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//\ overLIB Anchor Plugin
//\ This file requires overLIB 4.10 or later.
//\ overLIB 4.10 - You may not remove or change this notice.
//\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved.
//\ Contributors are listed on the homepage.
//\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details.
// $Revision$ $Date$
// Ignore these lines, configuration is below.
if (typeof olInfo == 'undefined' || typeof olInfo.meets == 'undefined' || !olInfo.meets(4.10)) alert('overLIB 4.10 or later is required for the Anchor Plugin.');
else {
// Settings you want everywhere are set here. All of this can also be
// changed on your html page or through an overLIB call.
if (typeof ol_anchor == 'undefined') var ol_anchor = '';
if (typeof ol_anchorx == 'undefined') var ol_anchorx = 0;
if (typeof ol_anchory == 'undefined') var ol_anchory = 0;
if (typeof ol_noanchorwarn == 'undefined') var ol_noanchorwarn = 1;
if (typeof ol_anchoralign == 'undefined') var ol_anchoralign = 'UL';
// Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above.
// Runtime variables init. Don't change for config!
var o3_anchor = "";
var o3_anchorx = 0;
var o3_anchory = 0;
var o3_noanchorwarn = 1;
var o3_anchoralign = 'UL';
var mrkObj, rmrkPosition; //reference mark object, reference mark position, an array;
function setAnchorVariables() {
o3_anchor = ol_anchor;
o3_anchorx = ol_anchorx;
o3_anchory = ol_anchory;
o3_noanchorwarn = ol_noanchorwarn;
o3_anchoralign = ol_anchoralign;
mrkObj = null; // initialize this variable
// Parses Reference Mark commands
function parseAnchorExtras(pf,i,ar) {
var v, k=i;
if (k < ar.length) {
if (ar[k] == ANCHOR) { eval(pf + "anchor = '" + escSglQuote(ar[++k]) + "'"); return k; }
if (ar[k] == ANCHORX) { eval(pf + 'anchorx = ' + ar[++k]); return k; }
if (ar[k] == ANCHORY) { eval(pf + 'anchory = ' + ar[++k]); return k; }
if (ar[k] == NOANCHORWARN) { eval(pf + 'noanchorwarn = (' + pf + 'noanchorwarn==1) ? 0 : 1'); return k; }
if (ar[k] == ANCHORALIGN) { k = opt_MULTIPLEARGS(++k, ar, (pf + 'anchoralign')); return k; }
return -1;
function checkAnchorObject() {
var w = o3_anchor;
if (w) {
if (!(mrkObj = getAnchorObjectRef(w))) {
if (o3_noanchorwarn) {
alert('WARNING! Reference mark "' + w + '" not found.');
return false;
} else w = '';
return true;
// Horizontal placement routine with anchors
function anchorHorizontal(browserWidth, horizontalScrollAmount, widthFix) {
var hasAnchor = (typeof o3_anchor != 'undefined' && o3_anchor);
if (!hasAnchor) return void(0);
// set o3_relx for follow scroll if defined
if (typeof o3_followscroll != 'undefined' && o3_followscroll && o3_sticky) o3_relx = rmrkPosition[0];
return rmrkPosition[0];
// Vertical placement routine with anchors
function anchorVertical(browserHeight,verticalScrollAmount) {
var hasAnchor = (typeof o3_anchor != 'undefined' && o3_anchor);
if (!hasAnchor) return void(0);
// set o3_rely for follow scroll if defined
if (typeof o3_followscroll != 'undefined' && o3_followscroll && o3_sticky) o3_rely = rmrkPosition[1];
return rmrkPosition[1];
// Stub function for the runHook routine
function anchorPreface() {
if (!mrkObj) return;
rmrkPosition = getAnchorLocation(mrkObj);
// Get Reference Mark object
function getAnchorObjectRef(aObj) {
return getRefById(aObj, o3_frame.document) || getRefByName(aObj, o3_frame.document)
// Adapted to overlib from jwin by Jason Anderson -- http://www.jwinlib.com
function getAnchorLocation(objRef){
var mkObj, of, offsets, mlyr
mkObj = mlyr = objRef
offsets = [o3_anchorx, o3_anchory]
if (document.layers){
if (typeof mlyr.length != 'undefined' && mlyr.length > 1) {
mkObj = mlyr[0]
offsets[0] += mlyr[0].x + mlyr[1].pageX
offsets[1] += mlyr[0].y + mlyr[1].pageY
} else {
if(mlyr.toString().indexOf('Image') != -1 || mlyr.toString().indexOf('Anchor') != -1){
offsets[0] += mlyr.x
offsets[1] += mlyr.y
} else {
