stronk7 0f3fe4b6ad First Official realease of the "Blocks System".
Integrated with Moodle:
    - Install automatically.
    - Update course->blockinfo for each course at installation time.
    - Modified course creation to insert into blockinfo field.
    - Modified restore to insert into blockinfo field.
    - Admin options (hide, show, delete, config) from admin page.
    - Lang strings inserted (en only).
    - Database support to mysql and postgresql (not tested!!).
Moodle, backup and block versions updated to 2004041800.
Tested with mysql: Install fresh and upgrade from previous.
section_activities block renamed to social_activities and created
its own lang file to support name "Social Activities". This can
be changed at any time.

Support it really in backup/restore.

Enjoy!! Ciao :-)
2004-04-18 23:20:53 +00:00

34 lines
796 B

<?PHP //$Id$
// This file keeps track of upgrades to Moodle's
// blocks system.
// Sometimes, changes between versions involve
// alterations to database structures and other
// major things that may break installations.
// The upgrade function in this file will attempt
// to perform all the necessary actions to upgrade
// your older installtion to the current version.
// If there's something it cannot do itself, it
// will tell you what you need to do.
// Versions are defined by backup_version.php
// This file is tailored to MySQL
function search_forums_upgrade($oldversion=0) {
global $CFG;
$result = true;
if ($oldversion < 2004041000 and $result) {
$result = true; //Nothing to do
//Finally, return result
return $result;