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* @version V3.40 7 April 2003 (c) 2000-2003 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
* Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
* Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
* the BSD license will take precedence.
* Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
* Latest version is available at http://php.weblogs.com
* RecordSet class that represents the dataset returned by the database.
* To keep memory overhead low, this class holds only the current row in memory.
* No prefetching of data is done, so the RecordCount() can return -1 ( which
* means recordcount not known).
class ADORecordSet {
* public variables
var $dataProvider = "native";
var $fields = false; /* / holds the current row data */
var $blobSize = 64; /* / any varchar/char field this size or greater is treated as a blob */
/* / in other words, we use a text area for editting. */
var $canSeek = false; /* / indicates that seek is supported */
var $sql; /* / sql text */
var $EOF = false; /* / Indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a Recordset object. */
var $emptyTimeStamp = ' '; /* / what to display when $time==0 */
var $emptyDate = ' '; /* / what to display when $time==0 */
var $debug = false;
var $timeCreated=0; /* / datetime in Unix format rs created -- for cached recordsets */
var $bind = false; /* / used by Fields() to hold array - should be private? */
var $fetchMode; /* / default fetch mode */
var $connection = false; /* / the parent connection */
* private variables
var $_numOfRows = -1; /** number of rows, or -1 */
var $_numOfFields = -1; /** number of fields in recordset */
var $_queryID = -1; /** This variable keeps the result link identifier. */
var $_currentRow = -1; /** This variable keeps the current row in the Recordset. */
var $_closed = false; /** has recordset been closed */
var $_inited = false; /** Init() should only be called once */
var $_obj; /** Used by FetchObj */
var $_names; /** Used by FetchObj */
var $_currentPage = -1; /** Added by Iv<49>n Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_atFirstPage = false; /** Added by Iv<49>n Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_atLastPage = false; /** Added by Iv<49>n Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_lastPageNo = -1;
var $_maxRecordCount = 0;
var $dateHasTime = false;
* Constructor
* @param queryID this is the queryID returned by ADOConnection->_query()
function ADORecordSet($queryID)
$this->_queryID = $queryID;
function Init()
if ($this->_inited) return;
$this->_inited = true;
if ($this->_queryID) @$this->_initrs();
else {
$this->_numOfRows = 0;
$this->_numOfFields = 0;
if ($this->_numOfRows != 0 && $this->_numOfFields && $this->_currentRow == -1) {
$this->_currentRow = 0;
if ($this->EOF = ($this->_fetch() === false)) {
$this->_numOfRows = 0; /* _numOfRows could be -1 */
} else {
$this->EOF = true;
* Generate a SELECT tag string from a recordset, and return the string.
* If the recordset has 2 cols, we treat the 1st col as the containing
* the text to display to the user, and 2nd col as the return value. Default
* strings are compared with the FIRST column.
* @param name name of SELECT tag
* @param [defstr] the value to hilite. Use an array for multiple hilites for listbox.
* @param [blank1stItem] true to leave the 1st item in list empty
* @param [multiple] true for listbox, false for popup
* @param [size] #rows to show for listbox. not used by popup
* @param [selectAttr] additional attributes to defined for SELECT tag.
* useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers.
& @param [compareFields0] when we have 2 cols in recordset, we compare the defstr with
* column 0 (1st col) if this is true. This is not documented.
* @return HTML
* changes by glen.davies@cce.ac.nz to support multiple hilited items
function GetMenu($name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
return _adodb_getmenu($this, $name,$defstr,$blank1stItem,$multiple,
$size, $selectAttr,$compareFields0);
* Generate a SELECT tag string from a recordset, and return the string.
* If the recordset has 2 cols, we treat the 1st col as the containing
* the text to display to the user, and 2nd col as the return value. Default
* strings are compared with the SECOND column.
function GetMenu2($name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,$size=0, $selectAttr='')
return _adodb_getmenu($this,$name,$defstr,$blank1stItem,$multiple,
$size, $selectAttr,false);
* return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
* @param [nRows] is the number of rows to return. -1 means every row.
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function GetArray($nRows = -1)
global $ADODB_EXTENSION; if ($ADODB_EXTENSION) return adodb_getall($this,$nRows);
$results = array();
$cnt = 0;
while (!$this->EOF && $nRows != $cnt) {
$results[] = $this->fields;
return $results;
* Some databases allow multiple recordsets to be returned. This function
* will return true if there is a next recordset, or false if no more.
function NextRecordSet()
return false;
* return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
* Helper function for ADOConnection->SelectLimit()
* @param offset is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
* @param [nrows] is the number of rows to return
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function GetArrayLimit($nrows,$offset=-1)
if ($offset <= 0) {
return $this->GetArray($nrows);
$results = array();
$cnt = 0;
while (!$this->EOF && $nrows != $cnt) {
$results[$cnt++] = $this->fields;
return $results;
* Synonym for GetArray() for compatibility with ADO.
