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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* File containing the grade_report class
* @package core_grades
* @copyright 2007 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* An abstract class containing variables and methods used by all or most reports.
* @copyright 2007 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class grade_report {
* The courseid.
* @var int $courseid
public $courseid;
* The course.
* @var object $course
public $course;
/** Grade plugin return tracking object.
* @var object $gpr
public $gpr;
* The context.
* @var context $context
public $context;
* The grade_tree object.
* @var grade_tree $gtree
public $gtree;
* User preferences related to this report.
* @var array $prefs
public $prefs = array();
* The roles for this report.
* @var string $gradebookroles
public $gradebookroles;
* base url for sorting by first/last name.
* @var string $baseurl
public $baseurl;
* base url for paging.
* @var string $pbarurl
public $pbarurl;
* Current page (for paging).
* @var int $page
public $page;
* Array of cached language strings (using get_string() all the time takes a long time!).
* @var array $lang_strings
public $lang_strings = array();
// GROUP VARIABLES (including SQL)
* The current group being displayed.
* @var int $currentgroup
public $currentgroup;
* The current groupname being displayed.
* @var string $currentgroupname
public $currentgroupname;
* Current course group mode
* @var int $groupmode
public $groupmode;
* A HTML select element used to select the current group.
* @var string $group_selector
public $group_selector;
* An SQL fragment used to add linking information to the group tables.
* @var string $groupsql
protected $groupsql;
* An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.
* @var string $groupwheresql
protected $groupwheresql;
* The ordered params for $groupwheresql
* @var array $groupwheresql_params
protected $groupwheresql_params = array();
// USER VARIABLES (including SQL).
* An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.
* @var string $userwheresql
protected $userwheresql;
* The ordered params for $userwheresql
* @var array $userwheresql_params
protected $userwheresql_params = array();
* Constructor. Sets local copies of user preferences and initialises grade_tree.
* @param int $courseid
* @param object $gpr grade plugin return tracking object
* @param string $context
* @param int $page The current page being viewed (when report is paged)
public function __construct($courseid, $gpr, $context, $page=null) {
global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB;
if (empty($CFG->gradebookroles)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('norolesdefined', 'grades');
$this->courseid = $courseid;
if ($this->courseid == $COURSE->id) {
$this->course = $COURSE;
} else {
$this->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->courseid));
$this->gpr = $gpr;
$this->context = $context;
$this->page = $page;
// roles to be displayed in the gradebook
$this->gradebookroles = $CFG->gradebookroles;
// Set up link to preferences page
$this->preferences_page = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/report/grader/preferences.php?id='.$courseid;
// init gtree in child class
* Given the name of a user preference (without grade_report_ prefix), locally saves then returns
* the value of that preference. If the preference has already been fetched before,
* the saved value is returned. If the preference is not set at the User level, the $CFG equivalent
* is given (site default).
* Can be called statically, but then doesn't benefit from caching
* @param string $pref The name of the preference (do not include the grade_report_ prefix)
* @param int $objectid An optional itemid or categoryid to check for a more fine-grained preference
* @return mixed The value of the preference
public function get_pref($pref, $objectid=null) {
global $CFG;
$fullprefname = 'grade_report_' . $pref;
$shortprefname = 'grade_' . $pref;
$retval = null;
if (!isset($this) OR get_class($this) != 'grade_report') {
if (!empty($objectid)) {
$retval = get_user_preferences($fullprefname . $objectid, self::get_pref($pref));
} else if (isset($CFG->$fullprefname)) {
$retval = get_user_preferences($fullprefname, $CFG->$fullprefname);
} else if (isset($CFG->$shortprefname)) {
$retval = get_user_preferences($fullprefname, $CFG->$shortprefname);
} else {
$retval = null;
} else {
if (empty($this->prefs[$pref.$objectid])) {
if (!empty($objectid)) {
$retval = get_user_preferences($fullprefname . $objectid);
if (empty($retval)) {
// No item pref found, we are returning the global preference
$retval = $this->get_pref($pref);
$objectid = null;
} else {
$retval = get_user_preferences($fullprefname, $CFG->$fullprefname);
$this->prefs[$pref.$objectid] = $retval;
} else {
$retval = $this->prefs[$pref.$objectid];
return $retval;
* Uses set_user_preferences() to update the value of a user preference. If 'default' is given as the value,
* the preference will be removed in favour of a higher-level preference.
