Jason den Dulk ba53ec733a MDL-65478 backup, course format: Handle editor elements in course format
Modified course format options reading and writing to be able to handle Editor elements by enabling them to split array values into
multiple values before inserting into database, and combining multiple values into an array when reading from the database.
Modified backup and restore code to use backup_nested_elements, and to interact directly with the database.

Co-authored-by: Jason den Dulk <>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Hilton <>
2022-05-03 14:23:37 +10:00

2975 lines
114 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Defines various backup steps that will be used by common tasks in backup
* @package core_backup
* @subpackage moodle2
* @category backup
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Create the temp dir where backup/restore will happen and create temp ids table.
class create_and_clean_temp_stuff extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
$progress = $this->task->get_progress();
$progress->start_progress('Deleting backup directories');
backup_helper::check_and_create_backup_dir($this->get_backupid());// Create backup temp dir
backup_helper::clear_backup_dir($this->get_backupid(), $progress); // Empty temp dir, just in case
backup_controller_dbops::drop_backup_ids_temp_table($this->get_backupid()); // Drop ids temp table
backup_controller_dbops::create_backup_ids_temp_table($this->get_backupid()); // Create ids temp table
* Delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally) and drop temp ids table.
* Note we delete the directory but not the corresponding log file that will be
* there until cron cleans it up.
class drop_and_clean_temp_stuff extends backup_execution_step {
protected $skipcleaningtempdir = false;
protected function define_execution() {
global $CFG;
backup_controller_dbops::drop_backup_ids_temp_table($this->get_backupid()); // Drop ids temp table
// Delete temp dir conditionally:
// 1) If $CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup is not enabled
// 2) If backup temp dir deletion has been marked to be avoided
if (empty($CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup) && !$this->skipcleaningtempdir) {
$progress = $this->task->get_progress();
$progress->start_progress('Deleting backup dir');
backup_helper::delete_backup_dir($this->get_backupid(), $progress); // Empty backup dir
public function skip_cleaning_temp_dir($skip) {
$this->skipcleaningtempdir = $skip;
* Create the directory where all the task (activity/block...) information will be stored
class create_taskbasepath_directory extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $CFG;
$basepath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
if (!check_dir_exists($basepath, true, true)) {
throw new backup_step_exception('cannot_create_taskbasepath_directory', $basepath);
* Abstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps. Used to wrap the
* activity structure definition within the main <activity ...> tag.
abstract class backup_activity_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Wraps any activity backup structure within the common 'activity' element
* that will include common to all activities information like id, context...
* @param backup_nested_element $activitystructure the element to wrap
* @return backup_nested_element the $activitystructure wrapped by the common 'activity' element
protected function prepare_activity_structure($activitystructure) {
// Create the wrap element
$activity = new backup_nested_element('activity', array('id', 'moduleid', 'modulename', 'contextid'), null);
// Build the tree
// Set the source
$activityarr = array((object)array(
'id' => $this->task->get_activityid(),
'moduleid' => $this->task->get_moduleid(),
'modulename' => $this->task->get_modulename(),
'contextid' => $this->task->get_contextid()));
// Return the root element (activity)
return $activity;
* Helper code for use by any plugin that stores question attempt data that it needs to back up.
trait backup_questions_attempt_data_trait {
* Attach to $element (usually attempts) the needed backup structures
* for question_usages and all the associated data.
* @param backup_nested_element $element the element that will contain all the question_usages data.
* @param string $usageidname the name of the element that holds the usageid.
* This must be child of $element, and must be a final element.
* @param string $nameprefix this prefix is added to all the element names we create.
* Element names in the XML must be unique, so if you are using usages in
* two different ways, you must give a prefix to at least one of them. If
* you only use one sort of usage, then you can just use the default empty prefix.
* This should include a trailing underscore. For example "myprefix_"
protected function add_question_usages($element, $usageidname, $nameprefix = '') {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/lib.php');
// Check $element is one nested_backup_element
if (! $element instanceof backup_nested_element) {
throw new backup_step_exception('question_states_bad_parent_element', $element);
if (! $element->get_final_element($usageidname)) {
throw new backup_step_exception('question_states_bad_question_attempt_element', $usageidname);
$quba = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'question_usage', array('id'),
array('component', 'preferredbehaviour'));
$qas = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'question_attempts');
$qa = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'question_attempt', array('id'), array(
'slot', 'behaviour', 'questionid', 'variant', 'maxmark', 'minfraction', 'maxfraction',
'flagged', 'questionsummary', 'rightanswer', 'responsesummary',
$steps = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'steps');
$step = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'step', array('id'), array(
'sequencenumber', 'state', 'fraction', 'timecreated', 'userid'));
$response = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'response');
$variable = new backup_nested_element($nameprefix . 'variable', null, array('name', 'value'));
// Build the tree
// Set the sources
array('id' => '../' . $usageidname));
$qa->set_source_table('question_attempts', array('questionusageid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID), 'slot ASC');
$step->set_source_table('question_attempt_steps', array('questionattemptid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID), 'sequencenumber ASC');
$variable->set_source_table('question_attempt_step_data', array('attemptstepid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// Annotate ids
$qa->annotate_ids('question', 'questionid');
$step->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
// Annotate files
$fileareas = question_engine::get_all_response_file_areas();
foreach ($fileareas as $filearea) {
$step->annotate_files('question', $filearea, 'id');
* Helper to backup question reference data for an instance.
trait backup_question_reference_data_trait {
* Backup the related data from reference table for the instance.
* @param backup_nested_element $element
* @param string $component
* @param string $questionarea
protected function add_question_references($element, $component, $questionarea) {
// Check $element is one nested_backup_element.
if (! $element instanceof backup_nested_element) {
throw new backup_step_exception('question_states_bad_parent_element', $element);
$reference = new backup_nested_element('question_reference', ['id'],
['usingcontextid', 'component', 'questionarea', 'questionbankentryid', 'version']);
$reference->set_source_table('question_references', [
'usingcontextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID,
'component' => backup_helper::is_sqlparam($component),
'questionarea' => backup_helper::is_sqlparam($questionarea),
'itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID
* Helper to backup question set reference data for an instance.
trait backup_question_set_reference_trait {
* Backup the related data from set_reference table for the instance.
* @param backup_nested_element $element
* @param string $component
* @param string $questionarea
protected function add_question_set_references($element, $component, $questionarea) {
// Check $element is one nested_backup_element.
if (! $element instanceof backup_nested_element) {
throw new backup_step_exception('question_states_bad_parent_element', $element);
$setreference = new backup_nested_element('question_set_reference', ['id'],
['usingcontextid', 'component', 'questionarea', 'questionscontextid', 'filtercondition']);
$setreference->set_source_table('question_set_references', [
'usingcontextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID,
'component' => backup_helper::is_sqlparam($component),
'questionarea' => backup_helper::is_sqlparam($questionarea),
'itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID
* Abstract structure step to help activities that store question attempt data, reference data and set reference data.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class backup_questions_activity_structure_step extends backup_activity_structure_step {
use backup_questions_attempt_data_trait;
use backup_question_reference_data_trait;
use backup_question_set_reference_trait;
* backup structure step in charge of calculating the categories to be
* included in backup, based in the context being backuped (module/course)
* and the already annotated questions present in backup_ids_temp
class backup_calculate_question_categories extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
backup_question_dbops::calculate_question_categories($this->get_backupid(), $this->task->get_contextid());
* backup structure step in charge of deleting all the questions annotated
* in the backup_ids_temp table
class backup_delete_temp_questions extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
* Abstract structure step, parent of all the block structure steps. Used to wrap the
* block structure definition within the main <block ...> tag
abstract class backup_block_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function prepare_block_structure($blockstructure) {
// Create the wrap element
$block = new backup_nested_element('block', array('id', 'blockname', 'contextid'), null);
// Build the tree
// Set the source
$blockarr = array((object)array(
'id' => $this->task->get_blockid(),
'blockname' => $this->task->get_blockname(),
'contextid' => $this->task->get_contextid()));
// Return the root element (block)
return $block;
* structure step that will generate the module.xml file for the activity,
* accumulating various information about the activity, annotating groupings
* and completion/avail conf
class backup_module_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $DB;
// Define each element separated
$module = new backup_nested_element('module', array('id', 'version'), array(
'modulename', 'sectionid', 'sectionnumber', 'idnumber',
'added', 'score', 'indent', 'visible', 'visibleoncoursepage',
'visibleold', 'groupmode', 'groupingid',
'completion', 'completiongradeitemnumber', 'completionpassgrade',
'completionview', 'completionexpected',
'availability', 'showdescription', 'downloadcontent'));
$tags = new backup_nested_element('tags');
$tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', array('id'), array('name', 'rawname'));
// attach format plugin structure to $module element, only one allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $module, false);
// Attach report plugin structure to $module element, multiple allowed.
