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* Helper functions.
* Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb.inc.php.
* This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
* @package ADOdb
* @link https://adodb.org Project's web site and documentation
* @link https://github.com/ADOdb/ADOdb Source code and issue tracker
* The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
* and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
* any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
* See the LICENSE.md file distributed with this source code for details.
* @license BSD-3-Clause
* @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
* @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
* @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
function adodb_strip_order_by($sql)
$rez = preg_match_all('/(\sORDER\s+BY\s(?:[^)](?!LIMIT))*)/is', $sql, $arr);
if ($arr)
$tmp = array_pop($arr);
$arr = [1=>array_pop($tmp)];
if ($arr)
if (strpos($arr[1], '(') !== false) {
$at = strpos($sql, $arr[1]);
$cntin = 0;
for ($i=$at, $max=strlen($sql); $i < $max; $i++) {
$ch = $sql[$i];
if ($ch == '(') {
$cntin += 1;
} elseif($ch == ')') {
$cntin -= 1;
if ($cntin < 0) {
$sql = substr($sql,0,$at).substr($sql,$i);
} else {
$sql = str_replace($arr[1], '', $sql);
return $sql;
if (false) {
$sql = 'select * from (select a from b order by a(b),b(c) desc)';
$sql = '(select * from abc order by 1)';
function adodb_probetypes(&$array,&$types,$probe=8)
// probe and guess the type
$types = array();
if ($probe > sizeof($array)) $max = sizeof($array);
else $max = $probe;
for ($j=0;$j < $max; $j++) {
$row = $array[$j];
if (!$row) break;
$i = -1;
foreach($row as $v) {
$i += 1;
if (isset($types[$i]) && $types[$i]=='C') continue;
//print " ($i ".$types[$i]. "$v) ";
$v = trim($v);
if (!preg_match('/^[+-]{0,1}[0-9\.]+$/',$v)) {
$types[$i] = 'C'; // once C, always C
if ($j == 0) {
// If empty string, we presume is character
// test for integer for 1st row only
// after that it is up to testing other rows to prove
// that it is not an integer
if (strlen($v) == 0) $types[$i] = 'C';
if (strpos($v,'.') !== false) $types[$i] = 'N';
else $types[$i] = 'I';
if (strpos($v,'.') !== false) $types[$i] = 'N';
function adodb_transpose(&$arr, &$newarr, &$hdr, &$fobjs)
$oldX = sizeof(reset($arr));
$oldY = sizeof($arr);
if ($hdr) {
$startx = 1;
$hdr = array('Fields');
for ($y = 0; $y < $oldY; $y++) {
$hdr[] = $arr[$y][0];
} else
$startx = 0;
for ($x = $startx; $x < $oldX; $x++) {
if ($fobjs) {
$o = $fobjs[$x];
$newarr[] = array($o->name);
} else
$newarr[] = array();
for ($y = 0; $y < $oldY; $y++) {
$newarr[$x-$startx][] = $arr[$y][$x];
function _adodb_replace(&$zthis, $table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote, $has_autoinc)
// Add Quote around table name to support use of spaces / reserved keywords
$table=sprintf('%s%s%s', $zthis->nameQuote,$table,$zthis->nameQuote);
if (count($fieldArray) == 0) return 0;
if (!is_array($keyCol)) {
$keyCol = array($keyCol);
$uSet = '';
foreach($fieldArray as $k => $v) {
if ($v === null) {
$v = 'NULL';
$fieldArray[$k] = $v;
} else if ($autoQuote && /*!is_numeric($v) /*and strncmp($v,"'",1) !== 0 -- sql injection risk*/ strcasecmp($v,$zthis->null2null)!=0) {
$v = $zthis->qstr($v);
$fieldArray[$k] = $v;
if (in_array($k,$keyCol)) continue; // skip UPDATE if is key
// Add Quote around column name to support use of spaces / reserved keywords
$uSet .= sprintf(',%s%s%s=%s',$zthis->nameQuote,$k,$zthis->nameQuote,$v);
$uSet = ltrim($uSet, ',');
// Add Quote around column name in where clause
$where = '';
foreach ($keyCol as $v) {
if (isset($fieldArray[$v])) {
$where .= sprintf(' and %s%s%s=%s ', $zthis->nameQuote,$v,$zthis->nameQuote,$fieldArray[$v]);
if ($where) {
$where = substr($where, 5);
if ($uSet && $where) {
$update = "UPDATE $table SET $uSet WHERE $where";
$rs = $zthis->Execute($update);
if ($rs) {
if ($zthis->poorAffectedRows) {
// The Select count(*) wipes out any errors that the update would have returned.
