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synced 2025-02-23 03:18:07 +01:00
727 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
727 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
<?php // $Id$
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/enrol.class.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/const.php';
* enrolment_plugin_authorize
class enrolment_plugin_authorize
* Credit card error messages.
* @var array
* @access public
var $ccerrors = array();
* Cron log.
* @var string
* @access public
var $log;
* Shows a credit card form for registration.
* @param object $course Course info
* @access public
function print_entry($course)
global $CFG, $USER, $form;
if ($this->zero_cost($course) || isguest()) {
$manual = enrolment_factory::factory('manual');
return; // No money for guests ;)
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') {
if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
error(get_string('httpsrequired', 'enrol_authorize'));
} else {
$wwwsroot = str_replace('http:','https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
$teacher = get_teacher($course->id);
$strcourses = get_string('courses');
$strloginto = get_string('loginto', '', $course->shortname);
print_header($strloginto, $course->fullname, "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/\">$strcourses</a> -> $strloginto");
print_course($course, '80%');
if ($course->password) {
print_simple_box(get_string('choosemethod', 'enrol_authorize'), 'center');
$password = '';
include $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/manual/enrol.html';
include $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/enrol.html';
* Checks form params.
* @param object $form Form parameters
* @param object $course Course info
* @access public
function check_entry($form, $course) {
if ((!empty($form->password)) || isguest() || $this->zero_cost($course)) {
$manual = enrolment_factory::factory('manual');
$manual->check_entry($form, $course);
} elseif ((!empty($form->ccsubmit)) && $this->validate_enrol_form($form)) {
$this->cc_submit($form, $course);
* Credit card number mode.
* Send to authorize.net.
* @param object $form Form parameters
* @param object $course Course info
* @access private
function cc_submit($form, $course)
global $CFG, $USER, $SESSION;
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/action.php';
$useripno = getremoteaddr();
$curcost = $this->get_course_cost($course);
$exp_date = sprintf("%02d", $form->ccexpiremm) . $form->ccexpireyyyy;
$timenow = time();
$order = new stdClass();
$order->cclastfour = substr($form->cc, -4);
$order->ccname = $form->ccfirstname . " " . $form->cclastname;
$order->courseid = $course->id;
$order->userid = $USER->id;
$order->status = AN_STATUS_NONE; // it will be changed...
$order->settletime = 0; // cron changes this.
$order->transid = 0; // Transaction Id
$order->timecreated = $timenow;
$order->amount = $curcost['cost'];
$order->currency = $curcost['currency'];
$order->id = insert_record("enrol_authorize", $order);
if (!$order->id) {
$this->email_to_admin("Error while trying to insert new data", $order);
$this->ccerrors['header'] = "Insert record error. Admin has been notified!";
$extra = new stdClass();
$extra->x_card_num = $form->cc;
$extra->x_card_code = $form->cvv;
$extra->x_exp_date = $exp_date;
$extra->x_currency_code = $curcost['currency'];
$extra->x_amount = $curcost['cost'];
$extra->x_first_name = $form->ccfirstname;
$extra->x_last_name = $form->cclastname;
$extra->x_country = $form->cccountry;
$extra->x_address = $form->ccaddress;
$extra->x_state = $form->ccstate;
$extra->x_city = $form->cccity;
$extra->x_zip = $form->cczip;
$extra->x_invoice_num = $order->id;
$extra->x_description = $course->shortname;
$extra->x_cust_id = $USER->id;
$extra->x_email = $USER->email;
$extra->x_customer_ip = $useripno;
$extra->x_email_customer = empty($CFG->enrol_mailstudents) ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE';
$extra->x_phone = '';
$extra->x_fax = '';
$message = '';
$an_review = !empty($CFG->an_review);
$success = authorizenet_action($order, $message, $extra, $action);
if (!$success) {
$this->email_to_admin($message, $order);
$this->ccerrors['header'] = $message;
$SESSION->ccpaid = 1; // security check: don't duplicate payment
if ($order->transid == 0) { // TEST MODE
if ($an_review) {
redirect($CFG->wwwroot, get_string("reviewnotify", "enrol_authorize"), '30');
else {
$timestart = $timenow;
$timeend = $timestart + (3600 * 24); // just enrol for 1 days :)
enrol_student($USER->id, $course->id, $timestart, $timeend, 'authorize');
if ($an_review) { // review enabled, inform admin and redirect to main page.