$this->add_plugin_structure('report', $module, true);
// attach plagiarism plugin structure to $module element, there can be potentially
// many plagiarism plugins storing information about this course
$this->add_plugin_structure('plagiarism', $module, true);
// attach local plugin structure to $module, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $module, true);
// Attach admin tools plugin structure to $module.
$this->add_plugin_structure('tool', $module, true);
// Set the sources
$concat = $DB->sql_concat("'mod_'", '');
SELECT cm.*, cp.value AS version, AS modulename, AS sectionid, s.section AS sectionnumber
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module
JOIN {config_plugins} cp ON cp.plugin = $concat AND = 'version'
JOIN {course_sections} s ON = cm.section
WHERE = ?", array(backup::VAR_MODID));
$tag->set_source_sql("SELECT,, t.rawname
FROM {tag} t
JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid =
WHERE ti.itemtype = 'course_modules'
AND ti.component = 'core'
AND ti.itemid = ?", array(backup::VAR_MODID));
// Define annotations
$module->annotate_ids('grouping', 'groupingid');
// Return the root element ($module)
return $module;
* structure step that will generate the section.xml file for the section
* annotating files
class backup_section_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$section = new backup_nested_element('section', array('id'), array(
'number', 'name', 'summary', 'summaryformat', 'sequence', 'visible',
'availabilityjson', 'timemodified'));
// attach format plugin structure to $section element, only one allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $section, false);
// attach local plugin structure to $section element, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $section, true);
// Add nested elements for course_format_options table
$formatoptions = new backup_nested_element('course_format_options', array('id'), array(
'format', 'name', 'value'));
// Define sources.
$section->set_source_table('course_sections', array('id' => backup::VAR_SECTIONID));
$formatoptions->set_source_sql('SELECT, cfo.format,, cfo.value
FROM {course} c
JOIN {course_format_options} cfo
ON cfo.courseid = AND cfo.format = c.format
WHERE = ? AND cfo.sectionid = ?',
array(backup::VAR_COURSEID, backup::VAR_SECTIONID));
// Aliases
$section->set_source_alias('section', 'number');
// The 'availability' field needs to be renamed because it clashes with
// the old nested element structure for availability data.
$section->set_source_alias('availability', 'availabilityjson');
// Set annotations
$section->annotate_files('course', 'section', 'id');
return $section;
* structure step that will generate the course.xml file for the course, including
* course category reference, tags, modules restriction information
* and some annotations (files & groupings)
class backup_course_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $DB;
// Define each element separated
$course = new backup_nested_element('course', array('id', 'contextid'), array(
'shortname', 'fullname', 'idnumber',
'summary', 'summaryformat', 'format', 'showgrades',
'newsitems', 'startdate', 'enddate',
'marker', 'maxbytes', 'legacyfiles', 'showreports',
'visible', 'groupmode', 'groupmodeforce',
'defaultgroupingid', 'lang', 'theme',
'timecreated', 'timemodified',
'enablecompletion', 'completionstartonenrol', 'completionnotify'));
$category = new backup_nested_element('category', array('id'), array(
'name', 'description'));
$tags = new backup_nested_element('tags');
$tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', array('id'), array(
'name', 'rawname'));
$customfields = new backup_nested_element('customfields');
$customfield = new backup_nested_element('customfield', array('id'), array(
'shortname', 'type', 'value', 'valueformat'
$courseformatoptions = new backup_nested_element('courseformatoptions');
$courseformatoption = new backup_nested_element('courseformatoption', [], [
'courseid', 'format', 'sectionid', 'name', 'value'
// attach format plugin structure to $course element, only one allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('format', $course, false);
// attach theme plugin structure to $course element; multiple themes can
// save course data (in case of user theme, legacy theme, etc)
$this->add_plugin_structure('theme', $course, true);
// attach general report plugin structure to $course element; multiple
// reports can save course data if required
$this->add_plugin_structure('report', $course, true);
// attach course report plugin structure to $course element; multiple
// course reports can save course data if required
$this->add_plugin_structure('coursereport', $course, true);
// attach plagiarism plugin structure to $course element, there can be potentially
// many plagiarism plugins storing information about this course
$this->add_plugin_structure('plagiarism', $course, true);
// attach local plugin structure to $course element; multiple local plugins
// can save course data if required
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $course, true);
// Attach admin tools plugin structure to $course element; multiple plugins
// can save course data if required.
$this->add_plugin_structure('tool', $course, true);
// Build the tree
// Set the sources
$courserec = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->task->get_courseid()));
$courserec->contextid = $this->task->get_contextid();
// Add 'numsections' in order to be able to restore in previous versions of Moodle.
// Even though Moodle does not officially support restore into older verions of Moodle from the
// version where backup was made, without 'numsections' restoring will go very wrong.
if (!property_exists($courserec, 'numsections') && course_get_format($courserec)->uses_sections()) {
$courserec->numsections = course_get_format($courserec)->get_last_section_number();
$categoryrec = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $courserec->category));
$tag->set_source_sql('SELECT,, t.rawname
FROM {tag} t
JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid =
WHERE ti.itemtype = ?
AND ti.itemid = ?', array(
$courseformatoption->set_source_sql('SELECT id, format, sectionid, name, value
FROM {course_format_options}
WHERE courseid = ?', [ backup::VAR_PARENTID ]);
$handler = core_course\customfield\course_handler::create();
$fieldsforbackup = $handler->get_instance_data_for_backup($this->task->get_courseid());
// Some annotations
$course->annotate_ids('grouping', 'defaultgroupingid');
$course->annotate_files('course', 'summary', null);
$course->annotate_files('course', 'overviewfiles', null);
if ($this->get_setting_value('legacyfiles')) {
$course->annotate_files('course', 'legacy', null);
// Return root element ($course)
return $course;
* structure step that will generate the enrolments.xml file for the given course
class backup_enrolments_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Skip enrolments on the front page.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
return ($this->get_courseid() != SITEID);
protected function define_structure() {
global $DB;
// To know if we are including users
$users = $this->get_setting_value('users');
$keptroles = $this->task->get_kept_roles();
// Define each element separated
$enrolments = new backup_nested_element('enrolments');
$enrols = new backup_nested_element('enrols');
$enrol = new backup_nested_element('enrol', array('id'), array(
'enrol', 'status', 'name', 'enrolperiod', 'enrolstartdate',
'enrolenddate', 'expirynotify', 'expirythreshold', 'notifyall',
'password', 'cost', 'currency', 'roleid',
'customint1', 'customint2', 'customint3', 'customint4', 'customint5', 'customint6', 'customint7', 'customint8',
'customchar1', 'customchar2', 'customchar3',
'customdec1', 'customdec2',
'customtext1', 'customtext2', 'customtext3', 'customtext4',
'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$userenrolments = new backup_nested_element('user_enrolments');
$enrolment = new backup_nested_element('enrolment', array('id'), array(
'status', 'userid', 'timestart', 'timeend', 'modifierid',
// Build the tree
// Define sources - the instances are restored using the same sortorder, we do not need to store it in xml and deal with it afterwards.
$enrol->set_source_table('enrol', array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID), 'sortorder ASC');
// User enrolments only added only if users included.
if (empty($keptroles) && $users) {
$enrolment->set_source_table('user_enrolments', array('enrolid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$enrolment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
} else if (!empty($keptroles)) {
list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($keptroles);
$params = array(
foreach ($inparams as $inparam) {
$params[] = backup_helper::is_sqlparam($inparam);
"SELECT ue.*
FROM {user_enrolments} ue
INNER JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON ue.userid = ra.userid
WHERE ra.contextid = ?
AND ue.enrolid = ?
AND ra.roleid $insql",
$enrolment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$enrol->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid');
// Add enrol plugin structure.
