jamiesensei a76a131ab5 MDL-12824 "Essay type of quiz questions needs to color mark which students have been graded and which have NOT"
Fixing notices introduced by the changes for this bug in grading report when no question is selected.
2008-05-26 13:18:46 +00:00

447 lines
19 KiB

<?php // $Id$
* Quiz report to help teachers manually grade quiz questions that need it.
* @package quiz
* @subpackage reports
// Flow of the file:
// Get variables, run essential queries
// Check for post data submitted. If exists, then process data (the data is the grades and comments for essay questions)
// Check for userid, attemptid, or gradeall and for questionid. If found, print out the appropriate essay question attempts
// Switch:
// first case: print out all essay questions in quiz and the number of ungraded attempts
// second case: print out all users and their attempts for a specific essay question
require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/mod/quiz/editlib.php");
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php');
* Quiz report to help teachers manually grade quiz questions that need it.
* @package quiz
* @subpackage reports
class quiz_report extends quiz_default_report {
* Displays the report.
function display($quiz, $cm, $course) {
global $CFG, $QTYPES;
$viewoptions = array('mode'=>'grading', 'q'=>$quiz->id);
if ($questionid = optional_param('questionid', 0, PARAM_INT)){
$viewoptions += array('questionid'=>$questionid);
// grade question specific parameters
$gradeungraded = optional_param('gradeungraded', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT)){
$viewoptions += array('userid'=>$userid);
if ($attemptid = optional_param('attemptid', 0, PARAM_INT)){
$viewoptions += array('attemptid'=>$attemptid);
if ($gradeall = optional_param('gradeall', 0, PARAM_INT)){
$viewoptions += array('gradeall'=> $gradeall);
if ($gradeungraded = optional_param('gradeungraded', 0, PARAM_INT)){
$viewoptions += array('gradeungraded'=> $gradeungraded);
$this->cm = $cm;
$this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode="grading");
// Check permissions
$this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
if (!has_capability('mod/quiz:grade', $this->context)) {
notify(get_string('gradingnotallowed', 'quiz_grading'));
return true;
$gradeableqs = quiz_report_load_questions($quiz);
foreach ($gradeableqs as $qid => $questionformenu){
if (!$QTYPES[$questionformenu->qtype]->is_manual_graded()){
if (empty($gradeableqs)) {
print_heading(get_string('noessayquestionsfound', 'quiz'));
return false;
} else if (count($gradeableqs)==1){
$questionid = array_shift(array_keys($gradeableqs));
if (!empty($questionid)) {
if (!isset($gradeableqs[$questionid])){
error("Gradeable question with id $questionid not found");
} else {
$question =& $gradeableqs[$questionid];
$question->maxgrade = get_field('quiz_question_instances', 'grade', 'quiz', $quiz->id, 'question', $question->id);
// Some of the questions code is optimised to work with several questions
// at once so it wants the question to be in an array. The array key
// must be the question id.
$key = $question->id;
$questions[$key] = &$question;
// We need to add additional questiontype specific information to
// the question objects.
if (!get_question_options($questions)) {
error("Unable to load questiontype specific question information");
// This will have extended the question object so that it now holds
// all the information about the questions that may be needed later.
add_to_log($course->id, "quiz", "manualgrading", "report.php?mode=grading&amp;q=$quiz->id", "$quiz->id", "$cm->id");
echo '<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>'; // for overlib
if ($data = data_submitted()) { // post data submitted, process it
// now go through all of the responses and save them.
