Container Release Notes

*** version 2.3.0 ***

Fixed the following bugs:

+ Improved creation of the <iframe> element used to monitor changes to the 
  browser's font size so that:
    - Safari's status bar no longer displays a "Loading..." message after the 
      page has loaded.
    - Firefox no longer reports duplicate cookie information.
    - The browser scrollbars no longer flash on and off in Firefox.

+ It is now possible to set the "button" configuration property of a 
  YAHOO.widget.Dialog instance after it has be rendered.

+ Form elements appended to a YAHOO.widget.Dialog instance via the "setBody"
  method are now automatically registered using the "registerForm" method.

+ The "focusFirst" method of YAHOO.widget.Dialog will no longer result in a 
  JavaScript error in IE if the first element in the Dialog instance's form
  is a radio button.

+ YAHOO.widget.Panel instances whose "draggable" property is set to "true" and
  "width" property is set to "auto" are now able to be dragged in IE 6 (Quirks
  and Strict Mode) and IE 7 Quirks Mode.

+ Updated focus methods of YAHOO.widget.Dialog to prevent JavaScript errors 
  that result from trying to set focus to elements that hidden or disabled.

+ Pressing the enter key will no longer result in a YAHOO.widget.Dialog 
  instance's "validate" method being called twice.

+ Pressing the enter key while focused on a form field inside a Dialog will no
  longer trigger the "click" event handler defined by the Dialog's default 
  button in IE and Firefox.

+ Pressing the enter key when focused on a form field inside a 
  YAHOO.widget.Dialog instance with no buttons created via its "buttons" 
  configuration property will no longer result in a JavaScript error.

+ Aqua scrollbars will no longer bleed through Container widgets in Firefox
  for Mac OS X.

+ The "width" and "height" configuration properties of YAHOO.widget.Overlay
  now supersede the "fixedcenter" and "context" configuration properties to 
  ensure correct positioning of Overlay instances using the "fixedcenter" 
  and "context" configuration properties.

+ Calling the "destroy" method on a YAHOO.widget.Overlay instance no longer 
  results in a JavaScript error on the subsequent focus of another 
  Overlay instance.

+ YAHOO.widget.Tooltip instances without a value specified for the "width" 
  configuration property will be rendered at a width equal to the offsetWidth
  of their root <DIV/> element to prevent their width from being clipped or 
  constrained by their parent HTML element.


+ Rendering of YAHOO.widget.Tooltip instances is now deferred using the 
  "onDOMReady" event handler of YAHOO.util.Event rather than waiting until 
  the "load" event of the Tooltip's parent window fires.

+ Deprecated "browser" property of YAHOO.widget.Module in favor 

+ The "moveEvent" of a YAHOO.widget.Panel instance now also fires with the 
  "endDrag" event of the its YAHOO.util.DD instance.

+ Updated modal functionality of YAHOO.widget.Panel:
    - The creation of a Panel instance's modality mask is now deferred until it
      is initially made visible.

    - Showing a modal Panel instance will now result in the Panel and its 
      associated modality mask element having a higher z-index than all other
      YAHOO.widget.Overlay instances and Overlay subclasses.

+ Updated the "underlay" configuration property of YAHOO.widget.Panel:

    - The creation of the underlay element is deferred until the Panel
      instance is initially made visible.

    - For Gecko-based browsers on Mac OS X the underlay elment is always 
      created as it is used as a shim to prevent Aqua scrollbars below a Panel 
      instance from poking through it.

    - For IE 7 (Quirks Mode) and IE 6 (Quirks Mode and Standard Mode) the 
      underlay element is resized in response to a change to a Panel instance's 
      "width" or "height" configuration properties, a change to the browser's 
      font size or the firing of the contentChangedEvent (triggered by use of  
      the "setHeader," "appendToHeader," "setBody," "appendToBody," 
      "setFooter," or "appendToFooter" methods). 

+ Updated the "iframe" configuration property of YAHOO.widget.Overlay:

    - The creation of the <iframe> shim element is deferred until the Overlay
      instance is initially made visible.

