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796 lines
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796 lines
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<?php // $Id$
// Allows a teacher to create, edit and delete categories
$id = required_param('id'); // course id
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (isset($_REQUEST['backtoquiz'])) {
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers authorized to edit the course '{$course->fullname}' can use this page!");
/// Header:
print_header_simple(get_string('editcategories', 'quiz'), '',
"<a href=\"index.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz').'</a>'.
' -> '.get_string('editcategories', 'quiz'));
$qcobject = new quiz_category_object();
// Execute commands, but only if sesskey is o.k.
if (isset($_REQUEST['sesskey']) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) and !isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) {
/// 'confirm' is the category to move existing questions to
$qcobject->delete_category($_REQUEST['delete'], $_REQUEST['confirm']);
} else {
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['moveup'])) {
$qcobject->move_category_up_down('up', $_REQUEST['moveup']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['movedown'])) {
$qcobject->move_category_up_down('down', $_REQUEST['movedown']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['hide'])) {
$qcobject->publish_category(false, $_REQUEST['hide']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['move']) and isset($_REQUEST['moveto'])) {
$qcobject->move_category($_REQUEST['move'], $_REQUEST['moveto']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['publish'])) {
$qcobject->publish_category(true, $_REQUEST['publish']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['addcategory'])) {
$newparent = required_param('newparent');
$newcategory = required_param('newcategory');
$newinfo = required_param('newinfo');
$newpublish = required_param('newpublish');
$qcobject->add_category($newparent, $newcategory, $newinfo, $newpublish, $course->id);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['updateid'])) {
$updateparent = required_param('updateparent');
$updatename = required_param('updatename');
$updateinfo = required_param('updateinfo');
$updatepublish = required_param('updatepublish');
$qcobject->update_category($_REQUEST['updateid'], $updateparent, $updatename, $updateinfo, $updatepublish, $course->id);
* Class quiz_category_object
* Used for handling changes to the quiz categories
class quiz_category_object {
var $str;
var $pixpath;
var $edittable;
var $newtable;
var $tab;
var $tabsize = 3;
var $categories;
var $categorystrings;
var $defaultcategory;
var $course;
* Constructor
* Gets necessary strings and sets relevant path information
function quiz_category_object() {
global $CFG;
$this->tab = str_repeat(' ', $this->tabsize);
$this->str->course = get_string('course');
$this->str->category = get_string('category', 'quiz');
$this->str->categoryinfo = get_string('categoryinfo', 'quiz');
$this->str->questions = get_string('questions', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->movecategoryto = get_string('movecategoryto');
$this->str->delete = get_string('delete');
$this->str->moveup = get_string('moveup');
$this->str->movedown = get_string('movedown');
$this->str->edit = get_string('editthiscategory');
$this->str->hide = get_string('hide');
$this->str->publish = get_string('publish', 'quiz');
$this->str->order = get_string('order');
$this->str->parent = get_string('parent', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->action = get_string('action');
$this->str->top = get_string('top', 'quiz');
$this->str->addcategory = get_string('addcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->editcategory = get_string('editcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->cancel = get_string('cancel');
$this->str->editcategories = get_string('editcategories', 'quiz');
$this->pixpath = $CFG->pixpath;
* Sets the course for this object
* @param object course
function set_course($course) {
$this->course = $course;
* Displays the user interface
* @param object modform
function display_user_interface() {
/// Interface for adding a new category:
echo '<h2 align="center">';
echo $this->str->addcategory;
helpbutton("categories_edit", $this->str->addcategory, "quiz");
echo '</h2>';
echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
/// Interface for editing existing categories
echo '<h2 align="center">';
echo $this->str->editcategories;
helpbutton("categories", $this->str->editcategories, "quiz");
echo '</h2>';
echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
* Initializes this classes general category-related variables