* @param string $pref The name of the preference.
* @param mixed $pref_value The value of the preference.
* @param int $itemid An optional itemid to which the preference will be assigned
* @return bool Success or failure.
public function set_pref($pref, $pref_value='default', $itemid=null) {
$fullprefname = 'grade_report_' . $pref;
if ($pref_value == 'default') {
return unset_user_preference($fullprefname.$itemid);
} else {
return set_user_preference($fullprefname.$itemid, $pref_value);
* Handles form data sent by this report for this report. Abstract method to implement in all children.
* @abstract
* @param array $data
* @return mixed True or array of errors
abstract public function process_data($data);
* Processes a single action against a category, grade_item or grade.
* @param string $target Sortorder
* @param string $action Which action to take (edit, delete etc...)
* @return
abstract public function process_action($target, $action);
* First checks the cached language strings, then returns match if found, or uses get_string()
* to get it from the DB, caches it then returns it.
* @param string $strcode
* @param string $section Optional language section
* @return string
public function get_lang_string($strcode, $section=null) {
if (empty($this->lang_strings[$strcode])) {
$this->lang_strings[$strcode] = get_string($strcode, $section);
return $this->lang_strings[$strcode];
* Fetches and returns a count of all the users that will be shown on this page.
* @param boolean $groups include groups limit
* @param boolean $users include users limit - default false, used for searching purposes
* @return int Count of users
public function get_numusers($groups = true, $users = false) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$userwheresql = "";
$groupsql = "";
$groupwheresql = "";
// Limit to users with a gradeable role.
list($gradebookrolessql, $gradebookrolesparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $this->gradebookroles), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grbr0');
// Limit to users with an active enrollment.
list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($this->context);
// We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
list($relatedctxsql, $relatedctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
$params = array_merge($gradebookrolesparams, $enrolledparams, $relatedctxparams);
if ($users) {
$userwheresql = $this->userwheresql;
$params = array_merge($params, $this->userwheresql_params);
if ($groups) {
$groupsql = $this->groupsql;
$groupwheresql = $this->groupwheresql;
$params = array_merge($params, $this->groupwheresql_params);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.id
FROM {user} u
JOIN ($enrolledsql) je
ON je.id = u.id
JOIN {role_assignments} ra
ON u.id = ra.userid
WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookrolessql
AND u.deleted = 0
AND ra.contextid $relatedctxsql";
$selectedusers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$count = 0;
// Check if user's enrolment is active and should be displayed.
if (!empty($selectedusers)) {
$coursecontext = $this->context->get_course_context(true);
$defaultgradeshowactiveenrol = !empty($CFG->grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = get_user_preferences('grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol', $defaultgradeshowactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = $showonlyactiveenrol || !has_capability('moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers', $coursecontext);
if ($showonlyactiveenrol) {
$useractiveenrolments = get_enrolled_users($coursecontext, '', 0, 'u.id', null, 0, 0, true);
foreach ($selectedusers as $id => $value) {
if (!$showonlyactiveenrol || ($showonlyactiveenrol && array_key_exists($id, $useractiveenrolments))) {
return $count;
* Shows support for being used as a 'Grades' report.
public static function supports_mygrades() {
return false;
* Sets up this object's group variables, mainly to restrict the selection of users to display.
protected function setup_groups() {
// find out current groups mode
if ($this->groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($this->course)) {
if (empty($this->gpr->groupid)) {
$this->currentgroup = groups_get_course_group($this->course, true);
} else {
$this->currentgroup = $this->gpr->groupid;
$this->group_selector = groups_print_course_menu($this->course, $this->pbarurl, true);
if ($this->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$this->currentgroup and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->context)) {
$this->currentgroup = -2; // means can not access any groups at all
if ($this->currentgroup) {
if ($group = groups_get_group($this->currentgroup)) {
$this->currentgroupname = $group->name;
$this->groupsql = " JOIN {groups_members} gm ON gm.userid = u.id ";
$this->groupwheresql = " AND gm.groupid = :gr_grpid ";
$this->groupwheresql_params = array('gr_grpid'=>$this->currentgroup);
* Sets up this report's user criteria to restrict the selection of users to display.
