mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 19:44:19 +01:00
The badges/index.php and badges/view.php pages are quite similar and have been merged into index.php. This commit updates index.php to incorporate the missing information previously found in view.php.
237 lines
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237 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Defines restore_course_task class
* @package core_backup
* @subpackage moodle2
* @category backup
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed
* when one course is being restored
* TODO: Finish phpdocs
class restore_course_task extends restore_task {
protected $info; // info related to course gathered from backup file
protected $contextid; // course context id
* Constructor - instantiates one object of this class
public function __construct($name, $info, $plan = null) {
$this->info = $info;
parent::__construct($name, $plan);
* Course tasks have their own directory to read files
public function get_taskbasepath() {
return $this->get_basepath() . '/course';
public function get_contextid() {
return $this->contextid;
* Create all the steps that will be part of this task
public function build() {
// Define the task contextid (the course one)
$this->contextid = context_course::instance($this->get_courseid())->id;
// Executed conditionally if restoring to new course or if overwrite_conf setting is enabled
if ($this->get_target() == backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE || $this->get_setting_value('overwrite_conf') == true) {
$this->add_step(new restore_course_structure_step('course_info', 'course.xml'));
// Search reindexing (if enabled).
if (\core_search\manager::is_indexing_enabled()) {
$this->add_step(new restore_course_search_index('course_search_index'));
if ($this->get_setting_value('legacyfiles')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_course_legacy_files_step('legacy_files'));
// Deal with enrolment methods and user enrolments.
if ($this->plan->get_mode() == backup::MODE_IMPORT) {
// No need to do anything with enrolments.
} else if (!$this->get_setting_value('users') or $this->plan->get_mode() == backup::MODE_HUB) {
if ($this->get_setting_value('enrolments') == backup::ENROL_ALWAYS && $this->plan->get_mode() != backup::MODE_HUB) {
// Restore enrolment methods.
$this->add_step(new restore_enrolments_structure_step('course_enrolments', 'enrolments.xml'));
} else if ($this->get_target() == backup::TARGET_CURRENT_ADDING or $this->get_target() == backup::TARGET_EXISTING_ADDING) {
// Keep current enrolments unchanged.
} else {
// If no instances yet add default enrol methods the same way as when creating new course in UI.
$this->add_step(new restore_default_enrolments_step('default_enrolments'));
} else {
// Restore course enrolment data.
$this->add_step(new restore_enrolments_structure_step('course_enrolments', 'enrolments.xml'));
// Populate groups, this must be done after enrolments because only enrolled users may be in groups.
$this->add_step(new restore_groups_members_structure_step('create_groups_members', '../groups.xml'));
// Restore course role assignments and overrides (internally will observe the role_assignments setting),
// this must be done after all users are enrolled.
$this->add_step(new restore_ras_and_caps_structure_step('course_ras_and_caps', 'roles.xml'));
// Restore course filters (conditionally)
if ($this->get_setting_value('filters')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_filters_structure_step('course_filters', 'filters.xml'));
// Restore course comments (conditionally)
if ($this->get_setting_value('comments')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_comments_structure_step('course_comments', 'comments.xml'));
// Calendar events (conditionally)
if ($this->get_setting_value('calendarevents')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_calendarevents_structure_step('course_calendar', 'calendar.xml'));
// Course competencies.
$this->add_step(new restore_course_competencies_structure_step('course_competencies', 'competencies.xml'));
// Activity completion defaults.
$this->add_step(new restore_completion_defaults_structure_step('course_completion_defaults', 'completiondefaults.xml'));
// Content bank content (conditionally).
if ($this->get_setting_value('contentbankcontent')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_contentbankcontent_structure_step('course_contentbank', 'contentbank.xml'));
// At the end, mark it as built
$this->built = true;
* Define the contents in the course that must be
* processed by the link decoder
public static function define_decode_contents() {
$contents = array();
$contents[] = new restore_decode_content('course', 'summary');
$contents[] = new restore_decode_content('event', 'description');
return $contents;
* Define the decoding rules for links belonging
* to the course to be executed by the link decoder
public static function define_decode_rules() {
$rules = array();
// Link to the course main page (it also covers "&topic=xx" and "&week=xx"
// because they don't become transformed (section number) in backup/restore.
