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<?php //$Id$
* Oracle database class using adodb backend
* @package dmlib
class oci8po_adodb_moodle_database extends adodb_moodle_database {
public function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbpersist, $prefix, array $dboptions=null) {
if ($prefix == '' and !$this->external) {
//Enforce prefixes for everybody but mysql
print_error('prefixcannotbeempty', 'error', '', $this->get_dbfamily());
if (!$this->external and strlen($prefix) > 2) {
//Max prefix length for Oracle is 2cc
$a = (object)array('dbfamily'=>'oracle', 'maxlength'=>2);
print_error('prefixtoolong', 'error', '', $a);
return parent::connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbpersist, $prefix, $dboptions);
* Detects if all needed PHP stuff installed.
* Do not connect to connect to db if this test fails.
* @return mixed true if ok, string if something
public function driver_installed() {
if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) {
return get_string('ociextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install');
return true;
protected function preconfigure_dbconnection() {
if (!defined('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE')) {
define ('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE', 0); /// Use lowercase fieldnames for ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC
/// (only meaningful for oci8po, it's the default
/// for other DB drivers so this won't affect them)
/// Row prefetching uses a bit of memory but saves a ton
/// of network latency. With current AdoDB and PHP, only
/// Oracle uses this setting.
if (!defined('ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS')) {
define ('ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS', 1000);
protected function configure_dbconnection() {
/// No need to set charset. It must be specified by the NLS_LANG env. variable
/// Now set the decimal separator to DOT, Moodle & PHP will always send floats to
/// DB using DOTS. Manually introduced floats (if using other characters) must be
/// converted back to DOTs (like gradebook does)
return true;
* Returns database family type
* @return string db family name (mysql, postgres, mssql, oracle, etc.)
public function get_dbfamily() {
return 'oracle';
* Returns database type
* @return string db type mysql, mysqli, postgres7
protected function get_dbtype() {
return 'oci8po';
* Returns localised database description
* Note: can be used before connect()
* @return string
public function get_configuration_hints() {
$str = get_string('databasesettingssub_oci8po', 'install');
$str .= "<p style='text-align:right'><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" ";
$str .= "onclick=\"return window.open('http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_Oracle_for_PHP')\"";
$str .= ">";
$str .= '<img src="pix/docs.gif' . '" alt="Docs" class="iconhelp" />';
$str .= get_string('moodledocslink', 'install') . '</a></p>';
return $str;
* Returns supported query parameter types
* @return bitmask
protected function allowed_param_types() {
* This method will introspect inside DB to detect it it's a UTF-8 DB or no
* Used from setup.php to set correctly "set names" when the installation
* process is performed without the initial and beautiful installer
* @return bool true if db in unicode mode
function setup_is_unicodedb() {
$rs = $this->db->Execute("SELECT parameter, value FROM nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'");
if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
$encoding = $rs->fields['value'];
if (strtoupper($encoding) == 'AL32UTF8') {
return true;
return false;
* Selects rows and return values of first column as array.
* @param string $sql The SQL query
* @param array $params array of sql parameters
* @return mixed array of values or false if an error occured
public function get_fieldset_sql($sql, array $params=null) {
if ($result = parent::get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params)) {
array_walk($result, array('oci8po_adodb_moodle_database', 'onespace2empty'));
return $result;
protected function create_recordset($rs) {
return new oci8po_adodb_moodle_recordset($rs);
protected function adodb_recordset_to_array($rs) {
/// Really DIRTY HACK for Oracle - needed because it can not see difference from NULL and ''
/// this can not be removed even if we chane db defaults :-(
if ($result = parent::adodb_recordset_to_array($rs)) {
foreach ($result as $key=>$row) {
$row = (array)$row;
array_walk($row, array('oci8po_adodb_moodle_database', 'onespace2empty'));
$result[$key] = (object)$row;
return $result;
public function sql_bitand($int1, $int2) {
return 'bitand((' . $int1 . '), (' . $int2 . '))';
public function sql_bitnot($int1) {
return '((0 - (' . $int1 . ')) - 1)';
public function sql_bitor($int1, $int2) {
return '((' . $int1 . ') + (' . $int2 . ') - ' . sql_bitand($int1, $int2) . ')';
public function sql_bitxor($int1, $int2) {
return '((' . $int1 . ') # (' . $int2 . '))';
public function sql_cast_char2int($fieldname, $text=false) {
if (!$text) {
return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS INT) ';
} else {
return ' CAST(' . sql_compare_text($fieldname) . ' AS INT) ';
public function sql_order_by_text($fieldname, $numchars=32) {
return 'dbms_lob.substr(' . $fieldname . ', ' . $numchars . ',1)';
public function sql_isempty($tablename, $fieldname, $nullablefield, $textfield) {
if ($nullablefield) {
return " $fieldname IS NULL "; /// empties in nullable fields are stored as
} else { /// NULLs
if ($textfield) {
return " ".sql_compare_text($fieldname)." = ' ' "; /// oracle_dirty_hack inserts 1-whitespace
} else { /// in NOT NULL varchar and text columns so
return " $fieldname = ' ' "; /// we need to look for that in any situation
function sql_empty() {
return ' ';
* Update a record in a table
* $dataobject is an object containing needed data
* Relies on $dataobject having a variable "id" to
* specify the record to update
* @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
* @param object $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified.
