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173 lines
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173 lines
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<?php // $Id$
// A quick way to add lots of questions to a category (and a quiz)
$category = required_param('category');
// This script can only be called while editing a quiz
if (!isset($SESSION->modform)) {
error('You have used this page incorrectly!');
} else {
$modform = $SESSION->modform;
if (! $category = get_record('quiz_categories', 'id', $category)) {
error('Course ID is incorrect');
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $category->course)) {
error('Course ID is incorrect');
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error('Only teachers can use this page!');
/// If data submitted, then process and store.
if ($form = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey()) {
if ($form->randomcreate > 0) {
$newquestionids = array(); // this will hold the ids of the random questions
// find existing random questions in this category
$random = RANDOM;
if ($existingquestions = get_records_select('quiz_questions', "qtype = '$random' AND category = '$category->id'")) {
// now remove the ones that are already used in this quiz
if ($questionids = explode(',', $modform->questions)) {
foreach ($questionids as $questionid) {
// now take as many of these as needed
$i = 0;
while (($existingquestion = array_pop($existingquestions)) and ($i < $form->randomcreate)) {
if ($existingquestion->questiontext == "$form->recurse") {
// this question has the right recurse property, so use it
$newquestionids[] = $existingquestion->id;
$randomcreate = $form->randomcreate - $i; // the number of additional random questions needed.
} else {
$randomcreate = $form->randomcreate;
if ($randomcreate > 0) {
$question->qtype = RANDOM;
$question->category = $category->id;
$question->name = get_string('random', 'quiz') .' ('. $category->name .')';
$question->questiontext = "$form->recurse"; // we use the questiontext field to store the info
// on whether to include questions in subcategories
$question->image = '';
$question->defaultgrade = $form->randomgrade;
for ($i=0; $i<$randomcreate; $i++) {
$question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed)
if (!$newquestionids[] = insert_record('quiz_questions', $question)) {
error('Could not insert new random question!');
// Add them to the quiz
if (!empty($modform->questions)) {
$questionids = explode(',', $modform->questions);
} else {
$questionids = array();
foreach ($newquestionids as $newquestionid) {
$modform->grades[$newquestionid] = $form->randomgrade;
$modform->sumgrades += $form->randomgrade;
$newquestionids = array_merge($questionids, $newquestionids);
$modform->questions = implode(',', $newquestionids);
$SESSION->modform = $modform;
if (!set_field('quiz', 'questions', $modform->questions, 'id', $modform->instance)) {
error('Could not save question list');
quiz_questiongrades_update($modform->grades, $modform->instance);
/// Otherwise print the form
/// Print headings
$strquestions = get_string('questions', 'quiz');
$strpublish = get_string('publish', 'quiz');
$strdelete = get_string('delete');
$straction = get_string('action');
$stradd = get_string('add');
$strcancel = get_string('cancel');
$strsavechanges = get_string('savechanges');
$strbacktoquiz = get_string('backtoquiz', 'quiz');
$strquizzes = get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz');
$streditingquiz = get_string(isset($SESSION->modform->instance) ? 'editingquiz' : 'editquestions', 'quiz');
$strcreatemultiple = get_string('createmultiple', 'quiz');
print_header_simple($strcreatemultiple, $strcreatemultiple,
"<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/quiz/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strquizzes</a>".
" -> <a href=\"edit.php\">$streditingquiz</a> -> $strcreatemultiple");
print_heading_with_help($strcreatemultiple, 'createmultiple', 'quiz');
if (!$categories = quiz_get_category_menu($course->id, true)) {
error('No categories!');
for ($i=1;$i<=100; $i++) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
for ($i=1;$i<=10; $i++) {
$gradecount[$i] = $i;
$options = array();
$options[0] = get_string('no');
$options[1] = get_string('yes');
echo '<form method="POST" action="multiple.php">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\">";
echo '<table cellpadding="5">';
echo '<tr><td align="right">';
print_string('category', 'quiz');
echo ':</td><td>';
// choose_from_menu($categories, "category", "$category->id", "");
quiz_category_select_menu($course->id, true, true, $category->id );
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td align="right">';
print_string('randomcreate', 'quiz');
echo ':</td><td>';
choose_from_menu($randomcount, 'randomcreate', '10', '');
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td align="right">';
print_string('defaultgrade', 'quiz');
echo ':</td><td>';
choose_from_menu($gradecount, 'randomgrade', '1', '');
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td> </td><td>';
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="category" value="'. $category->id .'" />';
echo ' <input type="submit" name="save" value="'. get_string('add') .'" />';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</form>';