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synced 2025-02-13 12:34:28 +01:00
* Reorder form fields to group things more logically. ** and on the corresponding admin page too. * Set some options to be 'Advanced' by default: ** Apply penalties. ** Each attempt builds on the last. ** Decimal places for question grades. ** The five 'Extra restrictions on attempts' settings. (password, etc.) * Admins can still change this to suit their institiution at Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Quiz. * These new defaults are applied if the admin had not previously set any fields to be advanced. * Disable some filds when they are not applicable: ** Grading method, if num attempts = 1 ** Penaly scheme, if adaptive mode = no ** Each attempt builds of last, if num attempts = 1 ** Review after quiz closed options, if no close date. ** Delay between 1st and 2nd attempts, if num attempts = 1 ** Delay between later attempts, if num attempts < 3 * Convert quiz.timelimit to be in seconds, for consistency, and ready for the new duration field type (MDL 18500). ** Including ensuring that backup and restore is backwards compatible. * MDL-5537 New setting, questiondecimalpoints, so, for example, you can show the quiz grade as an integer, but have fractional question grades. ** There is a 'Same as overall decimal points' option, which is the default. * Improve some field labels. * Make corresponding changes in the help files.
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170 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* settingstree.php - Tells the admin menu that there are sub menu pages to
* include for this activity.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package quiz
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/settingslib.php');
// First get a list of quiz reports with there own settings pages. If there none,
// we use a simpler overall menu structure.
$reportsbyname = array();
if ($reports = get_list_of_plugins('mod/quiz/report')) {
foreach ($reports as $report) {
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . "/mod/quiz/report/$report/settings.php")) {
$strreportname = get_string($report . 'report', 'quiz_'.$report);
// Deal with reports which are lacking the language string
if ($strreportname[0] == '[') {
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
$strreportname = $textlib->strtotitle($report . ' report');
$reportsbyname[$strreportname] = $report;
// Create the quiz settings page.
if (empty($reportsbyname)) {
$pagetitle = get_string('modulename', 'quiz');
} else {
$pagetitle = get_string('generalsettings', 'admin');
$quizsettings = new admin_settingpage('modsettingquiz', $pagetitle, 'moodle/site:config');
// Introductory explanation that all the settings are defaults for the add quiz form.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_heading('quizintro', '', get_string('configintro', 'quiz')));
// Time limit
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_text_with_advanced('quiz/timelimit',
get_string('timelimitsec', 'quiz'), get_string('configtimelimitsec', 'quiz'),
array('value' => '0', 'fix' => false), PARAM_INT));
// Number of attempts
$options = array(get_string('unlimited'));
for ($i = 1; $i <= QUIZ_MAX_ATTEMPT_OPTION; $i++) {
$options[$i] = $i;
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_combo_with_advanced('quiz/attempts',
get_string('attemptsallowed', 'quiz'), get_string('configattemptsallowed', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => false), $options));
// Grading method.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_combo_with_advanced('quiz/grademethod',
get_string('grademethod', 'quiz'), get_string('configgrademethod', 'quiz'),
array('value' => QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST, 'fix' => false), quiz_get_grading_options()));
// Maximum grade
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('quiz/maximumgrade',
get_string('maximumgrade'), get_string('configmaximumgrade', 'quiz'), 10, PARAM_INT));
// Shuffle questions
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/shufflequestions',
get_string('shufflequestions', 'quiz'), get_string('configshufflequestions', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => false)));
// Questions per page
$perpage = array();
$perpage[0] = get_string('never');
$perpage[1] = get_string('aftereachquestion', 'quiz');
for ($i = 2; $i <= QUIZ_MAX_QPP_OPTION; ++$i) {
$perpage[$i] = get_string('afternquestions', 'quiz', $i);
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_combo_with_advanced('quiz/questionsperpage',
get_string('newpageevery', 'quiz'), get_string('confignewpageevery', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 1, 'fix' => false), $perpage));
// Shuffle within questions
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/shuffleanswers',
get_string('shufflewithin', 'quiz'), get_string('configshufflewithin', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 1, 'fix' => false)));
// Adaptive mode.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/optionflags',
get_string('adaptive', 'quiz'), get_string('configadaptive', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 1, 'fix' => false)));
// Apply penalties.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/penaltyscheme',
get_string('penaltyscheme', 'quiz'), get_string('configpenaltyscheme', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 1, 'fix' => true)));
// Each attempt builds on last.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/attemptonlast',
get_string('eachattemptbuildsonthelast', 'quiz'), get_string('configeachattemptbuildsonthelast', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => true)));
// Review options.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_quiz_reviewoptions('quiz/review',
get_string('reviewoptions', 'quiz'), get_string('configreviewoptions', 'quiz'),
// Show the user's picture
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/showuserpicture',
get_string('showuserpicture', 'quiz'), get_string('configshowuserpicture', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => false)));
// Decimal places for overall grades.
$options = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= QUIZ_MAX_DECIMAL_OPTION; $i++) {
$options[$i] = $i;
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_combo_with_advanced('quiz/decimalpoints',
get_string('decimalplaces', 'quiz'), get_string('configdecimalplaces', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 2, 'fix' => false), $options));
// Decimal places for question grades.
$options = array(-1 => get_string('sameasoverall', 'quiz'));
for ($i = 0; $i <= QUIZ_MAX_Q_DECIMAL_OPTION; $i++) {
$options[$i] = $i;
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_combo_with_advanced('quiz/questiondecimalpoints',
get_string('decimalplacesquestion', 'quiz'), get_string('configdecimalplacesquestion', 'quiz'),
array('value' => -1, 'fix' => true), $options));
// Password.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_text_with_advanced('quiz/password',
get_string('requirepassword', 'quiz'), get_string('configrequirepassword', 'quiz'),
array('value' => '', 'fix' => true), PARAM_TEXT));
// IP restrictions.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_text_with_advanced('quiz/subnet',
get_string('requiresubnet', 'quiz'), get_string('configrequiresubnet', 'quiz'),
array('value' => '', 'fix' => true), PARAM_TEXT));
// Enforced delay between attempts.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_text_with_advanced('quiz/delay1',
get_string('delay1st2nd', 'quiz'), get_string('configdelay1st2nd', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => true), PARAM_INTEGER));
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_text_with_advanced('quiz/delay2',
get_string('delaylater', 'quiz'), get_string('configdelaylater', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => true), PARAM_INTEGER));
// 'Secure' window.
$quizsettings->add(new admin_setting_yesno_with_advanced('quiz/popup',
get_string('showinsecurepopup', 'quiz'), get_string('configpopup', 'quiz'),
array('value' => 0, 'fix' => true)));
/// Now, depending on whether any reports have their own settings page, add
/// the quiz setting page to the appropriate place in the tree.
if (empty($reportsbyname)) {
$ADMIN->add('modsettings', $quizsettings);
} else {
$ADMIN->add('modsettings', new admin_category('modsettingsquizcat', get_string('modulename', 'quiz'), !$module->visible));
$ADMIN->add('modsettingsquizcat', $quizsettings);
/// Add the report pages for the settings.php files in sub directories of mod/quiz/report
foreach ($reportsbyname as $strreportname => $report) {
$reportname = $report;
$settings = new admin_settingpage('modsettingsquizcat'.$reportname, $strreportname, 'moodle/site:config', !$module->visible);
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
$ADMIN->add('modsettingsquizcat', $settings);