if (update_record("enrol_authorize", $order)) {
$a->url = "$CFG->wwwroot/enrol/authorize/index.php?order=$order->id";
$a->orderid = $order->id;
$a->transid = $order->transid;
$a->amount = "$order->currency $order->amount";
$a->expireon = userdate(getsettletime($timenow + (30 * 3600 * 24)));
$a->captureon = userdate(getsettletime($timenow + (intval($CFG->an_capture_day) * 3600 * 24)));
$a->course = $course->fullname;
$a->user = fullname($USER);
$a->acstatus = ($CFG->an_capture_day > 0) ? get_string('yes') : get_string('no');
$emailmessage = get_string('adminneworder', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
$a->course = $course->shortname;
$a->orderid = $order->id;
$emailsubject = get_string('adminnewordersubject', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
$admins = get_admins();
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
email_to_user($admin, $USER, $emailsubject, $emailmessage);
else {
$this->email_to_admin("Error while trying to update data. Please edit manually this record: " .
"ID=$order->id in enrol_authorize table.", $order);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot, get_string("reviewnotify", "enrol_authorize"), '30');
// credit card captured, ENROL student...
if (!update_record("enrol_authorize", $order)) {
$this->email_to_admin("Error while trying to update data. Please edit manually this record: " .
"ID=$order->id in enrol_authorize table.", $order);
// no error occured??? enrol student??? return??? Database busy???
if ($course->enrolperiod) {
$timestart = $timenow;
$timeend = $timestart + $course->enrolperiod;
} else {
$timestart = $timeend = 0;
if (enrol_student($USER->id, $course->id, $timestart, $timeend, 'authorize')) {
$teacher = get_teacher($course->id);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_mailstudents)) {
$a->coursename = "$course->fullname";
$a->profileurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$USER->id";
get_string("enrolmentnew", '', $course->shortname),
get_string('welcometocoursetext', '', $a));
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_mailteachers)) {
$a->course = "$course->fullname";
$a->user = fullname($USER);
get_string("enrolmentnew", '', $course->shortname),
get_string('enrolmentnewuser', '', $a));
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_mailadmins)) {
$a->course = "$course->fullname";
$a->user = fullname($USER);
$admins = get_admins();
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
get_string("enrolmentnew", '', $course->shortname),
get_string('enrolmentnewuser', '', $a));
} else {
$this->email_to_admin("Error while trying to enrol ".fullname($USER)." in '$course->fullname'", $order);
if ($SESSION->wantsurl) {
$destination = $SESSION->wantsurl; unset($SESSION->wantsurl);
} else {
$destination = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id";
* validate_enrol_form
* @param object $form Form parameters
* @access private
function validate_enrol_form($form)
global $CFG;
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/ccval.php';
$ccexpiremm = intval($form->ccexpiremm);
$ccexpireyyyy = intval($form->ccexpireyyyy);
if (empty($ccexpiremm) || empty($ccexpireyyyy)) {
$this->ccerrors['ccexpire'] = get_string('missingccexpire', 'enrol_authorize');
$expdate = sprintf("%02d", $ccexpiremm) . strval($ccexpireyyyy);
$validcc = CCVal($form->cc, $form->cctype, $expdate);
if (!$validcc) {
if ($validcc === 0) {
$this->ccerrors['ccexpire'] = get_string('ccexpired', 'enrol_authorize');
else {
$this->ccerrors['cc'] = get_string('ccinvalid', 'enrol_authorize');
if (empty($form->ccfirstname) || empty($form->cclastname)) {