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('COURSEVIEWBYID', '/course/view.php?id=$1', 'course');
// A few other key course links.
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('GRADEINDEXBYID', '/grade/index.php?id=$1', 'course');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('GRADEREPORTINDEXBYID', '/grade/report/index.php?id=$1', 'course');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('BADGESVIEWBYID', '/badges/index.php?type=2&id=$1', 'course');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('USERINDEXVIEWBYID', '/user/index.php?id=$1', 'course');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('PLUGINFILEBYCONTEXT', '/pluginfile.php/$1', 'context');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('PLUGINFILEBYCONTEXTURLENCODED', '/pluginfile.php/$1', 'context', true);
return $rules;
// Protected API starts here
* Define the common setting that any restore course will have
protected function define_settings() {
// Define overwrite_conf to decide if course configuration will be restored over existing one.
$overwrite = new restore_course_overwrite_conf_setting('overwrite_conf', base_setting::IS_BOOLEAN, false);
$overwrite->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_select($overwrite, $overwrite->get_name(),
array(1 => get_string('yes'), 0 => get_string('no'))));
$overwrite->get_ui()->set_label(get_string('setting_overwrite_conf', 'backup'));
if ($this->get_target() == backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE) {
$course = (object)['fullname' => null, 'shortname' => null, 'startdate' => null];
} else {
$course = get_course($this->get_courseid());
$fullnamedefaultvalue = $this->get_info()->original_course_fullname;
$fullname = new restore_course_defaultcustom_setting('course_fullname', base_setting::IS_TEXT, $fullnamedefaultvalue);
$fullname->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_defaultcustom($fullname, get_string('setting_course_fullname', 'backup'),
['customvalue' => $fullnamedefaultvalue, 'defaultvalue' => $course->fullname]));
$shortnamedefaultvalue = $this->get_info()->original_course_shortname;
$shortname = new restore_course_defaultcustom_setting('course_shortname', base_setting::IS_TEXT, $shortnamedefaultvalue);
$shortname->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_defaultcustom($shortname, get_string('setting_course_shortname', 'backup'),
['customvalue' => $shortnamedefaultvalue, 'defaultvalue' => $course->shortname]));
$startdatedefaultvalue = $this->get_info()->original_course_startdate;
$startdate = new restore_course_defaultcustom_setting('course_startdate', base_setting::IS_INTEGER, $startdatedefaultvalue);
$startdate->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_defaultcustom($startdate, get_string('setting_course_startdate', 'backup'),
['customvalue' => $startdatedefaultvalue, 'defaultvalue' => $course->startdate, 'type' => 'date_time_selector']));
$keep_enrols = new restore_course_generic_setting('keep_roles_and_enrolments', base_setting::IS_BOOLEAN, false);
$keep_enrols->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_select($keep_enrols, $keep_enrols->get_name(), array(1=>get_string('yes'), 0=>get_string('no'))));
$keep_enrols->get_ui()->set_label(get_string('setting_keep_roles_and_enrolments', 'backup'));
if ($this->get_target() != backup::TARGET_CURRENT_DELETING and $this->get_target() != backup::TARGET_EXISTING_DELETING) {
$keep_groups = new restore_course_generic_setting('keep_groups_and_groupings', base_setting::IS_BOOLEAN, false);
$keep_groups->set_ui(new backup_setting_ui_select($keep_groups, $keep_groups->get_name(), array(1=>get_string('yes'), 0=>get_string('no'))));
$keep_groups->get_ui()->set_label(get_string('setting_keep_groups_and_groupings', 'backup'));
if ($this->get_target() != backup::TARGET_CURRENT_DELETING and $this->get_target() != backup::TARGET_EXISTING_DELETING) {