mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-07 17:30:12 +01:00
moodler e0161bff4f Merging in all the resource branch stuff (I know, it's mixed up)
so I can sort out the CVS explosion I had tonight
2004-07-25 14:00:29 +00:00

366 lines
15 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// Displays all activity for non-quiz modules for a course
///This version allows students to see their own activity, but not that of others.
///For teachers only, clicking on a student's name brings up the Moodle user activity summary.
//module, location of user data,pointer
$quick_dataloc["assignment"] = array("assignment_submissions","assignment");
$quick_dataloc["choice"] = array("choice_answers","choice");
$quick_dataloc["dialogue"] = array("dialogue_entries","dialogue");
$quick_dataloc["discussion"] = array("forum_posts","discussion");
$quick_dataloc["journal"] = array("journal_entries","journal");
$quick_dataloc["quiz"] = array("quiz_attempts","quiz");
$quick_dataloc["survey"] = array("survey_analysis","survey");
$quick_dataloc["workshop"] = array("workshop_submissions","workshopid");
$usemods = ",assignment,choice,dialogue,forum,journal,quiz,survey,workshop";
$modlist = get_records("modules","visible",1);
foreach ($modlist as $nowmod){
if (strpos($usemods,$nowmod->name)){
$modnames[$nowmod->id] = $nowmod->name;
//needed for cases when a particular module type needs special treatment (assignment,forum)
$modname_value = array_flip($modnames);
require_variable($id); // course id
optional_variable($download, ""); // to download data
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) {
error("Course ID was incorrect");
//take each event and create an array type/event/user hierarchy
//we need to get the entire list of enrolled students for the course so that we can list by student
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
$isstudent = 0;
} elseif (isstudent($course->id)) {
$isstudent = 1;
} else {
error("You are not registered for this course");
$courseid = $course->id;
//Get the ids of all course users
$allusers = quick_findusers($course->id);
//Get all postings from this course's users
$allposts = quick_findposts($course->id);
//count posts per user by looping thru $allposts and put counts in $post_counts
foreach ($allposts as $thispost){
$allmods = quick_moduleorder($course->id);
//Now take all mods and build an object $mod_info for only those modules that will be reported
//Concurrently build a $mods_week array that says how many columns will be in the header per week
$modcount = -1;
foreach($allmods as $thismod){
//get the info on this module from course_modules
$nowmod = get_record("course_modules","id",$thismod[mod]);
$noworder = get_record("course_sections","id",$nowmod->section);
//only add to array the module is contained in the $modnames array
if ($modnames[$nowmod->module]){
//section is the entry in course_sections which says which instances
///reside in the section and which week/section they are in
$mod_info[$modcount][section] = $nowmod->section;
//module is the type of module (assignment, forum, etc.)
$mod_info[$modcount][module] = $nowmod->module;
//modid is the id of the module in "course_modules" table
$mod_info[$modcount][modid] = $nowmod->id;
//week is the current week/section that the module resides in
$mod_info[$modcount][week] = $noworder->section;
//instance in the relevant module table will yield the name
$mod_info[$modcount][instance] = $nowmod->instance;
//Count how many instances in each week for colspan purposes
if ($mods_week[$noworder->section]){
} else {
$mods_week[$noworder->section] = 1;
//Now add the name of the module to $mods_info
$mod_info[$modcount][name] = get_field($modnames[$nowmod->module],"name","id",$nowmod->instance);
} else {
//Catalog by user all activity for every module
//This will include modules to be ignored later, but it is easier this way
//Data for each user can be retrieved by matching$rec->name with $mod_info name(created above)
//Create a comma-delimited string in $user_data with the IDs of each user in an array of mod type(module) + modid
foreach ($modnames as $nowtype => $nowname){
$now_module = $nowname;
$now_user_table = $quick_dataloc[$now_module][0]; //name of table containing individual user records
$now_pointer = $quick_dataloc[$now_module][1]; // the field in above with pointer to table with name of activity
// Now set up a table for each separate instance of the module with a listing of the users
$allrecs = quick_findrecs($now_module,$now_user_table,$now_pointer,$course->id);
if ($allrecs) {
foreach ($allrecs as $rec){
$np = $rec->instance;
if ($nowname == "assignment"){
// For assignments, a record is created for all students when the assmt is created
//the timemodified is 0 until the student submits an assignment
if ($rec->timemodified != 0) {
$user_data[$nowtype][$np] = $user_data[$nowtype][$np] . ",$rec->userid,";
} else {
$user_data[$nowtype][$np] = $user_data[$nowtype][$np] . ",$rec->userid,";
if ($allposts) {
foreach ($allposts as $rec){
$forumval = $modname_value["forum"];
$user_data[$forumval][$rec->forumid] = $user_data[$forumval][$rec->forumid] . ",$rec->userid,";
// echo "<br>" . $rec->forumid . $rec->name . "<br>";
//now go through the $mod_info array in order of the users, and find whether each user contributed, put in $user_contribs
foreach($allusers as $user){
$uid = $user->id;
foreach ($mod_info as $thismod){
if(strlen($user_data[$thismod[module]][$thismod[instance]]) < 2){
$user_contribs[$uid][] = "-";
//For forums count the number of contributions. For others, just "x" or "-";