$this->add_plugin_structure('enrol', $enrol, true);
return $enrolments;
* structure step that will generate the roles.xml file for the given context, observing
* the role_assignments setting to know if that part needs to be included
class backup_roles_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including role assignments
$roleassignments = $this->get_setting_value('role_assignments');
// Define each element separated
$roles = new backup_nested_element('roles');
$overrides = new backup_nested_element('role_overrides');
$override = new backup_nested_element('override', array('id'), array(
'roleid', 'capability', 'permission', 'timemodified',
$assignments = new backup_nested_element('role_assignments');
$assignment = new backup_nested_element('assignment', array('id'), array(
'roleid', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'modifierid', 'component', 'itemid',
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$override->set_source_table('role_capabilities', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID));
// Assignments only added if specified
if ($roleassignments) {
$assignment->set_source_table('role_assignments', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID));
// Define id annotations
$override->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid');
$assignment->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid');
$assignment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
//TODO: how do we annotate the itemid? the meaning depends on the content of component table (skodak)
return $roles;
* structure step that will generate the roles.xml containing the
* list of roles used along the whole backup process. Just raw
* list of used roles from role table
class backup_final_roles_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define elements
$rolesdef = new backup_nested_element('roles_definition');
$role = new backup_nested_element('role', array('id'), array(
'name', 'shortname', 'nameincourse', 'description',
'sortorder', 'archetype'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$role->set_source_sql("SELECT r.*, AS nameincourse
FROM {role} r
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
LEFT JOIN {role_names} rn ON = rn.roleid AND rn.contextid = ?
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'rolefinal'", array(backup::VAR_CONTEXTID, backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
// Return main element (rolesdef)
return $rolesdef;
* structure step that will generate the scales.xml containing the
* list of scales used along the whole backup process.
class backup_final_scales_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define elements
$scalesdef = new backup_nested_element('scales_definition');
$scale = new backup_nested_element('scale', array('id'), array(
'courseid', 'userid', 'name', 'scale',
'description', 'descriptionformat', 'timemodified'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$scale->set_source_sql("SELECT s.*
FROM {scale} s
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'scalefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
// Annotate scale files (they store files in system context, so pass it instead of default one)
$scale->annotate_files('grade', 'scale', 'id', context_system::instance()->id);
// Return main element (scalesdef)
return $scalesdef;
* structure step that will generate the outcomes.xml containing the
* list of outcomes used along the whole backup process.
class backup_final_outcomes_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define elements
$outcomesdef = new backup_nested_element('outcomes_definition');
$outcome = new backup_nested_element('outcome', array('id'), array(
'courseid', 'userid', 'shortname', 'fullname',
'scaleid', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'timecreated',
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$outcome->set_source_sql("SELECT o.*
FROM {grade_outcomes} o
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'outcomefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
// Annotate outcome files (they store files in system context, so pass it instead of default one)
$outcome->annotate_files('grade', 'outcome', 'id', context_system::instance()->id);
// Return main element (outcomesdef)
return $outcomesdef;
* structure step in charge of constructing the filters.xml file for all the filters found
* in activity
class backup_filters_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$filters = new backup_nested_element('filters');
$actives = new backup_nested_element('filter_actives');
$active = new backup_nested_element('filter_active', null, array('filter', 'active'));
$configs = new backup_nested_element('filter_configs');
$config = new backup_nested_element('filter_config', null, array('filter', 'name', 'value'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
list($activearr, $configarr) = filter_get_all_local_settings($this->task->get_contextid());
// Return the root element (filters)
return $filters;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the comments.xml file for all the comments found in a given context.
class backup_comments_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated.
$comments = new backup_nested_element('comments');
$comment = new backup_nested_element('comment', array('id'), array(
'component', 'commentarea', 'itemid', 'content', 'format',
'userid', 'timecreated'));
// Build the tree.
// Define sources.
$comment->set_source_table('comments', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID));
// Define id annotations.
$comment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
// Return the root element (comments).
return $comments;
* structure step in charge of constructing the badges.xml file for all the badges found
* in a given context
class backup_badges_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function execute_condition() {
// Check that all activities have been included.
if ($this->task->is_excluding_activities()) {
return false;
return true;
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php');
// Define each element separated.
$badges = new backup_nested_element('badges');
$badge = new backup_nested_element('badge', array('id'), array('name', 'description',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'usercreated', 'usermodified', 'issuername',
'issuerurl', 'issuercontact', 'expiredate', 'expireperiod', 'type', 'courseid',
'message', 'messagesubject', 'attachment', 'notification', 'status', 'nextcron',
'version', 'language', 'imageauthorname', 'imageauthoremail', 'imageauthorurl',
$criteria = new backup_nested_element('criteria');
$criterion = new backup_nested_element('criterion', array('id'), array('badgeid',
'criteriatype', 'method', 'description', 'descriptionformat'));
$endorsement = new backup_nested_element('endorsement', array('id'), array('badgeid',
'issuername', 'issuerurl', 'issueremail', 'claimid', 'claimcomment', 'dateissued'));
$alignments = new backup_nested_element('alignments');
$alignment = new backup_nested_element('alignment', array('id'), array('badgeid',
'targetname', 'targeturl', 'targetdescription', 'targetframework', 'targetcode'));
$relatedbadges = new backup_nested_element('relatedbadges');
$relatedbadge = new backup_nested_element('relatedbadge', array('id'), array('badgeid',
$parameters = new backup_nested_element('parameters');
$parameter = new backup_nested_element('parameter', array('id'), array('critid',
'name', 'value', 'criteriatype'));
$manual_awards = new backup_nested_element('manual_awards');
$manual_award = new backup_nested_element('manual_award', array('id'), array('badgeid',
'recipientid', 'issuerid', 'issuerrole', 'datemet'));
// Build the tree.
// Define sources.
$parametersql = '
FROM {badge}
WHERE courseid = :courseid
$parameterparams = [
'courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID
$badge->set_source_sql($parametersql, $parameterparams);
$criterion->set_source_table('badge_criteria', array('badgeid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$endorsement->set_source_table('badge_endorsement', array('badgeid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$alignment->set_source_table('badge_alignment', array('badgeid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$relatedbadge->set_source_table('badge_related', array('badgeid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$parametersql = 'SELECT cp.*, c.criteriatype
FROM {badge_criteria_param} cp JOIN {badge_criteria} c
ON cp.critid =
WHERE critid = :critid';
$parameterparams = array('critid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID);
$parameter->set_source_sql($parametersql, $parameterparams);
$manual_award->set_source_table('badge_manual_award', array('badgeid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// Define id annotations.
$badge->annotate_ids('user', 'usercreated');
$badge->annotate_ids('user', 'usermodified');
$criterion->annotate_ids('badge', 'badgeid');
$parameter->annotate_ids('criterion', 'critid');
$endorsement->annotate_ids('badge', 'badgeid');
$alignment->annotate_ids('badge', 'badgeid');
$relatedbadge->annotate_ids('badge', 'badgeid');
$relatedbadge->annotate_ids('badge', 'relatedbadgeid');
$badge->annotate_files('badges', 'badgeimage', 'id');
$manual_award->annotate_ids('badge', 'badgeid');
$manual_award->annotate_ids('user', 'recipientid');
$manual_award->annotate_ids('user', 'issuerid');
$manual_award->annotate_ids('role', 'issuerrole');
// Return the root element ($badges).
return $badges;
* structure step in charge of constructing the calender.xml file for all the events found
* in a given context
class backup_calendarevents_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$events = new backup_nested_element('events');
$event = new backup_nested_element('event', array('id'), array(
'name', 'description', 'format', 'courseid', 'groupid', 'userid',
'repeatid', 'modulename', 'instance', 'type', 'eventtype', 'timestart',
'timeduration', 'timesort', 'visible', 'uuid', 'sequence', 'timemodified',
'priority', 'location'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
if ($this->name == 'course_calendar') {
$calendar_items_sql ="SELECT * FROM {event}
WHERE courseid = :courseid
AND (eventtype = 'course' OR eventtype = 'group')";
$calendar_items_params = array('courseid'=>backup::VAR_COURSEID);
$event->set_source_sql($calendar_items_sql, $calendar_items_params);
} else if ($this->name == 'activity_calendar') {
// We don't backup action events.
$params = array('instance' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID, 'modulename' => backup::VAR_MODNAME,
'type' => array('sqlparam' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION));
// If we don't want to include the userinfo in the backup then setting the courseid
// will filter out all of the user override events (which have a course id of zero).
