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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Search subsystem manager.
* @package core_search
* @copyright Prateek Sachan {@link http://prateeksachan.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_search;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/accesslib.php');
* Search subsystem manager.
* @package core_search
* @copyright Prateek Sachan {@link http://prateeksachan.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {
* @var int Text contents.
const TYPE_TEXT = 1;
* @var int File contents.
const TYPE_FILE = 2;
* @var int User can not access the document.
const ACCESS_DENIED = 0;
* @var int User can access the document.
* @var int The document was deleted.
* @var int Maximum number of results that will be retrieved from the search engine.
const MAX_RESULTS = 100;
* @var int Number of results per page.
* @var int The id to be placed in owneruserid when there is no owner.
const NO_OWNER_ID = 0;
* @var \core_search\area\base[] Enabled search areas.
protected static $enabledsearchareas = null;
* @var \core_search\area\base[] All system search areas.
protected static $allsearchareas = null;
* @var \core_search\manager
protected static $instance = null;
* @var \core_search\engine
protected $engine = null;
* Constructor, use \core_search\manager::instance instead to get a class instance.
* @param \core_search\area\base The search engine to use
public function __construct($engine) {
$this->engine = $engine;
* Returns an initialised \core_search instance.
* @see \core_search\engine::is_installed
* @see \core_search\engine::is_server_ready
* @throws \core_search\engine_exception
* @return \core_search\manager
public static function instance() {
global $CFG;
// One per request, this should be purged during testing.
if (static::$instance !== null) {
return static::$instance;
if (!$engine = static::search_engine_instance()) {
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotfound', 'search', '', $CFG->searchengine);
if (!$engine->is_installed()) {
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotinstalled', 'search', '', $CFG->searchengine);
$serverstatus = $engine->is_server_ready();
if ($serverstatus !== true) {
// Error message with no details as this is an exception that any user may find if the server crashes.
throw new \core_search\engine_exception('engineserverstatus', 'search');
static::$instance = new \core_search\manager($engine);
return static::$instance;
* Returns whether global search is enabled or not.
* @return bool
public static function is_global_search_enabled() {
global $CFG;
return !empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch);
* Returns an instance of the search engine.
* @return \core_search\engine
public static function search_engine_instance() {
global $CFG;
$classname = '\\search_' . $CFG->searchengine . '\\engine';
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
return false;
return new $classname();
* Returns the search engine.
* @return \core_search\engine
public function get_engine() {
return $this->engine;
* Returns a search area class name.
* @param string $areaid
* @return string
protected static function get_area_classname($areaid) {
list($componentname, $areaname) = static::extract_areaid_parts($areaid);
return '\\' . $componentname . '\\search\\' . $areaname;
* Returns a new area search indexer instance.
* @param string $areaid
* @return \core_search\area\base|bool False if the area is not available.
public static function get_search_area($areaid) {
// Try both caches, it does not matter where it comes from.
if (!empty(static::$allsearchareas[$areaid])) {
return static::$allsearchareas[$areaid];
if (!empty(static::$enabledsearchareas[$areaid])) {
return static::$enabledsearchareas[$areaid];
$classname = static::get_area_classname($areaid);
if (class_exists($classname)) {
return new $classname();
return false;
* Return the list of available search areas.
* @param bool $enabled Return only the enabled ones.
* @return \core_search\area\base[]
public static function get_search_areas_list($enabled = false) {
// Two different arrays, we don't expect these arrays to be big.
