
924 lines
31 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package mod_choice
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
/** @global int $CHOICE_COLUMN_HEIGHT */
/** @global int $CHOICE_COLUMN_WIDTH */
define('CHOICE_PUBLISH_NAMES', '1');
/** @global array $CHOICE_PUBLISH */
$CHOICE_PUBLISH = array (CHOICE_PUBLISH_ANONYMOUS => get_string('publishanonymous', 'choice'),
CHOICE_PUBLISH_NAMES => get_string('publishnames', 'choice'));
/** @global array $CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS */
$CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS = array (CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS_NOT => get_string('publishnot', 'choice'),
CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS_AFTER_ANSWER => get_string('publishafteranswer', 'choice'),
CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS_AFTER_CLOSE => get_string('publishafterclose', 'choice'),
CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS_ALWAYS => get_string('publishalways', 'choice'));
/** @global array $CHOICE_DISPLAY */
$CHOICE_DISPLAY = array (CHOICE_DISPLAY_HORIZONTAL => get_string('displayhorizontal', 'choice'),
CHOICE_DISPLAY_VERTICAL => get_string('displayvertical','choice'));
/// Standard functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @global object
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $choice
* @return object|null
function choice_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $choice) {
global $DB;
if ($answer = $DB->get_record('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $user->id))) {
$result = new stdClass();
$result->info = "'".format_string(choice_get_option_text($choice, $answer->optionid))."'";
$result->time = $answer->timemodified;
return $result;
return NULL;
* @global object
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $choice
* @return string|void
function choice_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $choice) {
global $DB;
if ($answer = $DB->get_record('choice_answers', array("choiceid" => $choice->id, "userid" => $user->id))) {
$result = new stdClass();
$result->info = "'".format_string(choice_get_option_text($choice, $answer->optionid))."'";
$result->time = $answer->timemodified;
echo get_string("answered", "choice").": $result->info. ".get_string("updated", '', userdate($result->time));
} else {
print_string("notanswered", "choice");
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will create a new instance and return the id number
* of the new instance.
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @return int
function choice_add_instance($choice) {
global $DB;
$choice->timemodified = time();
if (empty($choice->timerestrict)) {
$choice->timeopen = 0;
$choice->timeclose = 0;
//insert answers
$choice->id = $DB->insert_record("choice", $choice);
foreach ($choice->option as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if (isset($value) && $value <> '') {
$option = new stdClass();
$option->text = $value;
$option->choiceid = $choice->id;
if (isset($choice->limit[$key])) {
$option->maxanswers = $choice->limit[$key];
$option->timemodified = time();
$DB->insert_record("choice_options", $option);
return $choice->id;
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will update an existing instance with new data.
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @return bool
function choice_update_instance($choice) {
global $DB;
$choice->id = $choice->instance;
$choice->timemodified = time();
if (empty($choice->timerestrict)) {
$choice->timeopen = 0;
$choice->timeclose = 0;
//update, delete or insert answers
foreach ($choice->option as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($value);
$option = new stdClass();
$option->text = $value;
$option->choiceid = $choice->id;
if (isset($choice->limit[$key])) {
$option->maxanswers = $choice->limit[$key];
$option->timemodified = time();
if (isset($choice->optionid[$key]) && !empty($choice->optionid[$key])){//existing choice record
if (isset($value) && $value <> '') {
$DB->update_record("choice_options", $option);
} else { //empty old option - needs to be deleted.
$DB->delete_records("choice_options", array("id"=>$option->id));
} else {
if (isset($value) && $value <> '') {
$DB->insert_record("choice_options", $option);
return $DB->update_record('choice', $choice);
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param object $user
* @param object $coursemodule
* @param array $allresponses
* @return array
function choice_prepare_options($choice, $user, $coursemodule, $allresponses) {
global $DB;
$cdisplay = array('options'=>array());
$cdisplay['limitanswers'] = true;
$context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $text) {
if (isset($text)) { //make sure there are no dud entries in the db with blank text values.