// PHPLens Issue No: 5696
if ($zthis->ErrorNo()<>0) return 0;
// affected_rows == 0 if update field values identical to old values
// for mysql - which is silly.
$cnt = $zthis->GetOne("select count(*) from $table where $where");
if ($cnt > 0) return 1; // record already exists
} else {
if (($zthis->Affected_Rows()>0)) return 1;
} else
return 0;
$iCols = $iVals = '';
foreach($fieldArray as $k => $v) {
if ($has_autoinc && in_array($k,$keyCol)) continue; // skip autoinc col
// Add Quote around Column Name
$iCols .= sprintf(',%s%s%s',$zthis->nameQuote,$k,$zthis->nameQuote);
$iVals .= ",$v";
$iCols = ltrim($iCols, ',');
$iVals = ltrim($iVals, ',');
$insert = "INSERT INTO $table ($iCols) VALUES ($iVals)";
$rs = $zthis->Execute($insert);
return ($rs) ? 2 : 0;
function _adodb_getmenu(&$zthis, $name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
$s = _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr, $blank1stItem, $multiple, $size, $selectAttr);
$hasvalue = $zthis->FieldCount() > 1;
if (!$hasvalue) {
$compareFields0 = true;
$value = '';
while(!$zthis->EOF) {
$zval = rtrim(reset($zthis->fields));
if ($blank1stItem && $zval == "") {
if ($hasvalue) {
// Get 2nd field's value regardless of its name
$zval2 = current(array_slice($zthis->fields, 1, 1));
} else {
// With NUM or BOTH fetch modes, we have a numeric index
$zval2 = $zthis->fields[1];
$zval2 = trim($zval2);
$value = 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($zval2) . '"';
$s .= _adodb_getmenu_option($defstr, $compareFields0 ? $zval : $zval2, $value, $zval);
} // while
return $s ."\n</select>\n";
function _adodb_getmenu_gp(&$zthis, $name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
$s = _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr, $blank1stItem, $multiple, $size, $selectAttr);
$hasvalue = $zthis->FieldCount() > 1;
$hasgroup = $zthis->FieldCount() > 2;
if (!$hasvalue) {
$compareFields0 = true;
$value = '';
$optgroup = null;
$firstgroup = true;
while(!$zthis->EOF) {
$zval = rtrim(reset($zthis->fields));
$group = '';
if ($blank1stItem && $zval=="") {
if ($hasvalue) {
// Get 2nd field's value regardless of its name
$fields = array_slice($zthis->fields, 1);
$zval2 = current($fields);
if ($hasgroup) {
$group = trim(next($fields));
} else {
// With NUM or BOTH fetch modes, we have a numeric index
$zval2 = $zthis->fields[1];
if ($hasgroup) {
$group = trim($zthis->fields[2]);
$zval2 = trim($zval2);
$value = "value='".htmlspecialchars($zval2)."'";
if ($optgroup != $group) {
$optgroup = $group;
if ($firstgroup) {
$firstgroup = false;
} else {
$s .="\n</optgroup>";
$s .="\n<optgroup label='". htmlspecialchars($group) ."'>";
$s .= _adodb_getmenu_option($defstr, $compareFields0 ? $zval : $zval2, $value, $zval);
} // while
// closing last optgroup
if($optgroup != null) {
$s .= "\n</optgroup>";
return $s ."\n</select>\n";
* Generate the opening SELECT tag for getmenu functions.
* ADOdb internal function, used by _adodb_getmenu() and _adodb_getmenu_gp().
* @param string $name
* @param string $defstr
* @param bool $blank1stItem
* @param bool $multiple
* @param int $size
* @param string $selectAttr
* @return string HTML
function _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr = '', $blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false, $size = 0, $selectAttr = '')
if ($multiple || is_array($defstr)) {
if ($size == 0 ) {
$size = 5;
$attr = ' multiple size="' . $size . '"';
if (!strpos($name,'[]')) {
$name .= '[]';
} elseif ($size) {
$attr = ' size="' . $size . '"';
} else {
$attr = '';
$html = '<select name="' . $name . '"' . $attr . ' ' . $selectAttr . '>';
if ($blank1stItem) {
if (is_string($blank1stItem)) {
$barr = explode(':',$blank1stItem);
if (sizeof($barr) == 1) {
$barr[] = '';
$html .= "\n<option value=\"" . $barr[0] . "\">" . $barr[1] . "</option>";
} else {
$html .= "\n<option></option>";
return $html;
* Print the OPTION tags for getmenu functions.