offsets[0] += mlyr.pageX
offsets[1] += mlyr.pageY
} else {
offsets[0] += pageLocation(mlyr, 'Left')
offsets[1] += pageLocation(mlyr, 'Top')
of = getAnchorOffsets(mkObj)
if (typeof o3_dragimg != 'undefined' && o3_dragimg) {
olImgLeft = offsets[0];
olImgTop = offsets[1];
offsets[0] += of[0]
offsets[1] += of[1]
if (typeof o3_dragimg != 'undefined' && o3_dragimg) {
olImgRight = offsets[0];
olImgBottom = offsets[1];
return offsets;
// Adapted to overlib from jwin by Jason Anderson -- http://www.jwinlib.com
function getAnchorOffsets(mkObj){
var fx = fy = 0, mp, puc, mkAry, sx = sy = 0, w = o3_anchoralign
var mW = mH = pW = pH = 0
var off = [0, 0]
mkAry = w.split(',');
if (mkAry.length < 3) {
mp = mkAry[0].toUpperCase();
puc = (mkAry.length == 1) ? mp : mkAry[1].toUpperCase();
} else if (mkAry.length == 3) {
if (!isNaN(mkAry[0])) {
mp = mkAry.slice(0, 2);
puc = mkAry[2].toUpperCase();
} else {
mp = mkAry[0].toUpperCase();
puc = mkAry.slice(1);
} else {
mp = mkAry.slice(0, 2);
puc = mkAry.slice(2);
var shdwPresent = typeof o3_shadow != 'undefined' && o3_shadow
if (shdwPresent) {
sx = Math.abs(o3_shadowx);
sy = Math.abs(o3_shadowy);
pW = (shdwPresent ? parseInt(o3_width) : (olNs4 ? over.clip.width : over.offsetWidth))
pH = (shdwPresent ? parseInt(o3_aboveheight) : (olNs4 ? over.clip.height : over.offsetHeight))
if (olOp && o3_wrap) {
pW = (shdwPresent ? parseInt(o3_width) : (olNs4 ? over.clip.width : over.offsetWidth))
pH = (shdwPresent ? parseInt(o3_aboveheight) : (olNs4 ? over.clip.height : over.offsetHeight))
if (!olOp && mkObj.toString().indexOf('Image') != -1){
mW = mkObj.width
mH = mkObj.height
} else if (!olOp && mkObj.toString().indexOf('Anchor') != -1) { // enforced only for NS4
mp = 'UL'
} else {
mW = (olNs4) ? mkObj.clip.width : mkObj.offsetWidth
mH = (olNs4) ? mkObj.clip.height : mkObj.offsetHeight
if (!isNaN(mp) || typeof mp == 'object') {
if (typeof mp == 'object') {
fx = parseFloat(mp[0]);
fy = parseFloat(mp[1]);
} else
fx = fy = parseFloat(mp);
off = [Math.round(fx*mW), Math.round(fy*mH)];
} else {
if (mp == 'UR') off = [mW, 0]
else if (mp == 'LL') off = [0, mH]
else if (mp == 'LR') off = [mW, mH]
if (typeof o3_dragimg != 'undefined' && o3_dragimg) return off;
else {
if (!isNaN(puc) || typeof puc == 'object' ) {
if (typeof puc == 'object') {
fx = parseFloat(puc[0]);
fy = parseFloat(puc[1]);
} else
fx = fy = parseFloat(puc);
off[0] -= Math.round(fx*(pW - sx));
off[1] -= Math.round(fy*(pH - sy));
} else {
if (puc == 'UR') {
off[0] -= (pW - sx);
off[1] -= sy
} else if (puc == 'LL') {
off[0] -= sx;
off[1] -= (pH - sy)
} else if (puc == 'LR') {
off[0] -= (pW-sx);
off[1] -= (pH - sy)
return off
// Adapted to overlib from jwin by Jason Anderson -- http://www.jwinlib.com
function pageLocation(o, t){
var x = 0
x += o['offset' + t]
o = o.offsetParent
x += o['offset' + t]
return x
// Adapted to overlib from jwin by Jason Anderson -- http://www.jwinlib.com
function getRefById(l, d){
var r = "", j
d = (d || document)
if (d.all) return d.all[l]
else if (d.getElementById) return d.getElementById(l)
else if (d.layers && d.layers.length > 0) {
if (d.layers[l]) return d.layers[l]
for (j=0; j < d.layers.length; j++) {
r = getRefById(l, d.layers[j].document)
if(r) return r
return false
// Adapted to overlib from jwin by Jason Anderson -- http://www.jwinlib.com
function getRefByName(l, d) {
var r = null, j
d = (d || document)
if (d.images[l]) return d.images[l]
else if (d.anchors[l]) return d.anchors[l];
else if (d.layers && d.layers.length > 0) {
for (j=0; j < d.layers.length; j++) {
r = getRefByName(l, d.layers[j].document)
if (r && r.length > 0) return r
else if (r) return [r, d.layers[j]]
return null
registerHook("createPopup", anchorPreface, FAFTER);
registerHook("horizontalPlacement", anchorHorizontal, FCHAIN);
registerHook("verticalPlacement", anchorVertical, FCHAIN);
if(olInfo.meets(4.10)) registerNoParameterCommands('noanchorwarn');
} |