mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
pleasantly viewable in any browser (I 'm testing FF and IE). Some things still don't satisfy me and some parts haven't been done yet. But at least it doesn't look broken in IE anymore.
637 lines
25 KiB
637 lines
25 KiB
<?php // $Id$
// //
// //
// Moodle - Calendar extension //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Greek School Network www.sch.gr //
// //
// Designed by: //
// Avgoustos Tsinakos (tsinakos@uom.gr) //
// Jon Papaioannou (pj@uom.gr) //
// //
// Programming and development: //
// Jon Papaioannou (pj@uom.gr) //
// //
// For bugs, suggestions, etc contact: //
// Jon Papaioannou (pj@uom.gr) //
// //
// The current module was developed at the University of Macedonia //
// (www.uom.gr) under the funding of the Greek School Network (www.sch.gr) //
// The aim of this project is to provide additional and improved //
// functionality to the Asynchronous Distance Education service that the //
// Greek School Network deploys. //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html //
// //
// Display the calendar page.
optional_variable($_GET['course'], 0);
if(!$site = get_site()) {
//add_to_log($course->id, "course", "view", "view.php?id=$course->id", "$course->id");
$now = usergetdate(time());
$pagetitle = '';
$nav = calendar_get_link_tag(get_string('calendar', 'calendar'), CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=upcoming&', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']);
$view = optional_param('view', 'upcoming');
$day = optional_param('cal_d', 0, PARAM_INT);
$mon = optional_param('cal_m', 0, PARAM_INT);
$yr = optional_param('cal_y', 0, PARAM_INT);
if(!checkdate($mon, $day, $yr)) {
$day = intval($now['mday']);
$mon = intval($now['mon']);
$yr = intval($now['year']);
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, $day, $yr);
switch($view) {
case 'day':
$text = strftime(get_string('strftimedate'), $time);
if($text[0] == '0') {
$text = substr($text, 1);
$nav .= ' -> '.$text;
$pagetitle = get_string('dayview', 'calendar');
case 'month':
$nav .= ' -> '.strftime(get_string('strftimemonthyear'), $time);
$pagetitle = get_string('detailedmonthview', 'calendar');
case 'upcoming':
$pagetitle = get_string('upcomingevents', 'calendar');
// If a course has been supplied in the URL, change the filters to show that one
if (!empty($_GET['course'])) {
if (is_numeric($_GET['course']) && $_GET['course'] > 0 && record_exists('course', 'id', $_GET['course'])) {
if ($_GET['course'] == 1) {
// If coming from the home page, show all courses
$SESSION->cal_courses_shown = calendar_get_default_courses(true);
} else {
// Otherwise show just this one
$SESSION->cal_courses_shown = intval($_GET['course']);
if (empty($USER->id) or isguest()) {
$defaultcourses = calendar_get_default_courses();
calendar_set_filters($courses, $groups, $users, $defaultcourses, $defaultcourses);
} else {
calendar_set_filters($courses, $groups, $users);
// Let's see if we are supposed to provide a referring course link
// but NOT for the "main page" course
if ($SESSION->cal_course_referer > 1 &&
($shortname = get_field('course', 'shortname', 'id', $SESSION->cal_course_referer)) !== false) {
// If we know about the referring course, show a return link and ALSO require login!
$nav = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$SESSION->cal_course_referer.'">'.$shortname.'</a> -> '.$nav;
$strcalendar = get_string('calendar', 'calendar');
$prefsbutton = calendar_preferences_button();
// Print title and header
print_header("$site->shortname: $strcalendar: $pagetitle", $strcalendar, $nav,
'', '', true, $prefsbutton, '<p class="logininfo">'.user_login_string($site).'</p>');
echo calendar_overlib_html();
echo '<div id="calendar-container">';
// Layout the whole page as three big columns.