function initialize() {
/// Get the existing categories
if (!$this->defaultcategory = quiz_get_default_category($this->course->id)) {
error("Error: Could not find or make a category!");
$this->categories = $this->get_quiz_categories(null, "parent, sortorder, name ASC");
$this->categories = $this->arrange_categories($this->categories);
// create the array of id=>full_name strings
$this->categorystrings = $this->expanded_category_strings($this->categories);
* Outputs a table to allow entry of a new category
function output_new_table() {
global $USER;
$publishoptions[0] = get_string("no");
$publishoptions[1] = get_string("yes");
$this->newtable->head = array ($this->str->parent, $this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->publish, $this->str->action);
$this->newtable->width = 200;
$this->newtable->data[] = array();
$this->newtable->tablealign = 'left';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to the table row
$viableparents[0] = $this->str->top;
$viableparents = $viableparents + $this->categorystrings;
$this->newtable->align['parent'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['parent'] = "nowrap";
$row['parent'] = choose_from_menu ($viableparents, "newparent", $this->str->top, "", "", "", true);
$this->newtable->align['category'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['category'] = "nowrap";
$row['category'] = '<input type="text" name="newcategory" value="" size="15" />';
$this->newtable->align['info'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['info'] = "nowrap";
$row['info'] = '<input type="text" name="newinfo" value="" size="50" />';
$this->newtable->align['publish'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['publish'] = "nowrap";
$row['publish'] = choose_from_menu ($publishoptions, "newpublish", "", "", "", "", true);
$this->newtable->align['action'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['action'] = "nowrap";
$row['action'] = '<input type="submit" value="' . $this->str->add . '" />';
$this->newtable->data[] = $row;
// wrap the table in a form and output it
echo '<form action="category.php" method="post">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\">";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $this->course->id . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="addcategory" value="true" />';
echo make_table($this->newtable);
echo '</form>';
* Outputs a table to allow editing/rearranging of existing categories
* $this->initialize() must have already been called
* @param object course
function output_edit_table() {
$this->edittable->head = array ($this->str->course, $this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->questions, $this->str->publish,
$this->str->delete, $this->str->order, $this->str->movecategoryto);
$this->edittable->width = 200;
$this->edittable->tablealign = 'left';
// get list of short names to add to the course display. Only necessary if user has admin view.
if (isadmin()) {
$keys = implode(',', $this->get_course_ids($this->categories));
$courses = get_records_select_menu('course', "id in ($keys)", '', 'id, shortname');
} else {
$courses = $this->course->shortname;
$this->build_edit_table_body($this->categories, $courses);
echo make_table($this->edittable);
* Recursively builds up the edit-categories table body
* @param array categories contains category objects in a tree representation
* @param mixed courses String with shortname of course | array containing courseid=>shortname
* @param int depth controls the indenting
function build_edit_table_body($categories, $courses, $depth = 0) {
$countcats = count($categories);
$count = 0;
$first = true;
$last = false;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($count == $countcats) {
$last = true;
$up = $first ? false : true;
$down = $last ? false : true;
$first = false;
$courseshortname = is_string($courses) ? $courses : $courses[$category->course];
$this->quiz_edit_category_row($category, $courseshortname, $depth, $up, $down);
if (isset($category->children)) {
$this->build_edit_table_body($category->children, $courses, $depth + 1);
* gets all the courseids for the given categories
* @param array categories contains category objects in a tree representation
* @return array courseids flat array in form categoryid=>courseid
function get_course_ids($categories) {
$courseids = array();
foreach ($categories as $key=>$cat) {
$courseids[$key] = $cat->course;
if (!empty($cat->children)) {
$courseids = array_merge($courseids, $this->get_course_ids($cat->children));
return $courseids;
* Constructs each row of the edit-categories table
* @param object category
* @param int depth controls the indenting
* @param string shortname short name of the course
* @param boolean up can it be moved up?
