David Mudrák 77d746a2f5 MDL-37602 Clean up and improve the overall feedback rendering
In order to use the overall feedback in assessments of example
submissions and in the assessment form preview, significant improvements
in the rendering machinery were done.

Workshop class provides two new methods overall_feedback_content_options()
and overall_feedback_attachment_options() as they are needed at various
scripts and libraries.

Overall feedback is displayed as a part of the workshop_assessment_form
only if the form is in editable mode (not frozen). If the form is
displayed in read-only (frozen) mode, the caller is expected to render
the overall feedback and list of attachments (the editor and filemanager
elements do not support frozen mode). To do so, the renderable
workshop_assessment now loads overall feedback data and provides two new
methods get_overall_feedback_content() and
get_overall_feedback_attachments() to be used by the renderer.

Renderable workshop_submission, workshop_assessment and related classes
now accept the workshop instance as the first parameter in their
constructors. This way, these renderable classes have access to the
workshop API.

In the future, the rendering of submission files should be improved in
the same way as is done in this patch (i.e. moving the logic and data
preparation out of the renderer into the renderable classes).
2013-03-26 21:25:46 +01:00

284 lines
13 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Assess a submission or view the single assessment
* Assessment id parameter must be passed. The script displays the submission and
* the assessment form. If the current user is the reviewer and the assessing is
* allowed, new assessment can be saved.
* If the assessing is not allowed (for example, the assessment period is over
* or the current user is eg a teacher), the assessment form is opened
* in a non-editable mode.
* The capability 'mod/workshop:peerassess' is intentionally not checked here.
* The user is considered as a reviewer if the corresponding assessment record
* has been prepared for him/her (during the allocation). So even a user without the
* peerassess capability (like a 'teacher', for example) can become a reviewer.
* @package mod
* @subpackage workshop
* @copyright 2009 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$asid = required_param('asid', PARAM_INT); // assessment id
$assessment = $DB->get_record('workshop_assessments', array('id' => $asid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$submission = $DB->get_record('workshop_submissions', array('id' => $assessment->submissionid, 'example' => 0), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $submission->workshopid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $workshop->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('workshop', $workshop->id, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);
require_login($course, false, $cm);
if (isguestuser()) {
$workshop = new workshop($workshop, $cm, $course);
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('assessingsubmission', 'workshop'));
$canviewallassessments = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallassessments', $workshop->context);
$canviewallsubmissions = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallsubmissions', $workshop->context);
$cansetassessmentweight = has_capability('mod/workshop:allocate', $workshop->context);
$canoverridegrades = has_capability('mod/workshop:overridegrades', $workshop->context);
$isreviewer = ($USER->id == $assessment->reviewerid);
$isauthor = ($USER->id == $submission->authorid);
if ($canviewallsubmissions) {
// check this flag against the group membership yet
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($workshop->cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
// user must have accessallgroups or share at least one group with the submission author
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $workshop->context)) {
$usersgroups = groups_get_activity_allowed_groups($workshop->cm);
$authorsgroups = groups_get_all_groups($workshop->course->id, $submission->authorid, $workshop->cm->groupingid, '');
$sharedgroups = array_intersect_key($usersgroups, $authorsgroups);
if (empty($sharedgroups)) {
$canviewallsubmissions = false;
if ($isreviewer or $isauthor or ($canviewallassessments and $canviewallsubmissions)) {
// such a user can continue
} else {
print_error('nopermissions', 'error', $workshop->view_url(), 'view this assessment');
if ($isauthor and !$isreviewer and !$canviewallassessments and $workshop->phase != workshop::PHASE_CLOSED) {
// authors can see assessments of their work at the end of workshop only
print_error('nopermissions', 'error', $workshop->view_url(), 'view assessment of own work before workshop is closed');
// only the reviewer is allowed to modify the assessment
if ($isreviewer and $workshop->assessing_allowed($USER->id)) {
$assessmenteditable = true;
} else {
$assessmenteditable = false;
// check that all required examples have been assessed by the user
if ($assessmenteditable and $workshop->useexamples and $workshop->examplesmode == workshop::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT
and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context)) {
// the reviewer must have submitted their own submission
$reviewersubmission = $workshop->get_submission_by_author($assessment->reviewerid);
if (!$reviewersubmission) {
// no money, no love
$assessmenteditable = false;
echo $output->header();
echo $output->heading(get_string('exampleneedsubmission', 'workshop'), 2);
echo $output->footer();
} else {
$examples = $workshop->get_examples_for_reviewer($assessment->reviewerid);
foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
if (is_null($example->grade)) {
$assessmenteditable = false;
echo $output->header();
echo $output->heading(get_string('exampleneedassessed', 'workshop'), 2);
echo $output->footer();
// load the grading strategy logic
$strategy = $workshop->grading_strategy_instance();
if (is_null($assessment->grade) and !$assessmenteditable) {
$mform = null;
} else {
// Are there any other pending assessments to do but this one?
if ($assessmenteditable) {