$this->ccerrors['ccfirstlast'] = get_string('missingfullname');
if (empty($form->cc)) {
$this->ccerrors['cc'] = get_string('missingcc', 'enrol_authorize');
if (empty($form->cvv) || !is_numeric($form->cvv)) {
$this->ccerrors['cvv'] = get_string('missingcvv', 'enrol_authorize');
if (empty($form->cctype)) {
$this->ccerrors['cctype'] = get_string('missingcctype', 'enrol_authorize');
if (!empty($CFG->an_avs)) {
if (empty($form->ccaddress)) {
$this->ccerrors['ccaddress'] = get_string('missingaddress', 'enrol_authorize');
if (empty($form->cccity)) {
$this->ccerrors['cccity'] = get_string('missingcity');
if (empty($form->cccountry)) {
$this->ccerrors['cccountry'] = get_string('missingcountry');
if (empty($form->cczip) || !is_numeric($form->cczip)) {
$this->ccerrors['cczip'] = get_string('missingzip', 'enrol_authorize');
if (!empty($this->ccerrors)) {
$this->ccerrors['header'] = get_string('someerrorswerefound');
return false;
return true;
* zero_cost
* @param unknown_type $course
* @return number
* @access private
function zero_cost($course) {
$curcost = $this->get_course_cost($course);
return (abs($curcost['cost']) < 0.01);
* get_course_cost
* @param object $course
* @return array
* @access private
function get_course_cost($course)
global $CFG;
$cost = (float)0;
$currency = (!empty($course->currency))
? $course->currency :( empty($CFG->enrol_currency)
? 'USD' : $CFG->enrol_currency );
if (!empty($course->cost)) {
$cost = (float)(((float)$course->cost) < 0) ? $CFG->enrol_cost : $course->cost;
$cost = format_float($cost, 2);
$ret = array('cost' => $cost, 'currency' => $currency);
return $ret;
* Gets access icons.
* @param object $course
* @return string
* @access public
function get_access_icons($course) {
$manual = enrolment_factory::factory('manual');
$str = $manual->get_access_icons($course);
$curcost = $this->get_course_cost($course);
if (abs($curcost['cost']) > 0.00) {
$strrequirespayment = get_string("requirespayment");
$strcost = get_string("cost");
$currency = $curcost['currency'];
switch ($currency) {
case 'USD': $currency = 'US$'; break;
case 'CAD': $currency = 'C$'; break;
case 'EUR': $currency = '€'; break;
case 'GBP': $currency = '£'; break;
case 'JPY': $currency = '¥'; break;
$str .= '<div class="cost" title="'.$strrequirespayment.'">'.$strcost.': ';
$str .= $currency . ' ' . $curcost['cost'].'</div>';
return $str;
* Shows config form & errors
* @param object $frm
* @access public
function config_form($frm)
global $CFG;
if (!$this->check_openssl_loaded()) {
notify('PHP must be compiled with SSL support (--with-openssl)');
if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
notify('$CFG->loginhttps must be ON');
if (!empty($frm->an_review)) {
$captureday = intval($frm->an_capture_day);
$emailexpired = intval($frm->an_emailexpired);
if ($captureday > 0 || $emailexpired > 0) {
$mconfig = get_config('enrol/authorize');
if ((time() - intval($mconfig->an_lastcron) > 3600 * 24)) {
notify(get_string('admincronsetup', 'enrol_authorize'));
if ($count = count_records('enrol_authorize', 'status', AN_STATUS_AUTH)) {
$a->count = $count;
$a->url = $CFG->wwwroot."/enrol/authorize/index.php?status=".AN_STATUS_AUTH;
notify(get_string('adminpendingorders', 'enrol_authorize', $a));
if (data_submitted()) {
if (empty($frm->an_login)) {
notify("an_login required");
if (empty($frm->an_tran_key) && empty($frm->an_password)) {
notify("an_tran_key or an_password required");
include $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/config.html';
* process_config
* @param object $config
* @return bool true if it will be saved.