$coursewhere = "";
if (!$this->get_setting_value('userinfo')) {
$params['courseid'] = backup::VAR_COURSEID;
$coursewhere = " AND courseid = :courseid";
$calendarsql = "SELECT * FROM {event}
WHERE instance = :instance
AND type <> :type
AND modulename = :modulename";
$calendarsql = $calendarsql . $coursewhere;
$event->set_source_sql($calendarsql, $params);
} else {
$event->set_source_table('event', array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID, 'instance' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID, 'modulename' => backup::VAR_MODNAME));
// Define id annotations
$event->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$event->annotate_ids('group', 'groupid');
$event->annotate_files('calendar', 'event_description', 'id');
// Return the root element (events)
return $events;
* structure step in charge of constructing the gradebook.xml file for all the gradebook config in the course
* NOTE: the backup of the grade items themselves is handled by backup_activity_grades_structure_step
class backup_gradebook_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* We need to decide conditionally, based on dynamic information
* about the execution of this step. Only will be executed if all
* the module gradeitems have been already included in backup
protected function execute_condition() {
$courseid = $this->get_courseid();
if ($courseid == SITEID) {
return false;
return backup_plan_dbops::require_gradebook_backup($courseid, $this->get_backupid());
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// are we including user info?
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users');
$gradebook = new backup_nested_element('gradebook');
//grade_letters are done in backup_activity_grades_structure_step()
//calculated grade items
$grade_items = new backup_nested_element('grade_items');
$grade_item = new backup_nested_element('grade_item', array('id'), array(
'categoryid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule',
'iteminstance', 'itemnumber', 'iteminfo', 'idnumber',
'calculation', 'gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin',
'scaleid', 'outcomeid', 'gradepass', 'multfactor',
'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2', 'weightoverride',
'sortorder', 'display', 'decimals', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime',
'needsupdate', 'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $grade_item, true);
$grade_grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades');
$grade_grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin',
'rawscaleid', 'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden',
'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden',
'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information',
'informationformat', 'timecreated', 'timemodified',
'aggregationstatus', 'aggregationweight'));
$grade_categories = new backup_nested_element('grade_categories');
$grade_category = new backup_nested_element('grade_category', array('id'), array(
'parent', 'depth', 'path', 'fullname', 'aggregation', 'keephigh',
'droplow', 'aggregateonlygraded', 'aggregateoutcomes',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'hidden'));
$letters = new backup_nested_element('grade_letters');
$letter = new backup_nested_element('grade_letter', 'id', array(
'lowerboundary', 'letter'));
$grade_settings = new backup_nested_element('grade_settings');
$grade_setting = new backup_nested_element('grade_setting', 'id', array(
'name', 'value'));
$gradebook_attributes = new backup_nested_element('attributes', null, array('calculations_freeze'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
// Add attribute with gradebook calculation freeze date if needed.
$attributes = new stdClass();
$gradebookcalculationfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->get_courseid());
if ($gradebookcalculationfreeze) {
$attributes->calculations_freeze = $gradebookcalculationfreeze;
//Include manual, category and the course grade item
$grade_items_sql ="SELECT * FROM {grade_items}
WHERE courseid = :courseid
AND (itemtype='manual' OR itemtype='course' OR itemtype='category')";
$grade_items_params = array('courseid'=>backup::VAR_COURSEID);
$grade_item->set_source_sql($grade_items_sql, $grade_items_params);
if ($userinfo) {
$grade_grade->set_source_table('grade_grades', array('itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$grade_category_sql = "SELECT gc.*, gi.sortorder
FROM {grade_categories} gc
JOIN {grade_items} gi ON (gi.iteminstance =
WHERE gc.courseid = :courseid
AND (gi.itemtype='course' OR gi.itemtype='category')
ORDER BY gc.parent ASC";//need parent categories before their children
$grade_category_params = array('courseid'=>backup::VAR_COURSEID);
$grade_category->set_source_sql($grade_category_sql, $grade_category_params);
$letter->set_source_table('grade_letters', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID));
// Set the grade settings source, forcing the inclusion of minmaxtouse if not present.
$settings = array();
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('grade_settings', array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid()));
foreach ($rs as $record) {
$settings[$record->name] = $record;
if (!isset($settings['minmaxtouse'])) {
$settings['minmaxtouse'] = (object) array('name' => 'minmaxtouse', 'value' => $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse);
// Annotations (both as final as far as they are going to be exported in next steps)
$grade_item->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'scaleid'); // Straight as scalefinal because it's > 0
$grade_item->annotate_ids('outcomefinal', 'outcomeid');
//just in case there are any users not already annotated by the activities
$grade_grade->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'userid');
// Return the root element
return $gradebook;
* Step in charge of constructing the grade_history.xml file containing the grade histories.
class backup_grade_history_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Limit the execution.
* This applies the same logic than the one applied to {@link backup_gradebook_structure_step},
* because we do not want to save the history of items which are not backed up. At least for now.
protected function execute_condition() {
$courseid = $this->get_courseid();
if ($courseid == SITEID) {
return false;
return backup_plan_dbops::require_gradebook_backup($courseid, $this->get_backupid());
protected function define_structure() {
// Settings to use.
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users');
$history = $this->get_setting_value('grade_histories');
// Create the nested elements.
$bookhistory = new backup_nested_element('grade_history');
$grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades');
$grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array(
'action', 'oldid', 'source', 'loggeduser', 'itemid', 'userid',
'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin', 'rawscaleid',
'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden',
'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information',
'informationformat', 'timemodified'));
// Build the tree.
// This only happens if we are including user info and history.
if ($userinfo && $history) {
// Only keep the history of grades related to items which have been backed up, The query is
// similar (but not identical) to the one used in backup_gradebook_structure_step::define_structure().
$gradesql = "SELECT ggh.*
FROM {grade_grades_history} ggh
JOIN {grade_items} gi ON ggh.itemid =
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid
AND (gi.itemtype = 'manual' OR gi.itemtype = 'course' OR gi.itemtype = 'category')";
$grade->set_source_sql($gradesql, array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
// Annotations. (Final annotations as this step is part of the final task).
$grade->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'rawscaleid');
$grade->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'loggeduser');
$grade->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'userid');
$grade->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'usermodified');
// Return the root element.
return $bookhistory;
* structure step in charge if constructing the completion.xml file for all the users completion
* information in a given activity
class backup_userscompletion_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Skip completion on the front page.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
return ($this->get_courseid() != SITEID);
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$completions = new backup_nested_element('completions');
$completion = new backup_nested_element('completion', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'completionstate', 'viewed', 'timemodified'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$completion->set_source_table('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID));
// Define id annotations
$completion->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
// Return the root element (completions)
return $completions;
* structure step in charge of constructing the main groups.xml file for all the groups and
* groupings information already annotated
class backup_groups_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including users.
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users');
// To know if we are including groups and groupings.
$groupinfo = $this->get_setting_value('groups');
// Define each element separated
$groups = new backup_nested_element('groups');
$group = new backup_nested_element('group', array('id'), array(
'name', 'idnumber', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'enrolmentkey',
'picture', 'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$members = new backup_nested_element('group_members');
$member = new backup_nested_element('group_member', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'timeadded', 'component', 'itemid'));
$groupings = new backup_nested_element('groupings');
$grouping = new backup_nested_element('grouping', 'id', array(
'name', 'idnumber', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'configdata',
'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$groupinggroups = new backup_nested_element('grouping_groups');
$groupinggroup = new backup_nested_element('grouping_group', array('id'), array(
'groupid', 'timeadded'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
// This only happens if we are including groups/groupings.
if ($groupinfo) {
FROM {groups} g
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'groupfinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
FROM {groupings} g
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'groupingfinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
$groupinggroup->set_source_table('groupings_groups', array('groupingid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// This only happens if we are including users.
if ($userinfo) {
$member->set_source_table('groups_members', array('groupid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// Define id annotations (as final)
$member->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'userid');
// Define file annotations
$group->annotate_files('group', 'description', 'id');
$group->annotate_files('group', 'icon', 'id');
$grouping->annotate_files('grouping', 'description', 'id');
// Return the root element (groups)
return $groups;
* structure step in charge of constructing the main users.xml file for all the users already
* annotated (final). Includes custom profile fields, preferences, tags, role assignments and
* overrides.
class backup_users_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
// To know if we are anonymizing users
$anonymize = $this->get_setting_value('anonymize');
// To know if we are including role assignments
$roleassignments = $this->get_setting_value('role_assignments');
// Define each element separate.
$users = new backup_nested_element('users');
// Create the array of user fields by hand, as far as we have various bits to control
// anonymize option, password backup, mnethostid...