* @param [nRows] is the number of rows to return. -1 means every row.
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function GetRows($nRows = -1)
return $this->GetArray($nRows);
* return whole recordset as a 2-dimensional associative array if there are more than 2 columns.
* The first column is treated as the key and is not included in the array.
* If there is only 2 columns, it will return a 1 dimensional array of key-value pairs unless
* $force_array == true.
* @param [force_array] has only meaning if we have 2 data columns. If false, a 1 dimensional
* array is returned, otherwise a 2 dimensional array is returned. If this sounds confusing,
* read the source.
* @param [first2cols] means if there are more than 2 cols, ignore the remaining cols and
* instead of returning array[col0] => array(remaining cols), return array[col0] => col1
* @return an associative array indexed by the first column of the array,
* or false if the data has less than 2 cols.
function GetAssoc($force_array = false, $first2cols = false) {
$cols = $this->_numOfFields;
if ($cols < 2) {
return false;
$numIndex = isset($this->fields[0]);
$results = array();
if (!$first2cols && ($cols > 2 || $force_array)) {
if ($numIndex) {
while (!$this->EOF) {
$results[trim($this->fields[0])] = array_slice($this->fields, 1);
} else {
while (!$this->EOF) {
$results[trim(reset($this->fields))] = array_slice($this->fields, 1);
} else {
/* return scalar values */
if ($numIndex) {
while (!$this->EOF) {
/* some bug in mssql PHP 4.02 -- doesn't handle references properly so we FORCE creating a new string */
$results[trim(($this->fields[0]))] = $this->fields[1];
} else {
while (!$this->EOF) {
/* some bug in mssql PHP 4.02 -- doesn't handle references properly so we FORCE creating a new string */
$v1 = trim(reset($this->fields));
$v2 = ''.next($this->fields);
$results[$v1] = $v2;
return $results;
* @param v is the character timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a timestamp formated as user desires
function UserTimeStamp($v,$fmt='Y-m-d H:i:s')
$tt = $this->UnixTimeStamp($v);
/* $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR */
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
if ($tt == 0) return $this->emptyTimeStamp;
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* @param v is the character date in YYYY-MM-DD format, returned by database
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a date formated as user desires
function UserDate($v,$fmt='Y-m-d')
$tt = $this->UnixDate($v);
/* $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR */
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
else if ($tt == 0) return $this->emptyDate;
else if ($tt == -1) { /* pre-TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR */
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* @param $v is a date string in YYYY-MM-DD format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixDate($v)
if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= 1903) return 0;
/* h-m-s-MM-DD-YY */
return @adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* @param $v is a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixTimeStamp($v)
if (!preg_match(
"|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[ -]?(([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9\.]{1,4}))?|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= 1903 && $rr[2]<= 1) return 0;
/* h-m-s-MM-DD-YY */
if (!isset($rr[5])) return adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
return @adodb_mktime($rr[5],$rr[6],$rr[7],$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally
function Free()
return $this->Close();
* PEAR DB compat, number of rows
function NumRows()
return $this->_numOfRows;
* PEAR DB compat, number of cols
function NumCols()
return $this->_numOfFields;
* Fetch a row, returning false if no more rows.
* This is PEAR DB compat mode.
* @return false or array containing the current record
function FetchRow()
if ($this->EOF) return false;
$arr = $this->fields;
if (!$this->_fetch()) $this->EOF = true;
return $arr;
* Fetch a row, returning PEAR_Error if no more rows.
* This is PEAR DB compat mode.
* @return DB_OK or error object
function FetchInto(&$arr)
if ($this->EOF) return (defined('PEAR_ERROR_RETURN')) ? new PEAR_Error('EOF',-1): false;
$arr = $this->fields;
return 1; /* DB_OK */
* Move to the first row in the recordset. Many databases do NOT support this.
* @return true or false
function MoveFirst()
if ($this->_currentRow == 0) return true;
return $this->Move(0);
* Move to the last row in the recordset.
* @return true or false
function MoveLast()
if ($this->_numOfRows >= 0) return $this->Move($this->_numOfRows-1);
if ($this->EOF) return false;
while (!$this->EOF) {
$f = $this->fields;
$this->fields = $f;
$this->EOF = false;
return true;
* Move to next record in the recordset.
* @return true if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).
function MoveNext()
if (!$this->EOF) {
if ($this->_fetch()) return true;
$this->EOF = true;
/* -- tested error handling when scrolling cursor -- seems useless.
$conn = $this->connection;
if ($conn && $conn->raiseErrorFn && ($errno = $conn->ErrorNo())) {
$fn = $conn->raiseErrorFn;
$fn($conn->databaseType,'MOVENEXT',$errno,$conn->ErrorMsg().' ('.$this->sql.')',$conn->host,$conn->database);
return false;
* Random access to a specific row in the recordset. Some databases do not support
* access to previous rows in the databases (no scrolling backwards).