* @access public
function process_config($config)
global $CFG;
// site settings
set_config('enrol_cost', optional_param('enrol_cost', 5, PARAM_INT));
set_config('enrol_currency', optional_param('enrol_currency', 'USD', PARAM_ALPHA));
set_config('enrol_mailstudents', optional_param('enrol_mailstudents', ''));
set_config('enrol_mailteachers', optional_param('enrol_mailteachers', ''));
set_config('enrol_mailadmins', optional_param('enrol_mailadmins', ''));
// optional authorize.net settings
set_config('an_avs', optional_param('an_avs', ''));
set_config('an_test', optional_param('an_test', ''));
set_config('an_teachermanagepay', optional_param('an_teachermanagepay', ''));
set_config('an_referer', optional_param('an_referer', 'http://', PARAM_URL));
$cutoff_hour = optional_param('an_cutoff_hour', 0, PARAM_INT);
$cutoff_min = optional_param('an_cutoff_min', 5, PARAM_INT);
set_config('an_cutoff', $cutoff_hour * 60 + $cutoff_min);
// cron depencies
$reviewval = optional_param('an_review', '');
$captureday = optional_param('an_capture_day', 5, PARAM_INT);
$emailexpired = optional_param('an_emailexpired', 2, PARAM_INT);
$captureday = ($captureday > 29) ? 29 : (($captureday < 0) ? 0 : $captureday);
$emailexpired = ($emailexpired > 5) ? 5 : (($emailexpired < 0) ? 0 : $emailexpired);
$mconfig = get_config('enrol/authorize');
if ((!empty($reviewval)) &&
($captureday > 0 || $emailexpired > 0) &&
(time() - intval($mconfig->an_lastcron) > 3600 * 24)) {
return false;
set_config('an_review', $reviewval);
set_config('an_capture_day', $captureday);
set_config('an_emailexpired', $emailexpired);
// required fields
$loginval = optional_param('an_login', '');
$tranval = optional_param('an_tran_key', '');
$passwordval = optional_param('an_password', '');
if (empty($CFG->loginhttps) || (!$this->check_openssl_loaded()) ||
empty($loginval) || (empty($tranval) && empty($passwordval))) {
return false;
set_config('an_login', $loginval);
set_config('an_password', $passwordval);
set_config('an_tran_key', $tranval);
return true;
* email_to_admin
* @param string $subject
* @param mixed $data
* @access private
function email_to_admin($subject, $data) {
$admin = get_admin();
$site = get_site();
$data = (array)$data;
$message = "$site->fullname: Transaction failed.\n\n$subject\n\n";
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$message .= "$key => $value\n";
email_to_user($admin, $admin, "CC ERROR: ".$subject, $message);
* prevent_double_paid
* @param object $course
* @access private
function prevent_double_paid($course)
global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER;
$status = empty($CFG->an_test) ? AN_STATUS_AUTH : AN_STATUS_NONE;
if ($rec=get_record('enrol_authorize','userid',$USER->id,'courseid',$course->id,'status',$status,'id')) {
$a->orderid = $rec->id;
$a->url = "$CFG->wwwroot/enrol/authorize/index.php?order=$a->orderid";
redirect($CFG->wwwroot, get_string("paymentpending", "enrol_authorize", $a), '20');
if (isset($SESSION->ccpaid)) {
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/login/logout.php');
* check_openssl_loaded
* @return bool
* @access private
function check_openssl_loaded() {
return extension_loaded('openssl');
* cron
* @access public
function cron()
global $CFG;
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/action.php';
$oneday = 86400;
$timenow = time();
$random100 = mt_rand(0, 100);
$timenowsettle = getsettletime($timenow);
$timediff30 = $timenowsettle - (30 * $oneday);
$mconfig = get_config('enrol/authorize');
set_config('an_lastcron', $timenow, 'enrol/authorize');
if ($random100 < 33) {
$select = "(status = '" .AN_STATUS_NONE. "') AND (timecreated < '$timediff30')";
delete_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
elseif ($random100 > 66) {
$select = "(status = '" .AN_STATUS_AUTH. "') AND (timecreated < '$timediff30')";
execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET status = '" .AN_STATUS_EXPIRE. "' WHERE $select", false);
else {
$timediff60 = $timenowsettle - (60 * $oneday);
$select = "(status = '" .AN_STATUS_EXPIRE. "') AND (timecreated < '$timediff60')";
delete_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
if (!empty($CFG->an_emailexpired) && intval($mconfig->an_nextmail) < $timenowsettle) {
set_config('an_nextmail', $timenowsettle + $oneday + 1, 'enrol/authorize');
$timediffem = $timenowsettle - ((30 - intval($CFG->an_emailexpired)) * $oneday);
$select = "(status = '" . AN_STATUS_AUTH . "') AND " .