// First, the fields not needing anonymization nor special handling
$normalfields = array(
'confirmed', 'policyagreed', 'deleted',
'lang', 'theme', 'timezone', 'firstaccess',
'lastaccess', 'lastlogin', 'currentlogin',
'mailformat', 'maildigest', 'maildisplay',
'autosubscribe', 'trackforums', 'timecreated',
'timemodified', 'trustbitmask');
// Then, the fields potentially needing anonymization
$anonfields = array(
'username', 'idnumber', 'email', 'phone1',
'phone2', 'institution', 'department', 'address',
'city', 'country', 'lastip', 'picture',
'description', 'descriptionformat', 'imagealt', 'auth');
$anonfields = array_merge($anonfields, \core_user\fields::get_name_fields());
// Add anonymized fields to $userfields with custom final element
foreach ($anonfields as $field) {
if ($anonymize) {
$userfields[] = new anonymizer_final_element($field);
} else {
$userfields[] = $field; // No anonymization, normally added
// mnethosturl requires special handling (custom final element)
$userfields[] = new mnethosturl_final_element('mnethosturl');
// password added conditionally
if (!empty($CFG->includeuserpasswordsinbackup)) {
$userfields[] = 'password';
// Merge all the fields
$userfields = array_merge($userfields, $normalfields);
$user = new backup_nested_element('user', array('id', 'contextid'), $userfields);
$customfields = new backup_nested_element('custom_fields');
$customfield = new backup_nested_element('custom_field', array('id'), array(
'field_name', 'field_type', 'field_data'));
$tags = new backup_nested_element('tags');
$tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', array('id'), array(
'name', 'rawname'));
$preferences = new backup_nested_element('preferences');
$preference = new backup_nested_element('preference', array('id'), array(
'name', 'value'));
$roles = new backup_nested_element('roles');
$overrides = new backup_nested_element('role_overrides');
$override = new backup_nested_element('override', array('id'), array(
'roleid', 'capability', 'permission', 'timemodified',
$assignments = new backup_nested_element('role_assignments');
$assignment = new backup_nested_element('assignment', array('id'), array(
'roleid', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'modifierid', 'component', //TODO: MDL-22793 add itemid here
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$user->set_source_sql('SELECT u.*, AS contextid, m.wwwroot AS mnethosturl
FROM {user} u
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON bi.itemid =
LEFT JOIN {context} c ON c.instanceid = AND c.contextlevel = ' . CONTEXT_USER . '
LEFT JOIN {mnet_host} m ON = u.mnethostid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = ?', array(
// All the rest on information is only added if we arent
// in an anonymized backup
if (!$anonymize) {
$customfield->set_source_sql('SELECT, f.shortname, f.datatype,
FROM {user_info_field} f
JOIN {user_info_data} d ON d.fieldid =
WHERE d.userid = ?', array(backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$customfield->set_source_alias('shortname', 'field_name');
$customfield->set_source_alias('datatype', 'field_type');
$customfield->set_source_alias('data', 'field_data');
$tag->set_source_sql('SELECT,, t.rawname
FROM {tag} t
JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid =
WHERE ti.itemtype = ?
AND ti.itemid = ?', array(
$preference->set_source_table('user_preferences', array('userid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$override->set_source_table('role_capabilities', array('contextid' => '/users/user/contextid'));
// Assignments only added if specified
if ($roleassignments) {
$assignment->set_source_table('role_assignments', array('contextid' => '/users/user/contextid'));
// Define id annotations (as final)
$override->annotate_ids('rolefinal', 'roleid');
// Return root element (users)
return $users;
* structure step in charge of constructing the block.xml file for one
* given block (instance and positions). If the block has custom DB structure
* that will go to a separate file (different step defined in block class)
class backup_block_instance_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $DB;
// Define each element separated
$block = new backup_nested_element('block', array('id', 'contextid', 'version'), array(
'blockname', 'parentcontextid', 'showinsubcontexts', 'pagetypepattern',
'subpagepattern', 'defaultregion', 'defaultweight', 'configdata',
'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$positions = new backup_nested_element('block_positions');
$position = new backup_nested_element('block_position', array('id'), array(
'contextid', 'pagetype', 'subpage', 'visible',
'region', 'weight'));
// Build the tree
// Transform configdata information if needed (process links and friends)
$blockrec = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $this->task->get_blockid()));
if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) {
$configdata = (array)unserialize(base64_decode($blockrec->configdata));
foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) {
if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) {
$configdata[$attribute] = $this->contenttransformer->process($value);
$blockrec->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object)$configdata));
$blockrec->contextid = $this->task->get_contextid();
// Get the version of the block
$blockrec->version = get_config('block_'.$this->task->get_blockname(), 'version');
// Define sources
$position->set_source_table('block_positions', array('blockinstanceid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// File anotations (for fileareas specified on each block)
foreach ($this->task->get_fileareas() as $filearea) {
$block->annotate_files('block_' . $this->task->get_blockname(), $filearea, null);
// Return the root element (block)
return $block;
* structure step in charge of constructing the logs.xml file for all the log records found
* in course. Note that we are sending to backup ALL the log records having cmid = 0. That
* includes some records that won't be restoreable (like 'upload', 'calendar'...) but we do
* that just in case they become restored some day in the future
class backup_course_logs_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$logs = new backup_nested_element('logs');
$log = new backup_nested_element('log', array('id'), array(
'time', 'userid', 'ip', 'module',
'action', 'url', 'info'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources (all the records belonging to the course, having cmid = 0)
$log->set_source_table('log', array('course' => backup::VAR_COURSEID, 'cmid' => backup_helper::is_sqlparam(0)));
// Annotations
// NOTE: We don't annotate users from logs as far as they MUST be
// always annotated by the course (enrol, ras... whatever)
// Return the root element (logs)
return $logs;
* structure step in charge of constructing the logs.xml file for all the log records found
* in activity
class backup_activity_logs_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated
$logs = new backup_nested_element('logs');
$log = new backup_nested_element('log', array('id'), array(
'time', 'userid', 'ip', 'module',
'action', 'url', 'info'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$log->set_source_table('log', array('cmid' => backup::VAR_MODID));
// Annotations
// NOTE: We don't annotate users from logs as far as they MUST be
// always annotated by the activity (true participants).
// Return the root element (logs)
return $logs;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the logstores.xml file for the course logs.
* This backup step will backup the logs for all the enabled logstore subplugins supporting
* it, for logs belonging to the course level.
class backup_course_logstores_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define the structure of logstores container.
$logstores = new backup_nested_element('logstores');
$logstore = new backup_nested_element('logstore');
// Add the tool_log logstore subplugins information to the logstore element.
$this->add_subplugin_structure('logstore', $logstore, true, 'tool', 'log');
return $logstores;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the loglastaccess.xml file for the course logs.
* This backup step will backup the logs of the user_lastaccess table.
class backup_course_loglastaccess_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* This function creates the structures for the loglastaccess.xml file.
* Expected structure would look like this.
* <loglastaccesses>
* <loglastaccess id=2>
* <userid>5</userid>
* <timeaccess>1616887341</timeaccess>
* </loglastaccess>
* </loglastaccesses>
* @return backup_nested_element
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including userinfo.
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users');
// Define the structure of logstores container.
$lastaccesses = new backup_nested_element('lastaccesses');
$lastaccess = new backup_nested_element('lastaccess', array('id'), array('userid', 'timeaccess'));
// Define build tree.
// This element should only happen if we are including user info.
if ($userinfo) {
// Define sources.
SELECT id, userid, timeaccess
FROM {user_lastaccess}
WHERE courseid = ?',
// Define userid annotation to user.
$lastaccess->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
// Return the root element (lastaccessess).
return $lastaccesses;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the logstores.xml file for the activity logs.
