ethem 9e80f003fc REVIEW ORDER FEATURE:
- AUTH_ONLY transaction is used if review enabled.
- CRON captures credit card $an_review_day later.
- VOID and CREDIT weren't implemented yet.
- TO DO: admin.php for course payment management.
- TO DO: batch upload...
2005-12-09 12:00:28 +00:00
2005-12-09 12:00:28 +00:00
2005-05-16 22:22:31 +00:00
2005-12-05 04:53:57 +00:00


(Yes, that's the correct English spelling  ;-) )

enrol.class.php contains the base class and explains 
all the possible functions that an enrolment module 
can have.

Each plugin is in a subfolder here and extends the
base class as necessary.

Martin Dougiamas and Shane Elliott,