$option = new stdClass;
$option->attributes = new stdClass;
$option->attributes->value = $optionid;
$option->text = format_string($text);
$option->maxanswers = $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];
$option->displaylayout = $choice->display;
if (isset($allresponses[$optionid])) {
$option->countanswers = count($allresponses[$optionid]);
} else {
$option->countanswers = 0;
if ($DB->record_exists('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'optionid' => $optionid))) {
$option->attributes->checked = true;
if ( $choice->limitanswers && ($option->countanswers >= $option->maxanswers) && empty($option->attributes->checked)) {
$option->attributes->disabled = true;
$cdisplay['options'][] = $option;
$cdisplay['hascapability'] = is_enrolled($context, NULL, 'mod/choice:choose'); //only enrolled users are allowed to make a choice
if ($choice->allowupdate && $DB->record_exists('choice_answers', array('choiceid'=> $choice->id, 'userid'=> $user->id))) {
$cdisplay['allowupdate'] = true;
if ($choice->showpreview && $choice->timeopen > time()) {
$cdisplay['previewonly'] = true;
return $cdisplay;
* Process user submitted answers for a choice,
* and either updating them or saving new answers.
* @param int $formanswer users submitted answers.
* @param object $choice the selected choice.
* @param int $userid user identifier.
* @param object $course current course.
* @param object $cm course context.
* @return void
function choice_user_submit_response($formanswer, $choice, $userid, $course, $cm) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$continueurl = new moodle_url('/mod/choice/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id));
if (empty($formanswer)) {
print_error('atleastoneoption', 'choice', $continueurl);
if (is_array($formanswer)) {
if (!$choice->allowmultiple) {
print_error('multiplenotallowederror', 'choice', $continueurl);
$formanswers = $formanswer;
} else {
$formanswers = array($formanswer);
// Start lock to prevent synchronous access to the same data
// before it's updated, if using limits.
if ($choice->limitanswers) {
$timeout = 10;
$locktype = 'mod_choice_choice_user_submit_response';
// Limiting access to this choice.
$resouce = 'choiceid:' . $choice->id;
$lockfactory = \core\lock\lock_config::get_lock_factory($locktype);
// Opening the lock.
$choicelock = $lockfactory->get_lock($resouce, $timeout);
if (!$choicelock) {
print_error('cannotsubmit', 'choice', $continueurl);
$current = $DB->get_records('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $userid));
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$choicesexceeded = false;
$countanswers = array();
foreach ($formanswers as $val) {
$countanswers[$val] = 0;
if($choice->limitanswers) {
// Find out whether groups are being used and enabled
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm) > 0) {
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm);
} else {
$currentgroup = 0;
list ($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($formanswers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
if($currentgroup) {
// If groups are being used, retrieve responses only for users in
// current group
global $CFG;
$params['groupid'] = $currentgroup;
$sql = "SELECT ca.*
FROM {choice_answers} ca
INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON ca.userid=gm.userid
WHERE optionid $insql
AND gm.groupid= :groupid";
} else {
// Groups are not used, retrieve all answers for this option ID
$sql = "SELECT ca.*
FROM {choice_answers} ca
WHERE optionid $insql";
$answers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
if ($answers) {
foreach ($answers as $a) { //only return enrolled users.
if (is_enrolled($context, $a->userid, 'mod/choice:choose')) {
foreach ($countanswers as $opt => $count) {
if ($count >= $choice->maxanswers[$opt]) {
$choicesexceeded = true;
// Check the user hasn't exceeded the maximum selections for the choice(s) they have selected.
if (!($choice->limitanswers && $choicesexceeded)) {
$answersnapshots = array();
if ($current) {
// Update an existing answer.
$existingchoices = array();
foreach ($current as $c) {
if (in_array($c->optionid, $formanswers)) {
$existingchoices[] = $c->optionid;
$DB->set_field('choice_answers', 'timemodified', time(), array('id' => $c->id));
$answersnapshots[] = $c;
} else {
$DB->delete_records('choice_answers', array('id' => $c->id));
// Add new ones.
foreach ($formanswers as $f) {
if (!in_array($f, $existingchoices)) {
$newanswer = new stdClass();
$newanswer->optionid = $f;
$newanswer->choiceid = $choice->id;
$newanswer->userid = $userid;
$newanswer->timemodified = time();
$newanswer->id = $DB->insert_record("choice_answers", $newanswer);
$answersnapshots[] = $newanswer;
// Initialised as true, meaning we updated the answer.