    - The <iframe> shim element is resized when a change to an Overlay 
      instance's content is made at runtime via the "setHeader," 
      "appendToHeader," "setBody," "appendToBody," "setFooter," or 
      "appendToFooter" methods.

+ Updated the "buttons" configuration property of YAHOO.widget.Dialog:

    - YAHOO.widget.Button is now an optional dependancy, and if included, each
      button in a Dialog will be an instance of Button.

    - The "text" property of each button now accepts HTML
    - The "handler" property of each button can now be set to:
        + A reference to a function that should fire when the button is 
          clicked.  (In this case scope of this function is always its 
          Dialog instance.)

        + An object literal representing the code to be executed when the 
          button is clicked.  The format is:  
            fn: Function (The handler to call when the event fires.),
            obj: Object (An object to pass back to the handler.),
            scope: Object (The object to use for the scope of the handler.)

Added the following features:

+ Added ability for YAHOO.widget.Tooltip instances to have shadow:

    - The shadow for a Tooltip is implemented by appending a new element as the 
      last child of its root <DIV/> element:

        <DIV class="yui-tt">
            <DIV class="bd"> ... </DIV>
            <DIV class="yui-tt-shadow"/>

    - The code that creates the shadow element resides inside the Tooltip's 
      public "onRender" prototype method.  To disable the creation of a 
      Tooltip's shadow override the prototype of the "onRender" method:
      YAHOO.widget.Tooltip.prototype.onRender = function () {};
    - The actual creation of the shadow element is deferred until the Tooltip 
      is made visible for the first time.

    - A Tooltip's shadow element can be styled via two CSS classes:

        + "yui-tt-shadow"  - Applied to the shadow element when it is created.
        + "yui-tt-shadow-visible" - Applied to the shadow element when the  
          Tooltip is visible; it is removed the Tooltip is hidden.

    - The shadow element is only styled when using the new "Sam" skin, for
      the previous default skin its "display" property is set to "none."

+ Prototype of all classes (Module, Overlay, Panel, Dialog, SimpleDialog,  
  Tooltip, Config, and ContainerEffect) are augmented with 
  YAHOO.util.EventProvider, facilitating subscribing to an instance's 
  Custom Events by name via a "subscribe" method that is a direct member of 
  the class.  For example:
    var oOverlay = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay("myoverlay");
    oOverlay.subscribe("show", onShow);

+ Added a new "bringToTop" method to YAHOO.widget.Overlay that places the 
  Overlay on top of all other Overlay instances.

+ Added a new "bringToTop" method to YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager that places 
  the specified Overlay instance on top of all other Overlay instances.  This 
  method is called on each Overlay instance that is registered with an 
  OverlayManager instance.

+ Dialog instances are now able to upload files should the Dialog instance's 
  form contain <input type="file"/> elements.  PLEASE NOTE: If a Dialog 
  instance will be handling asyncronous file uploads, its "callback" property 
  will need to be setup with an "upload" handler rather than the standard 
  "success" and, or "failure" handlers.  For more information, see the 
  Connection Manager documenation on file uploads:

+ Added a new "getButtons" method to YAHOO.widget.Dialog that returns an array 
  containing each of the Dialog's buttons; by default an array of HTML <BUTTON>
  elements.  If the Dialog's buttons were created using the 
  YAHOO.widget.Button class (via the inclusion of the optional Button
  dependancy on the page), an array of YAHOO.widget.Button instances 
  is returned.

+ Added a "destroy" method to YAHOO.util.Config that sets all properties to 
  null, unsubscribes all listeners from each property's change event and all 
  listeners from the configChangedEvent.  The "destroy" method of 
  YAHOO.widget.Module now automatically calls the "destroy" method of its
  configuation object.

+ Added a "IFRAME_OFFSET" constant to YAHOO.widget.Overlay that controls how 
  much the <iframe> shim should be offset from each side of an 
  Overlay instance.