* @param boolean down can it be moved down?
function quiz_edit_category_row($category, $shortname, $depth, $up = false, $down = false) {
global $USER;
$fill = str_repeat($this->tab, $depth);
$linkcss = $category->publish ? '' : ' class="dimmed"';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to this table row
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.course"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.course"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->id.course"] = $shortname;
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.name"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.name"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->id.name"] = '<a ' . $linkcss . 'title="' . $this->str->edit. '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&edit=' . $category->id . '&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0"
alt="' .$this->str->edit. '" /> ' . $fill . $category->name . '</a>';
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.info"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.info"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->id.info"] = '<a ' . $linkcss . 'title="' . $this->str->edit .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&edit=' . $category->id . '&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">' . $category->info . '</a>';
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.qcount"] = "center";
$row["$category->id.qcount"] = $category->questioncount;
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.publish"] = "center";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.publish"] = "nowrap";
if (!empty($category->publish)) {
$row["$category->id.publish"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->hide . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&hide=' . $category->id .
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/hide.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->hide. '" /></a> ';
} else {
$row["$category->id.publish"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->publish . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&publish=' . $category->id .
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/show.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->publish. '" /></a> ';
if ($category->id != $this->defaultcategory) {
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.delete"] = "center";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.delete"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->id.delete"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->delete . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&delete=' . $category->id . '&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->delete. '" /></a> ';
} else {
$row["$category->id.delete"] = '';
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.order"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.order"] = "nowrap";
$icons = '';
if ($up) {
$icons .= '<a title="' . $this->str->moveup .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&moveup=' . $category->id . '&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">
<img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/up.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' . $this->str->moveup. '" /></a> ';
if ($down) {
$icons .= '<a title="' . $this->str->movedown .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&movedown=' . $category->id . '&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">
<img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/down.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->movedown. '" /></a> ';
$row["$category->id.order"]= $icons;
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.moveto"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.moveto"] = "nowrap";
if ($category->id != $this->defaultcategory) {
$viableparents = $this->categorystrings;
$this->set_viable_parents($viableparents, $category);
$viableparents = array(0=>$this->str->top) + $viableparents;
$row["$category->id.moveto"] = popup_form ("category.php?id={$this->course->id}&move={$category->id}&sesskey=$USER->sesskey&moveto=",
$viableparents, "moveform{$category->id}", "$category->parent", "", "", "", true);
} else {
$this->edittable->data[$category->id] = $row;
function edit_single_category($categoryid) {
/// Interface for adding a new category
global $USER;
/// Interface for editing existing categories
if ($category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
echo '<h2 align="center">';
echo $this->str->edit;
helpbutton("categories_edit", $this->str->editcategory, "quiz");
echo '</h2>';
echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><form action="category.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.$USER->sesskey.'">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->course->id . '" />
<input type="submit" value="' . $this->str->cancel . '" /></form></div></p>';
} else {
error("Category $categoryid not found", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