* @param bool true means repeated updates expected
* @return bool success
public function update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk=false) {
if (!is_object($dataobject)) {
$dataobject = (object)$dataobject;
if (! isset($dataobject->id) ) {
return false;
$columns = $this->get_columns($table);
$cleaned = array();
$clobs = array();
$blobs = array();
foreach ($dataobject as $field=>$value) {
if (!isset($columns[$field])) { /// Non-existing table field, skip it
/// Apply Oracle dirty hack to value, to have "correct" empty values for Oracle
$value = $this->oracle_dirty_hack($table, $field, $value);
/// Get column metadata
$column = $columns[$field];
if ($column->meta_type == 'B') { /// BLOB columns need to be updated apart
if (!is_null($value)) { /// If value not null, add it to the list of BLOBs to update later
$blobs[$field] = $value;
continue; /// We don't want this column to be processed by update_record_raw() at all.
/// $value = 'empty_blob()'; /// Set the default value to be inserted in first instance. Not needed to initialize lob storage in updates
} else if ($column->meta_type == 'X' && strlen($value) > 4000) { /// CLOB columns need to be updated apart (if lenght > 4000)
if (!is_null($value)) { /// If value not null, add it to the list of BLOBs to update later
$blobs[$field] = $value;
continue; /// We don't want this column to be processed by update_record_raw() at all.
/// $value = 'empty_clob()'; /// Set the default value to be inserted in first instance. Not needed to initialize lob storage in updates
} else if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int)$value; // prevent "false" problems
} else if ($value === '' || $value === ' ') {
if ($column->meta_type == 'I' or $column->meta_type == 'F' or $column->meta_type == 'N') {
$value = 0; // prevent '' problems in numeric fields
$cleaned[$field] = $value;
if (empty($cleaned)) {
return false;
if (empty($blobs) && empty($clobs)) { /// Without BLOBs and CLOBs, execute the raw update and return
return $this->update_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $bulk);
/// We have BLOBs or CLOBs to postprocess, execute the raw update and then update blobs
if (!$this->update_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $bulk)) {
return false;
foreach ($blobs as $key=>$value) {
if (!$this->db->UpdateBlob($this->prefix.$table, $key, $value, "id = {$dataobject->id}")) {
return false;
foreach ($clobs as $key=>$value) {
if (!$this->db->UpdateClob($this->prefix.$table, $key, $value, "id = {$dataobject->id}")) {
return false;
return true;
* Insert a record into a table and return the "id" field if required,
* Some conversions and safety checks are carried out. Lobs are supported.
* If the return ID isn't required, then this just reports success as true/false.
* $data is an object containing needed data
* @param string $table The database table to be inserted into
* @param object $data A data object with values for one or more fields in the record
* @param bool $returnid Should the id of the newly created record entry be returned? If this option is not requested then true/false is returned.