if (!$enabled && static::$allsearchareas !== null) {
return static::$allsearchareas;
} else if ($enabled && static::$enabledsearchareas !== null) {
return static::$enabledsearchareas;
$searchareas = array();
$plugintypes = \core_component::get_plugin_types();
foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $unused) {
$plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list($plugintype);
foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $pluginfullpath) {
$componentname = $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname;
$searchclasses = \core_component::get_component_classes_in_namespace($componentname, 'search');
foreach ($searchclasses as $classname => $classpath) {
$areaname = substr(strrchr($classname, '\\'), 1);
$areaid = static::generate_areaid($componentname, $areaname);
$searchclass = new $classname();
if (!$enabled || ($enabled && $searchclass->is_enabled())) {
$searchareas[$areaid] = $searchclass;
$subsystems = \core_component::get_core_subsystems();
foreach ($subsystems as $subsystemname => $subsystempath) {
$componentname = 'core_' . $subsystemname;
$searchclasses = \core_component::get_component_classes_in_namespace($componentname, 'search');
foreach ($searchclasses as $classname => $classpath) {
$areaname = substr(strrchr($classname, '\\'), 1);
$areaid = static::generate_areaid($componentname, $areaname);
$searchclass = new $classname();
if (!$enabled || ($enabled && $searchclass->is_enabled())) {
$searchareas[$areaid] = $searchclass;
// Cache results.
if ($enabled) {
static::$enabledsearchareas = $searchareas;
} else {
static::$allsearchareas = $searchareas;
return $searchareas;
* Clears all static caches.
* @return void
public static function clear_static() {
static::$enabledsearchareas = null;
static::$allsearchareas = null;
static::$instance = null;
* Generates an area id from the componentname and the area name.
* There should not be any naming conflict as the area name is the
* class name in component/classes/search/.
* @param string $componentname
* @param string $areaname
* @return void
public static function generate_areaid($componentname, $areaname) {
return $componentname . '-' . $areaname;
* Returns all areaid string components (component name and area name).
* @param string $areaid
* @return array Component name (Frankenstyle) and area name (search area class name)
public static function extract_areaid_parts($areaid) {
return explode('-', $areaid);
* Returns the contexts the user can access.
* The returned value is a multidimensional array because some search engines can group
* information and there will be a performance benefit on passing only some contexts
* instead of the whole context array set.
* @param array|false $limitcourseids An array of course ids to limit the search to. False for no limiting.
* @return bool|array Indexed by area identifier (component + area name). Returns true if the user can see everything.
protected function get_areas_user_accesses($limitcourseids = false) {
global $CFG, $USER;
// All results for admins. Eventually we could add a new capability for managers.
if (is_siteadmin()) {
return true;
$areasbylevel = array();
// Split areas by context level so we only iterate only once through courses and cms.
$searchareas = static::get_search_areas_list(true);
foreach ($searchareas as $areaid => $unused) {
$classname = static::get_area_classname($areaid);
$searcharea = new $classname();
foreach ($classname::get_levels() as $level) {
$areasbylevel[$level][$areaid] = $searcharea;
// This will store area - allowed contexts relations.
$areascontexts = array();
if (empty($limitcourseids) && !empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_SYSTEM])) {
// We add system context to all search areas working at this level. Here each area is fully responsible of
// the access control as we can not automate much, we can not even check guest access as some areas might
// want to allow guests to retrieve data from them.
$systemcontextid = \context_system::instance()->id;
foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_SYSTEM] as $areaid => $searchclass) {
$areascontexts[$areaid][] = $systemcontextid;
// Get the courses where the current user has access.
$courses = enrol_get_my_courses(array('id', 'cacherev'));
if (empty($limitcourseids) || in_array(SITEID, $limitcourseids)) {
$courses[SITEID] = get_course(SITEID);
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if (!empty($limitcourseids) && !in_array($course->id, $limitcourseids)) {
// Skip non-included courses.
// Info about the course modules.
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_COURSE])) {
// Add the course contexts the user can view.
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_COURSE] as $areaid => $searchclass) {
if ($course->visible || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $coursecontext)) {
$areascontexts[$areaid][$coursecontext->id] = $coursecontext->id;
if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_MODULE])) {
// Add the module contexts the user can view (cm_info->uservisible).
foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_MODULE] as $areaid => $searchclass) {
// Removing the plugintype 'mod_' prefix.
