mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-27 11:02:38 +01:00
Russell Smith 9462323b13 MDL-46193 phpunit: Replace value in component config.
There are two phpunit.xml build locations, one for overall
and another for individual components.  To reduce id changes
when running different components, we use the same initial ID
in all component files when building.
2014-07-10 09:53:23 +02:00

PHPUnit testing support in Moodle


Composer installation

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP projects. It installs PHP libraries into /vendor/ subdirectory inside your moodle dirroot.

  1. install Composer - http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
  2. install PHUnit and dependencies - go to your Moodle dirroot and execute php composer.phar install --dev

Configure your server

You need to create a new dataroot directory and specify a separate database prefix for the test environment, see config-dist.php for more information.

  • add $CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'phpu_'; to your config.php file
  • and $CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '/path/to/phpunitdataroot'; to your config.php file

Initialise the test environment

Before first execution and after every upgrade the PHPUnit test environment needs to be initialised, this command also builds the phpunit.xml configuration files.

  • execute php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php

Execute tests

  • execute vendor/bin/phpunit from dirroot directory
  • you can execute a single test case class using class name followed by path to test file vendor/bin/phpunit core_phpunit_basic_testcase lib/tests/phpunit_test.php
  • it is also possible to create custom configuration files in xml format and use vendor/bin/phpunit -c mytestsuites.xml

How to add more tests?

  1. create tests/ directory in your add-on
  2. add test file, for example local/mytest/tests/my_test.php file with local_my_testcase class that extends basic_testcase or advanced_testcase
  3. add some test_*() methods
  4. execute your new test case vendor/bin/phpunit local_my_testcase local/mytest/tests/my_test.php
  5. execute php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php to get the plugin tests included in main phpunit.xml configuration file

Windows support

  • use \ instead of / in paths in examples above