stronk7 2dda0bbbc7 Now glossaries can produce RSS feeds too !!
Some strings (RSS related) has been moved from forum.php to moodle.php
to avoid suplicating them once per module.
It seems to work fine, please test...:-)
2004-05-09 22:20:05 +00:00

210 lines
8.7 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
//This file adds support to rss feeds generation
//This function is the main entry point to glossary
//rss feeds generation. Foreach site glossary with rss enabled
//build one XML rss structure.
function glossary_rss_feeds() {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Check CFG->enablerssfeeds
if (empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) {
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "DISABLED (admin variables)";
//Check CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds
} else if (empty($CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds)) {
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "DISABLED (module configuration)";
//It's working so we start...
} else {
//Iterate over all glossaries
if ($glossaries = get_records("glossary")) {
foreach ($glossaries as $glossary) {
if (!empty($glossary->rsstype) && !empty($glossary->rssarticles) && $status) {
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "ID: $glossary->id->";
//Get the XML contents
$result = glossary_rss_feed($glossary);
//Save the XML contents to file
if (!empty($result)) {
$status = rss_save_file("glossary",$glossary,$result);
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
if (empty($result)) {
echo "(empty) ";
} else {
if (!empty($status)) {
echo "OK ";
} else {
echo "FAIL ";
return $status;
//This function return the XML rss contents about the glossary record passed as parameter
//It returns false if something is wrong
function glossary_rss_feed($glossary) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Check CFG->enablerssfeeds
if (empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) {
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "DISABLED (admin variables)";
//Check CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds
} else if (empty($CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds)) {
//Some debug...
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "DISABLED (module configuration)";
//It's working so we start...
} else {
//Check the glossary has rss activated
if (!empty($glossary->rsstype) && !empty($glossary->rssarticles)) {
//Depending of the glossary->rsstype, we are going to execute, different sqls
if ($glossary->rsstype == 1) { //With author RSS
$items = glossary_rss_feed_withauthor($glossary);
} else { //Without author RSS
$items = glossary_rss_feed_withoutauthor($glossary);
//Now, if items, we begin building the structure
if (!empty($items)) {
//First all rss feeds common headers
$header = rss_standard_header($glossary->name,
//Now all the rss items
if (!empty($header)) {
$articles = rss_add_items($items);
//Now all rss feeds common footers
if (!empty($header) && !empty($articles)) {
$footer = rss_standard_footer();
//Now, if everything is ok, concatenate it
if (!empty($header) && !empty($articles) && !empty($footer)) {
$status = $header.$articles.$footer;
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function returns "items" record array to be used to build the rss feed
//for a Type=with author glossary
function glossary_rss_feed_withauthor($glossary) {
global $CFG;
$items = array();
if ($recs = get_records_sql ("SELECT entryid,
e.concept entryconcept,
e.definition entrydefinition,
e.format entryformat,
e.timecreated entrytimecreated, userid,
u.firstname userfirstname,
u.lastname userlastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossary->id' AND = e.userid
ORDER BY e.timecreated desc")) {
//Iterate over each entry to get glossary->rssarticles records
$articlesleft = $glossary->rssarticles;
$item = NULL;
$user = NULL;
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$item->title = $rec->entryconcept;
$user->firstname = $rec->userfirstname;
$user->lastname = $rec->userlastname;
$item->author = fullname($user);
$item->pubdate = $rec->entrytimecreated;
$item->link = $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/glossary/showentry.php?courseid=".$glossary->course."&eid=".$rec->entryid;
$item->description = format_text($rec->entrydefinition,$rec->entryformat,NULL,$glossary->course);
$items[] = $item;
if ($articlesleft < 1) {
return $items;
//This function returns "items" record array to be used to build the rss feed
//for a Type=without author glossary
function glossary_rss_feed_withoutauthor($glossary) {
global $CFG;
$items = array();
if ($recs = get_records_sql ("SELECT entryid,
e.concept entryconcept,
e.definition entrydefinition,
e.format entryformat,
e.timecreated entrytimecreated, userid,
u.firstname userfirstname,
u.lastname userlastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossary->id' AND = e.userid
ORDER BY e.timecreated desc")) {
//Iterate over each entry to get glossary->rssarticles records
$articlesleft = $glossary->rssarticles;
$item = NULL;
$user = NULL;
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$item->title = $rec->entryconcept;
$user->firstname = $rec->userfirstname;
$user->lastname = $rec->userlastname;
//$item->author = fullname($user);
$item->pubdate = $rec->entrytimecreated;
$item->link = $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/glossary/showentry.php?courseid=".$glossary->course."&eid=".$rec->entryid;
$item->description = format_text($rec->entrydefinition,$rec->entryformat,NULL,$glossary->course);
$items[] = $item;
if ($articlesleft < 1) {
return $items;