M Kassaei 5d949702f8 MDL-40988 quiz: ability to break quizzes into sections
The sections are created on the edit quiz page, and then appear in the
navigation panel when the quiz is being attempted to help students find
their way around.

The 'Shuffle questions' setting has been moved from being per-quiz
to being a per-section.

This commit is actually the joint work of Mahmoud Kassaei and Tim Hunt
from The Open University. We could only use one persons name for the
commit and this time Mahmoud gets the credit/blame.
2015-04-05 14:30:53 +01:00

580 lines
28 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
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* Steps definitions related to mod_quiz.
* @package mod_quiz
* @category test
* @copyright 2014 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../question/tests/behat/behat_question_base.php');
use Behat\Behat\Context\Step\Given as Given,
Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode,
Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException as ExpectationException;
* Steps definitions related to mod_quiz.
* @copyright 2014 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_mod_quiz extends behat_question_base {
* Put the specified questions on the specified pages of a given quiz.
* The first row should be column names:
* | question | page | maxmark | requireprevious |
* The first two of those are required. The others are optional.
* question needs to uniquely match a question name.
* page is a page number. Must start at 1, and on each following
* row should be the same as the previous, or one more.
* maxmark What the question is marked out of. Defaults to question.defaultmark.
* requireprevious The question can only be attempted after the previous one was completed.
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each question you want to add.
* For backwards-compatibility reasons, specifying the column names is optional
* (but strongly encouraged). If not specified, the columns are asseumed to be
* | question | page | maxmark |.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz to add questions to.
* @param TableNode $data information about the questions to add.
* @Given /^quiz "([^"]*)" contains the following questions:$/
public function quiz_contains_the_following_questions($quizname, TableNode $data) {
global $DB;
$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('name' => $quizname), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Deal with backwards-compatibility, optional first row.
$firstrow = $data->getRow(0);
if (!in_array('question', $firstrow) && !in_array('page', $firstrow)) {
if (count($firstrow) == 2) {
$headings = array('question', 'page');
} else if (count($firstrow) == 3) {
$headings = array('question', 'page', 'maxmark');
} else {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, you should give 2 or three 3 things: ' .
' the question name, the page number, and optionally the maxiumum mark. ' .
count($firstrow) . ' values passed.', $this->getSession());
$rows = $data->getRows();
array_unshift($rows, $headings);
// Add the questions.
$lastpage = 0;
foreach ($data->getHash() as $questiondata) {
if (!array_key_exists('question', $questiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the question name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('page', $questiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the page number column is required.', $this->getSession());
// Question id.
$questionid = $DB->get_field('question', 'id',
array('name' => $questiondata['question']), MUST_EXIST);
// Page number.
$page = clean_param($questiondata['page'], PARAM_INT);
if ($page <= 0 || (string) $page !== $questiondata['page']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The page number for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive integer.',
if ($page < $lastpage || $page > $lastpage + 1) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the page number for each question must either be the same, ' .
'or one more, then the page number for the previous question.',
$lastpage = $page;
// Max mark.
if (!array_key_exists('maxmark', $questiondata) || $questiondata['maxmark'] === '') {
$maxmark = null;
} else {
$maxmark = clean_param($questiondata['maxmark'], PARAM_FLOAT);
if (!is_numeric($questiondata['maxmark']) || $maxmark < 0) {
throw new ExpectationException('The max mark for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive number.',
// Add the question.
quiz_add_quiz_question($questionid, $quiz, $page, $maxmark);
// Require previous.
if (array_key_exists('requireprevious', $questiondata)) {
if ($questiondata['requireprevious'] === '1') {
$slot = $DB->get_field('quiz_slots', 'MAX(slot)', array('quizid' => $quiz->id));
$DB->set_field('quiz_slots', 'requireprevious', 1,
array('quizid' => $quiz->id, 'slot' => $slot));
} else if ($questiondata['requireprevious'] !== '' && $questiondata['requireprevious'] !== '0') {
throw new ExpectationException('Require previous for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" should be 0, 1 or blank.',
* Put the specified section headings to start at specified pages of a given quiz.