* ADOdb internal function, used by _adodb_getmenu() and _adodb_getmenu_gp().
* @param string $defstr Default values
* @param string $compare Value to compare against defaults
* @param string $value Ready-to-print `value="xxx"` (or empty) string
* @param string $display Display value
* @return string HTML
function _adodb_getmenu_option($defstr, $compare, $value, $display)
if ( is_array($defstr) && in_array($compare, $defstr)
|| !is_array($defstr) && strcasecmp($compare, $defstr) == 0
) {
$selected = ' selected="selected"';
} else {
$selected = '';
return "\n<option $value$selected>" . htmlspecialchars($display) . '</option>';
Count the number of records this sql statement will return by using
query rewriting heuristics...
Does not work with UNIONs, except with postgresql and oracle.
$cnt = _adodb_getcount($conn, $sql);
function _adodb_getcount(&$zthis, $sql,$inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0)
$qryRecs = 0;
* These databases require a "SELECT * FROM (SELECT" type
* statement to have an alias for the result
$requiresAlias = '';
$requiresAliasArray = array('postgres9','postgres','mysql','mysqli','mssql','mssqlnative','sqlsrv');
if (in_array($zthis->databaseType,$requiresAliasArray)
|| in_array($zthis->dsnType,$requiresAliasArray)
) {
$requiresAlias = '_ADODB_ALIAS_';
if (!empty($zthis->_nestedSQL)
|| preg_match("/^\s*SELECT\s+DISTINCT/is", $sql)
|| preg_match('/\s+GROUP\s+BY\s+/is',$sql)
|| preg_match('/\s+UNION\s+/is',$sql)
) {
$rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($sql);
// ok, has SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY so see if we can use a table alias
// but this is only supported by oracle and postgresql...
if ($zthis->dataProvider == 'oci8') {
// Allow Oracle hints to be used for query optimization, Chris Wrye
if (preg_match('#/\\*+.*?\\*\\/#', $sql, $hint)) {
$rewritesql = "SELECT ".$hint[0]." COUNT(*) FROM (".$rewritesql.")";
} else
$rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (".$rewritesql.")";
} else {
$rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($rewritesql) $requiresAlias";
} else {
// Replace 'SELECT ... FROM' with 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM'
// Parse the query one char at a time starting after the SELECT
// to find the FROM clause's position, ignoring any sub-queries.
$start = stripos($sql, 'SELECT') + 7;
if ($start === false) {
// Not a SELECT statement - probably should trigger an exception here
return 0;
$len = strlen($sql);
$numParentheses = 0;
for ($pos = $start; $pos < $len; $pos++) {
switch ($sql[$pos]) {
case '(': $numParentheses++; continue 2;
case ')': $numParentheses--; continue 2;
// Ignore whatever is between parentheses (sub-queries)
if ($numParentheses > 0) {
// Exit loop if 'FROM' keyword was found
if (strtoupper(substr($sql, $pos, 4)) == 'FROM') {
$rewritesql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . substr($sql, $pos);
// fix by alexander zhukov, alex#unipack.ru, because count(*) and 'order by' fails
// with mssql, access and postgresql. Also a good speedup optimization - skips sorting!
// also see PHPLens Issue No: 12752
$rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($rewritesql);
if (isset($rewritesql) && $rewritesql != $sql) {
if (preg_match('/\sLIMIT\s+[0-9]+/i',$sql,$limitarr)) {
$rewritesql .= $limitarr[0];
if ($secs2cache) {
// we only use half the time of secs2cache because the count can quickly
// become inaccurate if new records are added
$qryRecs = $zthis->CacheGetOne($secs2cache/2,$rewritesql,$inputarr);
} else {
$qryRecs = $zthis->GetOne($rewritesql,$inputarr);
if ($qryRecs !== false) return $qryRecs;
// query rewrite failed - so try slower way...
