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synced 2025-02-25 20:43:33 +01:00
This check-in removes about 400 lines of code. I hope I have not screwed anything up. I would be grateful if people could review this change, and keep an eye on the navigation bar in modules. Any navigation bar bugs you find in the near future, feel free to file them in the tracker and assign them to me. Thanks. If not to many problems are found, I think I would like to backport this to 1.9 stable, but I am not sure that is a good idea. Opinions to the General Developer Forum please. I am about to start a thread there.
413 lines
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413 lines
19 KiB
<?php // $Id$
ACTIONS handled are:
displayfinalgrade (for students)
makeleaguetableavailable (for teachers)
notavailable (for students)
openexercise (for teachers)
setupassignment (for teachers)
showsubmissions (for students)
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
$changegroup = optional_param('group', -1, PARAM_INT);
// get some esential stuff...
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('exercise', $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $exercise = get_record("exercise", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// ...log activity...
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "view", "view.php?id=$cm->id", $exercise->id, $cm->id);
$strexercises = get_string("modulenameplural", "exercise");
$strexercise = get_string("modulename", "exercise");
// ...display header...
$navigation = build_navigation('', $cm);
print_header_simple(format_string($exercise->name), "", $navigation,
"", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strexercise), navmenu($course, $cm));
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
if (empty($action)) { // no action specified, either go straight to elements page else the admin page
// has the assignment any elements
if (count_records("exercise_elements", "exerciseid", $exercise->id)) {
$action = "teachersview";
else {
elseif (!isguest()) { // it's a student then
if (!$cm->visible) {
switch ($exercise->phase) {
case 0 :
case 1 : $action = 'notavailable'; break;
case 2 : $action = 'studentsview'; break;
case 3 : $action = 'displayfinalgrade';
else { // it's a guest, oh no!
$action = 'notavailable';
/****************** display final grade (for students) ************************************/
if ($action == 'displayfinalgrade' ) {
// show the final grades as stored in the tables...
print_heading(get_string("displayoffinalgrades", "exercise"));
if ($submissions = exercise_get_user_submissions($exercise, $USER)) { // any submissions from user?
echo "<center><table border=\"1\" width=\"90%\"><tr>";
echo "<td><b>".get_string("submissions", "exercise")."</b></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>".get_string("gradeforassessment", "exercise")."</b></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>".get_string("gradeforsubmission", "exercise", $course->teacher)."</b></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>".get_string("overallgrade", "exercise")."</b></td></tr>\n";
// now the weights
echo "<tr><td><b>".get_string("maximumgrade")."</b></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>$exercise->gradinggrade</b></td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>$exercise->grade</b></td>\n";
echo "<td><b> </b></td></tr>\n";
// first get user's own assessment reord, it should contain their grading grade
if ($ownassessments = exercise_get_user_assessments($exercise, $USER)) {
foreach ($ownassessments as $ownassessment) {
break; // there should only be one
else {
$ownassessment->gradinggrade = 0;
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
if ($assessments = exercise_get_assessments($submission)) {
foreach ($assessments as $assessment) { // (normally there should only be one
$gradinggrade = number_format($ownassessment->gradinggrade * $exercise->gradinggrade / 100.0,
$grade = number_format($assessment->grade * $exercise->grade / 100.0, 1);
$overallgrade = number_format(($assessment->grade * $exercise->grade / 100.0) +
($ownassessment->gradinggrade * $exercise->gradinggrade / 100.0 ), 1);
if ($submission->late) {
$grade = "<font color=\"red\">(".$grade.")</font>";
$overallgrade = "<font color=\"red\">(".$overallgrade.")</font>";
echo "<tr><td>".exercise_print_submission_title($exercise, $submission)."</td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$gradinggrade</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$grade</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$overallgrade</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table></center><br clear=\"all\" />\n";
if ($exercise->showleaguetable) {
echo "<br />".get_string("maximumgrade").": $exercise->grade<br />\n";
/****************** make final grades available (for teachers only)**************/
elseif ($action == 'makeleaguetableavailable') {
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers with editing permissions can do this.");
set_field("exercise", "phase", 3, "id", "$exercise->id");
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "display", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$exercise->id", $cm->id);