* The first row should be column names:
* | heading | firstslot | shufflequestions |
* heading is the section heading text
* firstslot is the slot number where the section starts
* shuffle whether this section is shuffled (0 or 1)
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each section you want to add.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz to add sections to.
* @param TableNode $data information about the sections to add.
* @Given /^quiz "([^"]*)" contains the following sections:$/
public function quiz_contains_the_following_sections($quizname, TableNode $data) {
global $DB;
$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('name' => $quizname), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Add the sections.
$previousfirstslot = 0;
foreach ($data->getHash() as $rownumber => $sectiondata) {
if (!array_key_exists('heading', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the heading name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('firstslot', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the firstslot name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('shuffle', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the shuffle name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if ($rownumber == 0) {
$section = $DB->get_record('quiz_sections', array('quizid' => $quiz->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else {
$section = new stdClass();
$section->quizid = $quiz->id;
// Heading.
$section->heading = $sectiondata['heading'];
// First slot.
$section->firstslot = clean_param($sectiondata['firstslot'], PARAM_INT);
if ($section->firstslot <= $previousfirstslot ||
(string) $section->firstslot !== $sectiondata['firstslot']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The firstslot number for section "' .
$sectiondata['heading'] . '" must an integer greater than the previous section firstslot.',
if ($rownumber == 0 && $section->firstslot != 1) {
throw new ExpectationException('The first section must have firstslot set to 1.',
// Shuffle.
$section->shufflequestions = clean_param($sectiondata['shuffle'], PARAM_INT);
if ((string) $section->shufflequestions !== $sectiondata['shuffle']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The shuffle value for section "' .
$sectiondata['heading'] . '" must be 0 or 1.',
if ($rownumber == 0) {
$DB->update_record('quiz_sections', $section);
} else {
$DB->insert_record('quiz_sections', $section);
if ($section->firstslot > $DB->count_records('quiz_slots', array('quizid' => $quiz->id))) {
throw new ExpectationException('The section firstslot must be less than the total number of slots in the quiz.',
* Adds a question to the existing quiz with filling the form.
* The form for creating a question should be on one page.
* @When /^I add a "(?P<question_type_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" question to the "(?P<quiz_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" quiz with:$/
* @param string $questiontype
* @param string $quizname
* @param TableNode $questiondata with data for filling the add question form
public function i_add_question_to_the_quiz_with($questiontype, $quizname, TableNode $questiondata) {
$quizname = $this->escape($quizname);
$editquiz = $this->escape(get_string('editquiz', 'quiz'));
$quizadmin = $this->escape(get_string('pluginadministration', 'quiz'));
$addaquestion = $this->escape(get_string('addaquestion', 'quiz'));
$menuxpath = "//div[contains(@class, ' page-add-actions ')][last()]//a[contains(@class, ' textmenu')]";
$itemxpath = "//div[contains(@class, ' page-add-actions ')][last()]//a[contains(@class, ' addquestion ')]";
return array_merge(array(
new Given("I follow \"$quizname\""),
new Given("I navigate to \"$editquiz\" node in \"$quizadmin\""),
new Given("I click on \"$menuxpath\" \"xpath_element\""),
new Given("I click on \"$itemxpath\" \"xpath_element\""),
), $this->finish_adding_question($questiontype, $questiondata));
* Set the max mark for a question on the Edit quiz page.
* @When /^I set the max mark for question "(?P<question_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<new_mark_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question to set the max mark for.
* @param string $newmark the mark to set
public function i_set_the_max_mark_for_quiz_question($questionname, $newmark) {
return array(
new Given('I follow "' . $this->escape(get_string('editmaxmark', 'quiz')) . '"'),
new Given('I wait until "li input[name=maxmark]" "css_element" exists'),
new Given('I should see "' . $this->escape(get_string('edittitleinstructions')) . '"'),
new Given('I set the field "maxmark" to "' . $this->escape($newmark) . chr(10) . '"'),
* Open the add menu on a given page, or at the end of the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I open the "(?P<page_n_or_last_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" add to quiz menu$/
* @param string $pageorlast either "Page n" or "last".