echo '<table id="calendar">';
echo '<tr>';
// START: Main column
echo '<td class="maincalendar">';
switch($view) {
case 'day':
calendar_show_day($day, $mon, $yr, $courses, $groups, $users);
case 'month':
calendar_show_month_detailed($mon, $yr, $courses, $groups, $users);
case 'upcoming':
calendar_show_upcoming_events($courses, $groups, $users, get_user_preferences('calendar_lookahead', CALENDAR_UPCOMING_DAYS), get_user_preferences('calendar_maxevents', CALENDAR_UPCOMING_MAXEVENTS));
echo '</td>';
// END: Main column
// START: Last column (3-month display)
echo '<td class="sidecalendar">';
echo '<div class="heading">'.get_string('monthlyview', 'calendar').'</div>';
list($prevmon, $prevyr) = calendar_sub_month($mon, $yr);
list($nextmon, $nextyr) = calendar_add_month($mon, $yr);
$getvars = 'cal_d='.$day.'&cal_m='.$mon.'&cal_y='.$yr; // For filtering
echo '<div class="filters">';
echo calendar_filter_controls($view, $getvars);
echo '</div>';
echo '<div>';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $prevmon, 'y' => $prevyr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $prevmon, $prevyr);
echo '</div><div>';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $mon, 'y' => $yr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $mon, $yr);
echo '</div><div>';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $nextmon, 'y' => $nextyr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $nextmon, $nextyr);
echo '</div>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
echo '</div>'; // id=calendar-container
function calendar_show_day($d, $m, $y, $courses, $groups, $users) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (!checkdate($m, $d, $y)) {
$now = usergetdate(time());
list($d, $m, $y) = array(intval($now['mday']), intval($now['mon']), intval($now['year']));
$getvars = 'from=day&cal_d='.$d.'&cal_m='.$m.'&cal_y='.$y; // For filtering
$starttime = make_timestamp($y, $m, $d);
$endtime = make_timestamp($y, $m, $d + 1) - 1;
$events = calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $groups, $users, 1, 100, $starttime);
$text = '';
if (!isguest() && !empty($USER->id)) {
$text.= '<div class="buttons">';
$text.= '<form action="'.CALENDAR_URL.'event.php" method="get">';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_d" value="'.$d.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_m" value="'.$m.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_y" value="'.$y.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('newevent', 'calendar').'" />';
$text.= '</form></div>';
$text .= get_string('dayview', 'calendar').': '.calendar_course_filter_selector($getvars);
echo '<div class="heading">'.$text.'</div>';
echo '<div class="controls">'.calendar_top_controls('day', array('d' => $d, 'm' => $m, 'y' => $y)).'</div>';
if (empty($events)) {
// There is nothing to display today.
echo '<p>'.get_string('daywithnoevents', 'calendar').'</p>';
} else {
echo '<div class="eventlist">';
$underway = array();
// First, print details about events that start today
foreach ($events as $event) {
if ($event->timestart >= $starttime && $event->timestart <= $endtime) { // Print it now
$dayend = calendar_day_representation($event->timestart + $event->timeduration);
$timeend = calendar_time_representation($event->timestart + $event->timeduration);
$enddate = usergetdate($event->timestart + $event->timeduration);
// Set printable representation
echo calendar_get_link_tag($dayend, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $enddate['mday'], $enddate['mon'], $enddate['year']).' ('.$timeend.')';
$event->time = calendar_format_event_time($event, time(), '', false);
} else { // Save this for later
$underway[] = $event;
// Then, show a list of all events that just span this day
if (!empty($underway)) {
echo '<p>'.get_string('spanningevents', 'calendar').':</p>';
foreach ($underway as $event) {
$event->time = calendar_format_event_time($event, time(), '', false);
echo '</div>';
function calendar_show_month_detailed($m, $y, $courses, $groups, $users) {
global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER;
global $day, $mon, $yr;
$getvars = 'from=month&cal_d='.$day.'&cal_m='.$mon.'&cal_y='.$yr; // For filtering
$display = &New stdClass;
$display->minwday = get_user_preferences('calendar_startwday', CALENDAR_STARTING_WEEKDAY);
$display->maxwday = $display->minwday + 6;
if(!empty($m) && !empty($y)) {
$thisdate = usergetdate(time()); // Time and day at the user's location
if($m == $thisdate['mon'] && $y == $thisdate['year']) {
// Navigated to this month
$date = $thisdate;
$display->thismonth = true;
else {
// Navigated to other month, let's do a nice trick and save us a lot of work...
