295 lines
9.3 KiB

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
// Get course
$id = required_param('course',PARAM_INT);
if(!$course) {
// Sort (default lastname, optionally firstname)
// CSV format
$csv=$format=='csv' || $excel;
// Whether to start at a particular position
// Whether to show idnumber
// TODO: This should really not be using a config option 'intended' for
// gradebook, but that option is also used in quiz reports as well. There ought
// to be a generic option somewhere.
function csv_quote($value) {
global $excel;
if($excel) {
return $tl->convert('"'.str_replace('"',"'",$value).'"','UTF-8','UTF-16LE');
} else {
return '"'.str_replace('"',"'",$value).'"';
$url = new moodle_url('/course/report/progress/index.php', array('course'=>$id));
if ($sort !== '') {
$url->param('sort', $sort);
if ($format !== '') {
$url->param('format', $format);
if ($start !== '') {
$url->param('start', $start);
// Check basic permission
// Get group mode
$group=groups_get_course_group($course,true); // Supposed to verify group
if($group===0 && $course->groupmode==SEPARATEGROUPS) {
// Get data on activities and progress of all users, and give error if we've
// nothing to display (no users or no activities)
$completion=new completion_info($course);
if(count($activities)==0) {
$csv ? 0 :COMPLETION_REPORT_PAGE,$csv ? 0 : $start);
if($csv) {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=progress.'.
// Unicode byte-order mark for Excel
if($excel) {
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-16LE');
print chr(0xFF).chr(0xFE);
} else {
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8');
} else {
// Use SVG to draw sideways text if supported
$svgcleverness = can_use_rotated_text();
// Navigation and header
$strreports = get_string("reports");
$strcompletion = get_string('completionreport','completion');
$PAGE->navbar->add($strreports, new moodle_url('/course/report.php', array('id'=>$course->id)));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
if($svgcleverness) {
// Handle groups (if enabled)
// Do we need a paging bar?
if($progress->total > COMPLETION_REPORT_PAGE) {
$pagingbar='<div class="completion_pagingbar">';
if($start>0) {
if($newstart<0) {
($newstart ? '&amp;start='.$newstart : ''),false,'completion_prev');
$a=new StdClass;
if($start+COMPLETION_REPORT_PAGE < $progress->total) {
} else {
// Okay, let's draw the table of progress info,
// Start of table
if(!$csv) {
print '<br class="clearer"/>'; // ugh
if(count($progress->users)==0) {
print '<p class="nousers">'.get_string('err_nousers','completion').'</p>';
print '<p><a href="'.$reportsurl.'">'.get_string('continue').'</a></p>';
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
print $pagingbar;
print '<table id="completion-progress" class="generaltable flexible boxaligncenter" style="text-align:left"><tr style="vertical-align:top">';
// User heading / sort option
print '<th scope="col" class="completion-sortchoice">';
if($firstnamesort) {
get_string('firstname').' / <a href="./?course='.$course->id.'">'.
} else {
print '<a href="./?course='.$course->id.'&amp;sort=firstname">'.
get_string('firstname').'</a> / '.
print '</th>';
if($idnumbers) {
print '<th>'.get_string('idnumber').'</th>';
} else {
if($idnumbers) {
print $sep;
// Activities
foreach($activities as $activity) {
$activity->datepassed = $activity->completionexpected && $activity->completionexpected <= time();
$activity->datepassedclass=$activity->datepassed ? 'completion-expired' : '';
if($activity->completionexpected) {
} else {
// Some names (labels) come URL-encoded and can be very long, so shorten them
$activity->name = shorten_text($activity->name);
if($csv) {
print $sep.csv_quote(strip_tags($activity->name)).$sep.csv_quote($datetext);
} else {
print '<th scope="col" class="'.$activity->datepassedclass.'">'.
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$activity->modname.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $activity->modname).'/icon.gif" alt="'.
get_string('modulename',$activity->modname).'" /> <span class="completion-activityname">'.
if($activity->completionexpected) {
print '<div class="completion-expected"><span>'.$datetext.'</span></div>';
print '</th>';
if($csv) {
print $line;
} else {
print '</tr>';
// Row for each user
foreach($progress->users as $user) {
// User name
if($csv) {
print csv_quote(fullname($user));
if($idnumbers) {
print $sep.csv_quote($user->idnumber);
} else {
print '<tr><th scope="row"><a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.
if($idnumbers) {
print '<td>'.htmlspecialchars($user->idnumber).'</td>';
// Progress for each activity
foreach($activities as $activity) {
// Get progress information and state
if(array_key_exists($activity->id,$user->progress)) {
} else {
// Work out how it corresponds to an icon
switch($state) {
case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE : $completiontype='n'; break;
case COMPLETION_COMPLETE : $completiontype='y'; break;
case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS : $completiontype='pass'; break;
case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL : $completiontype='fail'; break;
($activity->completion==COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC ? 'auto' : 'manual').
$a=new StdClass;
if($csv) {
print $sep.csv_quote($describe).$sep.csv_quote($date);
} else {
print '<td class="completion-progresscell '.$activity->datepassedclass.'">'.
'<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('i/'.$completionicon).
'" alt="'.$describe.'" title="'.$fulldescribe.'" /></td>';
if($csv) {
print $line;
} else {
print '</tr>';
if($csv) {
print '</table>';
print $pagingbar;
print '<ul class="progress-actions"><li><a href="index.php?course='.$course->id.
<li><a href="index.php?course='.$course->id.'&amp;format=excelcsv">'.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();