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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* deprecatedlib.php - Old functions retained only for backward compatibility
* Old functions retained only for backward compatibility. New code should not
* use any of these functions.
* @package core
* @subpackage deprecated
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @deprecated
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* List all core subsystems and their location
* This is a list of components that are part of the core and their
* language strings are defined in /lang/en/<<subsystem>>.php. If a given
* plugin is not listed here and it does not have proper plugintype prefix,
* then it is considered as course activity module.
* The location is optionally dirroot relative path. NULL means there is no special
* directory for this subsystem. If the location is set, the subsystem's
* renderer.php is expected to be there.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::get_core_subsystems()
* @param bool $fullpaths false means relative paths from dirroot, use true for performance reasons
* @return array of (string)name => (string|null)location
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_core_subsystems', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_core_subsystems($fullpaths = false) {
global $CFG;
$subsystems = core_component::get_core_subsystems();
if ($fullpaths) {
return $subsystems;
debugging('Short paths are deprecated when using get_core_subsystems(), please fix the code to use fullpaths instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$dlength = strlen($CFG->dirroot);
foreach ($subsystems as $k => $v) {
if ($v === null) {
$subsystems[$k] = substr($v, $dlength+1);
return $subsystems;
* Lists all plugin types.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::get_plugin_types()
* @param bool $fullpaths false means relative paths from dirroot
* @return array Array of strings - name=>location
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_plugin_types', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_plugin_types($fullpaths = true) {
global $CFG;
$types = core_component::get_plugin_types();
if ($fullpaths) {
return $types;
debugging('Short paths are deprecated when using get_plugin_types(), please fix the code to use fullpaths instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$dlength = strlen($CFG->dirroot);
foreach ($types as $k => $v) {
if ($k === 'theme') {
$types[$k] = 'theme';
$types[$k] = substr($v, $dlength+1);
return $types;
* Use when listing real plugins of one type.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::get_plugin_list()
* @param string $plugintype type of plugin
* @return array name=>fulllocation pairs of plugins of given type
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_plugin_list', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_plugin_list($plugintype) {
if ($plugintype === '') {
$plugintype = 'mod';
return core_component::get_plugin_list($plugintype);
* Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain class
* in a certain file. The plugin component names and class names are returned.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class()
* @param string $plugintype the type of plugin, e.g. 'mod' or 'report'.
* @param string $class the part of the name of the class after the
* frankenstyle prefix. e.g 'thing' if you are looking for classes with
* names like report_courselist_thing. If you are looking for classes with
* the same name as the plugin name (e.g. qtype_multichoice) then pass ''.
* @param string $file the name of file within the plugin that defines the class.
* @return array with frankenstyle plugin names as keys (e.g. 'report_courselist', 'mod_forum')
* and the class names as values (e.g. 'report_courselist_thing', 'qtype_multichoice').
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_plugin_list_with_class($plugintype, $class, $file) {
return core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class($plugintype, $class, $file);
* Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::get_plugin_directory()
* @param string $plugintype type of plugin
* @param string $name name of the plugin
* @return string full path to plugin directory; NULL if not found
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_plugin_directory', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $name) {
if ($plugintype === '') {
$plugintype = 'mod';
return core_component::get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $name);
* Normalize the component name using the "frankenstyle" names.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::normalize_component()
* @param string $component
* @return array two-items list of [(string)type, (string|null)name]
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::normalize_component', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function normalize_component($component) {
return core_component::normalize_component($component);
* Return exact absolute path to a plugin directory.
* @deprecated since 2.6, use core_component::normalize_component()
* @param string $component name such as 'moodle', 'mod_forum'
* @return string full path to component directory; NULL if not found
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('core_component::get_component_directory', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82287')]
function get_component_directory($component) {
return core_component::get_component_directory($component);
* @deprecated since 2.2, use context_course::instance() or other relevant class instead
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('\core\context::instance', since: '2.2', mdl: 'MDL-34472', final: true)]
function get_context_instance() {
* @deprecated since 2.5 - do not use, the textrotate.js will work it out automatically
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('Not replaced', since: '2.0', mdl: 'MDL-19756', final: true)]
function can_use_rotated_text() {
* @deprecated since 2.2
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('\core\context\system::instance', since: '2.2', mdl: 'MDL-34472', final: true)]
function get_system_context() {
* Returns an image of an up or down arrow, used for column sorting. To avoid unnecessary DB accesses, please
* provide this function with the language strings for sortasc and sortdesc.