// strip off unneeded ORDER BY if no UNION
if (preg_match('/\s*UNION\s*/is', $sql)) {
$rewritesql = $sql;
} else {
$rewritesql = $rewritesql = adodb_strip_order_by($sql);
if (preg_match('/\sLIMIT\s+[0-9]+/i',$sql,$limitarr)) {
$rewritesql .= $limitarr[0];
if ($secs2cache) {
$rstest = $zthis->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$rewritesql,$inputarr);
if (!$rstest) $rstest = $zthis->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
} else {
$rstest = $zthis->Execute($rewritesql,$inputarr);
if (!$rstest) $rstest = $zthis->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if ($rstest) {
$qryRecs = $rstest->RecordCount();
if ($qryRecs == -1) {
// some databases will return -1 on MoveLast() - change to MoveNext()
while(!$rstest->EOF) {
$qryRecs = $rstest->_currentRow;
if ($qryRecs == -1) return 0;
return $qryRecs;
Code originally from "Cornel G" <conyg@fx.ro>
This code might not work with SQL that has UNION in it
Also if you are using CachePageExecute(), there is a strong possibility that
data will get out of synch. use CachePageExecute() only with tables that
rarely change.
function _adodb_pageexecute_all_rows(&$zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page,
$inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
$atfirstpage = false;
$atlastpage = false;
// If an invalid nrows is supplied,
// we assume a default value of 10 rows per page
if (!isset($nrows) || $nrows <= 0) $nrows = 10;
$qryRecs = false; //count records for no offset
$qryRecs = _adodb_getcount($zthis,$sql,$inputarr,$secs2cache);
$lastpageno = (int) ceil($qryRecs / $nrows);
$zthis->_maxRecordCount = $qryRecs;
// ***** Here we check whether $page is the last page or
// whether we are trying to retrieve
// a page number greater than the last page number.
if ($page >= $lastpageno) {
$page = $lastpageno;
$atlastpage = true;
// If page number <= 1, then we are at the first page
if (empty($page) || $page <= 1) {
$page = 1;
$atfirstpage = true;
// We get the data we want
$offset = $nrows * ($page-1);
if ($secs2cache > 0)
$rsreturn = $zthis->CacheSelectLimit($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr);
$rsreturn = $zthis->SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
// Before returning the RecordSet, we set the pagination properties we need
if ($rsreturn) {
$rsreturn->_maxRecordCount = $qryRecs;
$rsreturn->rowsPerPage = $nrows;
return $rsreturn;
// Iván Oliva version
function _adodb_pageexecute_no_last_page(&$zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
$atfirstpage = false;
$atlastpage = false;
if (!isset($page) || $page <= 1) {
// If page number <= 1, then we are at the first page
$page = 1;
$atfirstpage = true;
if ($nrows <= 0) {
// If an invalid nrows is supplied, we assume a default value of 10 rows per page
$nrows = 10;
$pagecounteroffset = ($page * $nrows) - $nrows;
// To find out if there are more pages of rows, simply increase the limit or
// nrows by 1 and see if that number of records was returned. If it was,
// then we know there is at least one more page left, otherwise we are on
// the last page. Therefore allow non-Count() paging with single queries
// rather than three queries as was done before.
$test_nrows = $nrows + 1;
if ($secs2cache > 0) {
$rsreturn = $zthis->CacheSelectLimit($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $pagecounteroffset, $inputarr);
} else {
$rsreturn = $zthis->SelectLimit($sql, $test_nrows, $pagecounteroffset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
// Now check to see if the number of rows returned was the higher value we asked for or not.
if ( $rsreturn->_numOfRows == $test_nrows ) {
// Still at least 1 more row, so we are not on last page yet...
// Remove the last row from the RS.
$rsreturn->_numOfRows = ( $rsreturn->_numOfRows - 1 );
} elseif ( $rsreturn->_numOfRows == 0 && $page > 1 ) {
// Likely requested a page that doesn't exist, so need to find the last
// page and return it. Revert to original method and loop through pages
// until we find some data...
$pagecounter = $page + 1;
$pagecounteroffset = ($pagecounter * $nrows) - $nrows;
$rstest = $rsreturn;
if ($rstest) {
while ($rstest && $rstest->EOF && $pagecounter > 0) {
$atlastpage = true;
$pagecounteroffset = $nrows * ($pagecounter - 1);
if ($secs2cache>0) {
$rstest = $zthis->CacheSelectLimit($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $pagecounteroffset, $inputarr);
else {
$rstest = $zthis->SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $pagecounteroffset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
if ($rstest) $rstest->Close();
if ($atlastpage) {
// If we are at the last page or beyond it, we are going to retrieve it
$page = $pagecounter;
if ($page == 1) {
// We have to do this again in case the last page is the same as
// the first page, that is, the recordset has only 1 page.
$atfirstpage = true;
// We get the data we want
$offset = $nrows * ($page-1);
if ($secs2cache > 0) {
$rsreturn = $zthis->CacheSelectLimit($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr);
else {
$rsreturn = $zthis->SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
} elseif ( $rsreturn->_numOfRows < $test_nrows ) {
// Rows is less than what we asked for, so must be at the last page.
