sam marshall 25564a784b MDL-60981 core_search: Add get_contexts_to_reindex API
This new API returns a list of contexts for each search area. This
allows the areas to be reindexed in a sensible order (roughly
speaking, newest first) and also allows this to be controlled by
each area.

An implementation in the forum module means that forums are ordered
by the date of the most recent discussion, so that active forums
will be reindexed early even if they were created a long time ago.
2017-12-22 13:02:37 +00:00

402 lines
17 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Search area base class for blocks.
* Note: Only blocks within courses are supported.
* @package core_search
* @copyright 2017 The Open University
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_search;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Search area base class for blocks.
* Note: Only blocks within courses are supported.
* @package core_search
* @copyright 2017 The Open University
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class base_block extends base {
/** @var string Cache name used for block instances */
const CACHE_INSTANCES = 'base_block_instances';
* The context levels the search area is working on.
* This can be overwriten by the search area if it works at multiple
* levels.
* @var array
protected static $levels = [CONTEXT_BLOCK];
* Gets the block name only.
* @return string Block name e.g. 'html'
public function get_block_name() {
// Remove 'block_' text.
return substr($this->get_component_name(), 6);
* Returns restrictions on which block_instances rows to return. By default, excludes rows
* that have empty configdata.
* If no restriction is required, you could return ['', []].
* @return array 2-element array of SQL restriction and params for it
protected function get_indexing_restrictions() {
global $DB;
// This includes completely empty configdata, and also three other values that are
// equivalent to empty:
// - A serialized completely empty object.
// - A serialized object with one field called '0' (string not int) set to boolean false
// (this can happen after backup and restore, at least historically).
// - A serialized null.
$stupidobject = (object)[];
$zero = '0';
$stupidobject->{$zero} = false;
return [$DB->sql_compare_text('bi.configdata') . " != ? AND " .
$DB->sql_compare_text('bi.configdata') . " != ? AND " .
$DB->sql_compare_text('bi.configdata') . " != ? AND " .
$DB->sql_compare_text('bi.configdata') . " != ?",
['', base64_encode(serialize((object)[])), base64_encode(serialize($stupidobject)),
* Gets recordset of all blocks of this type modified since given time within the given context.
* See base class for detailed requirements. This implementation includes the key fields
* from block_instances.
* This can be overridden to do something totally different if the block's data is stored in
* other tables.
* If there are certain instances of the block which should not be included in the search index
* then you can override get_indexing_restrictions; by default this excludes rows with empty
* configdata.
* @param int $modifiedfrom Return only records modified after this date
* @param \context|null $context Context to find blocks within
* @return false|\moodle_recordset|null
public function get_document_recordset($modifiedfrom = 0, \context $context = null) {
global $DB;
// Get context restrictions.
list ($contextjoin, $contextparams) = $this->get_context_restriction_sql($context, 'bi');
// Get custom restrictions for block type.
list ($restrictions, $restrictionparams) = $this->get_indexing_restrictions();
if ($restrictions) {
$restrictions = 'AND ' . $restrictions;
// Query for all entries in block_instances for this type of block, within the specified
// context. The query is based on the one from get_recordset_by_timestamp and applies the
// same restrictions.
return $DB->get_recordset_sql("
SELECT, bi.timemodified, bi.timecreated, bi.configdata, AS courseid, AS contextid
FROM {block_instances} bi
JOIN {context} x ON x.instanceid = AND x.contextlevel = ?
JOIN {context} parent ON = bi.parentcontextid
LEFT JOIN {course_modules} cm ON = parent.instanceid AND parent.contextlevel = ?
JOIN {course} c ON = cm.course
OR ( = parent.instanceid AND parent.contextlevel = ?)
WHERE bi.timemodified >= ?
AND bi.blockname = ?
AND (parent.contextlevel = ? AND (" . $DB->sql_like('bi.pagetypepattern', '?') . "
OR bi.pagetypepattern IN ('site-index', 'course-*', '*')))
ORDER BY bi.timemodified ASC",
$modifiedfrom, $this->get_block_name(), CONTEXT_COURSE, 'course-view-%'],
public function get_doc_url(\core_search\document $doc) {
// Load block instance and find cmid if there is one.