* @deprecated use $OUTPUT->arrow() instead.
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('OUTPUT->[l|r]arrow', since: '2.0', mdl: 'MDL-19756', final: true)]
function print_arrow() {
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('category_action_bar tertiary navigation', since: '4.0', mdl: 'MDL-73462', final: true)]
function print_course_request_buttons() {
* Execute cron tasks
* @param int|null $keepalive The keepalive time for this cron run.
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::run_main_process() instead.
function cron_run(?int $keepalive = null): void {
'The cron_run() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::run_main_process() instead.',
* Execute all queued scheduled tasks, applying necessary concurrency limits and time limits.
* @param int $timenow The time this process started.
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::run_scheduled_tasks() instead.
function cron_run_scheduled_tasks(int $timenow) {
'The cron_run_scheduled_tasks() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::run_scheduled_tasks() instead.',
* Execute all queued adhoc tasks, applying necessary concurrency limits and time limits.
* @param int $timenow The time this process started.
* @param int $keepalive Keep this function alive for N seconds and poll for new adhoc tasks.
* @param bool $checklimits Should we check limits?
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::run_adhoc_tasks() instead.
function cron_run_adhoc_tasks(int $timenow, $keepalive = 0, $checklimits = true) {
'The cron_run_adhoc_tasks() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::run_adhoc_tasks() instead.',
\core\cron::run_adhoc_tasks($timenow, $keepalive, $checklimits);
* Shared code that handles running of a single scheduled task within the cron.
* Not intended for calling directly outside of this library!
* @param \core\task\task_base $task
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::run_inner_scheduled_task() instead.
function cron_run_inner_scheduled_task(\core\task\task_base $task) {
'The cron_run_inner_scheduled_task() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::run_inner_scheduled_task() instead.',
* Shared code that handles running of a single adhoc task within the cron.
* @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::run_inner_adhoc_task() instead.
function cron_run_inner_adhoc_task(\core\task\adhoc_task $task) {
'The cron_run_inner_adhoc_task() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::run_inner_adhoc_task() instead.',
* Sets the process title
* This makes it very easy for a sysadmin to immediately see what task
* a cron process is running at any given moment.
* @param string $title process status title
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::set_process_title() instead.
function cron_set_process_title(string $title) {
'The cron_set_process_title() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::set_process_title() instead.',
* Output some standard information during cron runs. Specifically current time
* and memory usage. This method also does gc_collect_cycles() (before displaying
* memory usage) to try to help PHP manage memory better.
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::trace_time_and_memory() instead.
function cron_trace_time_and_memory() {
'The cron_trace_time_and_memory() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::trace_time_and_memory() instead.',
* Prepare the output renderer for the cron run.
* This involves creating a new $PAGE, and $OUTPUT fresh for each task and prevents any one task from influencing
* any other.
* @param bool $restore Whether to restore the original PAGE and OUTPUT
* @deprecated since 4.2 Use \core\cron::prepare_core_renderer() instead.
function cron_prepare_core_renderer($restore = false) {
'The cron_prepare_core_renderer() function is deprecated. Please use \core\cron::prepare_core_renderer() instead.',
* Sets up current user and course environment (lang, etc.) in cron.
* Do not use outside of cron script!
* @param stdClass $user full user object, null means default cron user (admin),
* value 'reset' means reset internal static caches.
* @param stdClass $course full course record, null means $SITE
* @param bool $leavepagealone If specified, stops it messing with global page object
* @deprecated since 4.2. Use \core\core::setup_user() instead.
* @return void
function cron_setup_user($user = null, $course = null, $leavepagealone = false) {
'The cron_setup_user() function is deprecated. ' .