$pending = $workshop->get_pending_assessments_by_reviewer($assessment->reviewerid, $assessment->id);
} else {
$pending = array();
// load the assessment form and process the submitted data eventually
$mform = $strategy->get_assessment_form($PAGE->url, 'assessment', $assessment, $assessmenteditable,
array('editableweight' => $cansetassessmentweight, 'pending' => !empty($pending)));
// Set data managed by the workshop core, subplugins set their own data themselves.
$currentdata = (object)array(
'weight' => $assessment->weight,
'feedbackauthor' => $assessment->feedbackauthor,
'feedbackauthorformat' => $assessment->feedbackauthorformat,
if ($assessmenteditable and $workshop->overallfeedbackmode) {
$currentdata = file_prepare_standard_editor($currentdata, 'feedbackauthor', $workshop->overall_feedback_content_options(),
$workshop->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $assessment->id);
if ($workshop->overallfeedbackfiles) {
$currentdata = file_prepare_standard_filemanager($currentdata, 'feedbackauthorattachment',
$workshop->overall_feedback_attachment_options(), $workshop->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment',
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} elseif ($assessmenteditable and ($data = $mform->get_data())) {
if (is_null($assessment->grade)) {
$workshop->log('add assessment', $workshop->assess_url($assessment->id), $assessment->submissionid);
} else {
$workshop->log('update assessment', $workshop->assess_url($assessment->id), $assessment->submissionid);
// Let the grading strategy subplugin save its data.
$rawgrade = $strategy->save_assessment($assessment, $data);
// Store the data managed by the workshop core.
$coredata = (object)array('id' => $assessment->id);
if (isset($data->feedbackauthor_editor)) {
$coredata->feedbackauthor_editor = $data->feedbackauthor_editor;
$coredata = file_postupdate_standard_editor($coredata, 'feedbackauthor', $workshop->overall_feedback_content_options(),
$workshop->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $assessment->id);
if (isset($data->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager)) {
$coredata->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager = $data->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager;
$coredata = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($coredata, 'feedbackauthorattachment',
$workshop->overall_feedback_attachment_options(), $workshop->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment',
if (empty($coredata->feedbackauthorattachment)) {
$coredata->feedbackauthorattachment = 0;
if (isset($data->weight) and $cansetassessmentweight) {
$coredata->weight = $data->weight;
$DB->update_record('workshop_assessments', $coredata);
// And finally redirect the user's browser.
if (!is_null($rawgrade) and isset($data->saveandclose)) {
} else if (!is_null($rawgrade) and isset($data->saveandshownext)) {
$next = reset($pending);
if (!empty($next)) {
} else {
redirect($PAGE->url); // This should never happen but just in case...
} else {
// either it is not possible to calculate the $rawgrade
// or the reviewer has chosen "Save and continue"
// load the form to override gradinggrade and/or set weight and process the submitted data eventually
if ($canoverridegrades or $cansetassessmentweight) {
$options = array(
'editable' => true,
'editableweight' => $cansetassessmentweight,
'overridablegradinggrade' => $canoverridegrades);
$feedbackform = $workshop->get_feedbackreviewer_form($PAGE->url, $assessment, $options);
if ($data = $feedbackform->get_data()) {
$data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'feedbackreviewer', array(), $workshop->context);
$record = new stdclass();
$record->id = $assessment->id;
if ($cansetassessmentweight) {
$record->weight = $data->weight;
if ($canoverridegrades) {
$record->gradinggradeover = $workshop->raw_grade_value($data->gradinggradeover, $workshop->gradinggrade);
$record->gradinggradeoverby = $USER->id;
$record->feedbackreviewer = $data->feedbackreviewer;
$record->feedbackreviewerformat = $data->feedbackreviewerformat;
$DB->update_record('workshop_assessments', $record);
// output starts here
$output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_workshop'); // workshop renderer
echo $output->header();
echo $output->heading(get_string('assessedsubmission', 'workshop'), 2);
$submission = $workshop->get_submission_by_id($submission->id); // reload so can be passed to the renderer
echo $output->render($workshop->prepare_submission($submission, has_capability('mod/workshop:viewauthornames', $workshop->context)));
// show instructions for assessing as they may contain important information
// for evaluating the assessment
if (trim($workshop->instructreviewers)) {
$instructions = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($workshop->instructreviewers, 'pluginfile.php', $PAGE->context->id,
'mod_workshop', 'instructreviewers', 0, workshop::instruction_editors_options($PAGE->context));
print_collapsible_region_start('', 'workshop-viewlet-instructreviewers', get_string('instructreviewers', 'workshop'));
echo $output->box(format_text($instructions, $workshop->instructreviewersformat, array('overflowdiv'=>true)), array('generalbox', 'instructions'));
// extend the current assessment record with user details
$assessment = $workshop->get_assessment_by_id($assessment->id);
if ($isreviewer) {
$options = array(
'showreviewer' => true,
'showauthor' => has_capability('mod/workshop:viewauthornames', $workshop->context),
'showform' => $assessmenteditable or !is_null($assessment->grade),
'showweight' => true,
$assessment = $workshop->prepare_assessment($assessment, $mform, $options);
$assessment->title = get_string('assessmentbyyourself', 'workshop');
echo $output->render($assessment);
} else {
$options = array(
'showreviewer' => has_capability('mod/workshop:viewreviewernames', $workshop->context),
'showauthor' => has_capability('mod/workshop:viewauthornames', $workshop->context),
'showform' => $assessmenteditable or !is_null($assessment->grade),
'showweight' => true,
$assessment = $workshop->prepare_assessment($assessment, $mform, $options);
echo $output->render($assessment);
if (!$assessmenteditable and $canoverridegrades) {
echo $output->footer();