$blockinstanceid = preg_replace('~^.*-~', '', $doc->get('id'));
$instance = $this->get_block_instance($blockinstanceid);
$courseid = $doc->get('courseid');
$anchor = 'inst' . $blockinstanceid;
// Check if the block is at course or module level.
if ($instance->cmid) {
// No module-level page types are supported at present so the search system won't return
// them. But let's put some example code here to indicate how it could work.
debugging('Unexpected module-level page type for block ' . $blockinstanceid . ': ' .
$instance->pagetypepattern, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($courseid);
$cm = $modinfo->get_cm($instance->cmid);
return new \moodle_url($cm->url, null, $anchor);
} else {
// The block is at course level. Let's check the page type, although in practice we
// currently only support the course main page.
if ($instance->pagetypepattern === '*' || $instance->pagetypepattern === 'course-*' ||
preg_match('~^course-view-(.*)$~', $instance->pagetypepattern)) {
return new \moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $courseid], $anchor);
} else if ($instance->pagetypepattern === 'site-index') {
return new \moodle_url('/', ['redirect' => 0], $anchor);
} else {
debugging('Unexpected page type for block ' . $blockinstanceid . ': ' .
$instance->pagetypepattern, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return new \moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $courseid], $anchor);
public function get_context_url(\core_search\document $doc) {
return $this->get_doc_url($doc);
* Checks access for a document in this search area.
* If you override this function for a block, you should call this base class version first
* as it will check that the block is still visible to users in a supported location.
* @param int $id Document id
* @return int manager:ACCESS_xx constant
public function check_access($id) {
$instance = $this->get_block_instance($id, IGNORE_MISSING);
if (!$instance) {
// This generally won't happen because if the block has been deleted then we won't have
// included its context in the search area list, but just in case.
return manager::ACCESS_DELETED;
// Check block has not been moved to an unsupported area since it was indexed. (At the
// moment, only blocks within site and course context are supported, also only certain
// page types.)
if (!$instance->courseid ||
!self::is_supported_page_type_at_course_context($instance->pagetypepattern)) {
return manager::ACCESS_DELETED;
// Note we do not need to check if the block was hidden or if the user has access to the
// context, because those checks are included in the list of search contexts user can access
// that is calculated in manager.php every time they do a query.
return manager::ACCESS_GRANTED;
* Checks if a page type is supported for blocks when at course (or also site) context. This
* function should be consistent with the SQL in get_recordset_by_timestamp.
* @param string $pagetype Page type
* @return bool True if supported
protected static function is_supported_page_type_at_course_context($pagetype) {
if (in_array($pagetype, ['site-index', 'course-*', '*'])) {
return true;
if (preg_match('~^course-view-~', $pagetype)) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets a block instance with given id.
* Returns the fields id, pagetypepattern, subpagepattern from block_instances and also the
* cmid (if parent context is an activity module).
* @param int $id ID of block instance
* @param int $strictness MUST_EXIST or IGNORE_MISSING
* @return false|mixed Block instance data (may be false if strictness is IGNORE_MISSING)
protected function get_block_instance($id, $strictness = MUST_EXIST) {
global $DB;
$cache = \cache::make_from_params(\cache_store::MODE_REQUEST, 'core_search',
self::CACHE_INSTANCES, [], ['simplekeys' => true]);
$id = (int)$id;
$instance = $cache->get($id);
if (!$instance) {
$instance = $DB->get_record_sql("
SELECT, bi.pagetypepattern, bi.subpagepattern, AS courseid, AS cmid
FROM {block_instances} bi
JOIN {context} parent ON = bi.parentcontextid
LEFT JOIN {course} c ON = parent.instanceid AND parent.contextlevel = ?
LEFT JOIN {course_modules} cm ON = parent.instanceid AND parent.contextlevel = ?