public function setup_users() {
global $SESSION, $DB;
$filterfirstnamekey = "filterfirstname-{$this->context->id}";
$filtersurnamekey = "filtersurname-{$this->context->id}";
$this->userwheresql = "";
$this->userwheresql_params = array();
if (!empty($SESSION->gradereport[$filterfirstnamekey])) {
$this->userwheresql .= ' AND '.$DB->sql_like('u.firstname', ':firstname', false, false);
$this->userwheresql_params['firstname'] = $SESSION->gradereport[$filterfirstnamekey] . '%';
if (!empty($SESSION->gradereport[$filtersurnamekey])) {
$this->userwheresql .= ' AND '.$DB->sql_like('u.lastname', ':lastname', false, false);
$this->userwheresql_params['lastname'] = $SESSION->gradereport[$filtersurnamekey] . '%';
* Returns an arrow icon inside an <a> tag, for the purpose of sorting a column.
* @param string $direction
* @param moodle_url $sortlink
protected function get_sort_arrow($direction='move', $sortlink=null) {
global $OUTPUT;
$pix = array('up' => 't/sort_desc', 'down' => 't/sort_asc', 'move' => 't/sort');
$matrix = array('up' => 'desc', 'down' => 'asc', 'move' => 'asc');
$strsort = $this->get_lang_string('sort' . $matrix[$direction]);
$arrow = $OUTPUT->pix_icon($pix[$direction], '', '', ['class' => 'sorticon']);
return html_writer::link($sortlink, $arrow, ['title' => $strsort, 'aria-label' => $strsort]);
* Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items
* @param string $courseid the course id
* @param string $course_item an instance of grade_item
* @param string $finalgrade the grade for the course_item
* @return array[] containing values for 'grade', 'grademax', 'grademin', 'aggregationstatus' and 'aggregationweight'
protected function blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($courseid, $course_item, $finalgrade) {
global $CFG, $DB;
static $hiding_affected = null;//array of items in this course affected by hiding
// If we're dealing with multiple users we need to know when we've moved on to a new user.
static $previous_userid = null;
// If we're dealing with multiple courses we need to know when we've moved on to a new course.
static $previous_courseid = null;
$coursegradegrade = grade_grade::fetch(array('userid'=>$this->user->id, 'itemid'=>$course_item->id));
$grademin = $course_item->grademin;
$grademax = $course_item->grademax;
if ($coursegradegrade) {
$grademin = $coursegradegrade->get_grade_min();
$grademax = $coursegradegrade->get_grade_max();
} else {
$coursegradegrade = new grade_grade(array('userid'=>$this->user->id, 'itemid'=>$course_item->id), false);
$hint = $coursegradegrade->get_aggregation_hint();
$aggregationstatus = $hint['status'];
$aggregationweight = $hint['weight'];
if (!is_array($this->showtotalsifcontainhidden)) {
debugging('showtotalsifcontainhidden should be an array', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->showtotalsifcontainhidden = array($courseid => $this->showtotalsifcontainhidden);
if ($this->showtotalsifcontainhidden[$courseid] == GRADE_REPORT_SHOW_REAL_TOTAL_IF_CONTAINS_HIDDEN) {
return array('grade' => $finalgrade,
'grademin' => $grademin,
'grademax' => $grademax,
'aggregationstatus' => $aggregationstatus,
'aggregationweight' => $aggregationweight);
// If we've moved on to another course or user, reload the grades.
if ($previous_userid != $this->user->id || $previous_courseid != $courseid) {
$hiding_affected = null;
$previous_userid = $this->user->id;
$previous_courseid = $courseid;
if (!$hiding_affected) {
$items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$courseid));
$grades = array();
$sql = "SELECT g.*
FROM {grade_grades} g
JOIN {grade_items} gi ON gi.id = g.itemid
WHERE g.userid = {$this->user->id} AND gi.courseid = {$courseid}";
if ($gradesrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($sql)) {
foreach ($gradesrecords as $grade) {
$grades[$grade->itemid] = new grade_grade($grade, false);
foreach ($items as $itemid => $unused) {
if (!isset($grades[$itemid])) {
$grade_grade = new grade_grade();
$grade_grade->userid = $this->user->id;
$grade_grade->itemid = $items[$itemid]->id;
$grades[$itemid] = $grade_grade;
$grades[$itemid]->grade_item =& $items[$itemid];
$hiding_affected = grade_grade::get_hiding_affected($grades, $items);
//if the item definitely depends on a hidden item
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['altered']) ||
array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademin']) ||
array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademax']) ||
array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationstatus']) ||
array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationweight'])) {
if (!$this->showtotalsifcontainhidden[$courseid] && array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['altered'])) {
// Hide the grade, but only when it has changed.
