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#  $Id$
#  Copyright(c) 2004-2006, SpikeSource Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1
#  (See http://www.spikesource.com/license.html)

  Spike PHPCoverage 0.8.2 

1. Introduction

  Spike PHPCoverage is an open-source tool for measuring and reporting code 
  coverage provided by the test suite of a PHP application. 
  Spike PHPCoverage can instrument and record the line coverage information 
  for any PHP script at runtime.

  Spike PHPCoverage also provides an extensible reporting mechanism with a 
  standard HTML report implemented out of the box. The default report 
  displays the summary information about the code coverage for an application 
  and also shows the detailed information about a file including which 
  lines were actually executed and with what frequency. It is possible 
  to specify the directories and files that should be included and/or 
  excluded from a coverage measurement. Screen shots of the summary and 
  detailed line coverage reports are available at 

  Spike PHPCoverage works on PHP 5.0 and newer and uses XDebug Zend Extension 
  for gathering the coverage data.

2. Requirements

  * PHP 5.0 or newer
  * Xdebug Zend Extension configured with PHP (Binaries for 32-bit Linux and Windows included.)
  * XML_Parser PEAR module version 1.2.5 or newer (Included)
  * Web browser to view the coverage report

3. Frequently Asked Questions
  See http://developer.spikesource.com/wiki/index.php/Projects:phpcoverageFAQ for latest FAQs.

4. API Documentation

  Spike PHPCoverage API Documentation is available with this distribution under the 'doc'
  directory. A latest version is also available online at 