in the database
* Returns SQL that will create the table represented by the object.
* @param object $dict ADOdb data dictionary
* @return array Array containing table creation SQL
function create( $dict ) {
// Loop through the field specifier array, building the associative array for the field options
$fldarray = array();
$i = 0;
foreach( $this->fieldSpec as $field => $finfo ) {
// Set an empty size if it isn't supplied
if( !isset( $finfo['SIZE'] ) ) $finfo['SIZE'] = '';
// Initialize the field array with the type and size
$fldarray[$i] = array( $field, $finfo['TYPE'], $finfo['SIZE'] );
// Loop through the options array and add the field options.
$opts = $finfo['OPTS'];
if( $opts ) {
foreach( $finfo['OPTS'] as $opt ) {
if( is_array( $opt ) ) { // Option has an argument.
$key = key( $opt );
$value = $opt[key( $opt ) ];
$fldarray[$i][$key] = $value;
} else { // Option doesn't have arguments
array_push( $fldarray[$i], $opt );
// Build table array
$sqlArray = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $this->tableName, $fldarray, $this->tableOpts );
// Return the array containing the SQL to create the table
return $sqlArray;
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Creates an index object in ADOdb's datadict format
* This class stores information about a database index. As charactaristics
* of the index are loaded from the external source, methods and properties
* of this class are used to build up the index description in ADOdb's
* datadict format.
* @package xmlschema
* @access private
class dbIndex {
* @var string Index name
var $indexName;
* @var string Name of the table this index is attached to
var $tableName;
* @var array Indexed fields: Table columns included in this index
var $fields;
* Constructor. Initialize the index and table names.
* @param string $name Index name
* @param string $table Name of indexed table
function dbIndex( $name, $table ) {
$this->indexName = $name;
$this->tableName = $table;
* Adds a field to the index
* This method adds the specified column to an index.
* @param string $name Field name
* @return string Field list
function addField( $name ) {
$fieldlist = &$this->fields;
$fieldlist ? $fieldlist .=" , $name" : $fieldlist = $name;
// Return the field list
return $fieldlist;
* Generates the SQL that will create the index in the database
* Returns SQL that will create the index represented by the object.
* @param object $dict ADOdb data dictionary object
* @return array Array containing index creation SQL
function create( $dict ) {
// Build table array
$sqlArray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL( $this->indexName, $this->tableName, $this->fields );
// Return the array containing the SQL to create the table
return $sqlArray;
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Creates the SQL to execute a list of provided SQL queries
* This class compiles a list of SQL queries specified in the external file.
* @package xmlschema
* @access private
class dbQuerySet {
* @var array List of SQL queries
var $querySet;
* @var string String used to build of a query line by line
var $query;
* Constructor. Initializes the queries array
function dbQuerySet() {
$this->querySet = array();
$this->query = '';
* Appends a line to a query that is being built line by line
* $param string $data Line of SQL data or NULL to initialize a new query
function buildQuery( $data = NULL ) {
isset( $data ) ? $this->query .= " " . trim( $data ) : $this->query = '';
* Adds a completed query to the query list
* @return string SQL of added query
function addQuery() {
// Push the query onto the query set array
$finishedQuery = $this->query;
array_push( $this->querySet, $finishedQuery );
// Return the query set array
return $finishedQuery;
* Creates and returns the current query set
* @return array Query set
function create() {
return $this->querySet;
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Loads and parses an XML file, creating an array of "ready-to-run" SQL statements
* This class is used to load and parse the XML file, to create an array of SQL statements
* that can be used to build a database, and to build the database using the SQL array.
* @package xmlschema
class adoSchema {
* @var array Array containing SQL queries to generate all objects
var $sqlArray;
* @var object XML Parser object
var $xmlParser;
* @var object ADOdb connection object
var $dbconn;
* @var string Database type (platform)
var $dbType;
* @var object ADOdb Data Dictionary
var $dict;
* @var object Temporary dbTable object
* @access private
var $table;
* @var object Temporary dbIndex object
* @access private
var $index;
* @var object Temporary dbQuerySet object
* @access private
var $querySet;
* @var string Current XML element
* @access private
var $currentElement;
* @var long Original Magic Quotes Runtime value
* @access private
var $mgq;
* Constructor. Initializes the xmlschema object
* @param object $dbconn ADOdb connection object
function adoSchema( $dbconn ) {
// Initialize the environment
$this->mgq = get_magic_quotes_runtime();
$this->dbconn = &$dbconn;
$this->dbType = $dbconn->databaseType;
$this->sqlArray = array();
// Create an ADOdb dictionary object
$this->dict = NewDataDictionary( $dbconn );
* Loads and parses an XML file
* This method accepts a path to an xmlschema-compliant XML file,
* loads it, parses it, and uses it to create the SQL to generate the objects
* described by the XML file.