+ Added a new "syncIframe" method to YAHOO.widget.Overlay that syncronizes the 
  size and position of the <iframe> shim to that of the Overlay.

+ Added a "ICON_CSS_CLASSNAME" constant to YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog that 
  represents the name of the CSS class applied to the element created by the 
  "icon" configuration property.

Known Issues

+ "Sam" skin Panel missing left and right borders when declared with a height
  If the height of a Panel instance exceeds the total height of its header, 
  body and footer elements, the space not filled with content will lack a left 
  and right border.  Therefore, to set a Panel instance to a fixed height 
  when using the "Sam" skin, apply the desired height to the body element, 
  taking into account the height of the header and footer elements.  To set the 
  height of a Panel instance's body via CSS:
  #mypanel .bd {
    height: 100px;
  Or via JavaScript: = "100px";

+ Elements with scrollbars poke through Overlay instances floating above them
  There is a bug in Gecko-based browsers for Mac OS X where an element's 
  scrollbars will poke through absolutely positioned elements floating above
  them.  To fix this problem the "overflow" property of an Overlay instance's 
  root element is toggled between "hidden" and "auto" (through the application 
  and removal of the "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes) as its 
  "visibility" configuration property is toggled between "false" and "true."
  1) The "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes classes are 
     applied only for Gecko on Mac OS X and are added/removed to/from the 
     Overlay's root HTML element (DIV) via the "hideMacGeckoScrollbars" and 
     "showMacGeckoScrollbars" methods of YAHOO.widget.Overlay.
  2) For Panel (and its subclasses) it is the underlay element, not the root 
     element, whose "overflow" property is toggled between "hidden" and "auto."
     The underlay element therefore acts as a shim to correct the 
     scrollbar problem.
  3) For Tooltip instances using the "Sam" skin it is the shadow element, not 
     the root element, whose "overflow" property is toggled between "hidden" 
     and "auto."  The shadow element therefore acts as a shim to correct the 
     scrollbar problem.
  4) Once the fix is applied the bug will reappear if the window loses focus.  
     This can be remedied via Javascript by hiding and showing the Overlay 
     instance when the window receives focus:

        YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, "focus", function () {

    ** For more information see

+ Scrollbars remain visible after an Overlay is hidden
  There is a bug in Gecko-based browsers for Mac OS X where an element's 
  scrollbars and the scrollbars of its child nodes remain visible when its 
  "visibility" property property is set to "hidden."  To fix this problem,
  the "overflow" property of an Overlay instance's root element and child nodes
  is toggled between "hidden" and "auto" (through the application and removal 
  of the "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes) as its 
  "visibility" configuration property is toggled between "false" and "true."

  1) The "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" CSS classes classes are 
     applied only for Gecko on Mac OS X and are added/removed to/from the 
     Overlay's root HTML element (DIV) via the "hideMacGeckoScrollbars" and 
     "showMacGeckoScrollbars" methods of YAHOO.widget.Overlay.
  2) There may be instances where the CSS for a web page or application 
     contains style rules whose specificity override the rules implemented by 
     the Container CSS files to fix this bug.  In such cases, is necessary to 
     leverage the provided "hide-scrollbars" and "show-scrollbars" classes to 
     write custom style rules to guard against this bug.  For example:
     To fix the scrollbars issue for an Overlay instance with an id of 
     "myoverlay" whose body element has scrollbars applied by default:

        #myoverlay .bd {
            height: 100px;
            /* Apply scrollbars for all browsers. */
            overflow: auto;
        #myoverlay.hide-scrollbars .bd {
            /* Hide scrollbars by default for Gecko on OS X */
            overflow: hidden;
        .bd {
            /* Show scrollbars for Gecko on OS X when the Overlay is visible */
            overflow: auto;
     To fix the scrollbars issue for a Panel instance with an id of "mypanel" 
     whose body element has scrollbars applied by default:
        #mypanel .bd {
            height: 100px;
            /* Apply scrollbars for all browsers. */
            overflow: auto;
        .yui-panel-container.hide-scrollbars #mypanel .bd {
            /* Hide scrollbars by default for Gecko on OS X */
            overflow: hidden;
        #mypanel .bd {
            /* Show scrollbars for Gecko on OS X when the Panel is visible  */
            overflow: auto;