public function i_open_the_add_to_quiz_menu_for($pageorlast) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Activities actions menu not available when Javascript is disabled');
if ($pageorlast == 'last') {
$xpath = "//div[@class = 'last-add-menu']//a[contains(@class, 'textmenu') and contains(., 'Add')]";
} else if (preg_match('~Page (\d+)~', $pageorlast, $matches)) {
$xpath = "//li[@id = 'page-{$matches[1]}']//a[contains(@class, 'textmenu') and contains(., 'Add')]";
} else {
throw new ExpectationException("The I open the add to quiz menu step must specify either 'Page N' or 'last'.");
$menu = $this->find('xpath', $xpath)->click();
* Click on a given link in the moodle-actionmenu that is currently open.
* @Given /^I follow "(?P<link_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the open menu$/
* @param string $linkstring the text (or id, etc.) of the link to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_follow_in_the_open_menu($linkstring) {
$openmenuxpath = "//div[contains(@class, 'moodle-actionmenu') and contains(@class, 'show')]";
return array(
new Given('I click on "' . $linkstring . '" "link" in the "' . $openmenuxpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
* Check whether a particular question is on a particular page of the quiz on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I should see "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on quiz page "(?P<page_number>\d+)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $pagenumber the page it should be found on.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_should_see_on_quiz_page($questionname, $pagenumber) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')][./preceding-sibling::li[contains(@class, 'pagenumber')][1][contains(., 'Page " .
$pagenumber . "')]]";
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should exist'),
* Check whether a particular question is not on a particular page of the quiz on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I should not see "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on quiz page "(?P<page_number>\d+)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $pagenumber the page it should be found on.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_should_not_see_on_quiz_page($questionname, $pagenumber) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')][./preceding-sibling::li[contains(@class, 'pagenumber')][1][contains(., 'Page " .
$pagenumber . "')]]";
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should not exist'),
* Check whether one question comes before another on the Edit quiz page.
* The two questions must be on the same page.
* @Given /^I should see "(?P<first_q_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" before "(?P<second_q_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on the edit quiz page$/
* @param string $firstquestionname the name of the question that should come first in order.
* @param string $secondquestionname the name of the question that should come immediately after it in order.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_should_see_before_on_the_edit_quiz_page($firstquestionname, $secondquestionname) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($firstquestionname) .
"')]/following-sibling::li[contains(@class, ' slot ')][1]" .
"[contains(., '" . $this->escape($secondquestionname) . "')]";
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should exist'),
* Check the number displayed alongside a question on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^"(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should have number "(?P<number>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on the edit quiz page$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $number the number (or 'i') that should be displayed beside that question.
* @return array of steps.
public function should_have_number_on_the_edit_quiz_page($questionname, $number) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(@class, 'slot') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'slotnumber') and normalize-space(text()) = '" . $this->escape($number) . "']";
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should exist'),
* Get the xpath for a partcular add/remove page-break icon.
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon.
* @return string the requried xpath.
protected function get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname) {
return "//li[contains(@class, 'slot') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//a[contains(@class, 'page_split_join') and @title = '" . $addorremoves . " page break']";
* Click the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question.
* @When /^I click on the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_click_on_the_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
return array(
new Given('I click on "' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
* Assert the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question exists.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should exist$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_icon_after_question_should_exist($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should exist'),
* Assert the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question does not exist.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should not exist$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_icon_after_question_should_not_exist($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
return array(
new Given('"' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element" should not exist'),
* Check the add or remove page-break link after a particular question contains the given parameters in its url.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break link after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*) should contain:"$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @param TableNode $paramdata with data for checking the page break url
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_link_after_question_should_contain($addorremoves, $questionname, $paramdata) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
return array(
new Given('I click on "' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
* Set Shuffle for shuffling questions within sections
* @param string $heading the heading of the section to change shuffle for.
* @Given /^I click on shuffle for section "([^"]*)" on the quiz edit page$/
public function i_click_on_shuffle_for_section($heading) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading);
$checkbox = $this->find('xpath', $xpath);
* Check the shuffle checkbox for a particular section.
* @param string $heading the heading of the section to check shuffle for
* @param int $value whether the shuffle checkbox should be on or off.