* @param string $file XML file
* @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute
function ParseSchema( $file ) {
// Create the parser
$this->xmlParser = &$xmlParser;
$xmlParser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_object( $xmlParser, &$this );
// Initialize the XML callback functions
xml_set_element_handler( $xmlParser, "_xmlcb_startElement", "_xmlcb_endElement" );
xml_set_character_data_handler( $xmlParser, "_xmlcb_cData" );
// Open the file
if( !( $fp = fopen( $file, "r" ) ) ) {
die( "Unable to open file" );
// Process the file
while( $data = fread( $fp, 4096 ) ) {
if( !xml_parse( $xmlParser, $data, feof( $fp ) ) ) {
die( sprint( "XML error: %s at line %d",
xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $xmlParser ) ),
xml_get_current_line_number( $xmlParser ) ) );
// Return the array of queries
return $this->sqlArray;
* Loads a schema into the database
* Accepts an array of SQL queries generated by the parser
* and executes them.
* @param array $sqlArray Array of SQL statements
* @param boolean $continueOnErr Don't fail out if an error is encountered
* @return integer 0 if failed, 1 if errors, 2 if successful
function ExecuteSchema( $sqlArray, $continueOnErr = TRUE ) {
$err = $this->dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sqlArray, $continueOnErr );
// Return the success code
return $err;
* XML Callback to process start elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) {
$dbType = $this->dbType;
if( isset( $this->table ) ) $table = &$this->table;
if( isset( $this->index ) ) $index = &$this->index;
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) $querySet = &$this->querySet;
$this->currentElement = $name;
// Process the element. Ignore unimportant elements.
if( in_array( trim( $name ), array( "SCHEMA", "DESCR", "COL", "CONSTRAINT" ) ) ) {
return FALSE;
switch( $name ) {
case "TABLE": // Table element
if( $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
$this->table = new dbTable( $attrs['NAME'] );
} else {
unset( $this->table );
case "FIELD": // Table field
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$fieldName = $attrs['NAME'];
$fieldType = $attrs['TYPE'];
isset( $attrs['SIZE'] ) ? $fieldSize = $attrs['SIZE'] : $fieldSize = NULL;
isset( $attrs['OPTS'] ) ? $fieldOpts = $attrs['OPTS'] : $fieldOpts = NULL;
$this->table->addField( $fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldSize, $fieldOpts );
case "KEY": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'KEY' );
case "NOTNULL": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'NOTNULL' );
case "AUTOINCREMENT": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'AUTOINCREMENT' );
case "DEFAULT": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'DEFAULT', $attrs['VALUE'] );
case "INDEX": // Table index
if( $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
$this->index = new dbIndex( $attrs['NAME'], $attrs['TABLE'] );
} else {
if( isset( $this->index ) ) unset( $this->index );
case "SQL": // Freeform SQL queryset
if( $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
$this->querySet = new dbQuerySet( $attrs );
} else {
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) unset( $this->querySet );
case "QUERY": // Queryset SQL query
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) {
// Ignore this query set if a platform is specified and it's different than the
// current connection platform.
if( $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
} else {
if( isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) unset( $this->querySet->query );
print "OPENING ELEMENT '$name'<BR/>\n";
* XML Callback to process cDATA elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_cData( $parser, $data ) {
$element = &$this->currentElement;
if( trim( $data ) == "" ) return;
// Process the data depending on the element
switch( $element ) {
case "COL": // Index column
if( isset( $this->index ) ) $this->index->addField( $data );
case "DESCR": // Description element
// Display the description information
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$name = "({$this->table->tableName}): ";
} elseif( isset( $this->index ) ) {
$name = "({$this->index->indexName}): ";
} else {
$name = "";
print "<LI> $name $data\n";
case "QUERY": // Query SQL data
if( isset( $this->querySet ) and isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) $this->querySet->buildQuery( $data );
case "CONSTRAINT": // Table constraint
if( isset( $this->table ) ) $this->table->addTableOpt( $data );
print "<UL><LI>CDATA ($element) $data</UL>\n";
* XML Callback to process end elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_endElement( $parser, $name ) {
// Process the element. Ignore unimportant elements.
if( in_array( trim( $name ),
return FALSE;
switch( trim( $name ) ) {
case "TABLE": // Table element
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$tableSQL = $this->table->create( $this->dict );
array_push( $this->sqlArray, $tableSQL[0] );
case "INDEX": // Index element
if( isset( $this->index ) ) {
$indexSQL = $this->index->create( $this->dict );
array_push( $this->sqlArray, $indexSQL[0] );
case "QUERY": // Queryset element
if( isset( $this->querySet ) and isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) $this->querySet->addQuery();
case "SQL": // Query SQL element
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) {
$querySQL = $this->querySet->create();
$this->sqlArray = array_merge( $this->sqlArray, $querySQL );;
print "<LI>CLOSING $name</UL>\n";
* Checks if element references a specific platform
* Returns TRUE is no platform is specified or if we are currently
* using the specified platform.
* @param string $platform Requested platform
* @return boolean TRUE if platform check succeeds
* @access private
function supportedPlatform( $platform = NULL ) {
$dbType = $this->dbType;
$regex = "/^(\w*\|)*" . $dbType . "(\|\w*)*$/";
if( !isset( $platform ) or
preg_match( $regex, $platform ) ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Destructor
function Destroy() {
xml_parser_free( $this->xmlParser );
set_magic_quotes_runtime( $this->mgq );
unset( $this );