    ** For more information see

+ Flash Movies appear on top of Overlay instances
  Flash movies can appear on top of Overlay instances in IE and Gecko-based
  browsers.  To fix this problem, set the "wmode" of the Flash movie to either
  "transparent" or "opaque" as indicated below: 

  Via the <object> tag:

        <param name="wmode" value="opaque">

        <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> 

  Via the <embed> tag:
    <embed wmode="transparent"> ... </embed>
    <embed wmode="opaque"> ... </embed>

    ** For more information see

+ Overlay instances not rendered at correct z-index in IE
  In IE, when an Overlay instance is rendered inside a relatively positioned 
  element the z-index of the Overlay instance is now relative to its 
  relatively positioned parent element.  This is not a bug in the 
  Overlay class, but rather a bug in IE where relatively positioned elements 
  establish a new stacking context for their child nodes.  To avoid this 
  bug it is recommend that all Overlay instances that need to be able to float
  above any other element in the document be made direct descendants of the 
  <body> element.

  ** For more information see

+ Header elements for Panel instances using "Sam" skin shrinkwrap in IE 7
  In IE 7 (Standards Mode) if a Panel instance is created without specifying a
  value for the "width" configuration property the width of the Panel's 
  header element will shrinkwrap to the width of its text node.  To avoid 
  triggering this bug in IE always specify a value for the "width" 
  configuration property when using Panel.

+ Panel instances render at 100% of the browser viewport
  In IE 7 (Quirks Mode) and IE 6 (Quirks Mode and Standards Mode) if any of the 
  child nodes of a Panel instance's root element have "layout" 
  ( and no value
  has been specified for the "width" configuration property, the Panel will 
  render at 100% of the width of browser's viewport.  This bug will manifest
  when using the "Sam" skin as layout is applied to the header, body and 
  footer elements (by setting the CSS "zoom" property of the element to "1" ) 
  in order to get the negative margins required for the rounded corners to 
  render correctly.  To avoid triggering this bug in IE always specify a value
  for the "width" configuration property when using Panel.

+ Panel instances render at 2px wider when using "Sam" skin 
  For the "Sam" skin a Panel instance's rounded corners are created via the 
  application of negative 1px left and right margins on the header, body and 
  footer elements.  These negative margins will cause a Panel instance to be 
  rendered at 2px wider than the value specified by the "width" configuration 
  property.  Therefore, when using the "Sam" skin consider the negative left 
  and right margins and subtract 2 from the value passed to the "width" 
  configuration property in order to have the Panel render at the desired 
  width.  For example, to render a Panel 300px wide, pass a value of "298px" 
  to the "width" configuration property.

*** version 2.2.2 ***

+ Clicking the close button of a Panel (or any instance of a Panel subclass) 
  registered with an OverlayManager will no longer result in the Panel 
  receiving focus.

+ Overlay instances registered with an OverlayManager will now correctly 
  blur themselves when hidden.

+ Calling the "destroy" method of an Overlay instance will now result in it 
  being removed from its OverlayManager instance(s).

+ The DOM event listener for the event defined by the "focusevent" 
  configuration property of an OverlayManager instance is now removed from each 
  Overlay instance when it is removed from its OverlayManager.

+ All subscribers for an Overlay instance's "focus" and "blur" events are 
  now unsubscribed when it is removed from its OverlayManager.

*** version 2.2.1 ***

+ Made the default scope for all Custom Events published by Module, Overlay, 
  Panel, Tooltip, Dialog and SimpleDialog the widget instance.  Previously the 
  default scope for Custom Events was inconsistent across classes; the default
  scope for Custom Events published by Overlay was always the Overlay instance
  whereas the Custom Events published by all of the other classes had no 
  default scope.  