$allok = true;
foreach($data->manualgrades as $uniqueid => $response) {
// get our attempt
if (! $attempt = get_record('quiz_attempts', 'uniqueid', $uniqueid)) {
error('No such attempt ID exists');
// Load the state for this attempt (The questions array was created earlier)
$states = get_question_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt);
// The $states array is indexed by question id but because we are dealing
// with only one question there is only one entry in this array
$state = &$states[$question->id];
// the following will update the state and attempt
$error = question_process_comment($question, $state, $attempt, $response['comment'], $response['grade']);
if (is_string($error)) {
$allok = false;
} else if ($state->changed) {
// If the state has changed save it and update the quiz grade
save_question_session($question, $state);
quiz_save_best_grade($quiz, $attempt->userid);
if ($allok) {
notify(get_string('changessaved', 'quiz'), 'notifysuccess');
} else {
notify(get_string('changessavedwitherrors', 'quiz'), 'notifysuccess');
$this->viewurl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/quiz/report.php', $viewoptions);
/// find out current groups mode
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($this->cm, true);
if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm)) { // Groups are being used
groups_print_activity_menu($this->cm, $this->viewurl->out(false, array('userid'=>0, 'attemptid'=>0)));
$this->users = get_users_by_capability($this->context, 'mod/quiz:attempt','','','','',$currentgroup,'',false);
$this->userids = implode(',', array_keys($this->users));
if(empty($this->users)) {
if ($currentgroup){
} else {
return true;
$gradeablequestionids = implode(',',array_keys($gradeableqs));
$qattempts = quiz_get_total_qas_graded_and_ungraded($quiz, $gradeablequestionids, $this->userids);
if(empty($qattempts)) {
notify(get_string('noattemptstoshow', 'quiz'));
return true;
$qmenu = array();
foreach ($gradeableqs as $qid => $questionformenu){
$a= new object();
$a->number = $gradeableqs[$qid]->number;
$a->name = $gradeableqs[$qid]->name;
$a->gradedattempts =$qattempts[$qid]->gradedattempts;
$a->totalattempts =$qattempts[$qid]->totalattempts;
$a->openspan ='';
$a->closespan ='';
$qmenu[$qid]= get_string('questiontitle', 'quiz_grading', $a);
if (count($gradeableqs)!=1){
$qurl = fullclone($this->viewurl);
$qurl->remove_params('questionid', 'attemptid', 'gradeall', 'gradeungraded');
$menu = popup_form(($qurl->out()).'&amp;questionid=',$qmenu, 'questionid', $questionid, 'choose', '', '', true);
echo '<div class="mdl-align" style="clear:left;">'.$menu.'</div>';
if (!$questionid){
return true;
$a= new object();
$a->number = $question->number;
$a->name = $question->name;
$a->gradedattempts =$qattempts[$question->id]->gradedattempts;
$a->totalattempts =$qattempts[$question->id]->totalattempts;
$a->openspan ='<span class="highlightgraded">';
$a->closespan ='</span>';
print_heading(get_string('questiontitle', 'quiz_grading', $a));
// our 3 different views
// the first one displays all of the manually graded questions in the quiz
// with the number of ungraded attempts for each question
// the second view displays the users who have answered the essay question
// and all of their attempts at answering the question
// the third prints the question with a comment
// and grade form underneath it
$ungraded = $qattempts[$questionid]->totalattempts- $qattempts[$questionid]->gradedattempts;
if ($gradeungraded || $gradeall || $userid || $attemptid){
$this->print_questions_and_form($quiz, $question, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $ungraded);
} else {
$this->view_question($quiz, $question, $qattempts[$questionid]->totalattempts, $ungraded);
return true;
* Prints a table with users and their attempts
* @return void
* @todo Add current grade to the table
* Finnish documenting
function view_question($quiz, $question, $totalattempts, $ungraded) {
global $CFG;
$usercount = count($this->users);
// set up table
$tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'timefinish', 'grade');
$tableheaders = array('', get_string('name'), get_string("completedon", "quiz"), '');
$table = new flexible_table('mod-quiz-report-grading');
$table->initialbars($usercount>20); // will show initialbars if there are more than 20 users
$table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
// attributes in the table tag
$table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
$table->set_attribute('align', 'center');
//$table->set_attribute('width', '50%');
// get it ready!
list($select, $from, $where) = $this->attempts_sql($quiz->id, true, $question->id);
if($table->get_sql_where()) { // forgot what this does
$where .= 'AND '.$table->get_sql_where();
// sorting of the table
if($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
$sort = 'ORDER BY '.$sort; // seems like I would need to have u. or qa. infront of the ORDER BY attribues... but seems to work..
} else {
// my default sort rule
$sort = 'ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, qa.timefinish ASC';
// set up the pagesize
$table->pagesize(QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, $totalattempts);
// get the attempts and process them
if ($attempts = get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort,$table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size())) {
// grade all link
$links = "<strong><a href=\"report.php?mode=grading&amp;gradeall=1&amp;q=$quiz->id&amp;questionid=$question->id\">".get_string('gradeall', 'quiz_grading', $totalattempts).'</a></strong>';
if (($ungraded)>0){
$links .="<br /><strong><a href=\"report.php?mode=grading&amp;gradeungraded=1&amp;q=$quiz->id&amp;questionid=$question->id\">".get_string('gradeungraded', 'quiz_grading', $ungraded).'</a></strong>';
$table->add_data_keyed(array('grade'=> $links));
foreach($attempts as $attempt) {
$picture = print_user_picture($attempt->userid, $quiz->course, $attempt->picture, false, true);
// link to student profile
$userlink = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$attempt->userid&amp;course=$quiz->course\">".
fullname($attempt, true).'</a>';
$gradedclass = question_state_is_graded($attempt)?' class="highlightgraded" ':'';
$gradedstring = question_state_is_graded($attempt)?(' '.get_string('graded','quiz_grading')):'';
// link for the attempt
$attemptlink = "<a {$gradedclass}href=\"report.php?mode=grading&amp;q=$quiz->id&amp;questionid=$question->id&amp;attemptid=$attempt->attemptid\">".
userdate($attempt->timefinish, get_string('strftimedatetime')).