$answerupdated = true;
} else {
// Add new answer.
foreach ($formanswers as $answer) {
$newanswer = new stdClass();
$newanswer->choiceid = $choice->id;
$newanswer->userid = $userid;
$newanswer->optionid = $answer;
$newanswer->timemodified = time();
$newanswer->id = $DB->insert_record("choice_answers", $newanswer);
$answersnapshots[] = $newanswer;
// Update completion state
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if ($completion->is_enabled($cm) && $choice->completionsubmit) {
$completion->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Initalised as false, meaning we submitted a new answer.
$answerupdated = false;
} else {
// Check to see if current choice already selected - if not display error.
$currentids = array_keys($current);
if (array_diff($currentids, $formanswers) || array_diff($formanswers, $currentids) ) {
// Release lock before error.
print_error('choicefull', 'choice', $continueurl);
// Release lock.
if (isset($choicelock)) {
// Now record completed event.
if (isset($answerupdated)) {
$eventdata = array();
$eventdata['context'] = $context;
$eventdata['objectid'] = $choice->id;
$eventdata['userid'] = $userid;
$eventdata['courseid'] = $course->id;
$eventdata['other'] = array();
$eventdata['other']['choiceid'] = $choice->id;
if ($answerupdated) {
$eventdata['other']['optionid'] = $formanswer;
$event = \mod_choice\event\answer_updated::create($eventdata);
} else {
$eventdata['other']['optionid'] = $formanswers;
$event = \mod_choice\event\answer_submitted::create($eventdata);
$event->add_record_snapshot('course', $course);
$event->add_record_snapshot('course_modules', $cm);
$event->add_record_snapshot('choice', $choice);
foreach ($answersnapshots as $record) {
$event->add_record_snapshot('choice_answers', $record);
* @param array $user
* @param object $cm
* @return void Output is echo'd
function choice_show_reportlink($user, $cm) {
$userschosen = array();
foreach($user as $optionid => $userlist) {
if ($optionid) {
$userschosen = array_merge($userschosen, array_keys($userlist));
$responsecount = count(array_unique($userschosen));
echo '<div class="reportlink">';
echo "<a href=\"report.php?id=$cm->id\">".get_string("viewallresponses", "choice", $responsecount)."</a>";
echo '</div>';
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param object $course
* @param object $coursemodule
* @param array $allresponses
* * @param bool $allresponses
* @return object
function prepare_choice_show_results($choice, $course, $cm, $allresponses) {
global $OUTPUT;
$display = clone($choice);
$display->coursemoduleid = $cm->id;
$display->courseid = $course->id;
//overwrite options value;
$display->options = array();
$totaluser = 0;
foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $optiontext) {
$display->options[$optionid] = new stdClass;
$display->options[$optionid]->text = $optiontext;
$display->options[$optionid]->maxanswer = $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];
if (array_key_exists($optionid, $allresponses)) {
$display->options[$optionid]->user = $allresponses[$optionid];
$totaluser += count($allresponses[$optionid]);
$display->numberofuser = $totaluser;
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$display->viewresponsecapability = has_capability('mod/choice:readresponses', $context);
$display->deleterepsonsecapability = has_capability('mod/choice:deleteresponses',$context);
$display->fullnamecapability = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
if (empty($allresponses)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("nousersyet"), 3, null);
return false;
return $display;
* @global object
* @param array $attemptids
* @param object $choice Choice main table row
* @param object $cm Course-module object
* @param object $course Course object
* @return bool
function choice_delete_responses($attemptids, $choice, $cm, $course) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if(!is_array($attemptids) || empty($attemptids)) {
return false;
foreach($attemptids as $num => $attemptid) {
if(empty($attemptid)) {
$completion = new completion_info($course);
foreach($attemptids as $attemptid) {
if ($todelete = $DB->get_record('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'id' => $attemptid))) {
$DB->delete_records('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'id' => $attemptid));
// Update completion state
if ($completion->is_enabled($cm) && $choice->completionsubmit) {
$completion->update_state($cm, COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $attemptid);
return true;
* Given an ID of an instance of this module,
* this function will permanently delete the instance
* and any data that depends on it.