$atlastpage = true;
// Before returning the RecordSet, we set the pagination properties we need
if ($rsreturn) {
$rsreturn->rowsPerPage = $nrows;
return $rsreturn;
* Performs case conversion and quoting of the given field name.
* See Global variable $ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES.
* @param ADOConnection $zthis
* @param string $fieldName
* @return string Quoted field name
function _adodb_quote_fieldname($zthis, $fieldName)
// Case conversion - defaults to UPPER
switch ($case) {
case 'LOWER':
$fieldName = strtolower($fieldName);
case 'NATIVE':
// Do nothing
case 'UPPER':
case 'BRACKETS':
$fieldName = strtoupper($fieldName);
// Quote field if requested, or necessary (field contains space)
if ($ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES || strpos($fieldName, ' ') !== false ) {
return $zthis->leftBracket . $fieldName . $zthis->rightBracket;
} else {
return $zthis->nameQuote . $fieldName . $zthis->nameQuote;
} else {
return $fieldName;
function _adodb_getupdatesql(&$zthis, &$rs, $arrFields, $forceUpdate=false, $force=2)
if (!$rs) {
return false;
$fieldUpdatedCount = 0;
if (is_array($arrFields))
$arrFields = array_change_key_case($arrFields,CASE_UPPER);
$hasnumeric = isset($rs->fields[0]);
$setFields = '';
// Loop through all of the fields in the recordset
for ($i=0, $max=$rs->fieldCount(); $i < $max; $i++) {
// Get the field from the recordset
$field = $rs->fetchField($i);
// If the recordset field is one
// of the fields passed in then process.
$upperfname = strtoupper($field->name);
if (adodb_key_exists($upperfname, $arrFields, $force)) {
// If the existing field value in the recordset
// is different from the value passed in then
// go ahead and append the field name and new value to
// the update query.
if ($hasnumeric) $val = $rs->fields[$i];
else if (isset($rs->fields[$upperfname])) $val = $rs->fields[$upperfname];
else if (isset($rs->fields[$field->name])) $val = $rs->fields[$field->name];
else if (isset($rs->fields[strtolower($upperfname)])) $val = $rs->fields[strtolower($upperfname)];
else $val = '';
if ($forceUpdate || strcmp($val, $arrFields[$upperfname])) {
// Set the counter for the number of fields that will be updated.
// Based on the datatype of the field
// Format the value properly for the database
$type = $rs->metaType($field->type);
if ($type == 'null') {
$type = 'C';
$fnameq = _adodb_quote_fieldname($zthis, $field->name);
if (is_null($arrFields[$upperfname])
|| (empty($arrFields[$upperfname]) && strlen($arrFields[$upperfname]) == 0)
|| $arrFields[$upperfname] === $zthis->null2null
) {
switch ($force) {
//case 0:
// // Ignore empty values. This is already handled in "adodb_key_exists" function.
// break;
case 1:
// set null
$setFields .= $fnameq . " = null, ";
case 2:
// set empty
$arrFields[$upperfname] = "";
$setFields .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'U', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
case 3:
// set the value that was given in array, so you can give both null and empty values
if (is_null($arrFields[$upperfname]) || $arrFields[$upperfname] === $zthis->null2null) {
$setFields .= $fnameq . " = null, ";
} else {
$setFields .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'U', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
switch ($type) {
case 'N':
case 'I':
case 'L':
$setFields .= $fnameq . ' = 0, ';
$setFields .= $fnameq . ' = null, ';
} else {
// we do this so each driver can customize the sql for
// DB specific column types.
// Oracle needs BLOB types to be handled with a returning clause
// postgres has special needs as well
$setFields .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'U', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
// If there were any modified fields then build the rest of the update query.
if ($fieldUpdatedCount > 0 || $forceUpdate) {
// Get the table name from the existing query.
if (!empty($rs->tableName)) {
$tableName = $rs->tableName;
} else {
preg_match("/FROM\s+".ADODB_TABLE_REGEX."/is", $rs->sql, $tableName);
$tableName = $tableName[1];
// Get the full where clause excluding the word "WHERE" from the existing query.
preg_match('/\sWHERE\s(.*)/is', $rs->sql, $whereClause);
$discard = false;
// not a good hack, improvements?
