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synced 2025-02-01 13:28:17 +01:00
certain types of bad HTML code
96 lines
5.8 KiB
96 lines
5.8 KiB
* Library to convert HTML into an approximate text equivalent *
Version: 1.0 (with modifications)
Copyright 2002 Mark Wilton-Jones
License: HowToCreate script license with written permission
URL: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/php/
For full details about the script and to get the latest version,
please see the HowToCreate web site above.
This version contains modifications for Moodle. In each case the
original line has been commented out below and a new line has been
added, so it should be easy to see what has changed.
function html2text( $badStr ) {
//remove PHP if it exists
if( $andPHP ) { while( substr_count( $badStr, '<'.'?' ) && substr_count( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) && strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) > strpos( $badStr, '<'.'?', strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) ) ) {
$badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, strpos( $badStr, '<'.'?' ) ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>', strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) ) + 2 ); } }
//remove comments
while( substr_count( $badStr, '<!--' ) && substr_count( $badStr, '-->' ) && strpos( $badStr, '-->' ) > strpos( $badStr, '<!--', strpos( $badStr, '-->' ) ) ) {
$badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, strpos( $badStr, '<!--' ) ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( $badStr, '-->', strpos( $badStr, '-->' ) ) + 3 ); }
//now make sure all HTML tags are correctly written (> not in between quotes)
for( $x = 0, $goodStr = '', $is_open_tb = false, $is_open_sq = false, $is_open_sq = false; strlen( $chr = $badStr{$x} ); $x++ ) {
//take each letter in turn and check if that character is permitted there
switch( $chr ) {
case '<':
if( !$is_open_tb && strtolower( substr( $badStr, $x + 1, 5 ) ) == 'style' ) {
$badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, $x ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( strtolower( $badStr ), '</style>', $x ) + 7 ); $chr = '';
} elseif( !$is_open_tb && strtolower( substr( $badStr, $x + 1, 6 ) ) == 'script' ) {
$badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, $x ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( strtolower( $badStr ), '</script>', $x ) + 8 ); $chr = '';
} elseif( !$is_open_tb ) { $is_open_tb = true; } else { $chr = '<'; }
case '>':
if( !$is_open_tb || $is_open_dq || $is_open_sq ) { $chr = '>'; } else { $is_open_tb = false; }
case '"':
if( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_dq = true; }
elseif( $is_open_tb && $is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_dq = false; }
else { $chr = '"'; }
case "'":
if( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_sq = true; }
elseif( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && $is_open_sq ) { $is_open_sq = false; }
} $goodStr .= $chr;
//now that the page is valid (I hope) for strip_tags, strip all unwanted tags
$goodStr = strip_tags( $goodStr, '<title><hr><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><div><p><pre><sup><ul><ol><br><dl><dt><table><caption><tr><li><dd><th><td><a><area><img><form><input><textarea><button><select><option>' );
//strip extra whitespace except between <pre> and <textarea> tags
$badStr = preg_split( "/<\/?pre[^>]*>/i", $goodStr );
for( $x = 0; is_string( $badStr[$x] ); $x++ ) {
if( $x % 2 ) { $badStr[$x] = '<pre>'.$badStr[$x].'</pre>'; } else {
$goodStr = preg_split( "/<\/?textarea[^>]*>/i", $badStr[$x] );
for( $z = 0; is_string( $goodStr[$z] ); $z++ ) {
if( $z % 2 ) { $goodStr[$z] = '<textarea>'.$goodStr[$z].'</textarea>'; } else {
$goodStr[$z] = preg_replace( "/\s+/", ' ', $goodStr[$z] );
} }
$badStr[$x] = implode('',$goodStr);
} }
$goodStr = implode('',$badStr);
//remove all options from select inputs
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<option[^>]*>[^<]*/i", '', $goodStr );
//replace all tags with their text equivalents
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(\/title|hr)[^>]*>/i", "\n --------------------\n", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(h|div|p)[^>]*>/i", "\n\n", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<sup[^>]*>/i", '^', $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(ul|ol|br|dl|dt|table|caption|\/textarea|tr[^>]*>\s*<(td|th))[^>]*>/i", "\n", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<li[^>]*>/i", "\n<EFBFBD> ", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<dd[^>]*>/i", "\n\t", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(th|td)[^>]*>/i", "\t", $goodStr );
//$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<a[^>]* href=(\"((?!\"|#|javascript:)[^\"#]*)(\"|#)|'((?!'|#|javascript:)[^'#]*)('|#)|((?!'|\"|>|#|javascript:)[^#\"'> ]*))[^>]*>/i", "[LINK: $2$4$6] ", $goodStr ); // Moodle
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<a[^>]* href=(\"((?!\"|#|javascript:)[^\"#]*)(\"|#)|'((?!'|#|javascript:)[^'#]*)('|#)|((?!'|\"|>|#|javascript:)[^#\"'> ]*))[^>]*>/i", "[$2$4$6] ", $goodStr );
//$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<img[^>]* alt=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "[IMAGE: $2$3$4] ", $goodStr ); // Moodle
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<img[^>]* alt=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "[$2$3$4] ", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<form[^>]* action=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "\n[FORM: $2$3$4] ", $goodStr );
$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(input|textarea|button|select)[^>]*>/i", "[INPUT] ", $goodStr );
//strip all remaining tags (mostly closing tags)
$goodStr = strip_tags( $goodStr );
//convert HTML entities
$goodStr = strtr( $goodStr, array_flip( get_html_translation_table( HTML_ENTITIES ) ) );
preg_replace( "/&#(\d+);/me", "chr('$1')", $goodStr );
// $goodStr = wordwrap( $goodStr ); // Moodle
$goodStr = wordwrap( $goodStr, 70 );
//make sure there are no more than 3 linebreaks in a row and trim whitespace
return preg_replace( "/^\n*|\n*$/", '', preg_replace( "/[ \t]+(\n|$)/", "$1", preg_replace( "/\n(\s*\n){2}/", "\n\n\n", preg_replace( "/\r\n?|\f/", "\n", str_replace( chr(160), ' ', $goodStr ) ) ) ) );