$modulename = substr($searchclass->get_component_name(), 4);
$modinstances = $modinfo->get_instances_of($modulename);
foreach ($modinstances as $modinstance) {
if ($modinstance->uservisible) {
$areascontexts[$areaid][$modinstance->context->id] = $modinstance->context->id;
return $areascontexts;
* Returns requested page of documents plus additional information for paging.
* This function does not perform any kind of security checking for access, the caller code
* should check that the current user have moodle/search:query capability.
* If a page is requested that is beyond the last result, the last valid page is returned in
* results, and actualpage indicates which page was returned.
* @param stdClass $formdata
* @param int $pagenum The 0 based page number.
* @return object An object with 3 properties:
* results => An array of \core_search\documents for the actual page.
* totalcount => Number of records that are possibly available, to base paging on.
* actualpage => The actual page returned.
public function paged_search(\stdClass $formdata, $pagenum) {
$out = new \stdClass();
$perpage = static::DISPLAY_RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
// Make sure we only allow request up to max page.
$pagenum = min($pagenum, (static::MAX_RESULTS / $perpage) - 1);
// Calculate the first and last document number for the current page, 1 based.
$mindoc = ($pagenum * $perpage) + 1;
$maxdoc = ($pagenum + 1) * $perpage;
// Get engine documents, up to max.
$docs = $this->search($formdata, $maxdoc);
$resultcount = count($docs);
if ($resultcount < $maxdoc) {
// This means it couldn't give us results to max, so the count must be the max.
$out->totalcount = $resultcount;
} else {
// Get the possible count reported by engine, and limit to our max.
$out->totalcount = $this->engine->get_query_total_count();
$out->totalcount = min($out->totalcount, static::MAX_RESULTS);
// Determine the actual page.
if ($resultcount < $mindoc) {
// We couldn't get the min docs for this page, so determine what page we can get.
$out->actualpage = floor(($resultcount - 1) / $perpage);
} else {
$out->actualpage = $pagenum;
// Split the results to only return the page.
$out->results = array_slice($docs, $out->actualpage * $perpage, $perpage, true);
return $out;
* Returns documents from the engine based on the data provided.
* This function does not perform any kind of security checking, the caller code
* should check that the current user have moodle/search:query capability.
* It might return the results from the cache instead.
* @param stdClass $formdata
* @param int $limit The maximum number of documents to return
* @return \core_search\document[]
public function search(\stdClass $formdata, $limit = 0) {
global $USER;
$limitcourseids = false;
if (!empty($formdata->courseids)) {
$limitcourseids = $formdata->courseids;
// Clears previous query errors.
$areascontexts = $this->get_areas_user_accesses($limitcourseids);
if (!$areascontexts) {
// User can not access any context.
$docs = array();
} else {
$docs = $this->engine->execute_query($formdata, $areascontexts, $limit);
return $docs;
* Merge separate index segments into one.
public function optimize_index() {
* Index all documents.
* @param bool $fullindex Whether we should reindex everything or not.
* @throws \moodle_exception
* @return bool Whether there was any updated document or not.
public function index($fullindex = false) {
global $CFG;
// Unlimited time.
// Notify the engine that an index starting.
$sumdocs = 0;
$searchareas = $this->get_search_areas_list(true);
foreach ($searchareas as $areaid => $searcharea) {
mtrace('Processing ' . $searcharea->get_visible_name() . ' area');
// Notify the engine that an area is starting.
$this->engine->area_index_starting($searcharea, $fullindex);
$indexingstart = time();
// This is used to store this component config.
list($componentconfigname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name();
$numrecords = 0;
$numdocs = 0;
$numdocsignored = 0;
$lastindexeddoc = 0;
$prevtimestart = intval(get_config($componentconfigname, $varname . '_indexingstart'));
if ($fullindex === true) {
$referencestarttime = 0;
} else {
$referencestarttime = $prevtimestart;
// Getting the recordset from the area.