* Note: Activity structure is completely equivalent to the course one, so just extend it.
class backup_activity_logstores_structure_step extends backup_course_logstores_structure_step {
* Course competencies backup structure step.
class backup_course_competencies_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users');
$wrapper = new backup_nested_element('course_competencies');
$settings = new backup_nested_element('settings', array('id'), array('pushratingstouserplans'));
$sql = 'SELECT s.pushratingstouserplans
FROM {' . \core_competency\course_competency_settings::TABLE . '} s
WHERE s.courseid = :courseid';
$settings->set_source_sql($sql, array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
$competencies = new backup_nested_element('competencies');
$competency = new backup_nested_element('competency', null, array('id', 'idnumber', 'ruleoutcome',
'sortorder', 'frameworkid', 'frameworkidnumber'));
$sql = 'SELECT, c.idnumber, cc.ruleoutcome, cc.sortorder, AS frameworkid, f.idnumber AS frameworkidnumber
FROM {' . \core_competency\course_competency::TABLE . '} cc
JOIN {' . \core_competency\competency::TABLE . '} c ON = cc.competencyid
JOIN {' . \core_competency\competency_framework::TABLE . '} f ON = c.competencyframeworkid
WHERE cc.courseid = :courseid
ORDER BY cc.sortorder';
$competency->set_source_sql($sql, array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
$usercomps = new backup_nested_element('user_competencies');
if ($userinfo) {
$usercomp = new backup_nested_element('user_competency', null, array('userid', 'competencyid',
'proficiency', 'grade'));
$sql = 'SELECT ucc.userid, ucc.competencyid, ucc.proficiency, ucc.grade
FROM {' . \core_competency\user_competency_course::TABLE . '} ucc
WHERE ucc.courseid = :courseid
AND ucc.grade IS NOT NULL';
$usercomp->set_source_sql($sql, array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
$usercomp->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
return $wrapper;
* Execute conditions.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
// Do not execute if competencies are not included.
if (!$this->get_setting_value('competencies')) {
return false;
return true;
* Activity competencies backup structure step.
class backup_activity_competencies_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
$wrapper = new backup_nested_element('course_module_competencies');
$competencies = new backup_nested_element('competencies');
$competency = new backup_nested_element('competency', null, array('idnumber', 'ruleoutcome',
'sortorder', 'frameworkidnumber'));
$sql = 'SELECT c.idnumber, cmc.ruleoutcome, cmc.sortorder, f.idnumber AS frameworkidnumber
FROM {' . \core_competency\course_module_competency::TABLE . '} cmc
JOIN {' . \core_competency\competency::TABLE . '} c ON = cmc.competencyid
JOIN {' . \core_competency\competency_framework::TABLE . '} f ON = c.competencyframeworkid
WHERE cmc.cmid = :coursemoduleid
ORDER BY cmc.sortorder';
$competency->set_source_sql($sql, array('coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID));
return $wrapper;
* Execute conditions.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
// Do not execute if competencies are not included.
if (!$this->get_setting_value('competencies')) {
return false;
return true;
* structure in charge of constructing the inforef.xml file for all the items we want
* to have referenced there (users, roles, files...)
class backup_inforef_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Items we want to include in the inforef file.
$items = backup_helper::get_inforef_itemnames();
// Build the tree
$inforef = new backup_nested_element('inforef');
// For each item, conditionally, if there are already records, build element
foreach ($items as $itemname) {
if (backup_structure_dbops::annotations_exist($this->get_backupid(), $itemname)) {
$elementroot = new backup_nested_element($itemname . 'ref');
$element = new backup_nested_element($itemname, array(), array('id'));
SELECT itemid AS id
FROM {backup_ids_temp}
WHERE backupid = ?
AND itemname = ?",
array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID, backup_helper::is_sqlparam($itemname)));
// We don't annotate anything there, but rely in the next step
// (move_inforef_annotations_to_final) that will change all the
// already saved 'inforref' entries to their 'final' annotations.
return $inforef;
* This step will get all the annotations already processed to inforef.xml file and
* transform them into 'final' annotations.
class move_inforef_annotations_to_final extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
// Items we want to include in the inforef file
$items = backup_helper::get_inforef_itemnames();
$progress = $this->task->get_progress();
$progress->start_progress($this->get_name(), count($items));
$done = 1;
foreach ($items as $itemname) {
// Delegate to dbops
$itemname, $progress);
* structure in charge of constructing the files.xml file with all the
* annotated (final) files along the process. At, the same time, and
* using one specialised nested_element, will copy them form moodle storage
* to backup storage
class backup_final_files_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define elements
$files = new backup_nested_element('files');
$file = new file_nested_element('file', array('id'), array(
'contenthash', 'contextid', 'component', 'filearea', 'itemid',
'filepath', 'filename', 'userid', 'filesize',
'mimetype', 'status', 'timecreated', 'timemodified',
'source', 'author', 'license', 'sortorder',
'repositorytype', 'repositoryid', 'reference'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$file->set_source_sql("SELECT f.*, r.type AS repositorytype, fr.repositoryid, fr.reference
FROM {files} f
LEFT JOIN {files_reference} fr ON = f.referencefileid
LEFT JOIN {repository_instances} ri ON = fr.repositoryid
LEFT JOIN {repository} r ON = ri.typeid
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'filefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
return $files;
* Structure step in charge of creating the main moodle_backup.xml file
* where all the information related to the backup, settings, license and
* other information needed on restore is added*/
class backup_main_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
$info = array();
$info['name'] = $this->get_setting_value('filename');
$info['moodle_version'] = $CFG->version;
$info['moodle_release'] = $CFG->release;
$info['backup_version'] = $CFG->backup_version;
$info['backup_release'] = $CFG->backup_release;
$info['backup_date'] = time();
$info['backup_uniqueid']= $this->get_backupid();
$info['include_files'] = backup_controller_dbops::backup_includes_files($this->get_backupid());
$info['include_file_references_to_external_content'] =
$info['original_site_identifier_hash'] = md5(get_site_identifier());
$info['original_course_id'] = $this->get_courseid();
$originalcourseinfo = backup_controller_dbops::backup_get_original_course_info($this->get_courseid());
$info['original_course_format'] = $originalcourseinfo->format;
$info['original_course_fullname'] = $originalcourseinfo->fullname;
$info['original_course_shortname'] = $originalcourseinfo->shortname;
$info['original_course_startdate'] = $originalcourseinfo->startdate;
$info['original_course_enddate'] = $originalcourseinfo->enddate;
$info['original_course_contextid'] = context_course::instance($this->get_courseid())->id;
$info['original_system_contextid'] = context_system::instance()->id;
// Get more information from controller
list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information(
$this->get_backupid(), $this->get_task()->get_progress());
// Define elements
$moodle_backup = new backup_nested_element('moodle_backup');
$information = new backup_nested_element('information', null, array(
'name', 'moodle_version', 'moodle_release', 'backup_version',
'backup_release', 'backup_date', 'mnet_remoteusers', 'include_files', 'include_file_references_to_external_content', 'original_wwwroot',
'original_site_identifier_hash', 'original_course_id', 'original_course_format',
'original_course_fullname', 'original_course_shortname', 'original_course_startdate', 'original_course_enddate',
'original_course_contextid', 'original_system_contextid'));
$details = new backup_nested_element('details');
$detail = new backup_nested_element('detail', array('backup_id'), array(
'type', 'format', 'interactive', 'mode',
'execution', 'executiontime'));
$contents = new backup_nested_element('contents');
$activities = new backup_nested_element('activities');
$activity = new backup_nested_element('activity', null, array(
'moduleid', 'sectionid', 'modulename', 'title',
$sections = new backup_nested_element('sections');
$section = new backup_nested_element('section', null, array(
'sectionid', 'title', 'directory'));
$course = new backup_nested_element('course', null, array(
'courseid', 'title', 'directory'));
$settings = new backup_nested_element('settings');
$setting = new backup_nested_element('setting', null, array(
'level', 'section', 'activity', 'name', 'value'));
// Build the tree
if (!empty($cinfo['activities'])) {
if (!empty($cinfo['sections'])) {
if (!empty($cinfo['course'])) {
// Set the sources
// Prepare some information to be sent to main moodle_backup.xml file
return $moodle_backup;
* Execution step that will generate the final zip (.mbz) file with all the contents
class backup_zip_contents extends backup_execution_step implements file_progress {
* @var bool True if we have started tracking progress
protected $startedprogress;
protected function define_execution() {
// Get basepath
$basepath = $this->get_basepath();
// Get the list of files in directory
$filestemp = get_directory_list($basepath, '', false, true, true);
$files = array();
foreach ($filestemp as $file) { // Add zip paths and fs paths to all them
$files[$file] = $basepath . '/' . $file;
// Add the log file if exists
$logfilepath = $basepath . '.log';
if (file_exists($logfilepath)) {
$files['moodle_backup.log'] = $logfilepath;
// Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.mbz)
$zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.mbz';
// Get the zip packer
$zippacker = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
// Track overall progress for the 2 long-running steps (archive to
// pathname, get backup information).
$reporter = $this->task->get_progress();
$reporter->start_progress('backup_zip_contents', 2);
// Zip files
$result = $zippacker->archive_to_pathname($files, $zipfile, true, $this);
// If any sub-progress happened, end it.
if ($this->startedprogress) {
$this->startedprogress = false;
} else {
// No progress was reported, manually move it on to the next overall task.