* @Given /^shuffle for section "([^"]*)" should be "(On|Off)" on the quiz edit page$/
public function shuffle_for_section_should_be($heading, $value) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading);
$checkbox = $this->find('xpath', $xpath);
if ($value == 'On' && !$checkbox->isChecked()) {
$msg = "Shuffle for section '$heading' is not checked, but you are expecting it to be checked ($value). " .
"Check the line with: \nshuffle for section \"$heading\" should be \"$value\" on the quiz edit page" .
"\nin your behat script";
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
} else if ($value == 'Off' && $checkbox->isChecked()) {
$msg = "Shuffle for section '$heading' is checked, but you are expecting it not to be ($value). " .
"Check the line with: \nshuffle for section \"$heading\" should be \"$value\" on the quiz edit page" .
"\nin your behat script";
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
* Return the xpath for shuffle checkbox in section heading
* @param strung $heading
* @return string
protected function get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading) {
return "//div[contains(@class, 'section-heading') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($heading) .
"')]//input[@type = 'checkbox']";
* Move a question on the Edit quiz page by first clicking on the Move icon,
* then clicking one of the "After ..." links.
* @When /^I move "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<target>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by clicking the move icon$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param string $target the target place to move to. One of the links in the pop-up like
* "After Page 1" or "After Question N".
* @return array of steps.
public function i_move_question_after_item_by_clicking_the_move_icon($questionname, $target) {
$iconxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'editing_move')]";
return array(
new Given('I click on "' . $iconxpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
new Given('I click on "' . $this->escape($target) . '" "text"'),
* Move a question on the Edit quiz page by dragging a given question on top of another item.
* @When /^I move "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<target>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by dragging$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param string $target the target place to move to. Ether a question name, or "Page N"
* @return array of steps.
public function i_move_question_after_item_by_dragging($questionname, $target) {
$iconxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'editing_move')]//img";
$destinationxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') or contains(@class, 'pagenumber ')]" .
"[contains(., '" . $this->escape($target) . "')]";
return array(
new Given('I drag "' . $iconxpath . '" "xpath_element" ' .
'and I drop it in "' . $destinationxpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
* Delete a question on the Edit quiz page by first clicking on the Delete icon,
* then clicking one of the "After ..." links.
* @When /^I delete "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by clicking the delete icon$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_delete_question_by_clicking_the_delete_icon($questionname) {
$slotxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
$deletexpath = "//a[contains(@class, 'editing_delete')]";
return array(
new Given('I click on "' . $slotxpath . $deletexpath . '" "xpath_element"'),
new Given('I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"'),
* Set the section heading for a given section on the Edit quiz page
* @When /^I change quiz section heading "(?P<section_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<new_section_heading_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $sectionname the heading to change.
* @param string $sectionheading the new heading to set.
public function i_set_the_section_heading_for($sectionname, $sectionheading) {
return array(
new Given('I follow "' . $this->escape("Edit heading '{$sectionname}'") . '"'),
new Given('I should see "' . $this->escape(get_string('edittitleinstructions')) . '"'),
new Given('I set the field "section" to "' . $this->escape($sectionheading) . chr(10) . '"'),
* Check that a given question comes after a given section heading in the
* quiz navigation block.
* @Then /^I should see question "(?P<questionnumber>\d+)" in section "(?P<section_heading_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz navigation$/
* @param int $questionnumber the number of the question to check.
* @param string $sectionheading which section heading it should appear after.
public function i_should_see_question_in_section_in_the_quiz_navigation($questionnumber, $sectionheading) {
// Using xpath literal to avoid quotes problems.
$questionnumberliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral('Question ' . $questionnumber);
$headingliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($sectionheading);
// Split in two checkings to give more feedback in case of exception.
$exception = new ExpectationException('Question "' . $questionnumber . '" is not in section "' .
$sectionheading . '" in the quiz navigation.', $this->getSession());
$xpath = "//div[@id = 'mod_quiz_navblock']//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' qnbutton ') and " .
"contains(., {$questionnumberliteral}) and contains(preceding-sibling::h3[1], {$headingliteral})]";
$this->find('xpath', $xpath);