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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Quiz statistics report calculations class.
* @package quiz_statistics
* @copyright 2008 Jamie Pratt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data.
* @copyright 2008 Jamie Pratt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class quiz_statistics_question_stats {
public $questions;
public $subquestions = array();
protected $s;
protected $summarksavg;
protected $allattempts;
/** @var mixed states from which to calculate stats - iteratable. */
protected $lateststeps;
protected $sumofmarkvariance = 0;
protected $randomselectors = array();
* Constructor.
* @param $questions the questions.
* @param $s the number of attempts included in the stats.
* @param $summarksavg the average attempt summarks.
public function __construct($questions, $s, $summarksavg) {
$this->s = $s;
$this->summarksavg = $summarksavg;
foreach ($questions as $slot => $question) {
$question->_stats = $this->make_blank_question_stats();
$question->_stats->questionid = $question->id;
$question->_stats->slot = $slot;
$this->questions = $questions;
* @return object ready to hold all the question statistics.
protected function make_blank_question_stats() {
$stats = new stdClass();
$stats->slot = null;
$stats->s = 0;
$stats->totalmarks = 0;
$stats->totalothermarks = 0;
$stats->markvariancesum = 0;
$stats->othermarkvariancesum = 0;
$stats->covariancesum = 0;
$stats->covariancemaxsum = 0;
$stats->subquestion = false;
$stats->subquestions = '';
$stats->covariancewithoverallmarksum = 0;
$stats->randomguessscore = null;
$stats->markarray = array();
$stats->othermarksarray = array();
return $stats;
* Load the data that will be needed to perform the calculations.
* @param int $quizid the quiz id.
* @param int $currentgroup the current group. 0 for none.
* @param array $groupstudents students in this group.
* @param bool $allattempts use all attempts, or just first attempts.
public function load_step_data($quizid, $currentgroup, $groupstudents, $allattempts) {
global $DB;
$this->allattempts = $allattempts;
list($qsql, $qparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($this->questions),
list($fromqa, $whereqa, $qaparams) = quiz_statistics_attempts_sql(
$quizid, $currentgroup, $groupstudents, $allattempts, false);
$this->lateststeps = $DB->get_records_sql("
qas.fraction * qa.maxmark as mark
FROM $fromqa
JOIN {question_attempts} qa ON qa.questionusageid = quiza.uniqueid
SELECT questionattemptid, MAX(id) AS latestid
FROM {question_attempt_steps}
GROUP BY questionattemptid
) lateststepid ON lateststepid.questionattemptid = qa.id
JOIN {question_attempt_steps} qas ON qas.id = lateststepid.latestid
qa.slot $qsql AND
$whereqa", $qparams + $qaparams);
public function compute_statistics() {
$subquestionstats = array();
// Compute the statistics of position, and for random questions, work
// out which questions appear in which positions.
foreach ($this->lateststeps as $step) {
$this->initial_steps_walker($step, $this->questions[$step->slot]->_stats);
// If this is a random question what is the real item being used?
if ($step->questionid != $this->questions[$step->slot]->id) {
if (!isset($subquestionstats[$step->questionid])) {
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid] = $this->make_blank_question_stats();
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->questionid = $step->questionid;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->allattempts = $this->allattempts;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->usedin = array();
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->subquestion = true;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->differentweights = false;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->maxmark = $step->maxmark;
} else if ($subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->maxmark != $step->maxmark) {
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->differentweights = true;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid], false);
$number = $this->questions[$step->slot]->number;
$subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->usedin[$number] = $number;
$randomselectorstring = $this->questions[$step->slot]->category .
'/' . $this->questions[$step->slot]->questiontext;
if (!isset($this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring])) {
$this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring] = array();
$this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring][$step->questionid] =
foreach ($this->randomselectors as $key => $notused) {
// Compute the statistics of question id, if we need any.
$this->subquestions = question_load_questions(array_keys($subquestionstats));
foreach ($this->subquestions as $qid => $subquestion) {
$subquestion->_stats = $subquestionstats[$qid];
$subquestion->maxmark = $subquestion->_stats->maxmark;
$subquestion->_stats->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($subquestion);
if ($subquestionstats[$qid]->differentweights) {
// TODO output here really sucks, but throwing is too severe.
global $OUTPUT;
echo $OUTPUT->notification(
'quiz_statistics', $this->subquestions[$qid]->name));
if ($subquestion->_stats->usedin) {
sort($subquestion->_stats->usedin, SORT_NUMERIC);
$subquestion->_stats->positions = implode(',', $subquestion->_stats->usedin);
} else {
$subquestion->_stats->positions = '';
// Finish computing the averages, and put the subquestion data into the
// corresponding questions.
