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synced 2025-03-02 23:09:37 +01:00
Blocks can declare has_config() as true without actually using the default node in the admin tree. Typical use case is when the block injects its settings to other parts of the admin tree and it assigns null to its $setting node in its settings.php file. As Janek L.B. correctly spotted, this led to false debugging message on admin/blocks.php as the code interpreted it as missing settings.php file. The patch adds explicit file existence test for this rare case.
254 lines
10 KiB
254 lines
10 KiB
// Allows the admin to configure blocks (hide/show, uninstall and configure)
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$hide = optional_param('hide', 0, PARAM_INT);
$show = optional_param('show', 0, PARAM_INT);
$unprotect = optional_param('unprotect', 0, PARAM_INT);
$protect = optional_param('protect', 0, PARAM_INT);
/// Print headings
$strmanageblocks = get_string('manageblocks');
$struninstall = get_string('uninstallplugin', 'core_admin');
$strversion = get_string('version');
$strhide = get_string('hide');
$strshow = get_string('show');
$strsettings = get_string('settings');
$strcourses = get_string('blockinstances', 'admin');
$strname = get_string('name');
$strshowblockcourse = get_string('showblockcourse');
$strprotecthdr = get_string('blockprotect', 'admin'). $OUTPUT->help_icon('blockprotect','admin');
$strprotect = get_string('blockprotect', 'admin');
$strunprotect = get_string('blockunprotect', 'admin');
/// If data submitted, then process and store.
if (!empty($hide) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!$block = $DB->get_record('block', array('id'=>$hide))) {
print_error('blockdoesnotexist', 'error');
$DB->set_field('block', 'visible', '0', array('id'=>$block->id)); // Hide block
admin_get_root(true, false); // settings not required - only pages
if (!empty($show) && confirm_sesskey() ) {
if (!$block = $DB->get_record('block', array('id'=>$show))) {
print_error('blockdoesnotexist', 'error');
$DB->set_field('block', 'visible', '1', array('id'=>$block->id)); // Show block
admin_get_root(true, false); // settings not required - only pages
if (!isset($CFG->undeletableblocktypes) || (!is_array($CFG->undeletableblocktypes) && !is_string($CFG->undeletableblocktypes))) {
$undeletableblocktypes = array('navigation', 'settings');
} else if (is_string($CFG->undeletableblocktypes)) {
$undeletableblocktypes = explode(',', $CFG->undeletableblocktypes);
} else {
$undeletableblocktypes = $CFG->undeletableblocktypes;
if (!empty($protect) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!$block = $DB->get_record('block', array('id'=>$protect))) {
print_error('blockdoesnotexist', 'error');
if (!in_array($block->name, $undeletableblocktypes)) {
$undeletableblocktypes[] = $block->name;
set_config('undeletableblocktypes', implode(',', $undeletableblocktypes));
admin_get_root(true, false); // settings not required - only pages
if (!empty($unprotect) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!$block = $DB->get_record('block', array('id'=>$unprotect))) {
print_error('blockdoesnotexist', 'error');
if (in_array($block->name, $undeletableblocktypes)) {
$undeletableblocktypes = array_diff($undeletableblocktypes, array($block->name));
set_config('undeletableblocktypes', implode(',', $undeletableblocktypes));
admin_get_root(true, false); // settings not required - only pages
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($strmanageblocks);
/// Main display starts here
/// Get and sort the existing blocks
if (!$blocks = $DB->get_records('block', array(), 'name ASC')) {
print_error('noblocks', 'error'); // Should never happen
$incompatible = array();
/// Print the table of all blocks
$table = new flexible_table('admin-blocks-compatible');
$table->define_columns(array('name', 'instances', 'version', 'hideshow', 'undeletable', 'settings', 'uninstall'));
$table->define_headers(array($strname, $strcourses, $strversion, $strhide.'/'.$strshow, $strprotecthdr, $strsettings, $struninstall));
$table->set_attribute('class', 'admintable blockstable generaltable');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'compatibleblockstable');
$tablerows = array();
// Sort blocks using current locale.