if ($whereClause) {
if (preg_match('/\s(ORDER\s.*)/is', $whereClause[1], $discard));
else if (preg_match('/\s(LIMIT\s.*)/is', $whereClause[1], $discard));
else if (preg_match('/\s(FOR UPDATE.*)/is', $whereClause[1], $discard));
else preg_match('/\s.*(\) WHERE .*)/is', $whereClause[1], $discard); # see https://sourceforge.net/p/adodb/bugs/37/
} else {
$whereClause = array(false, false);
if ($discard) {
$whereClause[1] = substr($whereClause[1], 0, strlen($whereClause[1]) - strlen($discard[1]));
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$tableName.' SET '.substr($setFields, 0, -2);
if (strlen($whereClause[1]) > 0) {
$sql .= ' WHERE '.$whereClause[1];
return $sql;
} else {
return false;
function adodb_key_exists($key, &$arr,$force=2)
if ($force<=0) {
// the following is the old behaviour where null or empty fields are ignored
return (!empty($arr[$key])) || (isset($arr[$key]) && strlen($arr[$key])>0);
if (isset($arr[$key]))
return true;
## null check below
return array_key_exists($key,$arr);
* There is a special case of this function for the oci8 driver.
* The proper way to handle an insert w/ a blob in oracle requires
* a returning clause with bind variables and a descriptor blob.
function _adodb_getinsertsql(&$zthis, &$rs, $arrFields, $force=2)
static $cacheRS = false;
static $cacheSig = 0;
static $cacheCols;
$tableName = '';
$values = '';
$fields = '';
$recordSet = null;
if (is_array($arrFields))
$arrFields = array_change_key_case($arrFields,CASE_UPPER);
$fieldInsertedCount = 0;
if (is_string($rs)) {
//ok we have a table name
//try and get the column info ourself.
$tableName = $rs;
//we need an object for the recordSet
//because we have to call MetaType.
//php can't do a $rsclass::MetaType()
$rsclass = $zthis->rsPrefix.$zthis->databaseType;
$recordSet = new $rsclass(-1,$zthis->fetchMode);
$recordSet->connection = $zthis;
if (is_string($cacheRS) && $cacheRS == $rs) {
$columns = $cacheCols;
} else {
$columns = $zthis->MetaColumns( $tableName );
$cacheRS = $tableName;
$cacheCols = $columns;
} else if (is_subclass_of($rs, 'adorecordset')) {
if (isset($rs->insertSig) && is_integer($cacheRS) && $cacheRS == $rs->insertSig) {
$columns = $cacheCols;
} else {
for ($i=0, $max=$rs->FieldCount(); $i < $max; $i++)
$columns[] = $rs->FetchField($i);
$cacheRS = $cacheSig;
$cacheCols = $columns;
$rs->insertSig = $cacheSig++;
$recordSet = $rs;
} else {
return false;
// Loop through all of the fields in the recordset
foreach( $columns as $field ) {
$upperfname = strtoupper($field->name);
if (adodb_key_exists($upperfname,$arrFields,$force)) {
$bad = false;
$fnameq = _adodb_quote_fieldname($zthis, $field->name);
$type = $recordSet->MetaType($field->type);
if (is_null($arrFields[$upperfname])
|| (empty($arrFields[$upperfname]) && strlen($arrFields[$upperfname]) == 0)
|| $arrFields[$upperfname] === $zthis->null2null
switch ($force) {
case ADODB_FORCE_IGNORE: // we must always set null if missing
$bad = true;
$values .= "null, ";
//Set empty
$arrFields[$upperfname] = "";
$values .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'I', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
//Set the value that was given in array, so you can give both null and empty values
if (is_null($arrFields[$upperfname]) || $arrFields[$upperfname] === $zthis->null2null) {
$values .= "null, ";
} else {
$values .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'I', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
switch ($type)
case 'N':
case 'I':
case 'L':
$values .= '0, ';
$values .= "null, ";
} // switch
} else {
//we do this so each driver can customize the sql for
//DB specific column types.
//Oracle needs BLOB types to be handled with a returning clause
//postgres has special needs as well
$values .= _adodb_column_sql($zthis, 'I', $type, $upperfname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
if ($bad) continue;
// Set the counter for the number of fields that will be inserted.
// Get the name of the fields to insert
$fields .= $fnameq . ", ";
// If there were any inserted fields then build the rest of the insert query.
if ($fieldInsertedCount <= 0) return false;
// Get the table name from the existing query.
if (!$tableName) {
if (!empty($rs->tableName)) $tableName = $rs->tableName;
else if (preg_match("/FROM\s+".ADODB_TABLE_REGEX."/is", $rs->sql, $tableName))
$tableName = $tableName[1];
return false;
// Strip off the comma and space on the end of both the fields
// and their values.