if ($thismod[module] == $modname_value["forum"]) {
$puid = $post_counts[$uid];
if ($post_counts[$thismod[instance]][$uid] > 0){
$user_contribs[$uid][] = $post_counts[$thismod[instance]][$uid];
} else {
$user_contribs[$uid][] = "-";
} else {
//see if "comma+userid+comma " exists
$sstring = ",$user->id,";
if(strpos($user_data[$thismod[module]][$thismod[instance]],$sstring)> -1){
$user_contribs[$uid][] = "X";
}else {
$user_contribs[$uid][] = "-";
//if Excel spreadsheet requested
if ($download == "xls") {
header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname"."_quickreport.xls");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
$workbook = new Workbook("-");
// Creating the first worksheet
$myxls = &$workbook->add_worksheet('Quick Report');
$formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatyc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
$row = 1;
$col = 2;
/// Print names of all the fields
///First labels to show week/section
if ($course->format == "weeks") {$formatname = "Week";} else {$formatname = "Section";}
foreach($mods_week as $week=>$wkcount){
for ($i = 0; $i < $wkcount;$i++) {
$col_label = "$formatname $week";
//now labels for module names
//get the names of each module instance and put in header
foreach($mod_info as $thiscat=>$thismod){
$modname = ucwords($modnames[$thismod[module]]);
$col_label = "$modname $thismod[name]";
/// Print all the user data
foreach ($user_contribs as $userid=>$thisuser){
$fullname = ucwords($allusers[$userid]->lastname) . ", " . ucwords($allusers[$userid]->firstname);
} else {
if (strlen($allusers[$userid]->description) > 10) {
} else {
foreach ($thisuser as $thismod) {
$quick_bgcount = 0;
echo "<table>";
//printer header line with weeks
$options["id"] = $course->id;
$options["download"] = "xls";
print ( "<tr valign=top><td colspan=3>");
print_single_button("quickreport.php", $options, get_string("downloadexcel"));
print ("</td>");
if ($course->format == "weeks") {$formatname = "Week";} else {$formatname = "Section";}
foreach($mods_week as $week=>$wkcount){
print "<td colspan=$wkcount>$formatname $week</td>";
echo "<tr valign=top><td width='150'>Student</td><td>Picture</td><td>Profile</td>";
//get the names of each module instance and put in header
foreach($mod_info as $thiscat=>$thismod){
$modname = ucwords($modnames[$thismod[module]]);
print ("<td> $modname <br><font size=-1>$thismod[name]</font></td>");
echo "</tr>\n";
foreach ($user_contribs as $userid=>$thisuser){
if ($quick_bgcount%3 == 0) {
echo "<tr align=center bgcolor='#ffffff'>";
} else {
echo "<tr align=center>";
$fullname = ucwords($allusers[$userid]->lastname) . ", " . ucwords($allusers[$userid]->firstname);
if (!$isstudent){
$fullname = "<a href=user.php?id=$course->id&user=$userid>$fullname</a>";
echo "<td align=left><b>$fullname</b></td>";
$picture = print_user_picture($userid, $course->id, $allusers[$userid]->picture, false, true);
echo "<td>" . $picture . "</td>";
if (strlen($allusers[$userid]->description) > 10) {quick_show("X");} else {quick_show("-");}
foreach ($thisuser as $thismod) {
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
function quick_findusers($courseid){
global $CFG,$USER,$isstudent;
if ($isstudent){
$studcondition = "AND a.id = $USER->id";
} else {
$studcondition = "";
$allusers = get_records_sql("SELECT a.id,a.lastname, a.firstname,a.picture,a.description,b.course
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user a,
{$CFG->prefix}user_students b
WHERE b.course = $courseid AND
b.userid = a.id $studcondition
ORDER BY a.lastname ASC, a.firstname ASC");
return $allusers;
function quick_findrecs($tbl1,$tbl2,$pointer,$courseid){
global $CFG;
$allrecs = get_records_sql("SELECT b.id,a.id, c.id,c.lastname, c.firstname,a.course,a.name ,b.userid,b.timemodified, b.$pointer as instance
FROM {$CFG->prefix}$tbl1 a,
{$CFG->prefix}$tbl2 b,
{$CFG->prefix}user c,
{$CFG->prefix}course_modules d
WHERE a.course = $courseid AND
a.id = b.$pointer AND
c.id = b.userid AND
d.instance = b.$pointer");
/// ORDER BY e.section ASC
// print("<h3>All records: $tbl1</h3>");
// print_object($allrecs);
return $allrecs;
function quick_findposts($courseid){
global $CFG;
//this will allow records to be identified by Forum but not by thread (no b.id)
$allposts = get_records_sql("SELECT
c.id, c.userid,a.id as forumid,a.name
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum a,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions b,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts c
WHERE b.course = $courseid AND
a.id = b.forum AND
c.discussion = b.id
ORDER BY forumid ASC");
return $allposts;
function quick_moduleorder($courseid){
//using course_sections which gives the sections & sequence, build an array with each section + item pair
// echo "<br>Course= " . $courseid . "<br>";
$allmods = get_records("course_sections","course",$courseid,"section","id,section,sequence");
// print_object($allmods);
// $modsequence
foreach ($allmods as $thisweek){
// print_object($thisweek);
if ($thisweek->sequence){
// print ("$thisweek->sequence");
$weeklist = explode(",",$thisweek->sequence);
foreach($weeklist as $activity){
$all_list[] =array("mod"=>$activity,"sec"=>$thisweek->section);
// print_object($weeklist);
} else {
// print ("<br>No modules this week<br>");
return $all_list;
function quick_headers($course){
global $CFG;
print_header("$course->shortname: 'Quick Report'", "$course->fullname",
"<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</A>
-> 'Quick Report'");
function quick_show($x){
echo "<td align=center>";
print ("$x");
echo "</td>";