if(!checkdate($m, 1, $y)) {
$date = array('mday' => 1, 'mon' => $thisdate['mon'], 'year' => $thisdate['year']);
$display->thismonth = true;
else {
$date = array('mday' => 1, 'mon' => $m, 'year' => $y);
$display->thismonth = false;
else {
$date = usergetdate(time());
$display->thismonth = true;
// Fill in the variables we 're going to use, nice and tidy
list($d, $m, $y) = array($date['mday'], $date['mon'], $date['year']); // This is what we want to display
$display->maxdays = calendar_days_in_month($m, $y);
// We 'll keep these values as GMT here, and offset them when the time comes to query the db
$display->tstart = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); // This is GMT
$display->tend = gmmktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $display->maxdays, $y); // GMT
$startwday = gmdate('w', $display->tstart); // $display->tstart is already GMT, so don't use date(): messes with server's TZ
// Align the starting weekday to fall in our display range
if($startwday < $display->minwday) {
$startwday += 7;
// Get events from database
$whereclause = calendar_sql_where(usertime($display->tstart), usertime($display->tend), $users, $groups, $courses);
if($whereclause === false) {
$events = array();
else {
$events = get_records_select('event', $whereclause, 'timestart');
// Extract information: events vs. time
calendar_events_by_day($events, $m, $y, $eventsbyday, $durationbyday, $typesbyday);
$text = '';
if(!isguest() && !empty($USER->id)) {
$text.= '<div class="buttons"><form action="'.CALENDAR_URL.'event.php" method="get">';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_m" value="'.$m.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_y" value="'.$y.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('newevent', 'calendar').'" />';
$text.= '</form></div>';
$text .= get_string('detailedmonthview', 'calendar').': '.calendar_course_filter_selector($getvars);
echo '<div class="heading">'.$text.'</div>';
echo '<div class="controls">';
echo calendar_top_controls('month', array('m' => $m, 'y' => $y));
echo '</div>';
// Start calendar display
echo '<table class="calendarmonth"><thead><tr>'; // Begin table. First row: day names
// Print out the names of the weekdays
$days = array('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday');
for($i = $display->minwday; $i <= $display->maxwday; ++$i) {
// This uses the % operator to get the correct weekday no matter what shift we have
// applied to the $display->minwday : $display->maxwday range from the default 0 : 6
echo '<th>'.get_string($days[$i % 7], 'calendar').'</th>';
echo '</tr></thead><tbody><tr>'; // End of day names; prepare for day numbers
// For the table display. $week is the row; $dayweek is the column.
$week = 1;
$dayweek = $startwday;
// Paddding (the first week may have blank days in the beginning)
for($i = $display->minwday; $i < $startwday; ++$i) {
echo '<td> </td>'."\n";
// Now display all the calendar
for($day = 1; $day <= $display->maxdays; ++$day, ++$dayweek) {
if($dayweek > $display->maxwday) {
// We need to change week (table row)
echo "</tr>\n<tr>";
$dayweek = $display->minwday;
// Reset vars
$cell = '';
$dayhref = calendar_get_link_href(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day&', $day, $m, $y);
if(CALENDAR_WEEKEND & (1 << ($dayweek % 7))) {
// Weekend. This is true no matter what the exact range is.
$class = 'weekend';
else {
// Normal working day.
$class = '';
// Special visual fx if an event is defined
if(isset($eventsbyday[$day])) {
if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startglobal'])) {
$class .= ' event_global';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startcourse'])) {
$class .= ' event_course';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startgroup'])) {
$class .= ' event_group';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startuser'])) {
$class .= ' event_user';
if(count($eventsbyday[$day]) == 1) {
$title = get_string('oneevent', 'calendar');
else {
$title = get_string('manyevents', 'calendar', count($eventsbyday[$day]));
$cell = '<div class="day"><a href="'.$dayhref.'" title="'.$title.'">'.$day.'</a></div>';
else {
$cell = '<div class="day">'.$day.'</div>';
// Special visual fx if an event spans many days
if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationglobal'])) {
$class .= ' duration_global';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationcourse'])) {
$class .= ' duration_course';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationgroup'])) {
$class .= ' duration_group';
else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationuser'])) {
$class .= ' duration_user';
// Special visual fx for today
if($display->thismonth && $day == $d) {
$class .= ' today';
// Just display it
if(!empty($class)) {
$class = ' class="'.trim($class).'"';
echo '<td'.$class.'>'.$cell;
if(isset($eventsbyday[$day])) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach($eventsbyday[$day] as $eventindex) {
echo '<li><a href="'.$dayhref.'">'.$events[$eventindex]->name.'</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
if(isset($durationbyday[$day])) {
foreach($durationbyday[$day] as $eventindex) {
echo '<div class="dimmed_text">('.$events[$eventindex]->name.')</div>';
echo "</td>\n";
// Paddding (the last week may have blank days at the end)
for($i = $dayweek; $i <= $display->maxwday; ++$i) {
echo '<td> </td>';
echo "</tr>\n</tbody>\n"; // Last row ends
echo "</table>\n"; // Tabular display of days ends
// OK, now for the filtering display
echo '<div class="filters"><table><tbody><tr>';
// Global events
if($SESSION->cal_show_global) {
echo '<td class="event_global" style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('globalevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('shown', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showglobal&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickhide', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
else {
echo '<td style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('globalevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('hidden', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showglobal&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickshow', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