// This cannot be a foreach loop because we need to have both
// $question and $nextquestion available, but apart from that it is
// foreach ($this->questions as $qid => $question).
while (list($slot, $question) = each($this->questions)) {
$nextquestion = current($this->questions);
$question->_stats->allattempts = $this->allattempts;
$question->_stats->positions = $question->number;
$question->_stats->maxmark = $question->maxmark;
$question->_stats->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($question);
if ($question->qtype == 'random') {
$randomselectorstring = $question->category.'/'.$question->questiontext;
if ($nextquestion && $nextquestion->qtype == 'random') {
$nextrandomselectorstring = $nextquestion->category . '/' .
if ($randomselectorstring == $nextrandomselectorstring) {
continue; // Next loop iteration.
if (isset($this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring])) {
$question->_stats->subquestions = implode(',',
// Go through the records one more time.
foreach ($this->lateststeps as $step) {
if ($this->questions[$step->slot]->qtype == 'random') {
$sumofcovariancewithoverallmark = 0;
foreach ($this->questions as $slot => $question) {
$this->sumofmarkvariance += $question->_stats->markvariance;
if ($question->_stats->covariancewithoverallmark >= 0) {
$sumofcovariancewithoverallmark +=
$question->_stats->negcovar = 0;
} else {
$question->_stats->negcovar = 1;
foreach ($this->subquestions as $subquestion) {
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($sumofcovariancewithoverallmark) {
if ($question->_stats->negcovar) {
$question->_stats->effectiveweight = null;
} else {
$question->_stats->effectiveweight = 100 *
sqrt($question->_stats->covariancewithoverallmark) /
} else {
$question->_stats->effectiveweight = null;
* Update $stats->totalmarks, $stats->markarray, $stats->totalothermarks
* and $stats->othermarksarray to include another state.
* @param object $step the state to add to the statistics.
* @param object $stats the question statistics we are accumulating.
* @param bool $positionstat whether this is a statistic of position of question.
protected function initial_steps_walker($step, $stats, $positionstat = true) {
$stats->totalmarks += $step->mark;
$stats->markarray[] = $step->mark;
if ($positionstat) {
$stats->totalothermarks += $step->sumgrades - $step->mark;
$stats->othermarksarray[] = $step->sumgrades - $step->mark;
} else {
$stats->totalothermarks += $step->sumgrades;
$stats->othermarksarray[] = $step->sumgrades;
* Perform some computations on the per-question statistics calculations after
* we have been through all the states.
* @param object $stats quetsion stats to update.
protected function initial_question_walker($stats) {
$stats->markaverage = $stats->totalmarks / $stats->s;
if ($stats->maxmark != 0) {
$stats->facility = $stats->markaverage / $stats->maxmark;
} else {
$stats->facility = null;
$stats->othermarkaverage = $stats->totalothermarks / $stats->s;
sort($stats->markarray, SORT_NUMERIC);
sort($stats->othermarksarray, SORT_NUMERIC);
* Now we know the averages, accumulate the date needed to compute the higher
* moments of the question scores.
* @param object $step the state to add to the statistics.
* @param object $stats the question statistics we are accumulating.
* @param bool $positionstat whether this is a statistic of position of question.
protected function secondary_steps_walker($step, $stats) {
$markdifference = $step->mark - $stats->markaverage;
if ($stats->subquestion) {
$othermarkdifference = $step->sumgrades - $stats->othermarkaverage;
} else {
$othermarkdifference = $step->sumgrades - $step->mark -
$overallmarkdifference = $step->sumgrades - $this->summarksavg;
$sortedmarkdifference = array_shift($stats->markarray) - $stats->markaverage;
$sortedothermarkdifference = array_shift($stats->othermarksarray) -
$stats->markvariancesum += pow($markdifference, 2);
$stats->othermarkvariancesum += pow($othermarkdifference, 2);
$stats->covariancesum += $markdifference * $othermarkdifference;
$stats->covariancemaxsum += $sortedmarkdifference * $sortedothermarkdifference;
$stats->covariancewithoverallmarksum += $markdifference * $overallmarkdifference;
* Perform more per-question statistics calculations.
* @param object $stats quetsion stats to update.
protected function secondary_question_walker($stats) {
if ($stats->s > 1) {
$stats->markvariance = $stats->markvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1);
$stats->othermarkvariance = $stats->othermarkvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1);
$stats->covariance = $stats->covariancesum / ($stats->s - 1);
$stats->covariancemax = $stats->covariancemaxsum / ($stats->s - 1);
$stats->covariancewithoverallmark = $stats->covariancewithoverallmarksum /
($stats->s - 1);
$stats->sd = sqrt($stats->markvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1));
} else {
$stats->markvariance = null;
$stats->othermarkvariance = null;
$stats->covariance = null;
$stats->covariancemax = null;
$stats->covariancewithoverallmark = null;
$stats->sd = null;
if ($stats->markvariance * $stats->othermarkvariance) {
$stats->discriminationindex = 100 * $stats->covariance /
sqrt($stats->markvariance * $stats->othermarkvariance);
} else {
$stats->discriminationindex = null;
if ($stats->covariancemax) {
$stats->discriminativeefficiency = 100 * $stats->covariance /
} else {
$stats->discriminativeefficiency = null;
* @param object $questiondata
* @return number the random guess score for this question.
protected function get_random_guess_score($questiondata) {
return question_bank::get_qtype(
$questiondata->qtype, false)->get_random_guess_score($questiondata);
* Used when computing CIC.
* @return number
public function get_sum_of_mark_variance() {
return $this->sumofmarkvariance;