* @param rowNumber is the row to move to (0-based)
* @return true if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).
function Move($rowNumber = 0)
$this->EOF = false;
if ($rowNumber == $this->_currentRow) return true;
if ($rowNumber >= $this->_numOfRows)
if ($this->_numOfRows != -1) $rowNumber = $this->_numOfRows-2;
if ($this->canSeek) {
if ($this->_seek($rowNumber)) {
$this->_currentRow = $rowNumber;
if ($this->_fetch()) {
return true;
} else {
$this->EOF = true;
return false;
} else {
if ($rowNumber < $this->_currentRow) return false;
while (!$this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) {
} else {
while (! $this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) {
if (!$this->_fetch()) $this->EOF = true;
return !($this->EOF);
$this->fields = false;
$this->EOF = true;
return false;
* Get the value of a field in the current row by column name.
* Will not work if ADODB_FETCH_MODE is set to ADODB_FETCH_NUM.
* @param colname is the field to access
* @return the value of $colname column
function Fields($colname)
return $this->fields[$colname];
function GetAssocKeys($upper=true)
$this->bind = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$o = $this->FetchField($i);
if ($upper === 2) $this->bind[$o->name] = $i;
else $this->bind[($upper) ? strtoupper($o->name) : strtolower($o->name)] = $i;
* Use associative array to get fields array for databases that do not support
* associative arrays. Submitted by Paolo S. Asioli paolo.asioli@libero.it
* If you don't want uppercase cols, set $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC
* before you execute your SQL statement, and access $rs->fields['col'] directly.
* $upper 0 = lowercase, 1 = uppercase, 2 = whatever is returned by FetchField
function GetRowAssoc($upper=1)
if (!$this->bind) {
$record = array();
foreach($this->bind as $k => $v) {
$record[$k] = $this->fields[$v];
return $record;
* Clean up recordset
* @return true or false
function Close()
/* free connection object - this seems to globally free the object */
/* and not merely the reference, so don't do this... */
/* $this->connection = false; */
if (!$this->_closed) {
$this->_closed = true;
return $this->_close();
} else
return true;
* synonyms RecordCount and RowCount
* @return the number of rows or -1 if this is not supported
function RecordCount() {return $this->_numOfRows;}
* If we are using PageExecute(), this will return the maximum possible rows
* that can be returned when paging a recordset.
function MaxRecordCount()
return ($this->_maxRecordCount) ? $this->_maxRecordCount : $this->RecordCount();
* synonyms RecordCount and RowCount
* @return the number of rows or -1 if this is not supported
function RowCount() {return $this->_numOfRows;}
* Portable RecordCount. Pablo Roca <pabloroca@mvps.org>
* @return the number of records from a previous SELECT. All databases support this.
* But aware possible problems in multiuser environments. For better speed the table
* must be indexed by the condition. Heavy test this before deploying.
function PO_RecordCount($table="", $condition="") {
$lnumrows = $this->_numOfRows;
/* the database doesn't support native recordcount, so we do a workaround */
if ($lnumrows == -1 && $this->connection) {
IF ($table) {
if ($condition) $condition = " WHERE " . $condition;
$resultrows = &$this->connection->Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table $condition");
if ($resultrows) $lnumrows = reset($resultrows->fields);
return $lnumrows;
* @return the current row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.
function CurrentRow() {return $this->_currentRow;}
* synonym for CurrentRow -- for ADO compat
* @return the current row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.
function AbsolutePosition() {return $this->_currentRow;}
* @return the number of columns in the recordset. Some databases will set this to 0
* if no records are returned, others will return the number of columns in the query.
function FieldCount() {return $this->_numOfFields;}
* Get the ADOFieldObject of a specific column.
* @param fieldoffset is the column position to access(0-based).
* @return the ADOFieldObject for that column, or false.
function &FetchField($fieldoffset)
/* must be defined by child class */
* Get the ADOFieldObjects of all columns in an array.
function FieldTypesArray()
$arr = array();
for ($i=0, $max=$this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++)
$arr[] = $this->FetchField($i);
return $arr;
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default case is lowercase field names.
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row
function &FetchObj()
return FetchObject(false);
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default case is uppercase.
* @param $isupper to set the object property names to uppercase
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row
function &FetchObject($isupper=true)
if (empty($this->_obj)) {
$this->_obj = new ADOFetchObj();
$this->_names = array();
for ($i=0; $i <$this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$f = $this->FetchField($i);
$this->_names[] = $f->name;
$i = 0;
$o = &$this->_obj;
for ($i=0; $i <$this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$name = $this->_names[$i];
if ($isupper) $n = strtoupper($name);
else $n = $name;
$o->$n = $this->Fields($name);
return $o;
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default is lower-case field names.