'Please use \core\cron::setup_user() and reset_user_cache() as appropriate instead.',
if ($user === 'reset') {
\core\cron::setup_user($user, $course, $leavepagealone);
* Get OAuth2 services for the external backpack.
* @return array
* @throws coding_exception
* @deprecated since 4.3.
function badges_get_oauth2_service_options() {
'badges_get_oauth2_service_options() is deprecated. Don\'t use it.',
global $DB;
$issuers = core\oauth2\api::get_all_issuers();
$options = ['' => 'None'];
foreach ($issuers as $issuer) {
$options[$issuer->get('id')] = $issuer->get('name');
return $options;
* Checks if the given device has a theme defined in config.php.
* @param string $device The device
* @deprecated since 4.3.
* @return bool
function theme_is_device_locked($device) {
__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated.' .
'All functions associated with device specific themes are being removed.',
global $CFG;
$themeconfigname = core_useragent::get_device_type_cfg_var_name($device);
return isset($CFG->config_php_settings[$themeconfigname]);
* Returns the theme named defined in config.php for the given device.
* @param string $device The device
* @deprecated since 4.3.
* @return string or null
function theme_get_locked_theme_for_device($device) {
__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated.' .
'All functions associated with device specific themes are being removed.',
global $CFG;
if (!theme_is_device_locked($device)) {
return null;
$themeconfigname = core_useragent::get_device_type_cfg_var_name($device);
return $CFG->config_php_settings[$themeconfigname];
* Try to generate cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes.
* Note this is achieved by fallbacking between:
* - PHP 7 random_bytes().
* - OpenSSL openssl_random_pseudo_bytes().
* - In house random generator getting its entropy from various, hard to guess, pseudo-random sources.
* @param int $length requested length in bytes
* @deprecated since 4.3.
* @return string binary data
function random_bytes_emulate($length) {
__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated.' .
'Please use random_bytes instead.',
return random_bytes($length);
* rc4encrypt
* @param string $data Data to encrypt.
* @return string The now encrypted data.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.5 - please do not use this function any more, {@see \core\encryption::encrypt}
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('\core\encryption::encrypt', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-81940')]
function rc4encrypt($data) {
// No initial deprecation notice here, as the following method triggers its own.
return endecrypt(get_site_identifier(), $data, '');
* rc4decrypt
* @param string $data Data to decrypt.
* @return string The now decrypted data.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.5 - please do not use this function any more, {@see \core\encryption::decrypt}
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('\core\encryption::decrypt', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-81940')]
function rc4decrypt($data) {
// No initial deprecation notice here, as the following method triggers its own.
return endecrypt(get_site_identifier(), $data, 'de');
* Based on a class by Mukul Sabharwal [mukulsabharwal @ yahoo.com]
* @param string $pwd The password to use when encrypting or decrypting
* @param string $data The data to be decrypted/encrypted
* @param string $case Either 'de' for decrypt or '' for encrypt
* @return string
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.5 - please do not use this function any more, {@see \core\encryption}
#[\core\attribute\deprecated(\core\encryption::class, since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-81940')]
function endecrypt($pwd, $data, $case) {
if ($case == 'de') {
$data = urldecode($data);
$key[] = '';
$box[] = '';
$pwdlength = strlen($pwd);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwdlength), 1));
$box[$i] = $i;
$x = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$x = ($x + $box[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256;
$tempswap = $box[$i];
$box[$i] = $box[$x];
$box[$x] = $tempswap;
$cipher = '';
$a = 0;
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
$a = ($a + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256;
$temp = $box[$a];
$box[$a] = $box[$j];
$box[$j] = $temp;
$k = $box[(($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256)];
$cipherby = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k;
$cipher .= chr($cipherby);
if ($case == 'de') {
$cipher = urldecode(urlencode($cipher));
} else {
$cipher = urlencode($cipher);
return $cipher;
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
function question_preview_url() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
function question_preview_popup_params() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
function question_hash() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71573
function question_make_export_url() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
function question_get_export_single_question_url() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function question_remove_stale_questions_from_category() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function flatten_category_tree() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function add_indented_names() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function question_category_select_menu() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function get_categories_for_contexts() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function question_category_options() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function question_add_context_in_key() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71585
function question_fix_top_names() {
throw new coding_exception(__FUNCTION__ . '() has been removed.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.9
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('search_generate_SQL', since: '2.9', mdl: 'MDL-48939', final: true)]
function search_generate_text_SQL() {
* @deprecated Since Moodle 4.5
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('This method should not be used', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-80275', final: true)]
function disable_output_buffering(): void {
* Prints a grade menu (as part of an existing form) with help showing all possible numerical grades and scales.