* @global object
* @param int $id
* @return bool
function choice_delete_instance($id) {
global $DB;
if (! $choice = $DB->get_record("choice", array("id"=>"$id"))) {
return false;
$result = true;
if (! $DB->delete_records("choice_answers", array("choiceid"=>"$choice->id"))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records("choice_options", array("choiceid"=>"$choice->id"))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records("choice", array("id"=>"$choice->id"))) {
$result = false;
return $result;
* Returns text string which is the answer that matches the id
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param int $id
* @return string
function choice_get_option_text($choice, $id) {
global $DB;
if ($result = $DB->get_record("choice_options", array("id" => $id))) {
return $result->text;
} else {
return get_string("notanswered", "choice");
* Gets a full choice record
* @global object
* @param int $choiceid
* @return object|bool The choice or false
function choice_get_choice($choiceid) {
global $DB;
if ($choice = $DB->get_record("choice", array("id" => $choiceid))) {
if ($options = $DB->get_records("choice_options", array("choiceid" => $choiceid), "id")) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
$choice->option[$option->id] = $option->text;
$choice->maxanswers[$option->id] = $option->maxanswers;
return $choice;
return false;
* List the actions that correspond to a view of this module.
* This is used by the participation report.
* Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with
* crud = 'r' and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING will
* be considered as view action.
* @return array
function choice_get_view_actions() {
return array('view','view all','report');
* List the actions that correspond to a post of this module.
* This is used by the participation report.
* Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with
* crud = ('c' || 'u' || 'd') and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING
* will be considered as post action.
* @return array
function choice_get_post_actions() {
return array('choose','choose again');
* Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control
* whether the course reset functionality affects the choice.
* @param object $mform form passed by reference
function choice_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'choiceheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice'));
$mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'reset_choice', get_string('removeresponses','choice'));
* Course reset form defaults.
* @return array
function choice_reset_course_form_defaults($course) {
return array('reset_choice'=>1);
* Actual implementation of the reset course functionality, delete all the
* choice responses for course $data->courseid.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $data the data submitted from the reset course.
* @return array status array
function choice_reset_userdata($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice');
$status = array();
if (!empty($data->reset_choice)) {
$choicessql = "SELECT
FROM {choice} ch
WHERE ch.course=?";
$DB->delete_records_select('choice_answers', "choiceid IN ($choicessql)", array($data->courseid));
$status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('removeresponses', 'choice'), 'error'=>false);
/// updating dates - shift may be negative too
if ($data->timeshift) {
shift_course_mod_dates('choice', array('timeopen', 'timeclose'), $data->timeshift, $data->courseid);
$status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('datechanged'), 'error'=>false);
return $status;
* @global object
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param object $cm
* @param int $groupmode
* @param bool $onlyactive Whether to get response data for active users only.
* @return array
function choice_get_response_data($choice, $cm, $groupmode, $onlyactive) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
/// Get the current group
if ($groupmode > 0) {
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm);
} else {
$currentgroup = 0;
/// Initialise the returned array, which is a matrix: $allresponses[responseid][userid] = responseobject
$allresponses = array();
/// First get all the users who have access here
/// To start with we assume they are all "unanswered" then move them later
$allresponses[0] = get_enrolled_users($context, 'mod/choice:choose', $currentgroup,
user_picture::fields('u', array('idnumber')), null, 0, 0, $onlyactive);
/// Get all the recorded responses for this choice
$rawresponses = $DB->get_records('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id));
/// Use the responses to move users into the correct column
if ($rawresponses) {
$answeredusers = array();
foreach ($rawresponses as $response) {
if (isset($allresponses[0][$response->userid])) { // This person is enrolled and in correct group
$allresponses[0][$response->userid]->timemodified = $response->timemodified;
$allresponses[$response->optionid][$response->userid] = clone($allresponses[0][$response->userid]);
$allresponses[$response->optionid][$response->userid]->answerid = $response->id;
$answeredusers[] = $response->userid;
foreach ($answeredusers as $answereduser) {
return $allresponses;
* Returns all other caps used in module
* @return array
function choice_get_extra_capabilities() {
return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups');
* @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
* @return mixed True if module supports feature, null if doesn't know
function choice_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true;
case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true;
case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true;
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return false;
case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return false;
case FEATURE_BACKUP_MOODLE2: return true;
default: return null;
* Adds module specific settings to the settings block
* @param settings_navigation $settings The settings navigation object
* @param navigation_node $choicenode The node to add module settings to
function choice_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings, navigation_node $choicenode) {
global $PAGE;
if (has_capability('mod/choice:readresponses', $PAGE->cm->context)) {
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($PAGE->cm);
if ($groupmode) {
groups_get_activity_group($PAGE->cm, true);
$choice = choice_get_choice($PAGE->cm->instance);
// Check if we want to include responses from inactive users.