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row,
* or false if EOF
* Fixed bug reported by tim@orotech.net
function &FetchNextObj()
return $this->FetchNextObject(false);
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default is upper case field names.
* @param $isupper to set the object property names to uppercase
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row,
* or false if EOF
* Fixed bug reported by tim@orotech.net
function &FetchNextObject($isupper=true)
$o = false;
if ($this->_numOfRows != 0 && !$this->EOF) {
$o = $this->FetchObject($isupper);
if ($this->_fetch()) return $o;
$this->EOF = true;
return $o;
* Get the metatype of the column. This is used for formatting. This is because
* many databases use different names for the same type, so we transform the original
* type to our standardised version which uses 1 character codes:
* @param t is the type passed in. Normally is ADOFieldObject->type.
* @param len is the maximum length of that field. This is because we treat character
* fields bigger than a certain size as a 'B' (blob).
* @param fieldobj is the field object returned by the database driver. Can hold
* additional info (eg. primary_key for mysql).
* @return the general type of the data:
* C for character < 200 chars
* X for teXt (>= 200 chars)
* B for Binary
* N for numeric floating point
* D for date
* T for timestamp
* L for logical/Boolean
* I for integer
* R for autoincrement counter/integer
function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false)
if (is_object($t)) {
$fieldobj = $t;
$t = $fieldobj->type;
$len = $fieldobj->max_length;
/* changed in 2.32 to hashing instead of switch stmt for speed... */
static $typeMap = array(
'VARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARCHAR2' => 'C',
'CHAR' => 'C',
'C' => 'C',
'STRING' => 'C',
'NCHAR' => 'C',
'NVARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARYING' => 'C',
'BPCHAR' => 'C',
'INTERVAL' => 'C', # Postgres
'LONGCHAR' => 'X',
'TEXT' => 'X',
'M' => 'X',
'X' => 'X',
'CLOB' => 'X',
'NCLOB' => 'X',
'LVARCHAR' => 'X',
'BLOB' => 'B',
'NTEXT' => 'B',
'BINARY' => 'B',
'B' => 'B',
'YEAR' => 'D', /* mysql */
'DATE' => 'D',
'D' => 'D',
'TIME' => 'T',
'DATETIME' => 'T',
'T' => 'T',
'BOOLEAN' => 'L',
'BIT' => 'L',
'L' => 'L',
'COUNTER' => 'R',
'R' => 'R',
'SERIAL' => 'R', /* ifx */
'INT' => 'I',
'INTEGER' => 'I',
'SHORT' => 'I',
'TINYINT' => 'I',
'SMALLINT' => 'I',
'I' => 'I',
'LONG' => 'N', /* interbase is numeric, oci8 is blob */
'BIGINT' => 'N', /* this is bigger than PHP 32-bit integers */
'DECIMAL' => 'N',
'DEC' => 'N',
'REAL' => 'N',
'DOUBLE' => 'N',
'FLOAT' => 'N',
'NUMBER' => 'N',
'NUM' => 'N',
'NUMERIC' => 'N',
'MONEY' => 'N',
## informix 9.2
'SQLINT' => 'I',
'SQLSMINT' => 'I',
'SQLFLOAT' => 'N',
'SQLMONEY' => 'N',
'SQLDATE' => 'D',
'SQLVCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLDTIME' => 'T',
'SQLBYTES' => 'B',
'SQLTEXT' => 'X'
$tmap = false;
$t = strtoupper($t);
$tmap = @$typeMap[$t];
switch ($tmap) {
case 'C':
/* is the char field is too long, return as text field... */
if (!empty($this)) {
if ($len > $this->blobSize) return 'X';
} else if ($len > 250) {
return 'X';
return 'C';
case 'I':
if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) return 'R';
return 'I';
case false:
return 'N';
case 'B':
if (isset($fieldobj->binary))
return ($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X';
return 'B';
case 'D':
if ($this->dateHasTime) return 'T';
return 'D';
if ($t == 'LONG' && $this->dataProvider == 'oci8') return 'B';
return $tmap;
function _close() {}
* set/returns the current recordset page when paginating
function AbsolutePage($page=-1)
if ($page != -1) $this->_currentPage = $page;
return $this->_currentPage;
* set/returns the status of the atFirstPage flag when paginating
function AtFirstPage($status=false)
if ($status != false) $this->_atFirstPage = $status;
return $this->_atFirstPage;
function LastPageNo($page = false)
if ($page != false) $this->_lastPageNo = $page;
return $this->_lastPageNo;
* set/returns the status of the atLastPage flag when paginating
function AtLastPage($status=false)
if ($status != false) $this->_atLastPage = $status;
return $this->_atLastPage;
} /* end class ADORecordSet */