* @param bool $bulk true means repeated inserts expected
* @return mixed success or new ID
public function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $bulk=false) {
if (!is_object($dataobject)) {
$dataobject = (object)$dataobject;
$columns = $this->get_columns($table);
$cleaned = array();
$blobs = array();
$clobs = array();
foreach ($dataobject as $field=>$value) {
if (!isset($columns[$field])) { /// Non-existing table field, skip it
/// Apply Oracle dirty hack to value, to have "correct" empty values for Oracle
$value = $this->oracle_dirty_hack($table, $field, $value);
/// Get column metadata
$column = $columns[$field];
if ($column->meta_type == 'B') { /// BLOBs columns need to be updated apart
if (!is_null($value)) { /// If value not null, add it to the list of BLOBs to update later
$blobs[$field] = $value;
$value = 'empty_blob()'; /// Set the default value to be inserted (preparing lob storage for next update)
} else if ($column->meta_type == 'X' && strlen($value) > 4000) { /// CLOB columns need to be updated apart (if lenght > 4000)
if (!is_null($value)) { /// If value not null, add it to the list of BLOBs to update later
$clobs[$field] = $value;
$value = 'empty_clob()'; /// Set the default value to be inserted (preparing lob storage for next update)
} else if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int)$value; // prevent "false" problems
} else if ($value === '' || $value === ' ') {
if ($column->meta_type == 'I' or $column->meta_type == 'F' or $column->meta_type == 'N') {
$value = 0; // prevent '' problems in numeric fields
$cleaned[$field] = $value;
if (empty($cleaned)) {
return false;
if (empty($blobs) && empty($clobs)) { /// Without BLOBs and CLOBs, execute the raw insert and return
return $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $returnid, $bulk);
/// We have BLOBs or CLOBs to postprocess, insert the raw record fetching the id to be used later
if (!$id = $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, true, $bulk)) {
return false;
foreach ($blobs as $key=>$value) {
if (!$this->db->UpdateBlob($this->prefix.$table, $key, $value, "id = $id")) {
return false;
foreach ($clobs as $key=>$value) {
if (!$this->db->UpdateClob($this->prefix.$table, $key, $value, "id = $id")) {
return false;
return ($returnid ? $id : true);
* Set a single field in every table row where the select statement evaluates to true.
* @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
* @param string $newfield the field to set.
* @param string $newvalue the value to set the field to.
* @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call.
* @param array $params array of sql parameters
* @return bool success
public function set_field_select($table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select, array $params=null) {
if (is_null($params)) {
$params = array();
list($select, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($select, $params);
/// Apply Oracle dirty hack to value, to have "correct" empty values for Oracle
$newvalue = $this->oracle_dirty_hack($table, $newfield, $newvalue);
/// Get column metadata
$columns = $this->get_columns($table);
$column = $columns[$newfield];
if ($column->meta_type == 'B') { /// If the column is a BLOB
/// Update BLOB column and return
$select = $this->emulate_bound_params($select, $params); // adodb does not use bound parameters for blob updates :-(
return $this->db->UpdateBlob($this->prefix.$table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select);
if ($column->meta_type == 'X' && strlen($newvalue) > 4000) { /// If the column is a CLOB with lenght > 4000
/// Update BLOB column and return
$select = $this->emulate_bound_params($select, $params); // adodb does not use bound parameters for blob updates :-(
return $this->db->UpdateClob($this->prefix.$table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select);
/// Arrived here, normal update (without BLOBs)
if (is_null($newvalue)) {
$newfield = "$newfield = NULL";
} else {
if (is_bool($newvalue)) {
$newvalue = (int)$newvalue; // prevent "false" problems
} else if ($newvalue === '' || $newvalue === ' ') {
if ($column->meta_type == 'I' or $column->meta_type == 'F' or $column->meta_type == 'N') {
$newvalue = 0; // prevent '' problems in numeric fields
$newfield = "$newfield = ?";
array_unshift($params, $newvalue); // add as first param
$sql = "UPDATE {$this->prefix}$table SET $newfield WHERE $select";
if (!$rs = $this->db->Execute($sql, $params)) {
$this->report_error($sql, $params);
return false;
return true;
* Insert new record into database, as fast as possible, no safety checks, lobs not supported.