$finalgrade = null;
} else {
//use reprocessed marks that exclude hidden items
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['altered'])) {
$finalgrade = $hiding_affected['altered'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademin'])) {
$grademin = $hiding_affected['alteredgrademin'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademax'])) {
$grademax = $hiding_affected['alteredgrademax'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationstatus'])) {
$aggregationstatus = $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationstatus'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationweight'])) {
$aggregationweight = $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationweight'][$course_item->id];
if (!$this->showtotalsifcontainhidden[$courseid]) {
// If the course total is hidden we must hide the weight otherwise
// it can be used to compute the course total.
$aggregationstatus = 'unknown';
$aggregationweight = null;
} else if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['unknowngrades'])) {
//not sure whether or not this item depends on a hidden item
if (!$this->showtotalsifcontainhidden[$courseid]) {
//hide the grade
$finalgrade = null;
} else {
//use reprocessed marks that exclude hidden items
$finalgrade = $hiding_affected['unknowngrades'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademin'])) {
$grademin = $hiding_affected['alteredgrademin'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredgrademax'])) {
$grademax = $hiding_affected['alteredgrademax'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationstatus'])) {
$aggregationstatus = $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationstatus'][$course_item->id];
if (array_key_exists($course_item->id, $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationweight'])) {
$aggregationweight = $hiding_affected['alteredaggregationweight'][$course_item->id];
return array('grade' => $finalgrade, 'grademin' => $grademin, 'grademax' => $grademax, 'aggregationstatus'=>$aggregationstatus, 'aggregationweight'=>$aggregationweight);
* Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.8 - Call blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds instead.
* @param string $courseid the course id
* @param string $course_item an instance of grade_item
* @param string $finalgrade the grade for the course_item
* @return string The new final grade
protected function blank_hidden_total($courseid, $course_item, $finalgrade) {
// Note it is flawed to call this function directly because
// the aggregated grade does not make sense without the updated min and max information.
debugging('grade_report::blank_hidden_total() is deprecated.
Call grade_report::blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$result = $this->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($courseid, $course_item, $finalgrade);
return $result['grade'];
* Calculate average grade for a given grade item.
* Based on calculate_averages function from grade/report/user/lib.php
* @param grade_item $gradeitem Grade item
* @param array $info Ungraded grade items counts and report preferences.
* @return array Average grade and meancount.
public static function calculate_average(grade_item $gradeitem, array $info): array {
$meanselection = $info['report']['meanselection'];
$totalcount = $info['report']['totalcount'];
$ungradedcounts = $info['ungradedcounts'];
$sumarray = $info['sumarray'];
if (empty($sumarray[$gradeitem->id])) {
$sumarray[$gradeitem->id] = 0;
if (empty($ungradedcounts[$gradeitem->id])) {
$ungradedcounts = 0;
} else {
$ungradedcounts = $ungradedcounts[$gradeitem->id]->count;
// If they want the averages to include all grade items.
if ($meanselection == GRADE_REPORT_MEAN_GRADED) {
$meancount = $totalcount - $ungradedcounts;
} else {
// Bump up the sum by the number of ungraded items * grademin.
$sumarray[$gradeitem->id] += ($ungradedcounts * $gradeitem->grademin);
$meancount = $totalcount;
$aggr['meancount'] = $meancount;
if (empty($sumarray[$gradeitem->id]) || $meancount == 0) {
$aggr['average'] = null;
} else {
$sum = $sumarray[$gradeitem->id];
$aggr['average'] = $sum / $meancount;
return $aggr;
* Get ungraded grade items info and sum of all grade items in a course.