// Course events
if(!empty($SESSION->cal_show_course)) {
echo '<td class="event_course" style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('courseevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('shown', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showcourses&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickhide', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
else {
echo '<td style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('courseevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('hidden', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showcourses&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickshow', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if(!empty($USER->id) && !isguest()) {
echo '<tr>';
// Group events
if($SESSION->cal_show_groups) {
echo '<td class="event_group" style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('groupevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('shown', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showgroups&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickhide', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
else {
echo '<td style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('groupevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('hidden', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showgroups&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickshow', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
// User events
if($SESSION->cal_show_user) {
echo '<td class="event_user" style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('userevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('shown', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showuser&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickhide', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
else {
echo '<td style="width: 8px;"></td><td><strong>'.get_string('userevents', 'calendar').':</strong> ';
echo get_string('hidden', 'calendar').' (<a href="'.CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=showuser&'.$getvars.'">'.get_string('clickshow', 'calendar').'</a>)</td>'."\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '</tbody></table></div>';
function calendar_show_upcoming_events($courses, $groups, $users, $futuredays, $maxevents) {
global $USER;
$events = calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $groups, $users, $futuredays, $maxevents);
$text = '';
if(!isguest() && !empty($USER->id)) {
$text.= '<div class="buttons">';
$text.= '<form action="'.CALENDAR_URL.'event.php" method="get">';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_m" value="'.$m.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="hidden" name="cal_y" value="'.$y.'" />';
$text.= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('newevent', 'calendar').'" />';
$text.= '</form></div>';
$text .= get_string('upcomingevents', 'calendar').': '.calendar_course_filter_selector('from=upcoming');
echo '<div class="heading">'.$text.'</div>';
if ($events) {
echo '<div class="eventlist">';
foreach ($events as $event) {
echo '</div>';
} else {
print_heading(get_string('noupcomingevents', 'calendar'));
function calendar_print_event($event) {
global $CFG, $USER;
static $strftimetime;
echo '<table class="eventfull">';
echo '<tr><td class="eventfullpicture">';
if (!empty($event->icon)) {
echo $event->icon;
} else {
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="eventfullheader">';
if (!empty($event->referer)) {
echo '<div style="float:left;" class="calendarreferer">'.$event->referer.'</div>';
} else {
echo '<div style="float:left;" class="event">'.$event->name."</div>";
if (!empty($event->courselink)) {
echo '<div style="float:left; clear: left; font-size: 0.8em;">'.$event->courselink.' </div>';
if (!empty($event->time)) {
echo '<span style="float:right;" class="event_date">'.$event->time.'</span>';
} else {
echo '<span style="float:right;" class="event_date">'.calendar_time_representation($event->timestart).'</span>';
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"eventfullside\" width=\"32\"> </td>";
echo "<td class=\"eventfullmessage\">\n";
echo format_text($event->description, FORMAT_HTML);
if (calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)) {
echo '<div align="right">';
if (empty($event->cmid)) {
$editlink = CALENDAR_URL.'event.php?action=edit&id='.$event->id;
$deletelink = CALENDAR_URL.'event.php?action=delete&id='.$event->id;
} else {
$editlink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?update='.$event->cmid.'&return=true&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey;
$deletelink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?delete='.$event->cmid.'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey;;
echo ' <a href="'.$editlink.'"><img
src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/t/edit.gif" alt="'.get_string('tt_editevent', 'calendar').'"
title="'.get_string('tt_editevent', 'calendar').'" /></a>';
echo ' <a href="'.$deletelink.'"><img
src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/t/delete.gif" alt="'.get_string('tt_deleteevent', 'calendar').'"
title="'.get_string('tt_deleteevent', 'calendar').'" /></a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
function calendar_course_filter_selector($getvars = '') {
global $USER, $SESSION;
if (empty($USER->id) or isguest()) {
return '';
if (isadmin()) {
$courses = get_courses('all', 'c.shortname','c.id,c.shortname');
} else {
$courses = get_my_courses($USER->id, 'shortname');
$courseoptions[1] = get_string('fulllistofcourses');
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$courseoptions[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
if (is_numeric($SESSION->cal_courses_shown)) {
$selected = $SESSION->cal_courses_shown;
} else {
$selected = '';
return popup_form(CALENDAR_URL.'set.php?var=setcourse&'.$getvars.'&id=',
$courseoptions, 'cal_course_flt', $selected, '', '', '', true);