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("movingtophase", "exercise", 3));
/*********************** assignment not available (for students)***********************/
elseif ($action == 'notavailable') {
print_heading(get_string("notavailable", "exercise"));
/****************** open exercise for student assessments and submissions (phase 2) (for teachers)**/
elseif ($action == 'openexercise') {
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers with editing permissions can do this.");
// move to phase 2, check that teacher has made enough submissions
if (exercise_count_teacher_submissions($exercise) == 0) {
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("noexercisedescriptionssubmitted", "exercise"));
elseif (($exercise->gradingstrategy == 3) and ($exercise->nelements ==1 )) {
// only one criterion specified
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("numberofcriterionelements", "exercise"));
} else {
set_field("exercise", "phase", 2, "id", "$exercise->id");
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "open", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$exercise->id", $cm->id);
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("movingtophase", "exercise", 2));
/****************** set up assignment (move back to phase 1) (for teachers)***********************/
elseif ($action == 'setupassignment') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers with editing permissions can do this.");
set_field("exercise", "phase", 1, "id", "$exercise->id");
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "set up", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$exercise->id", $cm->id);
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("movingtophase", "exercise", 1));
/****************** showsubmissions (for students, in phase 3)***********************/
elseif ($action == 'showsubmissions') {
print_heading(get_string("submissionsnowclosed", "exercise"));
// show student's assessment (linked to the teacher's exercise/submission
print_heading(get_string("yourassessment", "exercise"));
exercise_list_teacher_submissions($exercise, $USER);
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
if ($submissions = exercise_get_user_submissions($exercise, $USER)) {
print_heading(get_string("yoursubmission", "exercise"));
$table->head = array (get_string("submission", "exercise"), get_string("submitted", "exercise"),
get_string("assessed", "exercise"), get_string("grade"));
$table->width = "100%";
$table->align = array ("left", "left", "left", "center");
$table->size = array ("*", "*", "*", "*");
$table->cellpadding = 2;
$table->cellspacing = 0;
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
if ($assessments = exercise_get_assessments($submission)) {
// should only be one but we'll loop anyway
foreach ($assessments as $assessment) {
$table->data[] = array(exercise_print_submission_title($exercise, $submission),
userdate($submission->timecreated), userdate($assessment->timecreated),
"<a href=\"assessments.php?action=viewassessment&id=$cm->id&aid=$assessment->id\">".$assessment->grade * $exercise->grade / 100.0."</a>");
} else {
// submission not yet assessed (by teacher)
$table->data[] = array(exercise_print_submission_title($exercise, $submission),
userdate($submission->timecreated), get_string("notassessedyet", "exercise"), 0);
} else {
print_heading(get_string("nosubmissions", "exercise"));
// always allow student to resubmit
if (exercise_test_for_resubmission($exercise, $USER)) {
// if resubmission requested print upload form
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
print_heading(get_string("pleasesubmityourwork", "exercise").":");
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
/****************** student's view could be in 1 of 3 stages ***********************/
elseif ($action == 'studentsview') {
// is a password needed?
if ($exercise->usepassword) {
$correctpass = false;
if (isset($_POST['userpassword'])) {
if ($exercise->password == md5(trim($_POST['userpassword']))) {
$USER->exerciseloggedin[$exercise->id] = true;
$correctpass = true;
} elseif (isset($USER->exerciseloggedin[$exercise->id])) {
$correctpass = true;
if (!$correctpass) {
echo "<form id=\"password\" method=\"post\" action=\"view.php\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$cm->id\" />\n";
echo "<table cellpadding=\"7px\">";
if (isset($_POST['userpassword'])) {
echo "<tr align=\"center\" style='color:#DF041E;'><td>".get_string("wrongpassword", "exercise").
echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td>".get_string("passwordprotectedexercise", "exercise", format_string($exercise->name)).
echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td>".get_string("enterpassword", "exercise").
" <input type=\"password\" name=\"userpassword\" /></td></tr>";
echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td>";
echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"".get_string("cancel").
"\" onclick=\"parent.location='../../course/view.php?id=$course->id';\"> ";
echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"".get_string("continue").