// Something went wrong.
if ($result === false) {
throw new backup_step_exception('error_zip_packing', '', 'An error was encountered while trying to generate backup zip');
// Read to make sure it is a valid backup. Refer MDL-37877 . Delete it, if found not to be valid.
try {
backup_general_helper::get_backup_information_from_mbz($zipfile, $this);
} catch (backup_helper_exception $e) {
throw new backup_step_exception('error_zip_packing', '', $e->debuginfo);
// If any sub-progress happened, end it.
if ($this->startedprogress) {
$this->startedprogress = false;
} else {
* Implementation for file_progress interface to display unzip progress.
* @param int $progress Current progress
* @param int $max Max value
public function progress($progress = file_progress::INDETERMINATE, $max = file_progress::INDETERMINATE) {
$reporter = $this->task->get_progress();
// Start tracking progress if necessary.
if (!$this->startedprogress) {
$reporter->start_progress('extract_file_to_dir', ($max == file_progress::INDETERMINATE)
? \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE : $max);
$this->startedprogress = true;
// Pass progress through to whatever handles it.
$reporter->progress(($progress == file_progress::INDETERMINATE)
? \core\progress\base::INDETERMINATE : $progress);
* This step will send the generated backup file to its final destination
class backup_store_backup_file extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
// Get basepath
$basepath = $this->get_basepath();
// Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.mbz)
$zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.mbz';
$has_file_references = backup_controller_dbops::backup_includes_file_references($this->get_backupid());
// Perform storage and return it (TODO: shouldn't be array but proper result object)
return array(
'backup_destination' => backup_helper::store_backup_file($this->get_backupid(), $zipfile,
'include_file_references_to_external_content' => $has_file_references
* This step will search for all the activity (not calculations, categories nor aggregations) grade items
* and put them to the backup_ids tables, to be used later as base to backup them
class backup_activity_grade_items_to_ids extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
// Fetch all activity grade items
if ($items = grade_item::fetch_all(array(
'itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => $this->task->get_modulename(),
'iteminstance' => $this->task->get_activityid(), 'courseid' => $this->task->get_courseid()))) {
// Annotate them in backup_ids
foreach ($items as $item) {
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'grade_item', $item->id);
* This step allows enrol plugins to annotate custom fields.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2014 University of Wisconsin
* @author Matt Petro
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class backup_enrolments_execution_step extends backup_execution_step {
* Function that will contain all the code to be executed.
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
$plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
$enrols = $DB->get_records('enrol', array(
'courseid' => $this->task->get_courseid()));
// Allow each enrol plugin to add annotations.
foreach ($enrols as $enrol) {
if (isset($plugins[$enrol->enrol])) {
$plugins[$enrol->enrol]->backup_annotate_custom_fields($this, $enrol);
* Annotate a single name/id pair.
* This can be called from {@link enrol_plugin::backup_annotate_custom_fields()}.
* @param string $itemname
* @param int $itemid
public function annotate_id($itemname, $itemid) {
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), $itemname, $itemid);
* This step will annotate all the groups and groupings belonging to the course
class backup_annotate_course_groups_and_groupings extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Get all the course groups
if ($groups = $DB->get_records('groups', array(
'courseid' => $this->task->get_courseid()))) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'group', $group->id);
// Get all the course groupings
if ($groupings = $DB->get_records('groupings', array(
'courseid' => $this->task->get_courseid()))) {
foreach ($groupings as $grouping) {
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'grouping', $grouping->id);
* This step will annotate all the groups belonging to already annotated groupings
class backup_annotate_groups_from_groupings extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Fetch all the annotated groupings
if ($groupings = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'grouping'))) {
foreach ($groupings as $grouping) {
if ($groups = $DB->get_records('groupings_groups', array(
'groupingid' => $grouping->itemid))) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'group', $group->groupid);
* This step will annotate all the scales belonging to already annotated outcomes
class backup_annotate_scales_from_outcomes extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Fetch all the annotated outcomes
if ($outcomes = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'outcome'))) {
foreach ($outcomes as $outcome) {
if ($scale = $DB->get_record('grade_outcomes', array(
'id' => $outcome->itemid))) {
// Annotate as scalefinal because it's > 0
backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'scalefinal', $scale->scaleid);
* This step will generate all the file annotations for the already
* annotated (final) question_categories. It calculates the different
* contexts that are being backup and, annotates all the files
* on every context belonging to the "question" component. As far as
* we are always including *complete* question banks it is safe and
* optimal to do that in this (one pass) way
class backup_annotate_all_question_files extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// Get all the different contexts for the final question_categories
// annotated along the whole backup
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT DISTINCT qc.contextid
FROM {question_categories} qc
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON bi.itemid =
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'question_categoryfinal'", array($this->get_backupid()));
// To know about qtype specific components/fileareas
$components = backup_qtype_plugin::get_components_and_fileareas();
// Let's loop
foreach($rs as $record) {
// Backup all the file areas the are managed by the core question component.
// That is, by the question_type base class. In particular, we don't want
// to include files belonging to responses here.
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'questiontext', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'generalfeedback', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'answer', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'answerfeedback', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'hint', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'correctfeedback', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'partiallycorrectfeedback', null);
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, 'question', 'incorrectfeedback', null);
// For files belonging to question types, we make the leap of faith that
// all the files belonging to the question type are part of the question definition,
// so we can just backup all the files in bulk, without specifying each
// file area name separately.
foreach ($components as $component => $fileareas) {
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $record->contextid, $component, null, null);
* structure step in charge of constructing the questions.xml file for all the
* question categories and questions required by the backup
* and letters related to one activity.
class backup_questions_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separately.
$qcategories = new backup_nested_element('question_categories');
$qcategory = new backup_nested_element('question_category', ['id'],
$questionbankentries = new backup_nested_element('question_bank_entries');
$questionbankentry = new backup_nested_element('question_bank_entry', ['id'],
$questionversions = new backup_nested_element('question_version');
$questionverion = new backup_nested_element('question_versions', ['id'], ['version', 'status']);
$questions = new backup_nested_element('questions');
$question = new backup_nested_element('question', ['id'],
// Attach qtype plugin structure to $question element, only one allowed.
$this->add_plugin_structure('qtype', $question, false);
// Attach qbank plugin stucture to $question element, multiple allowed.
$this->add_plugin_structure('qbank', $question, true);
// attach local plugin stucture to $question element, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $question, true);
$qhints = new backup_nested_element('question_hints');
$qhint = new backup_nested_element('question_hint', ['id'],
$tags = new backup_nested_element('tags');
$tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', ['id', 'contextid'], ['name', 'rawname']);
// Build the initial tree.
// Add question tags.
SELECT gc.*,
instanceid AS contextinstanceid
FROM {question_categories} gc
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON bi.itemid =
JOIN {context} co ON = gc.contextid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'question_categoryfinal'", [backup::VAR_BACKUPID]);
$questionbankentry->set_source_table('question_bank_entries', ['questioncategoryid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
$questionverion->set_source_table('question_versions', ['questionbankentryid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
FROM {question} q
JOIN {question_versions} qv ON qv.questionid =
JOIN {question_bank_entries} qbe ON = qv.questionbankentryid
WHERE = ?', [backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
FROM {question_hints}
WHERE questionid = :questionid
ORDER BY id', ['questionid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
$tag->set_source_sql("SELECT, ti.contextid,, t.rawname
FROM {tag} t
JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid =
WHERE ti.itemid = ?
AND ti.itemtype = 'question'
AND ti.component = 'core_question'", [backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
// Don't need to annotate ids nor files.