* Outputs a table to allow editing of an existing category
* @param object category
function output_edit_single_table($category) {
global $USER;
$publishoptions[0] = get_string("no");
$publishoptions[1] = get_string("yes");
$strupdate = get_string('update');
unset ($edittable);
$edittable->head = array ($this->str->parent, $this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->publish, $this->str->action);
$edittable->width = 200;
$edittable->data[] = array();
$edittable->tablealign = 'center';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to the table row
$viableparents = $this->categorystrings;
$this->set_viable_parents($viableparents, $category);
$viableparents = array(0=>$this->str->top) + $viableparents;
$edittable->align['parent'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['parent'] = "nowrap";
$row['parent'] = choose_from_menu ($viableparents, "updateparent", "{$category->parent}", "", "", "", true);
$edittable->align['category'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['category'] = "nowrap";
$row['category'] = '<input type="text" name="updatename" value="' . $category->name . '" size="15" />';
$edittable->align['info'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['info'] = "nowrap";
$row['info'] = '<input type="text" name="updateinfo" value="' . $category->info . '" size="50" />';
$edittable->align['publish'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['publish'] = "nowrap";
$selected = (boolean)$category->publish ? 1 : 0;
$row['publish'] = choose_from_menu ($publishoptions, "updatepublish", $selected, "", "", "", true);
$edittable->align['action'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['action'] = "nowrap";
$row['action'] = '<input type="submit" value="' . $strupdate . '" />';
$edittable->data[] = $row;
// wrap the table in a form and output it
echo '<p><form action="category.php" method="post">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\">";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $this->course->id . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="updateid" value=' . $category->id . '" />';
echo make_table($edittable);
echo '</form></p>';
* Creates an array of "full-path" category strings
* Structure:
* key => string
* where key is the category id, and string contains the name of all ancestors as well as the particular category name
* E.g. '123'=>'Language / English / Grammar / Modal Verbs"
* @param array $categories an array containing categories arranged in a tree structure
function expanded_category_strings($categories, $parent=null) {
$prefix = is_null($parent) ? '' : "$parent / ";
$categorystrings = array();
foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
$expandedname = "$prefix$category->name";
$categorystrings[$key] = $expandedname;
if (isset($category->children)) {
$categorystrings = $categorystrings + $this->expanded_category_strings($category->children, $expandedname);
return $categorystrings;
* Arranges the categories into a heirarchical tree
* If a category has children, it's "children" property holds an array of children
* The questioncount for each category is also calculated
* @param array records a flat list of the categories
* @return array categorytree a hierarchical list of the categories
function arrange_categories($records) {
//todo: get the question count for all records with one sql statement: select category, count(*) from quiz_questions group by category
$levels = array();
// build a levels array, which places each record according to it's depth from the top level
$parents = array(0);
while (!empty($parents)) {
$children = array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (in_array($record->parent, $parents)) {
$children[] = $record->id;
if (!empty($children)) {
$levels[] = $children;
$parents = $children;
// if there is no heirarchy (e.g., if all records have parent == 0), set level[0] to these keys
if (empty($levels)) {
$levels[0] = array_keys($records);
// build a heirarchical array that depicts the parent-child relationships of the categories
$categorytree = array();
for ($index = count($levels) - 1; $index >= 0; $index--) {
foreach($levels[$index] as $key) {
$parentkey = $records[$key]->parent;
if (!($records[$key]->questioncount = count_records('quiz_questions', 'category', $records[$key]->id))) {
$records[$key]->questioncount = 0;
if ($parentkey == 0) {
$categorytree[$key] = $records[$key];
} else {
$records[$parentkey]->children[$key] = $records[$key];
return $categorytree;
* Sets the viable parents
* Viable parents are any except for the category itself, or any of it's descendants
* The parentstrings parameter is passed by reference and changed by this function.
* @param array parentstrings a list of parentstrings
* @param object category
function set_viable_parents(&$parentstrings, $category) {
if (isset($category->children)) {
foreach ($category->children as $child) {
$this->set_viable_parents($parentstrings, $child);
* Gets quiz categories
* @param int parent - if given, restrict records to those with this parent id.