+ Added default scope for CustomEvents published by YAHOO.util.Config:
  - Default scope for the "configChangedEvent" is now the Config instance.
  - Default scope for Config property events is now the Config's owner (widget).

+ Panel and Tooltip now always convert the value of a DOM element's "tagName" 
  property to uppercase before evaluating it.  This improves 
  XHTML compatibility.
+ Pressing the enter key while focused on a form field inside a Dialog will 
  now trigger the "click" event handler defined by the Dialog's default 
  button in IE and Firefox.  Previously, this behavior only worked in Safari 
  and Opera.

+ Added a "yui" prefix to the default CSS class name for Module to be 
  consistent with the other Container family widgets.

+ Container/Panel's underlay shadow is now defined as partially-transparent
  black rather than gray.  This prevents the shadow from lightening the 
  background color of elements beneath it.

+ Fixed memory leaks in Panel and Dialog.

+ The Drag and Drop library is now a truly optional dependency for Panel and its 

+ Panel "focus" and "blur" events are now fired when Panels are focused and 
  blurred via the "focus" and "blurAll" methods of YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.

+ Panel instances rendered without setting the value for the "width" 
  configuration property will now have their "width" configuration 
  property set to the value of the Panel's element's "offsetWidth" property 
  when rendered.  This fixes an issue in IE 6 and 7 where Panels that are 
  rendered without setting the "width" configuration property will only be 
  draggable by mousing down on the text inside the header, rather than anywhere 
  inside the header.
+ Refactored the Container family including the Config class to improve 
  performance, especially when working with a large number of instances in IE6.

*** version 2.2.0 ***

	   - Removed hardcoded file paths for image roots.  Affected properties
		- YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT
		- YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT_SSL
	   - HTML elements, created via createElement, now use lowercase.

	   - To shield against CSS class collision, the following references now
	   have a "yui-" prefix:
	      - YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL now references CSS class "yui-
	      - YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER now references CSS class
	   -  Close button can now be configured via the CSS class "container-
	   - HTML elements, created via createElement, now use lowercase.

	   - To shield against CSS class collision, the following references now
	   have a "yui-" prefix:
	   	- YAHOO.widget.Dialog.CSS_DIALOG now references CSS class "yui-
	   - HTML elements, created via createElement, now use lowercase.

	   - Removed hardcoded file paths for SimpleDialog icons, which are now
	   configurable in CSS:
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_BLOCK now references CSS class
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_ALARM now references CSS class
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_HELP now references CSS class
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_INFO now references CSS class
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_WARN now references CSS class
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_TIP now references CSS class
	   - To provide shield against CSS class collision the following
	   references now have a "yui-" prefix:
	      - YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.CSS_SIMPLEDIALOG now references CSS
	      class "yui-simple-dialog";

	   - To shield against CSS class collision, the following references now
	   have a "yui-" prefix:
	      - YAHOO.widget.Tooltip.CSS_TOOLTIP now references CSS class "yui-
	      tipicon" "yui-tt";

*** version 0.12.2 ***

	   - Corrected issue where listener was not properly removed from resize
	   monitor element when "monitorresize" is disabled

	   - Fixed issue that would sometimes prevent select lists from working
	   properly in Firefox

	   - Fixed error that would occur when trying to create a Dialog where
	   the first form element is set to "disabled"
	   - Modified "close" property handler for Dialog/SimpleDialog to call
	   "cancel" instead of "hide"

*** version 0.12.1 ***

	All Classes
	   - "monitorresize" property now functions in situations where
	   document.domain has been modified.
	   - YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent now fires when the font size is
	   changed (except for Opera, which uses "zoom" functionality that
	   prevents this)
	   - Event listeners attached to container elements are now properly
	   purged on destroy using YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement

	   - Fixed issue where focus events were broken on the page when a modal
	   Panel was created