"(timecreated < '$timediffem') AND (timecreated > '$timediff30')";
if ($count = count_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select)) {
$a->pending = $count;
$a->days = $CFG->an_emailexpired;
$a->enrolurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/users.php";
$a->url = $CFG->wwwroot."/enrol/authorize/index.php?status=".AN_STATUS_AUTH;
$message = get_string('pendingordersemail', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
$adminuser = get_admin();
email_to_user($adminuser, $adminuser, "WARNING: PENDING PAYMENTS", $a);
if (empty($CFG->an_review) || (!empty($CFG->an_test)) ||
(intval($CFG->an_capture_day) < 1) || (!$this->check_openssl_loaded())) {
$timediffcnf = $timenowsettle - (intval($CFG->an_capture_day) * $oneday);
$sql = "SELECT E.*, C.fullname, C.enrolperiod " .
"FROM {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize E " .
"INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course C ON C.id = E.courseid " .
"WHERE (status = '" .AN_STATUS_AUTH. "') " .
" AND (E.timecreated < '$timediffcnf') AND (E.timecreated > '$timediff30')";
if (!$orders = get_records_sql($sql)) {
$eachconn = intval($mconfig->an_eachconnsecs);
if (empty($eachconn)) $eachconn = 3;
elseif ($eachconn > 60) $eachconn = 60;
$ordercount = count((array)$orders);
if (($ordercount * $eachconn) + intval($mconfig->an_lastcron) > $timenow) {
$faults = '';
$sendem = array();
$elapsed = time();
$this->log = "AUTHORIZE.NET AUTOCAPTURE CRON: " . userdate($timenow) . "\n";
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$message = '';
$extra = NULL;
$oldstatus = $order->status;
$success = authorizenet_action($order, $message, $extra, AN_ACTION_PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE);
if ($success) {
if (!update_record("enrol_authorize", $order)) {
$this->email_to_admin("Error while trying to update data. Please edit manually this record: " .
"ID=$order->id in enrol_authorize table.", $order);
$timestart = $timeend = 0;
if ($order->enrolperiod) {
$timestart = $timenow;
$timeend = $order->settletime + $order->enrolperiod;
if (enrol_student($order->userid, $order->courseid, $timestart, $timeend, 'authorize')) {
$this->log .= "User($order->userid) has been enrolled to course($order->courseid).\n";
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_mailstudents)) {
$sendem[] = $order->id;
else {
$user = get_record('user', 'id', $order->userid);
$faults .= "Error while trying to enrol ".fullname($user)." in '$order->fullname' \n";
foreach ($order as $okey => $ovalue) {
$faults .= " $okey = $ovalue\n";
else {
$this->log .= "Order $order->id: " . $message . "\n";
if ($order->status != $oldstatus) { //expired
update_record("enrol_authorize", $order);
$timenow = time();
$elapsed = $timenow - $elapsed;
$eachconn = ceil($elapsed / $ordercount);
set_config('an_eachconnsecs', $eachconn, 'enrol/authorize');
$this->log .= "AUTHORIZE.NET CRON FINISHED: " . userdate($timenow);
$adminuser = get_admin();
if (!empty($faults)) {
email_to_user($adminuser, $adminuser, "AUTHORIZE.NET CRON FAULTS", $faults);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_mailadmins)) {
email_to_user($adminuser, $adminuser, "AUTHORIZE.NET CRON LOG", $this->log);
if (empty($sendem)) {
$lastcourse = 0;
$select = "SELECT E.id, E.courseid, E.userid, C.fullname " .
"FROM {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize E " .
"INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course C ON C.id = E.courseid " .
"WHERE E.id IN(" . implode(',', $sendem) . ") " .
"ORDER BY E.courseid";
$orders = get_records_sql($select);
foreach ($orders as $order)
if ($lastcourse != $order->courseid) {
$lastcourse = $order->courseid;
$teacher = get_teacher($lastcourse);
$user = get_record('user', 'id', $order->userid);
$a->coursename = $order->fullname;
$a->profileurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id";
email_to_user($user, $teacher,
get_string("enrolmentnew", '', $order->fullname),
get_string('welcometocoursetext', '', $a));