* @param string sort - [[sortfield [,sortfield]] {ASC|DESC}]
* @return array categories
function get_quiz_categories($parent=null, $sort="sortorder ASC") {
$admin = isadmin();
if ($admin) {
if (is_null($parent)) {
$categories = get_records("quiz_categories", "", "", $sort);
} else {
$categories = get_records("quiz_categories", "parent", $parent, $sort);
} else {
if (is_null($parent)) {
$categories = get_records('quiz_categories', 'course', "{$this->course->id}", $sort);
} else {
$select = "parent = '$parent' AND course = '{$this->course->id}'";
$categories = get_records_select('quiz_categories', $select, $sort);
return $categories;
* Deletes an existing quiz category
* @param int deletecat id of category to delete
* @param int destcategoryid id of category which will inherit the orphans of deletecat
function delete_category($deletecat, $destcategoryid = null) {
global $USER;
if (!$category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $deletecat)) { // security
error("No such category $deletecat!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
if (!is_null($destcategoryid)) { // Need to move some questions before deleting the category
if (!$category2 = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $destcategoryid)) { // security
error("No such category $destcategoryid!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
if (! quiz_move_questions($category->id, $category2->id)) {
error("Error while moving questions from category '$category->name' to '$category2->name'", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
} else {
if ($count = count_records("quiz_questions", "category", $category->id)) {
$vars->name = $category->name;
$vars->count = $count;
print_simple_box(get_string("categorymove", "quiz", $vars), "center");
$categorystrings = $this->categorystrings;
unset ($categorystrings[$category->id]);
echo "<p><div align=\"center\"><form action=\"category.php\" method=\"get\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$this->course->id}\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"delete\" value=\"$category->id\" />";
choose_from_menu($categorystrings, "confirm", "", "");
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"". get_string("categorymoveto", "quiz") . "\" />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"{$this->str->cancel}\" />";
echo "</form></div></p>";
delete_records("quiz_categories", "id", $category->id);
/// Send the children categories to live with their grandparent
if ($childcats = get_records("quiz_categories", "parent", $category->id)) {
foreach ($childcats as $childcat) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "parent", $category->parent, "id", $childcat->id)) {
error("Could not update a child category!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
/// Finally delete the category itself
if (delete_records("quiz_categories", "id", $category->id)) {
notify(get_string("categorydeleted", "", $category->name), 'green');
* Moves a category up or down in the display order
* @param string direction up|down
* @param int categoryid id of category to move
function move_category_up_down ($direction, $categoryid) {
/// Move a category up or down
$swapcategory = NULL;
$movecategory = NULL;
if ($direction == 'up') {
if ($movecategory = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
$categories = $this->get_quiz_categories("$movecategory->parent", 'parent, sortorder, name');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if ($direction == 'down') {
if ($movecategory = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
$categories = $this->get_quiz_categories("$movecategory->parent", 'parent, sortorder, name');
$choosenext = false;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($choosenext) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$choosenext = true;
if ($swapcategory and $movecategory) { // Renumber everything for robustness
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $swapcategory->id) {
$category = $movecategory;
} else if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$category = $swapcategory;
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "sortorder", $count, "id", $category->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Changes the parent of a category
* @param int categoryid
* @param int parentid
function move_category($categoryid, $parentid) {
/// Move a category to a new parent
if ($tempcat = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
if ($tempcat->parent != $parentid) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "parent", $parentid, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Changes the published status of a category
* @param boolean publish
* @param int categoryid
function publish_category($publish, $categoryid) {
/// Hide or publish a category
$publish = ($publish == false) ? 0 : 1;
$tempcat = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid);
if ($tempcat) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "publish", $publish, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Creates a new category with given params
* @param int newparent
* @param string newcategory the name
* @param string newinfo
* @param int newpublish
* @param int newcourse the id of the associated course
function add_category($newparent, $newcategory, $newinfo, $newpublish, $newcourse) {
$cat = NULL;
$cat->parent = $newparent;
$cat->name = $newcategory;
$cat->info = $newinfo;
$cat->publish = $newpublish;
$cat->course = $newcourse;
$cat->sortorder = 999;
$cat->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
if (!insert_record("quiz_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not insert the new quiz category '$newcategory'", "category.php?id={$newcourse}");
} else {
notify(get_string("categoryadded", "", $newcategory), 'green');
* Updates an existing category with given params
* @param int updateid
* @param int updateparent
* @param string updatename
* @param string updateinfo
* @param int updatepublish
* @param int courseid the id of the associated course
function update_category($updateid, $updateparent, $updatename, $updateinfo, $updatepublish, $courseid) {
$cat = NULL;
$cat->id = $updateid;
$cat->parent = $updateparent;
$cat->name = $updatename;
$cat->info = $updateinfo;
$cat->publish = $updatepublish;
if (!update_record("quiz_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not update the category '$updatename'", "category.php?id={$courseid}");
} else {
notify(get_string("categoryupdated", 'quiz'), 'green');