$blocknames = array();
foreach ($blocks as $blockid=>$block) {
$blockname = $block->name;
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/$blockname/block_$blockname.php")) {
$blocknames[$blockid] = get_string('pluginname', 'block_'.$blockname);
} else {
$blocknames[$blockid] = $blockname;
foreach ($blocknames as $blockid=>$strblockname) {
$block = $blocks[$blockid];
$blockname = $block->name;
$dbversion = get_config('block_'.$block->name, 'version');
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/$blockname/block_$blockname.php")) {
$blockobject = false;
$strblockname = '<span class="notifyproblem">'.$strblockname.' ('.get_string('missingfromdisk').')</span>';
$plugin = new stdClass();
$plugin->version = $dbversion;
} else {
$plugin = new stdClass();
$plugin->version = '???';
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/blocks/$blockname/version.php")) {
if (!$blockobject = block_instance($block->name)) {
$incompatible[] = $block;
if ($uninstallurl = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_uninstall_url('block_'.$blockname, 'manage')) {
$uninstall = html_writer::link($uninstallurl, $struninstall);
} else {
$uninstall = '';
$settings = ''; // By default, no configuration
if ($blockobject and $blockobject->has_config()) {
$blocksettings = admin_get_root()->locate('blocksetting' . $block->name);
if ($blocksettings instanceof admin_externalpage) {
$settings = '<a href="' . $blocksettings->url . '">' . get_string('settings') . '</a>';
} else if ($blocksettings instanceof admin_settingpage) {
$settings = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/settings.php?section=blocksetting'.$block->name.'">'.$strsettings.'</a>';
} else if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$block->name.'/settings.php')) {
// If the block's settings node was not found, we check that the block really provides the settings.php file.
// Note that blocks can inject their settings to other nodes in the admin tree without using the default locations.
// This can be done by assigning null to $setting in settings.php and it is a valid case.
debugging('Warning: block_'.$block->name.' returns true in has_config() but does not provide a settings.php file',
// MDL-11167, blocks can be placed on mymoodle, or the blogs page
// and it should not show up on course search page
$totalcount = $DB->count_records('block_instances', array('blockname'=>$blockname));
$count = $DB->count_records('block_instances', array('blockname'=>$blockname, 'pagetypepattern'=>'course-view-*'));
if ($count>0) {
$blocklist = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/search.php?blocklist=$blockid&sesskey=".sesskey()."\" ";
$blocklist .= "title=\"$strshowblockcourse\" >$totalcount</a>";
else {
$blocklist = "$totalcount";
$class = ''; // Nothing fancy, by default
if (!$blockobject) {
// ignore
$visible = '';
} else if ($blocks[$blockid]->visible) {
$visible = '<a href="blocks.php?hide='.$blockid.'&sesskey='.sesskey().'" title="'.$strhide.'">'.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/hide') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="'.$strhide.'" /></a>';
} else {
$visible = '<a href="blocks.php?show='.$blockid.'&sesskey='.sesskey().'" title="'.$strshow.'">'.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/show') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="'.$strshow.'" /></a>';
$class = 'dimmed_text';
if ($dbversion == $plugin->version) {
$version = $dbversion;
} else {
$version = "$dbversion ($plugin->version)";
if (!$blockobject) {
// ignore
$undeletable = '';
} else if (in_array($blockname, $undeletableblocktypes)) {
$undeletable = '<a href="blocks.php?unprotect='.$blockid.'&sesskey='.sesskey().'" title="'.$strunprotect.'">'.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/unlock') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="'.$strunprotect.'" /></a>';
} else {
$undeletable = '<a href="blocks.php?protect='.$blockid.'&sesskey='.sesskey().'" title="'.$strprotect.'">'.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('t/lock') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="'.$strprotect.'" /></a>';
$row = array(
$table->add_data($row, $class);
if (!empty($incompatible)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('incompatibleblocks', 'blockstable', 'admin'));
$table = new flexible_table('admin-blocks-incompatible');
$table->define_columns(array('block', 'uninstall'));
$table->define_headers(array($strname, $struninstall));
$table->set_attribute('class', 'incompatibleblockstable generaltable');
foreach ($incompatible as $block) {
if ($uninstallurl = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_uninstall_url('block_'.$block->name, 'manage')) {
$uninstall = html_writer::link($uninstallurl, $struninstall);
} else {
$uninstall = '';
echo $OUTPUT->footer();