$recordset = $searcharea->get_recordset_by_timestamp($referencestarttime);
// Pass get_document as callback.
$fileindexing = $this->engine->file_indexing_enabled() && $searcharea->uses_file_indexing();
$options = array('indexfiles' => $fileindexing, 'lastindexedtime' => $prevtimestart);
$iterator = new \core\dml\recordset_walk($recordset, array($searcharea, 'get_document'), $options);
foreach ($iterator as $document) {
if (!$document instanceof \core_search\document) {
if ($prevtimestart == 0) {
// If we have never indexed this area before, it must be new.
if ($fileindexing) {
// Attach files if we are indexing.
if ($this->engine->add_document($document, $fileindexing)) {
} else {
$lastindexeddoc = $document->get('modified');
if ($numdocs > 0) {
mtrace('Processed ' . $numrecords . ' records containing ' . $numdocs . ' documents for ' .
$searcharea->get_visible_name() . ' area.');
} else {
mtrace('No new documents to index for ' . $searcharea->get_visible_name() . ' area.');
// Notify the engine this area is complete, and only mark times if true.
if ($this->engine->area_index_complete($searcharea, $numdocs, $fullindex)) {
$sumdocs += $numdocs;
// Store last index run once documents have been commited to the search engine.
set_config($varname . '_indexingstart', $indexingstart, $componentconfigname);
set_config($varname . '_indexingend', time(), $componentconfigname);
set_config($varname . '_docsignored', $numdocsignored, $componentconfigname);
set_config($varname . '_docsprocessed', $numdocs, $componentconfigname);
set_config($varname . '_recordsprocessed', $numrecords, $componentconfigname);
if ($lastindexeddoc > 0) {
set_config($varname . '_lastindexrun', $lastindexeddoc, $componentconfigname);
if ($sumdocs > 0) {
$event = \core\event\search_indexed::create(
array('context' => \context_system::instance()));
$this->engine->index_complete($sumdocs, $fullindex);
return (bool)$sumdocs;
* Resets areas config.
* @throws \moodle_exception
* @param string $areaid
* @return void
public function reset_config($areaid = false) {
if (!empty($areaid)) {
$searchareas = array();
if (!$searchareas[$areaid] = static::get_search_area($areaid)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('errorareanotavailable', 'search', '', $areaid);
} else {
// Only the enabled ones.
$searchareas = static::get_search_areas_list(true);
foreach ($searchareas as $searcharea) {
list($componentname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name();
$config = $searcharea->get_config();
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
// We reset them all but the enable/disabled one.
if ($key !== $varname . '_enabled') {
set_config($key, 0, $componentname);
* Deletes an area's documents or all areas documents.
* @param string $areaid The area id or false for all
* @return void
public function delete_index($areaid = false) {
if (!empty($areaid)) {
} else {
* Deletes index by id.
* @param int Solr Document string $id
public function delete_index_by_id($id) {
* Returns search areas configuration.
* @param \core_search\area\base[] $searchareas
* @return \stdClass[] $configsettings
public function get_areas_config($searchareas) {
$allconfigs = get_config('search');
$vars = array('indexingstart', 'indexingend', 'lastindexrun', 'docsignored', 'docsprocessed', 'recordsprocessed');
$configsettings = array();
foreach ($searchareas as $searcharea) {
$areaid = $searcharea->get_area_id();
$configsettings[$areaid] = new \stdClass();
list($componentname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name();
if (!$searcharea->is_enabled()) {
// We delete all indexed data on disable so no info.
foreach ($vars as $var) {
$configsettings[$areaid]->{$var} = 0;
} else {
foreach ($vars as $var) {
$configsettings[$areaid]->{$var} = get_config($componentname, $varname .'_' . $var);
// Formatting the time.
if (!empty($configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun)) {
$configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun = userdate($configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun);
} else {
$configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun = get_string('never');
return $configsettings;