// ...(already done by {@see backup_annotate_all_question_files()}.
return $qcategories;
* This step will generate all the file annotations for the already
* annotated (final) users. Need to do this here because each user
* has its own context and structure tasks only are able to handle
* one context. Also, this step will guarantee that every user has
* its context created (req for other steps)
class backup_annotate_all_user_files extends backup_execution_step {
protected function define_execution() {
global $DB;
// List of fileareas we are going to annotate
$fileareas = array('profile', 'icon');
// Fetch all annotated (final) users
$rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array(
'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'userfinal'));
$progress = $this->task->get_progress();
foreach ($rs as $record) {
$userid = $record->itemid;
$userctx = context_user::instance($userid, IGNORE_MISSING);
if (!$userctx) {
continue; // User has not context, sure it's a deleted user, so cannot have files
// Proceed with every user filearea
foreach ($fileareas as $filearea) {
// We don't need to specify itemid ($userid - 5th param) as far as by
// context we can get all the associated files. See MDL-22092
backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $userctx->id, 'user', $filearea, null);
* Defines the backup step for advanced grading methods attached to the activity module
class backup_activity_grading_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Include the grading.xml only if the module supports advanced grading
protected function execute_condition() {
// No grades on the front page.
if ($this->get_courseid() == SITEID) {
return false;
return plugin_supports('mod', $this->get_task()->get_modulename(), FEATURE_ADVANCED_GRADING, false);
* Declares the gradable areas structures and data sources
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including userinfo
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
// Define the elements
$areas = new backup_nested_element('areas');
$area = new backup_nested_element('area', array('id'), array(
'areaname', 'activemethod'));
$definitions = new backup_nested_element('definitions');
$definition = new backup_nested_element('definition', array('id'), array(
'method', 'name', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'status',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'options'));
$instances = new backup_nested_element('instances');
$instance = new backup_nested_element('instance', array('id'), array(
'raterid', 'itemid', 'rawgrade', 'status', 'feedback',
'feedbackformat', 'timemodified'));
// Build the tree including the method specific structures
// (beware - the order of how gradingform plugins structures are attached is important)
// attach local plugin stucture to $area element, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $area, true);
$this->add_plugin_structure('gradingform', $definition, true);
// attach local plugin stucture to $definition element, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $definition, true);
$this->add_plugin_structure('gradingform', $instance, false);
// attach local plugin stucture to $instance element, multiple allowed
$this->add_plugin_structure('local', $instance, true);
// Define data sources
$area->set_source_table('grading_areas', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID,
'component' => array('sqlparam' => 'mod_'.$this->get_task()->get_modulename())));
$definition->set_source_table('grading_definitions', array('areaid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
if ($userinfo) {
$instance->set_source_table('grading_instances', array('definitionid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// Annotate references
$definition->annotate_files('grading', 'description', 'id');
$instance->annotate_ids('user', 'raterid');
// Return the root element
return $areas;
* structure step in charge of constructing the grades.xml file for all the grade items
* and letters related to one activity
class backup_activity_grades_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* No grades on the front page.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
return ($this->get_courseid() != SITEID);
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/constants.php');
// To know if we are including userinfo
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
// Define each element separated
$book = new backup_nested_element('activity_gradebook');
$items = new backup_nested_element('grade_items');
$item = new backup_nested_element('grade_item', array('id'), array(
'categoryid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule',
'iteminstance', 'itemnumber', 'iteminfo', 'idnumber',
'calculation', 'gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin',
'scaleid', 'outcomeid', 'gradepass', 'multfactor',
'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2', 'weightoverride',
'sortorder', 'display', 'decimals', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime',
'needsupdate', 'timecreated', 'timemodified'));
$grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades');
$grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin',
'rawscaleid', 'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden',
'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden',
'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information',
'informationformat', 'timecreated', 'timemodified',
'aggregationstatus', 'aggregationweight'));
$letters = new backup_nested_element('grade_letters');
$letter = new backup_nested_element('grade_letter', 'id', array(
'lowerboundary', 'letter'));
// Build the tree
// Define sources
$item->set_source_sql("SELECT gi.*
FROM {grade_items} gi
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'grade_item'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
// This only happens if we are including user info
if ($userinfo) {
$grade->set_source_table('grade_grades', array('itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$letter->set_source_table('grade_letters', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID));
// Annotations
$item->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'scaleid'); // Straight as scalefinal because it's > 0
$item->annotate_ids('outcome', 'outcomeid');
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'usermodified');
// Return the root element (book)
return $book;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the grade history of an activity.
* This step is added to the task regardless of the setting 'grade_histories'.
* The reason is to allow for a more flexible step in case the logic needs to be
* split accross different settings to control the history of items and/or grades.
class backup_activity_grade_history_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* No grades on the front page.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
return ($this->get_courseid() != SITEID);
protected function define_structure() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/constants.php');
// Settings to use.
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
$history = $this->get_setting_value('grade_histories');
// Create the nested elements.
$bookhistory = new backup_nested_element('grade_history');
$grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades');
$grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array(
'action', 'oldid', 'source', 'loggeduser', 'itemid', 'userid',
'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin', 'rawscaleid',
'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden',
'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information',
'informationformat', 'timemodified'));
// Build the tree.
// This only happens if we are including user info and history.
if ($userinfo && $history) {
// Define sources. Only select the history related to existing activity items.
$grade->set_source_sql("SELECT ggh.*
FROM {grade_grades_history} ggh
JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON ggh.itemid = bi.itemid
WHERE bi.backupid = ?
AND bi.itemname = 'grade_item'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID));
// Annotations.
$grade->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'rawscaleid'); // Straight as scalefinal because it's > 0.
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'loggeduser');
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'usermodified');
// Return the root element.
return $bookhistory;
* Backups up the course completion information for the course.
class backup_course_completion_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
protected function execute_condition() {
// No completion on front page.
if ($this->get_courseid() == SITEID) {
return false;
// Check that all activities have been included
if ($this->task->is_excluding_activities()) {
return false;
return true;
* The structure of the course completion backup
* @return backup_nested_element
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including user completion info
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userscompletion');
$cc = new backup_nested_element('course_completion');
$criteria = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_criteria', array('id'), array(
'course', 'criteriatype', 'module', 'moduleinstance', 'courseinstanceshortname', 'enrolperiod',
'timeend', 'gradepass', 'role', 'roleshortname'
$criteriacompletions = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_crit_completions');
$criteriacomplete = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_crit_compl', array('id'), array(
'criteriaid', 'userid', 'gradefinal', 'unenrolled', 'timecompleted'
$coursecompletions = new backup_nested_element('course_completions', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'course', 'timeenrolled', 'timestarted', 'timecompleted', 'reaggregate'
$aggregatemethod = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_aggr_methd', array('id'), array(
// We need some extra data for the restore.
// - courseinstances shortname rather than an ID.
// - roleshortname in case restoring on a different site.
$sourcesql = "SELECT ccc.*, c.shortname AS courseinstanceshortname, r.shortname AS roleshortname
FROM {course_completion_criteria} ccc
LEFT JOIN {course} c ON = ccc.courseinstance
LEFT JOIN {role} r ON = ccc.role
WHERE ccc.course = ?";
$criteria->set_source_sql($sourcesql, array(backup::VAR_COURSEID));
$aggregatemethod->set_source_table('course_completion_aggr_methd', array('course' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
if ($userinfo) {
$criteriacomplete->set_source_table('course_completion_crit_compl', array('criteriaid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$coursecompletions->set_source_table('course_completions', array('course' => backup::VAR_COURSEID));
$criteria->annotate_ids('role', 'role');
$criteriacomplete->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$coursecompletions->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
return $cc;
* Backup completion defaults for each module type.
* @package core_backup
* @copyright 2017 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class backup_completion_defaults_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* To conditionally decide if one step will be executed or no
protected function execute_condition() {
// No completion on front page.
if ($this->get_courseid() == SITEID) {
return false;
return true;
* The structure of the course completion backup
* @return backup_nested_element
protected function define_structure() {
$cc = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_defaults');
$defaults = new backup_nested_element('course_completion_default', array('id'), array(
'modulename', 'completion', 'completionview', 'completionusegrade', 'completionpassgrade',
'completionexpected', 'customrules'
// Use module name instead of module id so we can insert into another site later.
$sourcesql = "SELECT, as modulename, d.completion, d.completionview, d.completionusegrade,
d.completionpassgrade, d.completionexpected, d.customrules
FROM {course_completion_defaults} d join {modules} m on d.module =
WHERE d.course = ?";
$defaults->set_source_sql($sourcesql, array(backup::VAR_COURSEID));
return $cc;
* Structure step in charge of constructing the contentbank.xml file for all the contents found in a given context
class backup_contentbankcontent_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {
* Define structure for content bank step
protected function define_structure() {
// Define each element separated.
$contents = new backup_nested_element('contents');
$content = new backup_nested_element('content', ['id'], [
'name', 'contenttype', 'instanceid', 'configdata', 'usercreated', 'usermodified', 'timecreated', 'timemodified']);
// Build the tree.
// Define sources.
$content->set_source_table('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID]);
// Define annotations.
$content->annotate_ids('user', 'usercreated');
$content->annotate_ids('user', 'usermodified');
$content->annotate_files('contentbank', 'public', 'id');
// Return the root element (contents).
return $contents;