$fields = substr($fields, 0, -2);
$values = substr($values, 0, -2);
// Append the fields and their values to the insert query.
return 'INSERT INTO '.$tableName.' ( '.$fields.' ) VALUES ( '.$values.' )';
* This private method is used to help construct
* the update/sql which is generated by GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL.
* It handles the string construction of 1 column -> sql string based on
* the column type. We want to do 'safe' handling of BLOBs
* @param string the type of sql we are trying to create
* 'I' or 'U'.
* @param string column data type from the db::MetaType() method
* @param string the column name
* @param array the column value
* @return string
function _adodb_column_sql_oci8(&$zthis,$action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields)
$sql = '';
// Based on the datatype of the field
// Format the value properly for the database
switch($type) {
case 'B':
//in order to handle Blobs correctly, we need
//to do some magic for Oracle
//we need to create a new descriptor to handle
//this properly
if (!empty($zthis->hasReturningInto)) {
if ($action == 'I') {
$sql = 'empty_blob(), ';
} else {
$sql = $fnameq. '=empty_blob(), ';
//add the variable to the returning clause array
//so the user can build this later in
//case they want to add more to it
$zthis->_returningArray[$fname] = ':xx'.$fname.'xx';
} else if (empty($arrFields[$fname])){
if ($action == 'I') {
$sql = 'empty_blob(), ';
} else {
$sql = $fnameq. '=empty_blob(), ';
} else {
//this is to maintain compatibility
//with older adodb versions.
$sql = _adodb_column_sql($zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, false);
case "X":
//we need to do some more magic here for long variables
//to handle these correctly in oracle.
//create a safe bind var name
//to avoid conflicts w/ dupes.
if (!empty($zthis->hasReturningInto)) {
if ($action == 'I') {
$sql = ':xx'.$fname.'xx, ';
} else {
$sql = $fnameq.'=:xx'.$fname.'xx, ';
//add the variable to the returning clause array
//so the user can build this later in
//case they want to add more to it
$zthis->_returningArray[$fname] = ':xx'.$fname.'xx';
} else {
//this is to maintain compatibility
//with older adodb versions.
$sql = _adodb_column_sql($zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, false);
$sql = _adodb_column_sql($zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, false);
return $sql;
function _adodb_column_sql(&$zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, $recurse=true)
if ($recurse) {
switch($zthis->dataProvider) {
case 'postgres':
if ($type == 'L') $type = 'C';
case 'oci8':
return _adodb_column_sql_oci8($zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields);
switch($type) {
case "C":
case "X":
case 'B':
$val = $zthis->qstr($arrFields[$fname]);
case "D":
$val = $zthis->DBDate($arrFields[$fname]);
case "T":
$val = $zthis->DBTimeStamp($arrFields[$fname]);
case "N":
$val = $arrFields[$fname];
if (!is_numeric($val)) $val = str_replace(',', '.', (float)$val);
case "I":
case "R":
$val = $arrFields[$fname];
if (!is_numeric($val)) $val = (integer) $val;
$val = str_replace(array("'"," ","("),"",$arrFields[$fname]); // basic sql injection defence
if (empty($val)) $val = '0';
if ($action == 'I') return $val . ", ";
return $fnameq . "=" . $val . ", ";
function _adodb_debug_execute(&$zthis, $sql, $inputarr)
$ss = '';
if ($inputarr) {
foreach($inputarr as $kk=>$vv) {
if (is_string($vv) && strlen($vv)>64) $vv = substr($vv,0,64).'...';
if (is_null($vv)) $ss .= "($kk=>null) ";
if (is_array($vv))
$vv = sprintf("Array Of Values: [%s]", implode(',',$vv));
$ss .= "($kk=>'$vv') ";
$ss = "[ $ss ]";
$sqlTxt = is_array($sql) ? $sql[0] : $sql;
/*str_replace(', ','##1#__^LF',is_array($sql) ? $sql[0] : $sql);
$sqlTxt = str_replace(',',', ',$sqlTxt);
$sqlTxt = str_replace('##1#__^LF', ', ' ,$sqlTxt);
// check if running from browser or command-line
$inBrowser = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$dbt = $zthis->databaseType;