"\" onclick=\"document.password.submit();\" />";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
// in Stage 1 - the student must make an assessment (linked to the teacher's exercise/submission
if (!exercise_test_user_assessments($exercise, $USER)) {
print_heading(get_string("pleaseviewtheexercise", "exercise", $course->teacher));
exercise_list_teacher_submissions($exercise, $USER);
// in stage 2? - submit own first attempt
else {
// show assessment the teacher's examples, there may be feedback from teacher
if (exercise_count_user_submissions($exercise, $USER) == 0) {
print_heading(get_string("atthisstageyou", "exercise", $course->teacher));
exercise_list_teacher_submissions($exercise, $USER, true); // true = allow re-assessing
// print upload form
print_heading(get_string("pleasesubmityourwork", "exercise").":");
// in stage 3? - awaiting grading of assessment and assessment of work by teacher,
// may resubmit if allowed
else {
exercise_list_teacher_submissions($exercise, $USER);
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
print_heading(get_string("yoursubmission", "exercise"));
exercise_list_user_submissions($exercise, $USER);
if (exercise_test_for_resubmission($exercise, $USER)) {
// if resubmission requested print upload form
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
print_heading(get_string("pleasesubmityourwork", "exercise").":");
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
/****************** submission of assignment by teacher only***********************/
elseif ($action == 'submitassignment') {
if (!has_capability('mod/exercise:assess', $context)) {
error("Only teachers with editing permissions can do this.");
// list previous submissions from this user
exercise_list_user_submissions($exercise, $USER);
echo "<hr size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\" />";
// print upload form
print_heading(get_string("submitexercisedescription", "exercise").":");
/****************** teacher's view - display admin page (current phase options) ************/
elseif ($action == 'teachersview') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
/// Check to see if groups are being used in this exercise
/// and if so, set $currentgroup to reflect the current group
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm); // Groups are being used?
$currentgroup = setup_and_print_groups($course, $groupmode, "view.php?id=$cm->id");
print_heading_with_help(get_string("managingassignment", "exercise"), "managing", "exercise");
$tabs->names = array("1. ".get_string("phase1", "exercise"),
"2. ".get_string("phase2", "exercise", $course->student),
"3. ".get_string("phase3", "exercise", $course->student));
if (isteacheredit($course->id)) {
$tabs->urls = array("view.php?id=$cm->id&action=setupassignment",
} else {
// don't allow non-editing teacher to change phase
$tabs->urls = array("view.php?id=$cm->id",
if ($exercise->phase) { // phase 1 or more
$tabs->highlight = $exercise->phase - 1;
} else {
$tabs->highlight = 0; // phase is zero
echo "<center>\n";
switch ($exercise->phase) {
case 0:
case 1: // set up assignment
if (isteacheredit($course->id)) {
echo "<p><b><a href=\"assessments.php?id=$cm->id&action=editelements\">".
get_string("amendassessmentelements", "exercise")."</a></b></p> \n";
helpbutton("elements", get_string("amendassessmentelements", "exercise"), "exercise");
echo "<p><b><a href=\"view.php?id=$cm->id&action=submitassignment\">".
get_string("submitexercisedescription", "exercise")."</a></b></p> \n";
helpbutton("submissionofdescriptions", get_string("submitexercisedescription", "exercise"), "exercise");
case 2: // submissions and assessments
// just show student submissions link, the (self) assessments are show above the assessment form for
// the submissions
echo "<p><b><a href=\"submissions.php?id=$cm->id&action=listforassessmentstudent\">".
get_string("studentsubmissionsforassessment", "exercise",
exercise_count_unassessed_student_submissions($exercise))."</a></b></p> \n";
helpbutton("grading", get_string("studentsubmissionsforassessment", "exercise"),
case 3: // show final grades
echo "<p><b><a href=\"submissions.php?id=$cm->id&action=listforassessmentstudent\">".
get_string("studentsubmissionsforassessment", "exercise",
exercise_count_unassessed_student_submissions($exercise))."</a></b></p> \n";
helpbutton("grading", get_string("studentsubmissionsforassessment", "exercise"),
print_heading("<a href=\"submissions.php?id=$cm->id&action=displayfinalgrades\">".
get_string("displayoffinalgrades", "exercise")."</a>");
print_heading("<a href=\"submissions.php?id=$cm->id&action=adminlist\">".
echo "</center>\n";
/*************** no man's land **************************************/
else {
error("Fatal Error: Unknown Action: ".$action."\n");