$onlyactive = $choice->includeinactive ? false : true;
// Big function, approx 6 SQL calls per user.
$allresponses = choice_get_response_data($choice, $PAGE->cm, $groupmode, $onlyactive);
$responsecount =0;
foreach($allresponses as $optionid => $userlist) {
if ($optionid) {
$responsecount += count($userlist);
$choicenode->add(get_string("viewallresponses", "choice", $responsecount), new moodle_url('/mod/choice/report.php', array('id'=>$PAGE->cm->id)));
* Obtains the automatic completion state for this choice based on any conditions
* in forum settings.
* @param object $course Course
* @param object $cm Course-module
* @param int $userid User ID
* @param bool $type Type of comparison (or/and; can be used as return value if no conditions)
* @return bool True if completed, false if not, $type if conditions not set.
function choice_get_completion_state($course, $cm, $userid, $type) {
global $CFG,$DB;
// Get choice details
$choice = $DB->get_record('choice', array('id'=>$cm->instance), '*',
// If completion option is enabled, evaluate it and return true/false
if($choice->completionsubmit) {
return $DB->record_exists('choice_answers', array(
'choiceid'=>$choice->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
} else {
// Completion option is not enabled so just return $type
return $type;
* Return a list of page types
* @param string $pagetype current page type
* @param stdClass $parentcontext Block's parent context
* @param stdClass $currentcontext Current context of block
function choice_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext) {
$module_pagetype = array('mod-choice-*'=>get_string('page-mod-choice-x', 'choice'));
return $module_pagetype;
* Prints choice summaries on MyMoodle Page
* Prints choice name, due date and attempt information on
* choice activities that have a deadline that has not already passed
* and it is available for completing.
* @param array $courses An array of course objects to get choice instances from.
* @param array $htmlarray Store overview output array( course ID => 'choice' => HTML output )
function choice_print_overview($courses, &$htmlarray) {
global $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (empty($courses) || !is_array($courses) || count($courses) == 0) {
if (!$choices = get_all_instances_in_courses('choice', $courses)) {
$now = time();
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
if ($choice->timeclose != 0 // If this choice is scheduled.
and $choice->timeclose >= $now // And the deadline has not passed.
and ($choice->timeopen == 0 or $choice->timeopen <= $now)) { // And the choice is available.
// Visibility.
$class = (!$choice->visible) ? 'dimmed' : '';
// Link to activity.
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/choice/view.php', array('id' => $choice->coursemodule));
$url = html_writer::link($url, format_string($choice->name), array('class' => $class));
$str = $OUTPUT->box(get_string('choiceactivityname', 'choice', $url), 'name');
// Deadline.
$str .= $OUTPUT->box(get_string('choicecloseson', 'choice', userdate($choice->timeclose)), 'info');
// Display relevant info based on permissions.
if (has_capability('mod/choice:readresponses', context_module::instance($choice->coursemodule))) {
$attempts = $DB->count_records('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id));
$str .= $OUTPUT->box(get_string('viewallresponses', 'choice', $attempts), 'info');
} else if (has_capability('mod/choice:choose', context_module::instance($choice->coursemodule))) {
// See if the user has submitted anything.
$answers = $DB->count_records('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $USER->id));
if ($answers > 0) {
// User has already selected an answer, nothing to show.
$str = '';
} else {
// User has not made a selection yet.
$str .= $OUTPUT->box(get_string('notanswered', 'choice'), 'info');
} else {
// Does not have permission to do anything on this choice activity.
$str = '';
// Make sure we have something to display.
if (!empty($str)) {
// Generate the containing div.
$str = $OUTPUT->box($str, 'choice overview');
if (empty($htmlarray[$choice->course]['choice'])) {
$htmlarray[$choice->course]['choice'] = $str;
} else {
$htmlarray[$choice->course]['choice'] .= $str;