if (isset($zthis->dsnType)) $dbt .= '-'.$zthis->dsnType;
if ($inBrowser) {
if ($ss) {
$ss = '<code>'.htmlspecialchars($ss).'</code>';
if ($zthis->debug === -1)
ADOConnection::outp( "<br>\n($dbt): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss\n<br>\n",false);
else if ($zthis->debug !== -99)
ADOConnection::outp( "<hr>\n($dbt): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss\n<hr>\n",false);
} else {
$ss = "\n ".$ss;
if ($zthis->debug !== -99)
ADOConnection::outp("-----<hr>\n($dbt): ".$sqlTxt." $ss\n-----<hr>\n",false);
$qID = $zthis->_query($sql,$inputarr);
Alexios Fakios notes that ErrorMsg() must be called before ErrorNo() for mssql
because ErrorNo() calls Execute('SELECT @ERROR'), causing recursion
if ($zthis->databaseType == 'mssql') {
// ErrorNo is a slow function call in mssql, and not reliable in PHP 4.0.6
if($emsg = $zthis->ErrorMsg()) {
if ($err = $zthis->ErrorNo()) {
if ($zthis->debug === -99)
ADOConnection::outp( "<hr>\n($dbt): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss\n<hr>\n",false);
ADOConnection::outp($err.': '.$emsg);
} else if (!$qID) {
if ($zthis->debug === -99)
if ($inBrowser) ADOConnection::outp( "<hr>\n($dbt): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss\n<hr>\n",false);
else ADOConnection::outp("-----<hr>\n($dbt): ".$sqlTxt."$ss\n-----<hr>\n",false);
ADOConnection::outp($zthis->ErrorNo() .': '. $zthis->ErrorMsg());
if ($zthis->debug === 99) _adodb_backtrace(true,9999,2);
return $qID;
# pretty print the debug_backtrace function
function _adodb_backtrace($printOrArr=true,$levels=9999,$skippy=0,$ishtml=null)
if (!function_exists('debug_backtrace')) return '';
if ($ishtml === null) $html = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
else $html = $ishtml;
$fmt = ($html) ? "</font><font color=#808080 size=-1> %% line %4d, file: <a href=\"file:/%s\">%s</a></font>" : "%% line %4d, file: %s";
$s = ($html) ? '<pre align=left>' : '';
if (is_array($printOrArr)) $traceArr = $printOrArr;
else $traceArr = debug_backtrace();
$tabs = sizeof($traceArr)-2;
foreach ($traceArr as $arr) {
if ($skippy) {$skippy -= 1; continue;}
$levels -= 1;
if ($levels < 0) break;
$args = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $tabs; $i++) $s .= ($html) ? ' ' : "\t";
$tabs -= 1;
if ($html) $s .= '<font face="Courier New,Courier">';
if (isset($arr['class'])) $s .= $arr['class'].'.';
if (isset($arr['args']))
foreach($arr['args'] as $v) {
if (is_null($v)) $args[] = 'null';
else if (is_array($v)) $args[] = 'Array['.sizeof($v).']';
else if (is_object($v)) $args[] = 'Object:'.get_class($v);
else if (is_bool($v)) $args[] = $v ? 'true' : 'false';
else {
$v = (string) @$v;
$str = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array("\r","\n"),' ',substr($v,0,$MAXSTRLEN)));
if (strlen($v) > $MAXSTRLEN) $str .= '...';
$args[] = $str;
$s .= $arr['function'].'('.implode(', ',$args).')';
$s .= @sprintf($fmt, $arr['line'],$arr['file'],basename($arr['file']));
$s .= "\n";
if ($html) $s .= '</pre>';
if ($printOrArr) print $s;
return $s;
function _adodb_find_from($sql)
$sql = str_replace(array("\n","\r"), ' ', $sql);
$charCount = strlen($sql);
$inString = false;
$quote = '';
$parentheseCount = 0;
$prevChars = '';
$nextChars = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $charCount; $i++) {
$char = substr($sql,$i,1);
$prevChars = substr($sql,0,$i);
$nextChars = substr($sql,$i+1);
if((($char == "'" || $char == '"' || $char == '`') && substr($prevChars,-1,1) != '\\') && $inString === false) {
$quote = $char;
$inString = true;
elseif((($char == "'" || $char == '"' || $char == '`') && substr($prevChars,-1,1) != '\\') && $inString === true && $quote == $char) {
$quote = "";
$inString = false;
elseif($char == "(" && $inString === false)
elseif($char == ")" && $inString === false && $parentheseCount > 0)
elseif($parentheseCount <= 0 && $inString === false && $char == " " && strtoupper(substr($prevChars,-5,5)) == " FROM")
return $i;