// grade all attempts for this user
$gradelink = "<a href=\"report.php?mode=grading&amp;q=$quiz->id&amp;questionid=$question->id&amp;userid=$attempt->userid\">".
$table->add_data( array($picture, $userlink, $attemptlink, $gradelink) );
$table->add_data_keyed(array('grade'=> $links));
// print everything here
echo '<div id="tablecontainer">';
echo '</div>';
} else {
notify(get_string('noattemptstoshow', 'quiz'));
* Prints questions with comment and grade form underneath each question
* @return void
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function print_questions_and_form($quiz, $question, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $ungraded) {
global $CFG;
// TODO get the context, and put in proper roles an permissions checks.
$context = NULL;
$questions[$question->id] = &$question;
$usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor();
list($select, $from, $where) = $this->attempts_sql($quiz->id, false, $question->id, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded);
$sort = 'ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, qa.attempt ASC';
$attempts = get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort);
if ($attempts){
$firstattempt = current($attempts);
$fullname = fullname($firstattempt);
if ($gradeungraded) { // getting all ungraded attempts
print_heading(get_string('gradingungraded','quiz_grading', $ungraded), '', 3);
} else if ($userid){
print_heading(get_string('gradinguser','quiz_grading', $fullname), '', 3);
} else if ($attemptid){
$a = new object();
$a->fullname = $fullname;
$a->attempt = $firstattempt->attempt;
print_heading(get_string('gradingattempt','quiz_grading', $a), '', 3);
} else {
print_heading(get_string('gradingall','quiz_grading', count($attempts)), '', 3);
// Display the form with one part for each selected attempt
echo '<form method="post" action="report.php">'.
'<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="grading" />'.
'<input type="hidden" name="q" value="'.$quiz->id.'" />'.
'<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />'.
'<input type="hidden" name="questionid" value="'.$question->id.'" />';
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
// Load the state for this attempt (The questions array was created earlier)
$states = get_question_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt);
// The $states array is indexed by question id but because we are dealing
// with only one question there is only one entry in this array
$state = &$states[$question->id];
$options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
$copy = $state->manualcomment;
$state->manualcomment = '';
$options->readonly = 1;
$gradedclass = question_state_is_graded($state)?' class="highlightgraded" ':'';
$gradedstring = question_state_is_graded($state)?(' '.get_string('graded','quiz_grading')):'';
$a = new object();
$a->fullname = fullname($attempt, true);
$a->attempt = $attempt->attempt;
// print the user name, attempt count, the question, and some more hidden fields
echo '<div class="boxaligncenter" width="80%" style="clear:left;padding:15px;">';
echo "<span$gradedclass>".get_string('gradingattempt','quiz_grading', $a);
echo $gradedstring."</span>";
print_question($question, $state, '', $quiz, $options);
$prefix = "manualgrades[$attempt->uniqueid]";
$grade = round($state->last_graded->grade, 3);
$state->manualcomment = $copy;
include($CFG->dirroot . '/question/comment.html');
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="boxaligncenter"><input type="submit" value="'.get_string('savechanges').'" /></div>'.
if ($usehtmleditor) {
} else {
notify(get_string('noattemptstoshow', 'quiz'));
function attempts_sql($quizid, $wantstateevent=false, $questionid=0, $userid=0, $attemptid=0, $gradeungraded=0){
global $CFG;
// this sql joins the attempts table and the user table
$select = 'SELECT qa.id AS attemptid, qa.uniqueid, qa.attempt, qa.timefinish, qa.preview,
u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture ';
if ($wantstateevent){
$select .= ', qs.event ';
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u, ' .
$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ';
if (($wantstateevent|| $gradeungraded) && $questionid){
$from .= "LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}question_sessions qns " .
"ON (qns.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND qns.questionid = $questionid) ";
$from .= "LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}question_states qs " .
"ON (qs.id = qns.newgraded AND qs.question = $questionid) ";
if ($gradeungraded) { // get all ungraded attempts
$where = 'WHERE qs.event NOT IN ('.QUESTION_EVENTS_GRADED.') ';
} else if ($userid) { // get all the attempts for a specific user
$where = 'WHERE u.id='.$userid.' ';
} else if ($attemptid) { // get a specific attempt
$where = 'WHERE qa.id='.$attemptid.' ';
} else { // get all user attempts
$where = 'WHERE u.id IN ('.$this->userids.') ';
$where .= ' AND u.id = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = '.$quizid;
// ignore previews
$where .= ' AND preview = 0 ';
$where .= ' AND qa.timefinish != 0 ';
return array($select, $from, $where);