* (overloaded from adodb_moodle_database because of sequence numbers and empty_blob()/empty_clob())
* @param string $table name
* @param mixed $params data record as object or array
* @param bool $returnit return it of inserted record
* @param bool $bulk true means repeated inserts expected
* @return mixed success or new id
public function insert_record_raw($table, $params, $returnid=true, $bulk=false) {
if (!is_array($params)) {
$params = (array)$params;
if ($returnid) {
$dbman = $this->get_manager();
$xmldb_table = new xmldb_table($table);
$seqname = $dbman->find_sequence_name($xmldb_table);
if (!$seqname) {
/// Fallback, seqname not found, something is wrong. Inform and use the alternative getNameForObject() method
$generator = $this->get_dbman()->generator;
$seqname = $generator->getNameForObject($table, 'id', 'seq');
if ($nextval = $this->db->GenID($seqname)) {
$params['id'] = (int)$nextval;
if (empty($params)) {
return false;
$fields = implode(',', array_keys($params));
$qms = array();
/// Look for 'empty_clob() and empty_blob() params to replace question marks properly
/// Oracle requires those function calls on insert to prepare blob/clob storage, so we
/// specify them as SQL, deleting them from parameters
foreach ($params as $key=>$param) {
if ($param === 'empty_blob()') {
$qms[] = 'empty_blob()';
} else if ($param === 'empty_clob()') {
$qms[] = 'empty_clob()';
} else {
$qms[] = '?';
$qms = implode(',', $qms);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->prefix}$table ($fields) VALUES($qms)";
if (!$rs = $this->db->Execute($sql, $params)) {
$this->report_error($sql, $params);
return false;
if (!$returnid) {
return true;
if (!empty($params['id'])) {
return (int)$params['id'];
return false;
* This function is used to convert all the Oracle 1-space defaults to the empty string
* like a really DIRTY HACK to allow it to work better until all those NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
* fields will be out from Moodle.
* @param string the string to be converted to '' (empty string) if it's ' ' (one space)
* @param mixed the key of the array in case we are using this function from array_walk,
* defaults to null for other (direct) uses
* @return boolean always true (the converted variable is returned by reference)
static function onespace2empty(&$item, $key=null) {
$item = $item == ' ' ? '' : $item;
return true;
* This function will handle all the records before being inserted/updated to DB for Oracle
* installations. This is because the "special feature" of Oracle where the empty string is
* equal to NULL and this presents a problem with all our currently NOT NULL default '' fields.
* Once Moodle DB will be free of this sort of false NOT NULLS, this hack could be removed safely
* Note that this function is 100% private and should be used, exclusively by DML functions
* in this file. Also, this is considered a DIRTY HACK to be removed when possible. (stronk7)
* This function is private and must not be used outside this driver at all
* @param $table string the table where the record is going to be inserted/updated (without prefix)
* @param $field string the field where the record is going to be inserted/updated
* @param $value mixed the value to be inserted/updated
private function oracle_dirty_hack ($table, $field, $value) {
/// Get metadata
$columns = $this->get_columns($table);
if (!isset($columns[$field])) {
return $value;
$column = $columns[$field];
/// For Oracle DB, empty strings are converted to NULLs in DB
/// and this breaks a lot of NOT NULL columns currenty Moodle. In the future it's
/// planned to move some of them to NULL, if they must accept empty values and this
/// piece of code will become less and less used. But, for now, we need it.
/// What we are going to do is to examine all the data being inserted and if it's
/// an empty string (NULL for Oracle) and the field is defined as NOT NULL, we'll modify
/// such data in the best form possible ("0" for booleans and numbers and " " for the
/// rest of strings. It isn't optimal, but the only way to do so.
/// In the oppsite, when retrieving records from Oracle, we'll decode " " back to
/// empty strings to allow everything to work properly. DIRTY HACK.
/// If the field ins't VARCHAR or CLOB, skip
if ($column->meta_type != 'C' and $column->meta_type != 'X') {
return $value;
/// If the field isn't NOT NULL, skip (it's nullable, so accept empty-null values)
if (!$column->not_null) {
return $value;
/// If the value isn't empty, skip
if (!empty($value)) {
return $value;
/// Now, we have one empty value, going to be inserted to one NOT NULL, VARCHAR2 or CLOB field
/// Try to get the best value to be inserted
/// The '0' string doesn't need any transformation, skip
if ($value === '0') {
return $value;
/// Transformations start
if (gettype($value) == 'boolean') {
return '0'; /// Transform false to '0' that evaluates the same for PHP
} else if (gettype($value) == 'integer') {
return '0'; /// Transform 0 to '0' that evaluates the same for PHP
} else if (gettype($value) == 'NULL') {
return '0'; /// Transform NULL to '0' that evaluates the same for PHP
} else if ($value === '') {
return ' '; /// Transform '' to ' ' that DONT'T EVALUATE THE SAME
/// (we'll transform back again on get_records_XXX functions and others)!!
/// Fail safe to original value
return $value;