WHERE = ?",
[CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_MODULE, $id], $strictness);
$cache->set($id, $instance);
return $instance;
* Clears static cache. This function can be removed (with calls to it in the test script
* replaced with cache_helper::purge_all) if MDL-59427 is fixed.
public static function clear_static() {
\cache::make_from_params(\cache_store::MODE_REQUEST, 'core_search',
self::CACHE_INSTANCES, [], ['simplekeys' => true])->purge();
* Helper function that gets SQL useful for restricting a search query given a passed-in
* context.
* The SQL returned will be one or more JOIN statements, surrounded by whitespace, which act
* as restrictions on the query based on the rows in the block_instances table.
* We assume the block instances have already been restricted by blockname.
* Returns null if there can be no results for this block within this context.
* If named parameters are used, these will be named gcrs0, gcrs1, etc. The table aliases used
* in SQL also all begin with gcrs, to avoid conflicts.
* @param \context|null $context Context to restrict the query
* @param string $blocktable Alias of block_instances table
* @param int $paramtype Type of SQL parameters to use (default question mark)
* @return array Array with SQL and parameters
* @throws \coding_exception If called with invalid params
protected function get_context_restriction_sql(\context $context = null, $blocktable = 'bi',
$paramtype = SQL_PARAMS_QM) {
global $DB;
if (!$context) {
return ['', []];
switch ($paramtype) {
$param1 = '?';
$param2 = '?';
$key1 = 0;
$key2 = 1;
$param1 = ':gcrs0';
$param2 = ':gcrs1';
$key1 = 'gcrs0';
$key2 = 'gcrs1';
throw new \coding_exception('Unexpected $paramtype: ' . $paramtype);
$params = [];
switch ($context->contextlevel) {
$sql = '';
// Find all blocks whose parent is within the specified context.
$sql = " JOIN {context} gcrsx ON = $blocktable.parentcontextid
AND ( = $param1 OR " . $DB->sql_like('gcrsx.path', $param2) . ") ";
$params[$key1] = $context->id;
$params[$key2] = $context->path . '/%';
// Find only the specified block of this type. Since we are generating JOINs
// here, we do this by joining again to the block_instances table with the same ID.
$sql = " JOIN {block_instances} gcrsbi ON = $
AND = $param1 ";
$params[$key1] = $context->instanceid;
throw new \coding_exception('Unexpected contextlevel: ' . $context->contextlevel);
return [$sql, $params];
* This can be used in subclasses to change ordering within the get_contexts_to_reindex
* function.
* It returns 2 values:
* - Extra SQL joins (tables block_instances 'bi' and context 'x' already exist).
* - An ORDER BY value which must use aggregate functions, by default 'MAX(bi.timemodified) DESC'.
* Note the query already includes a GROUP BY on the context fields, so if your joins result
* in multiple rows, you can use aggregate functions in the ORDER BY. See forum for an example.
* @return string[] Array with 2 elements; extra joins for the query, and ORDER BY value
protected function get_contexts_to_reindex_extra_sql() {
return ['', 'MAX(bi.timemodified) DESC'];
* Gets a list of all contexts to reindex when reindexing this search area.
* For blocks, the default is to return all contexts for blocks of that type, that are on a
* course page, in order of time added (most recent first).
* @return \Iterator Iterator of contexts to reindex
* @throws \moodle_exception If any DB error
public function get_contexts_to_reindex() {
global $DB;
list ($extrajoins, $dborder) = $this->get_contexts_to_reindex_extra_sql();
$contexts = [];
$selectcolumns = \context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('x');
$groupbycolumns = '';
foreach (\context_helper::get_preload_record_columns('x') as $column => $thing) {
if ($groupbycolumns !== '') {
$groupbycolumns .= ',';
$groupbycolumns .= $column;
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("
SELECT $selectcolumns
FROM {block_instances} bi
JOIN {context} x ON x.instanceid = AND x.contextlevel = ?
JOIN {context} parent ON = bi.parentcontextid
WHERE bi.blockname = ? AND parent.contextlevel = ?
GROUP BY $groupbycolumns
ORDER BY $dborder", [CONTEXT_BLOCK, $this->get_block_name(), CONTEXT_COURSE]);
return new \core\dml\recordset_walk($rs, function($rec) {
$id = $rec->ctxid;
return \context::instance_by_id($id);