defacer 9b4b78fd6a Da monster-commit of blocks version 2!
Code based on the work of Daryl Hawes for the blog module. Thanks, Daryl!

Please test the hell out of it as it's sure to have issues that need to be
ironed out.
2004-10-19 21:04:28 +00:00
2004-10-19 21:04:28 +00:00


This is designed to point new block developers in the right direction. At times
it may NOT be fully up-to-date with the source, or it may even contain some
tiny bit of misinformation that has slipped our notice. If you encounter such a
case, please:
    1. Use the existing block code as reference
    2. Come to the forums and tell the world! :) We 'll help you!

You have to derive a class that extends MoodleBlock.

The derived class MUST:

    * Implement a constructor that:
        1. Sets $this->content_type (BLOCK_TYPE_LIST or BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT)
        3. Sets $this->title
        4. Sets $this->version
        5. Sets $this->course equal to its only argument

The derived class MAY:

    * Declare that the block has a configuration interface.
      To do so:

        1. Define a method has_config() {return true;}
        2. Define a method print_config() that prints whatever
           configuration interface you want to have.
        3. Define a method handle_config($data) that does what
           is needed. $data comes straight from data_submitted().

    * Limit the course formats it can be displayed in.
      To do so:

        1. Define a method applicable_formats() which returns a bitwise
           OR of one or more COURSE_FORMAT_XXX defined constants. These
           are defined in lib/blocklib.php.

    * Select a "preferred" width which the course format will try to honor.
      To do so:

        1. Define a method preferred_width() which returns an integer.
           This is the block's preferred width in pixels.

    * Declare that the block is going to hide its header. This will result
      in a more lightweight appearance. Ideal for announcements/notices.
      To do so:

        1. Define a method hide_header() {return true;}