* @todo Finish documenting this function
* @todo Deprecate: this is only used in a few contrib modules
* @param int $courseid The course ID
* @param string $name
* @param string $current
* @param boolean $includenograde Include those with no grades
* @param boolean $return If set to true returns rather than echo's
* @return string|bool|null Depending on value of $return
* @deprecated Since Moodle 4.5
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('This method should not be used', since: '4.5', mdl: 'MDL-82157')]
function print_grade_menu($courseid, $name, $current, $includenograde=true, $return=false) {
global $OUTPUT;
$output = '';
$strscale = get_string('scale');
$strscales = get_string('scales');
$scales = get_scales_menu($courseid);
foreach ($scales as $i => $scalename) {
$grades[-$i] = $strscale .': '. $scalename;
if ($includenograde) {
$grades[0] = get_string('nograde');
for ($i=100; $i>=1; $i--) {
$grades[$i] = $i;
$output .= html_writer::select($grades, $name, $current, false);
$linkobject = '<span class="helplink">' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('help', $strscales) . '</span>';
$link = new moodle_url('/course/scales.php', array('id' => $courseid, 'list' => 1));
$action = new popup_action('click', $link, 'ratingscales', array('height' => 400, 'width' => 500));
$output .= $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $linkobject, $action, array('title' => $strscales));
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Resets specified user's password and send the new password to the user via email.
* @param stdClass $user A {@link $USER} object
* @return bool Returns true if mail was sent OK and false if there was an error.
* @see setnew_password_and_mail()
* @deprecated Since Moodle 4.5
* @todo MDL-82646 Final deprecation in Moodle 6.0.
since: '4.5',
mdl: 'MDL-64148',
replacement: 'setnew_password_and_mail()',
reason: 'It is no longer used',
function reset_password_and_mail($user) {
global $CFG;
$site = get_site();
$supportuser = core_user::get_support_user();
$userauth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
if (!$userauth->can_reset_password() or !is_enabled_auth($user->auth)) {
trigger_error("Attempt to reset user password for user $user->username with Auth $user->auth.");
return false;
$newpassword = generate_password();
if (!$userauth->user_update_password($user, $newpassword)) {
throw new \moodle_exception("cannotsetpassword");
$a = new stdClass();
$a->firstname = $user->firstname;
$a->lastname = $user->lastname;
$a->sitename = format_string($site->fullname);
$a->username = $user->username;
$a->newpassword = $newpassword;
$a->link = $CFG->wwwroot .'/login/change_password.php';
$a->signoff = generate_email_signoff();
$message = get_string('newpasswordtext', '', $a);
$subject = format_string($site->fullname) .': '. get_string('changedpassword');
unset_user_preference('create_password', $user); // Prevent cron from generating the password.
// Directly email rather than using the messaging system to ensure its not routed to a popup or jabber.
return email_to_user($user, $supportuser, $subject, $message);
* @deprecated Since Moodle 4.0 MDL-71175. Please use plagiarism_get_links() or plugin specific functions..
replacement: 'plagiarism_get_links',
since: '4.0',
mdl: 'MDL-71175',
final: true,
function plagiarism_get_file_results(): void {
* @deprecated Since Moodle 4.0 - Please use {plugin name}_before_standard_top_of_body_html instead.
replacement: '{plugin name}_before_standard_top_of_body_html',
since: '4.0',
mdl: 'MDL-71175',
final: true,
function plagiarism_update_status(): void {