	   - Fixed bug where hitting "enter" on a Dialog was forcing the default
	   submission behavior of the form's action to execute
	   - Dialog no longer tries to give focus to hidden form elements.
	   - Replaced &nbsp; references in Panel with &#160; for XHTML
	   - Fixed issue that was preventing Safari from successfully using the
	   getData() function

*** version 0.12 ***

	All Classes
	   - New documentation format implemented, and removed unnecessary
	   prototype null references previously used for generating

	   - Added 'undefined' check when reading initial properties for
	   - Fixed Firefox warning on .resetProperty()
	   - Fixed issue preventing resetProperty() from resetting values

	   - Removed unused "childNodesInDom" property

	   - Converted center() to use Dom utility
	   - Fixed configVisible() to properly detect actual visible/hidden
	   status in Internet Explorer, which reports "inherit" for all elements
	   by default.
	   - Updated onDomResize to properly reapply "context" property
	   - Unified scroll/resize handlers so that they fire properly (when the
	   event has completed) as opposed to constantly (as seen in Mozilla-
	   based browsers)

	   - Modified modality mask to show before Panel is shown (prior to any
	   - Modified buildWrapper to eliminate cloning of the initial markup
	   module, which fixes issues with select options not maintaining their
	   default selections in IE
	   - Modality mask is now z-indexed properly so that the mask z-index is
	   always one less than the Panel z-index

	   - Fixed Connection to get "action" attribute using getAttribute, to
	   allow for form fields named "action"
	   - Added support for "GET" by retrieving the form "method" rather than
	   always defaulting to "POST"

	   - Fixed to work properly with Safari 2.0 by matching against keyCode
	   or charCode

*** version 0.11.4 ***

	- Panel: Modality mask is now properly removed from DOM on Panel

*** version 0.11.3 ***

	- Module: Fixed SSL warning issue in IE
	- Overlay: Fixed memory leak related to iframe shim in IE
	- Panel: No focusable elements under the mask can now be tabbed to
	- Panel: Set Panel container overflow to hidden to fix scrolling issue
	in Opera 9

*** version 0.11.2 ***

	- All: JsLint optimization
	- Overlay: Fixed SSL issues with monitorresize property
	- OverlayManager: Fixed z-index incrementing issues
	- Dialog: Form elements called "name" will now function properly
	- Dialog: Removed unnecessary scope:this reference

*** version 0.11.1 ***

	- Tooltip: Removed incorrect logger statement
	- Dialog: Corrected logic that was causing browser lockup in IE for
	- Dialog: Fixed "firstButtom" typo

*** version 0.11.0 ***

	- toString function added to all classes for easy logging
	- YAHOO.extend is now being used for inheritance on all container
	- Module: monitorresize feature now works on all browsers
	- Module: Fixed bug with image root and isSecure
	- Overlay: Fixed bugs related to IFRAME shim positioning
	- Overlay: center() now works in quirks mode
	- Overlay: Overlay now has a custom destroy() method that also removes
	the IFRAME shim
	- OverlayManager: Fixed bug in the prototype that was preventing
	multiple Managers on one page
	- OverlayManager: focusEvent now fires at all appropriate times
	- Tooltip: context can now be specified as an array, so Tooltips can be
	reused across multiple context elements
	- Tooltip: preventoverlap now functions properly for large context
	elements (i.e, images)
	- Tooltip: fixed bugs regarding setTimeout
	- Tooltip: added mousemove event to allow for more accurate Tooltip
	- Panel: added dragEvent for monitoring all event handlers for drag and
	- Panel: modality mask is now resized on scroll
	- Panel: KeyListeners are now properly destroyed when the Panel is
	- Panel: Header is now sized properly in quirks mode
	- Dialog: Blinking cursor issue is fixed for Firefox
	- Dialog: callback object for Connection is now public (this.callback)
	- Dialog: onsuccess/onfailure properties removed (as a result of the
	public callback object)
	- Dialog: Dialog is now invisible by default
	- Dialog: Buttons are now properly cleaned up on destroy

*** version 0.10.0 ***

* Initial release