* Based on calculate_averages function from grade/report/user/lib.php
* @return array Ungraded grade items counts with report preferences.
public function ungraded_counts(): array {
global $DB;
$groupid = null;
if (isset($this->gpr->groupid)) {
$groupid = $this->gpr->groupid;
$info = [];
$info['report'] = [
'averagesdisplaytype' => $this->get_pref('averagesdisplaytype'),
'averagesdecimalpoints' => $this->get_pref('averagesdecimalpoints'),
'meanselection' => $this->get_pref('meanselection'),
'shownumberofgrades' => $this->get_pref('shownumberofgrades'),
'totalcount' => $this->get_numusers(!is_null($groupid)),
// We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
list($relatedctxsql, $relatedctxparams) =
$DB->get_in_or_equal($this->context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
// Limit to users with a gradeable role ie students.
list($gradebookrolessql, $gradebookrolesparams) =
$DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $this->gradebookroles), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grbr0');
// Limit to users with an active enrolment.
$defaultgradeshowactiveenrol = !empty($CFG->grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = get_user_preferences('grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol', $defaultgradeshowactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = $showonlyactiveenrol ||
!has_capability('moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers', $this->context);
list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($this->context, '', 0, $showonlyactiveenrol);
$params = array_merge($this->groupwheresql_params, $gradebookrolesparams, $enrolledparams, $relatedctxparams);
$params['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
// Aggregate on whole course only.
if (empty($groupid)) {
$this->groupsql = null;
$this->groupwheresql = null;
// Empty grades must be evaluated as grademin, NOT always 0.
// This query returns a count of ungraded grades (NULL finalgrade OR no matching record in grade_grades table).
// No join condition when joining grade_items and user to get a grade item row for every user.
// Then left join with grade_grades and look for rows with null final grade
// (which includes grade items with no grade_grade).
$sql = "SELECT gi.id, COUNT(u.id) AS count
FROM {grade_items} gi
JOIN {user} u ON u.deleted = 0
JOIN ($enrolledsql) je ON je.id = u.id
FROM {role_assignments} ra
WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookrolessql
AND ra.contextid $relatedctxsql
) rainner ON rainner.userid = u.id
LEFT JOIN {grade_grades} gg
ON (gg.itemid = gi.id AND gg.userid = u.id AND gg.finalgrade IS NOT NULL AND gg.hidden = 0)
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid
AND gg.finalgrade IS NULL
GROUP BY gi.id";
$info['ungradedcounts'] = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// Find sums of all grade items in course.
$sql = "SELECT gg.itemid, SUM(gg.finalgrade) AS sum
FROM {grade_items} gi
JOIN {grade_grades} gg ON gg.itemid = gi.id
JOIN {user} u ON u.id = gg.userid
JOIN ($enrolledsql) je ON je.id = gg.userid
FROM {role_assignments} ra
WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookrolessql
AND ra.contextid $relatedctxsql
) rainner ON rainner.userid = u.id
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid
AND u.deleted = 0
AND gg.finalgrade IS NOT NULL
AND gg.hidden = 0
GROUP BY gg.itemid";
$sumarray = [];
$sums = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($sums as $itemid => $csum) {
$sumarray[$itemid] = grade_floatval($csum->sum);
$info['sumarray'] = $sumarray;
return $info;
* Get grade item type names in a course to use in filter dropdown.
* @return array Item types.
public function item_types(): array {
global $DB, $CFG;
$modnames = [];
$sql = "(SELECT gi.itemmodule
FROM {grade_items} gi
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid1
AND gi.itemmodule IS NOT NULL)
(SELECT gi1.itemtype
FROM {grade_items} gi1
WHERE gi1.courseid = :courseid2
AND gi1.itemtype = 'manual')";
$itemtypes = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, ['courseid1' => $this->courseid, 'courseid2' => $this->courseid]);
foreach ($itemtypes as $itemtype => $value) {
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$itemtype/lib.php")) {
$modnames[$itemtype] = get_string("modulename", $itemtype, null, true);
} else if ($itemtype == 'manual') {
$modnames[$itemtype] = get_string('manualitem', 'grades', null, true);
return $modnames;